Ryan Daly and Chris Franklin chronicle the Caped Crusader's adventures in Batman and Detective Comics in the post-Crisis era.
Batman Family Reunion Finale!
04/12/2024Shawn and Paul shut down Gabriel’s Horn and the Wayne Family Gardens, but come join us for the last hurrah! We talk about our favorites from our 3-year Reunion party and hear about what you Bat-Cousins had to say about yours! We are also bowing to listener demand, and announce the subject of our next show, coming later in 2025. Thank you all for your support and for helping clean up after the raucous guests at the Reunion. We love our Bat-Cousins! Paul and Shawn Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? E-MAIL: Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @batfamreunion Try out DC SpecialCast! E-mail us at Follow us on Bluesky at Subscribe to DC SpecialCast: Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: Don’t use Apple Podcasts? Use this link for your podcast catcher:
Batman Family Reunion #495 – The Bat-Cousins Close Down Detective Comics (and the boy that cried “Podcast”)!
06/11/2024In this penultimate episode, Shawn and Paul cover the last issue of the Dollar Detective Starring the Batman Family! But we are not quite done! For our finale next month, we are going to do a retrospective of the entire series. And for that, we want as much Bat-Cousin participation as possible! So, we want YOU all to write to us (by November 20, 2024) and tell us your: Favorite All-New Story (other than #13 if that is your favorite) Favorite Reprint Story Favorite Writer Favorite Artist Favorite Cover Favorite Bat-Family History Segment Any other favorite item – food, Gabriel’s Horn item, ad, etc. You can give us your answer to one or all 7 of those categories, and any other general comments you want to make. Don’t forget to make comments on #495 as you would normally do as well. We will incorporate as many of your comments as we can into our big finale next month! Please leave your answer here on the website or email us at Bu
Batman Family Reunion #494 – Pinball, Fraternities, and the Crime Doctor!
02/10/2024Hold on to your shoes, bat-cousins! This month, we have another first-time podcaster (and our Patreon supporter), Brian Ciufo, join us at the Reunion! Dick and Jennifer go for a moonlight swim, Babs stares down a crime boss, and Bruce deals with a new threat to his secret identity! Black Lightning must deal with a troubled family, but we do get the return of Mr. Kool! (ish.) Have some day-old snacks and enjoy the Reunion! This month's Bat Family History links for Charles Nicholas:,1942) Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it? E-MAIL: batmanfamilyreunio
Batman Family Reunion #493 – Even an Android Can Cry!
04/09/2024Noted comic book and movie historian, venerated podcaster, and Mr. Kool himself, Rob Kelly takes a break from his cabin in the Poconos to bring vegetarian hot dogs to the Reunion this month! We get a real super villain, truckers, and our favorite phone booth to go with that noted member of the Batman Family – Red Tornado! But we have a good time doing it – come get in on the fun! This month's Bat Family History links for Joe Giella: Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it? E-MAIL: Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @batfamreunion This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Visit the Fire & Water WEBSITE: Follow Fire & Wate
Batman Family Reunion #492 – Gotham Bridge, the Penguin, and … the End of Batgirl?
07/08/2024This month Paul and Shawn welcome Andrew Leyland, host of the Overlooked Dark Knight and The Amazing Spider-Man from the Beginning, to the Reunion. We get the return of Man-Bat to the pages of Detective, as well as a “real” super villain as the Penguin takes on Robin! We get a tense bridge stand-off in a Tale of Gotham City, but the big headline for this issue is the 2-part Batman/Batgirl team up – will the Dominoed Daredoll ever be the same again? Stop by and try the grilled corn on the cob and UK chocolates to find out! This month's Bat Family History links for Romeo Tanghal: Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content?
Batman Family Reunion #491 – Secret Origins and Assassinations!
03/07/2024Let’s all give a big Bat Family welcome to the entertainment at this month’s Reunion – our favorite Bat-DJ Matthew Davis! In his podcast debut, Matthew talks with Shawn and Paul about Detective Comics #491, where we get a lot of basketball, a dark turn in Batgirl’s story, and Jason Bard! Oh, and Maxie Zeus – can’t win ‘em all, I guess. Enjoy some cold cuts and lemonade! This month's Bat Family History links for Marty Pasko: Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it? E-MAIL: Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @batfamreunion This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER
Batman Family Reunion #490 – Earthquakes, Dance Moves, and Black Lightning!
05/06/2024We’re packed at the Wayne Family Gardens this month, as Siskoid makes his debut on the show along with our first three-time guest, Brett Young! We’ve got plenty to talk about as Batman’s “Vengeance Vow” ends, just as Black Lightning begins his run in the book! Batgirl infiltrates a dance studio, while Robin solves a campus mystery. Come on down and join us for some Twinkies! This month's Bat Family History links for Bob Smith: Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it? E-MAIL: Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @batfamreunion This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Visit the Fire & Water WEBSITE: http://fire
Batman Family Reunion #489 – Crisis on Multiple Computers, Bogus Butlers, and An Out of Character Robin!
01/05/20241970s computers have taken over the Reunion this month – get your apple pie before the AI does! At least we get to welcome back podcasting all-star, Chris Franklin, to the Reunion. Thank goodness he is here to help us get over the terrible treatment of Batgirl by Robin this issue! We also get 2 Batman stories, an Alfred adventure, and see Commissioner Gordon go up against rioting prisoners! Have a seat by the fire pit – you may not like what happens in this issue, but we will have fun talking about it! This month's Bat Family History links for Irv Novick: Have a question o
Batman Family Reunion #488 – Spooky Switches and Vanishing Cars!
03/04/2024Holy Bat-Pod! This month, J. David Weter drops by the Reunion to visit with the Batman Family! Batman is mistaken for a murderer, Robin solves a mystery, and Batgirl finds herself in the middle of a gang war! But we also get Elongated Man stuffed into a tire at a racetrack, and a Tale of Gotham City (on the subway)! Hang on to your apple pie! This month's Bat Family History links for Mike W. Barr: Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it? E-MAIL: Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @batfamreunion This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Visit the Fire &
Batman Family Reunion #487 – Sergius, Roy Raymond, and The Odd Man!
06/03/2024Bat-Cousin Martin Gray flies over the Atlantic to join Paul and Shawn at this month’s Reunion! He is rewarded with “odd” tales of Batman trapped in a watertight apartment, Robin visiting Germany, and Batgirl forgetting about her re-election campaign! Throw in Roy Raymond and The Odd Man, and you have quite a buffet! Settle in for some mince pie and enjoy the stories and conversation! This month's Bat Family History links for Don Newton (also check out our Gallery for photos of Don dressed as Captain Marvel): Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it? E-MAIL: Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @batfamreunion This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AN
Batman Family Reunion #486 – Skeletons, Sea Devils, and Stamp Collections!
07/02/2024This month, join Shawn, Paul, and special guest (and first-time podcaster) Dan Dougherty at Wayne Family Gardens! We discover whether Maxie Zeus really has god-like powers and how the Sea Devils connect to the Human Target! We get the return of ads to Detective Comics, and see Alfred take on a home invasion at the Wayne penthouse! The Scarecrow comes by Hudson U to strike fear into Robin, while Batgirl faces Killer Moth! Stop on by and enjoy the conversation and the apple pie! This month's Bat Family History links for George Tuska: Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to
Batman Family Reunion #485 – The Vengeance Vow!
03/01/2024Happy New Year! Unfortunately, our reunion hits a somber note, as Ward Hill Terry (Stop Calling Him Frank!) joins Shawn and Paul to mourn the loss of Aunt Kathy. But we do get some crack detective work by Robin, if not by the HUPD. Witness an amazing balancing act by Jason Bard in the return of Man-Bat to these pages! After a dessert of leftover Christmas cookies, we also see a foreign national burglarize Barbara’s apartment! And alas, we get the last chapter of the Demon’s Eternity Book saga! Stock up on those snacks – you’ll need them! Link for the BFR T-Shirt designed by Brett Young: This month's Bat Family History sources for Kurt Schaffenberger: Amazing World of DC Comics #2 (1974) – see Gallery for the cover and article, as well as a Schaffenberger Self Portrait from Jimmy Olsen #155 in 1973 and DC Profile #31.
Batman Family Reunion #484 – Purple Pants, Flying Graysons, and the Galileo Solution!
06/12/2023Happy Holidays! Shawn and Paul welcome Brett Young back to the Reunion! Denny O’Neil is the author of 2 VERY different Batman stories this month! We get the debut of Jack C. Harris on Batgirl and Robin! The Demon thinks he has bested Baron Tyme, while the Human Target wonders Just Who is Floyd Fenderman Anyway? You be the judge of the stories as well as the pumpkin pies! This month's Bat Family History links for Bob Oksner: For “Does This Trade Dress Make Me Look Phat” by Xum Yukinori: There are a few extra copies of the book left and they plan to print a second batch next year if there is enough demand. So, they can set up a "preorder list." The book is sold at print cost, which is $75,
Batman Family Reunion #483 – The Curse of Crime Alley!
01/11/2023Captain Entropy drops by this month to talk about the 40th Anniversary Issue of Detective Comics! He schools Shawn and Paul on military fashion while we discuss Batgirl’s date! The Demon returns to Castle Branek and we see the debut of the Human Target as a member of the Batman Family! Robin finally shows Dave Corby who’s boss, but best of all we get a kangaroo race at the Reunion! Join us for the family fun! This month's Bat Family History links for Dick Dillin: Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it? E-MAIL: Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @bat
Batman Family Reunion #482 – A Gorilla, a Demon, and a Mite!
04/10/2023Bat-Mite finally makes his appearance at the Reunion! As usual, he’s not much help, but you can help Paul and Shawn welcome real-life relative Todd Serenbetz back to BFR as we discuss Detective #482. We see the conclusion of Batgirl’s trip to China, Batman taking on a giant gorilla, and the debut of The Demon with art by Michael Golden! Oh, and Robin gets to fly the Whirly-Bat! Come on by and grab a seat at the picnic table! This month's Bat Family History – who is Juan Ortiz? How many of them are there? And for more on the Demon: Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific
Batman Family Reunion #481 – Batman Family Saves Detective Comics!
06/09/2023This month, join Shawn, Paul, and special guest Chris Franklin at the revamped Wayne Family Gardens! We move over to Detective Comics and share some corned beef on rye and carrot cake as we get Marshall Rogers, Jim Starlin, and Don Newton (twice!) on art in this issue. The PI firm of Bard and Langstrom gets off the ground, and Babs visits China! Robin battles the Raven (no, not that one!) as Batman rides the rails (literally) and then comes face to face with a nemesis from his father’s past! You won’t want to miss this one! This month's Bat Family History links for Dan Adkins: Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk t
Batman Family Reunion – Move to Detective Promo!
24/08/2023We’ve been saying for almost 2 years that Batman Family saved Detective Comics from the DC Implosion – now it’s time to see how! Check out our new promo to see what’s in store for the Batman Family Reunion the first Wednesday of every month! Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it? E-MAIL: Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @batfamreunion This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Visit the Fire & Water WEBSITE: Follow Fire & Water on TWITTER: Like our Fire & Water FACEBOOK page: Support The Fire & Water Podcast Network on Patreon: Use our HASHTAG online: #FWPodcasts
Batman Family Reunion #20 – Guest Stars Galore!
02/08/2023Fire and Water Network All-Star Max Romero stops by the Reunion this month and helps Shawn and Paul make sense of the LAST ISSUE of Batman Family! We get Ragman, Elongated Man, and a big hero moment for Red Tornado! Man-Bat gets a new job and the Huntress lounges in her bathrobe! Another artistic tour de force by Michael Golden (on 2 stories!) helps soften the blow of the imminent DC Implosion! Join us for some fried chicken and melted ice cream cake at the Wayne Family Gardens! This month's Bat Family History links for Al Milgrom:
Batman Family Reunion #19 – Killer Bats and Earth-Shaking Crimes!
05/07/2023This month, Shawn and Paul welcome our Bat Cousin Brett Young to the Reunion. He has a lot to say about the menu, and along the way we get another cool Bronze Age Batman story and a bad (very) day for Robin! Kirk and Francine have a talk and the Huntress inches closer to solving her mystery. Have a Clark Bar! This month's Bat Family History links for Danny Bulanadi: Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it? E-MAIL: Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @batfamreunion This podcast is a proud member of the FIRE AND WATER PODCAST NETWORK: Visit the Fire & Water WEBSITE: Follow Fire & Water on TWITTER:
Batman Family Reunion #18 – Art Smuggling, Sewer Water, and the Pentagon!
07/06/2023This month, we welcome Bill Bere of The Bat-Pod to the Reunion! He picked a doozy, as the table is set for 5 stories this month! The Huntress begins her solo strip with a barbeque (of Gotham), Lori dumps Dick, Babs slaps a Senator, and Kirk is wistful for his glory days! Oh yeah, and Batman swims through sewer water, earning Shawn’s respect forever! Come join the fun and have some strawberry shortcake! Check out Bill at This month's Bat Family History links for P. Craig Russell: “Glory Days” Copyright Bruce Springsteen. Have a question or comment? Looking for more great content? Have a specific issue you love and want to talk to us about it? E-MAIL: Follow Batman Family Reunion on Twitter: @batfamreunion

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