John Eldredge And Ransomed Heart (audio)

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 388:01:49
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Ransomed Heart Podcasts


  • E815 | The Life of an Ordinary Mystic

    17/03/2025 Duração: 01h01min

    What difference does it make to choose an experiential life with God? It quite literally changes everything! In Part 4 of the Experience Jesus Really series, John and Allen are joined by friends Gloria and Sylvia to talk about what it looks like to pursue all we do with God as everyday, ordinary mystics.Show Notes: Experience Jesus. Really. book, audio book, and 5-session study guide/streaming video series are available wherever you buy books. The Experience Jesus video series is available free at is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 815Watch on YouTubeThe stock music used in the Wild at Heart podcast is titled “When Laid to Rest” by Patrick Rundblad and available here.More pauses available in the One Minute Pause a

  • E814 | Jesus: The Integrating Center of All Things

    10/03/2025 Duração: 52min

    In Part 3 of our series, John shares a video session from the new Experience Jesus. Really. curriculum. Then John, Allen, Jamie, and Alex process what it means for Jesus to be the integrating center of everything, including our humanity.Show Notes: Experience Jesus. Really. book, audio book, and 5-session study guide/streaming video series are available wherever you buy books. The Experience Jesus video series is available free at Visit for a 46% limited-time discount on a pack of 10 Experience Jesus. Really. books._______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 814Watch on YouTubeThe stock music used in the Wild at Heart podcast is titled “When Laid to Rest” by Patrick Rundblad and available here.More pause

  • E813 | God's Full Kingdom—What We Can Expect

    03/03/2025 Duração: 01h01min

    John's new book—Experience Jesus. Really.—releases this week! In Part 2 of the series, John reads from one of the book's most important chapters, exploring the nourishment of God and his full Kingdom that we need in order to flourish in an hour like this one.Show Notes: Experience Jesus. Really. book, audio book, and 5-session study guide/streaming video release March 4th and are available wherever you buy books and on Amazon._______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 813Watch on YouTubeThe stock music used in the Wild at Heart podcast is titled “When Laid to Rest” by Patrick Rundblad and available here.More pauses available in the One Minute Pause app for Apple iOS and Android.Apple: One Minute Pause AppAndroid: One Minute Pause App

  • E812 | Turning Toward Jesus

    24/02/2025 Duração: 47min

    This new series begins a remarkable journey into the core ideas and practices of John's new book, Experience Jesus. Really. In Part 1, John shares why he felt compelled to write this vital message of refuge, strength, and wonder. He also reads extended passages from two chapters, revealing how we're all Disciples of the Internet, what it means to be an "ordinary mystic," and why we need to turn from distractions and toward Jesus.Show Notes: Experience Jesus. Really. will be released on March 4, 2025, but you can pre-order the book and audiobook now at is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 812Watch on YouTubeThe stock music used in the Wild at Heart podcast is titled “When Laid to Rest” by Patrick Rundblad and available here.More pauses available in th

  • E811 | Take the Next Step

    17/02/2025 Duração: 52min

    Our Wild at Heart podcast reaches countless people around the world with weekly conversations on how to love God and live free. Yet it's actually not the epicenter of our work but simply an entry into a world of incredible resources for the restoration of your humanity and for a deeper life in God. In this week's podcast, John and Allen take you on a tour of some of our top video offerings—including the Wild at Heart and Captivating Retreats, the Wild at Heart and Captivating Experiences, and our new Survival School Advanced Retreat. There's also the book A Year with Men: A 12-Month Plan for Your Guy's Group. And you can lead or be part of local Men's and Women's Fires taking place around the globe. Don't try to do this journey alone. Take the next step with a few like-minded people in your part of the world.For more on the Retreats and Experiences, visit A Year with Men: A 12-Month Plan for Your Guy's Group is available wherever you buy books. The Captivated Podcast about Women's Fire

  • E810 | What Are Your Dailies?

    10/02/2025 Duração: 01h04min

    If someone came and lived with you as your disciple for a week, what would the effect on them be from adopting your ways of life? That's just one of the intriguing questions John asks the Wild at Heart team during this Q&A session from Survival School. The focus is on our dailies, because the choices we make each day determine the trajectory of our lives—from spiritual practices like soul care and sacred nourishment to simple barometers like how much time we spend in the news, how late we go to bed, and how hard we push ourselves on the weekend. Your life is built on the dailies. The question is, what kind of life are you building?For more details on how to lead or attend a local Survival School retreat, visit is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEp

  • E809 | John Eldredge Answers Your Questions - Part 2

    03/02/2025 Duração: 47min

    In the second half of this series, Allen asks John the questions listeners are most curious about. This week's topics include why it's so hard to hold on to the breakthroughs obtained at Wild at Heart retreats, how women can host local Captivating Fires, and what our relationship will be in the coming Kingdom to those who've gone before us. We'll even answer the number one topic people write in about...a question that may surprise you.Show Notes: William Augusto's instrumental compositions can be found in his Soaking in His Presence albums (available wherever you get your music). The stock music used in the Wild at Heart podcast is titled “When Laid to Rest” by Patrick Rundblad and available here. For more on Captivating Fires, listen to the February 5, 2025, Captivated podcast featuring Stasi Eldredge here. Information about Freedom in Christ is available at Neil T. Anderson's website. Send your questions for future Ask John Anything podcasts to questions@wildatheart.org______________________________________

  • E808 | John Eldredge Answers Your Questions - Part 1

    27/01/2025 Duração: 50min

    We recently gave podcast listeners and viewers a way to ask John anything...and did they ever! In the first half of this series, Allen brings John some of the top questions—including how to discern the holy from the unholy, advice to singles who long to be married, ways to teach your kids about spiritual warfare, and how to rethink the Sabbath.Show Note: The book John references is Preparing for Heaven by Gary Black Jr._______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 808Watch on YouTubeMore pauses available in the One Minute Pause app for Apple iOS and Android.Apple: One Minute Pause AppAndroid: One Minute Pause App_______________________________________________

  • Discerning What's From God

    20/01/2025 Duração: 01h22s

    The growing global chaos doesn't just affect us externally. It also leads to internal confusion, weariness, and despair that makes us more vulnerable to the counterfeit spiritual experiences breaking out around the world. In this series conclusion, John and Allen reveal three ways to navigate these times of intense instability. We must get to know the real Jesus better, stay rooted in Scripture, and seek confirmation from those who walk with God. Because as things heat up, spiritual maturity is no longer an option.Show Notes: Access Jon Tyson's podcast here.  Find John Eldredge's book, Beautiful Outlaw: Experiencing the Playful, Disruptive, Extravagant Personality of Jesus, on Amazon.  Listen to 30 Days to Resilience on the Pause App at:Apple: One Minute Pause AppAndroid: One Minute Pause App_______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our

  • The Outbreak of the Spiritual

    13/01/2025 Duração: 56min

    From YouTube to anime to technology, the spiritual is increasingly breaking into our world. While this may seem like a good thing, it's a mixed bag. The unseen realm is filled with both good and evil, and the forces of darkness often present themselves as angels of light. Believers are ill-equipped to navigate this world as long as they engage it with more fascination than maturity in Christ. In Part 2 of the series, John, Blaine, and Allen discuss how to see what's really going on, get free from spiritual oppression, and embrace what God's up to in these unprecedented times.Show Notes: Read Chapter 9 (Lions, Cobras, Snakes) of Experience Jesus. Really.  The conversion story of Matthew Crawford is at Follow Blaine's writings at is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.A

  • How Is God Calling Us to Mature?

    06/01/2025 Duração: 51min

    We're in an extremely momentous and highly unstable time where civilization seems to be on the brink of a massive freefall. To make sense of it, we must accept Jesus' view of reality over all other voices. John, Blaine, and Allen begin this timely series by naming three major trends that are creating the perfect storm. Maturity is no longer an option if we want to partner with God in the larger story that he is telling.Show Notes: Follow Blaine's writings at is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 805Watch on YouTubeMore pauses available in the One Minute Pause app for Apple iOS and Android.Apple: One Minute Pause AppAndroid: One Minute Pause App

  • What Needs to Change This Year, God?

    30/12/2024 Duração: 50min

    What needs to change this year for you to flourish? The mistake most make is trying to fit God into already busy schedules. John and Allen offer a radical realignment for the new year. Rather than give God the margins of our kingdoms, we can choose a life centered in God and his Kingdom. Discover the beauty of a partnership model, one where you structure your days to be more deeply rooted in God.Show Notes: The Wild at Heart podcasts for how to consecrate your year and ask God for advance words are Is Your Soul Ready for 2024? (1.1.24) and Believing in God Isn't the Same as Having a Life in God (1.8.24). Other resources include the Wild at Heart Daily Prayer and Bedtime Prayer(Both available in the WAH app, link below), the Lectio 365 app, and the Pray As You Go app._______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart A

  • Christmas and the Return of Jesus

    23/12/2024 Duração: 37min

    If you're coming into this Christmas exhausted or empty, it may be because you're focused on secondary things—from finding the perfect gift to enduring the imperfect family gathering. In this timely message of hope, John and Stasi reorient us to the deeper, truer story of Advent season—which is both a celebration of Christ's first coming as a babe in the manger and an anticipation of his second coming as King. Your Christmas joy will increase exponentially as you look not only back at Jesus' arrival into our world, but forward to his return._______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 803Watch on YouTubeMore pauses available in the One Minute Pause app for Apple iOS and Android.Apple: One Minute Pause AppAndroid: One Minute Pause App

  • How You're Coming Into Christmas

    16/12/2024 Duração: 52min

    Where do you find yourself as Christmas nears? Are you entering into it with Jesus or lost in the rush of too little time and too much to do? The pull is to either up your game and be amazing...or lower expectations and settle for little hope and joy. In this third week of Advent, John asks Stasi, Jamie, and Stacey about the story they're telling themselves this Christmas, lessons from past holiday experiences, and the unique pressures women face in this season._______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 802Watch on YouTubeMore pauses available in the One Minute Pause app for Apple iOS and Android.Apple: One Minute Pause AppAndroid: One Minute Pause App

  • The Story You're Telling Yourself

    09/12/2024 Duração: 46min

    Story is how we make sense of life, but when the narrative is shaped by loss, loneliness, or  disappointment, it can keep us stuck in an echo chamber of old assumptions. As we begin the holiday season, John and Allen ask what story we're telling ourselves about this Christmas before it even happens. Jesus stands ready to reframe our narrative if we'll choose to embrace the story he's telling for us—and with us._______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 801Watch on YouTubeMore pauses available in the One Minute Pause app for Apple iOS and Android.Apple: One Minute Pause AppAndroid: One Minute Pause App

  • Less-Wild Lovers

    02/12/2024 Duração: 01h03min

    This three-part series concludes with John and Allen talking about the lure of "less-wild lovers" and how they seek to seduce us through false promises of comfort, control, and safety. John also reads a chapter from The Sacred Romance that reveals what's at stake in this battle for the heart—as well as how to choose the path that leads to the story God made us for.New editions of The Sacred Romance book, audio, and workbook are available at the links below and wherever books are sold.The Sacred Romance BookAnd the Workbook_______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 800Watch on YouTubeMore pauses available in the One Minute Pause app for Apple iOS and Android.Apple: One Minute Pause AppAndroid: One Minute Pause App

  • There's Got To Be More

    25/11/2024 Duração: 48min

    Our hearts long for greater adventure and romance than this world can ever fully satisfy. This can't be it. There's got to be more. Thankfully, there is! In this second of a three-part series, John, Stasi, Allen and guest Mary Ellen Owen talk about how The Sacred Romance pulls the curtain back on this cosmic drama that God's been weaving since before time began. Like a lost message from Eden, it reveals a story big enough to satisfy your yearning for intimacy, beauty, and adventure in this world of danger, risk, and chaos.New editions of The Sacred Romance book, audio, and workbook are available at the links below and wherever books are sold.The Sacred Romance BookAnd the Workbook_______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 799Watch on YouTubeMore pauses available in t

  • The Story of Your Heart

    18/11/2024 Duração: 43min

    The true story of every person is not the story we see, the external story, but the journey of their heart. Tragically, we try to ignore or silence our hearts—whether through busyness, work, hobbies, more church duties, or a colorful fantasy life. It never works, because we were made for more, and we know it. Which makes this the perfect moment to relaunch John Eldredge and Brent Curtis' book, The Sacred Romance. In the first of this three-part series, discover the origin story of this breathtaking message and hear John read the first chapter from the updated edition of this transformative book.The Sacred Romance book, audio, and workbook are available at the links below and wherever books are sold.The Sacred Romance BookAnd the Workbook_______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEp

  • A Birth Announcement

    11/11/2024 Duração: 01h01min

    John and Stasi are joined by Morgan and Cherie for a big announcement—the upcoming birth of a new ministry. It takes courage to say yes and follow wherever God leads. In today's podcast, Morgan and Cherie talk about the process of being open to God's calling—from their decades with Wild at Heart to the exciting adventure that's next. It's a tender, encouraging story of what can happen when we wholeheartedly embrace God's invitation into the unknown.For more, visit the Become Good Soil website here.  The Become Good Soil podcast—Episode 171: A New Birth—can be found here.The song mentioned can be accessed on YouTube or Spotify_______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 797Watch on YouTubeMore pauses available in the One Minute Pause app for Apple iOS and Android.Apple:

  • Waves of Betrayal: An Interview with Sam Ainslie

    04/11/2024 Duração: 49min

    Incredibly successful in the eyes of the world's elite, Sam was good at keeping up appearances. But he had more lifestyle than life. Internally, he was afraid to trust others due to a series of immense betrayals. In this intimate conversation with John and Allen, this quiet man from the Big Island of Hawaii puts language to his journey from depression and isolation into a genuine community of love and trust. His story is featured in the final episode of Wild at Heart: The Series.View the trailer to Sam's episode here. Watch Episode 4 (Sam's Story) of Wild at Heart: The Series here. See the movie poster referenced in the episode here. Download all the movie posters for sharing and printing here._______________________________________________There is more.Got a question you want answered on the podcast? Ask us at Questions@WildatHeart.orgSupport the mission or find more on our website:  or on our app.Apple: Wild At Heart AppAndroid: Wild At Heart AppEpisode Number 796Watch on YouTubeMore pauses

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