Parker Hill - Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Helping people find the way back to God.


  • Better Together: Joining Together For NEPA


    Following an affirmative vote to become part of the LCBC Church family, Mark Stuenzi lays out a road map for what to expect in this transition and challenges us to remember who we are supposed to be and what our mission is.

  • Better Together: Choosing Your Perspective


    Change is a non-negotiable part of life. So what do we do when life doesn’t measure up to our expectations? It all comes down to perspective—we have to choose to change our perspective.

  • Amazing Grace: What Are My Priorities


    We can spend a lot of time and energy pursuing things that don’t really matter all that much. We can get to the end of a year, a decade, or even the end of our lives and realize that we were chasing all the wrong things. We all have a tendency to lose sight of the things that really matter, and give our attention to things that really don’t.

  • Amazing Grace: Because of God's Grace


    This next scene in the story of Jonah may be one of the greatest pictures of God's grace anywhere in the Bible. If you've ever felt like you messed up too badly, did something unforgivable, or that it was simply too late for you—well this message is going to be good news for you.

  • Amazing Grace: Hitting Rock Bottom


    Sometimes we have to feel some pain before God gets our full attention. But God allows us to experience that pain because he knows it can bring us back to him.

  • Better Together: Frequently Asked Questions


    Making good decisions requires good information. Throughout this process, our objective has been to inform our church family of all the facts regarding this merger. As we bring the series to a close, Mark answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the merger.

  • Better Together: Trusting God In the Face of Fear


    Whenever we face change in our lives of any kind, there are certain emotions we feel: uncertainty, apprehension, even fear. These are natural responses to the unknown. What's important is how we respond to the fear we feel and whether we will trust God to help us overcome it so we can experience what God has planned for us.

  • Better Together: Unity is the Key to Victory


    When it comes to advancing the mission, unity is the key to victory. That’s true on the battlefield, that’s true in any team sport, and it’s certainly true when it comes to accomplishing our mission as a church. When God’s people unify around a common mission, great things begin to happen.

  • Better Together: The Mission


    When it comes to planning for the future of our church, the most important question that must be asked is "Will this advance the mission?" In this message, Mark unpacks the many ways that merging with LCBC Church will advance our mission of helping people find the way back to God.

  • Palm Sunday 2021: Palm Sunday 2021


    If you’ve ever found yourself knocked around, lost, blind, or confused, Jesus wants to lead you out of that and put you on a path in a new direction. That new direction is counterintuitive and counter-cultural, but it is the way of Jesus.

  • Baptism—Spring 2021: Baptism—Spring 2021


    If you're a Christian, then perhaps you understand the importance of grace. But what is grace? And why is it so foundational to what Christians believe? As we celebrate baptism, we'll learn why grace is such a critical part of walking with Jesus.

  • It’s Complicated: Sex Is Not Just Physical


    We've all been handed the script when it comes to sex—what it is, what its purpose is, what its value is, and even how we should be having it. In this message, LCBC's Jason Mitchell offers a different script that addresses the lie that sex is just physical.

  • It’s Complicated: Intentional Dating


    If you're dating, want to be dating, or have a child who will someday want to date, then you know it can get complicated. In this message, Mark outlines four steps to help you—or others in your life—navigate the ins and outs of dating.

  • It’s Complicated: The Major Keys of Marriage


    LCBC Church’s senior pastor, David Ashcraft, shares some important practices that lead to a strong and healthy marriage. Even if you aren’t married, many of these principles can be applied to all the relationships in our lives.

  • It’s Complicated: Single, Not Alone


    There's a myth perpetuated by society that tells us that if you're single then you're incomplete; that if you don't have somebody, then you can't be somebody. But that's not what God intends for those who are single. In this message, Mark reveals the ways God uses seasons of singleness—if we let him.

  • It’s Complicated: Finding the Right Person


    We put a lot of emphasis on finding the right person. But that's an impossibly tall order for someone to fill. In this message, LCBC's David Ashcraft points us to the reason we can't expect someone else to fill a role that only God was meant to fill.

  • Rethinking My Life: How Can I Change My Finances?


    Money has an incredibly powerful hold over us. No matter what your financial situation, money plays a major role in your life. Rich or poor, saddled with debt or rolling in the dough, there is a tension between your faith and your finances. In this message, David Ashcraft answers this question: How can I change where I am with my finances?

  • Rethinking My Life: Community Brings Change


    When we truly and deeply and honestly connect with one another, things start to change! We start to change. The people on the receiving end of our love start to change. Hear more about how community encourages change in this message.

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