French For Beginners

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 10:34:54
  • Mais informações



We proudly present a one-of-a kind educational program for beginners that includes vocabulary, grammar, exercises, dialogue, and much more in the form of a theatrical performance!The plot of the play is simple. Valerie, our French tutor, gives one-on-one lessons to beginner students. Valerie has three rules for her students:1. Complete the assigned lesson on the website and memorize new vocabulary on the flashcards before coming in for one-on-one studies.2. You can talk about anything, as long as you employ grammar introduced in the lesson.3. Don't be afraid to switch to English if you dont know how to say something in French - but switch back to French as soon as you can!Follow our heroes from Act 1, with conversation mostly in English, to Act 30, where they speak mostly French!Together with Valerie's colorful students, you will learn the fundamentals of French grammar and expressions. Your vocabulary will expand rapidly and naturally, and your comprehension skills will improve dramatically.Enjoy the characters, their secrets, desires, and motivations to learn French! Follow the 3 Valeries rules and learn with our students, Michelle, Jack, and Kevin! Bon voyage!


  • Learn French in 30 lessons: Lesson 30 - La victoire de Michelle

    29/11/2012 Duração: 21min

    Topics covered: Causative avec faire Present participle Au fur et à mesure Bonjour chers amis du français ! Êtes-vous prêts pour notre dernier épisode ? Nous aurons le plaisir d'être en compagnie de Valérie et Michelle aujourd’hui. So, I can assure you that we will be entertained to the very end. I hope you have taken the time you look over the lessons and to do the exercises. Don’t forget to take advantage of all the tools available on our website, including the flashcard and the pronunciation guide. That’s it for me ! I leave you with Valérie et Michelle ! Les voilà ensemble pour la dernière fois !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons: Lesson 29 - La muse et le coq

    29/11/2012 Duração: 19min

    Topics covered: Disjunctive pronouns Subordinating conjunctions Être comme un coq en pâte Bonjour mes amis ! C’est moi, Jean-Paul ! Comment allez-vous aujourd’hui ? Moi, je suis un peu triste. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’aujourd’hui nous allons dire au revoir à notre cher Jacques. Oui, vous avez bien entendu ! C’est notre dernier épisode en compagnie de Jacques ! I’m sure you’ll enjoy these last conversations between Jacques and his favorite French teacher Valérie. Hopefully, you have already prepared yourself by studying the grammar lessons and by doing the exercises. Shall we begin ? Voici Valérie et Jacques pour la dernière fois !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons: Lesson 28 - Irresistible

    29/11/2012 Duração: 22min

    Topics covered: Simple future Simple future: irregular stems Un de ces quatre matins Bonjour et bienvenue ! Je suis en forme aujourd’hui. Et vous ? Prêts pour un nouvel épisode de français ? Nous sommes presque à la fin de notre programme. Oui, épisode XXVIII déjà ! Comme toujours, nous avons un superbe épisode pour vous. I hope you studied the grammar lessons and did the exercises on our website. Let’s not waste anymore time. Je suis sûr que vous avez hâte d'être avec Valérie et Michelle. Les voilà !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons: Lesson 27 - No plan B

    29/11/2012 Duração: 18min

    Topics covered: Comparisons with adjectives Superlative adjectives Mettre la charrue avant les boeufs Bonjour mes amis, c’est Jean-Paul ! Comment ça va ? Bienvenue pour ce nouvel épisode. Aujourd’hui, nous avons le plaisir d’être avec Valérie et Jacques. As you know, Jacques can’t keep any secrets from Valérie, so today we will hear all about his blind date. I hope you’re ready! Avez-vous étudié les leçons de grammaire et fait les exercices sur notre site Web ? Allons-y ! Voici Valérie et Jacques dans l’acte XXVII !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons: Lesson 26 - Pastis anyone ?

    28/11/2012 Duração: 21min

    Topics covered: Infinitive constructions - Part I Infinitive constructions - Part II Rien à voir Bonjour et bienvenue mes amis, c’est Jean-Paul ! Comment allez-vous ? Aujourd’hui, nous allons être en compagnie de Valérie et de Michelle. So I hope you’re ready for this! Michelle has just got back home from a short trip to France with her husband. They both attended their friends’ wedding anniversary and did some traveling as well. I hope you already studied the grammar lessons and did the exercises. N’attendons pas une minute de plus. Je vous présente Valérie et Michelle dans l’acte XXVI !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons: Lesson 25 - Blind date

    28/11/2012 Duração: 19min

    Topics covered: Impersonal verbs and expressions Indefinite pronouns Quand même Bonjour chers amis du français ! Comment allez-vous depuis la semaine dernière ? Je suis très heureux d'être avec vous pour notre nouvel acte. Dans quelques minutes, nous allons écouter Madame Valérie, bien sûr, et Jacques. Avez-vous déjà étudié vos leçons de grammaire et fait les exercices sur notre site internet ? Doing this will make your listening easier and more enjoyable. Je crois que nous sommes prêts. Ne perdons pas une minute de plus. Voici Valérie et Jacques !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons: Lesson 24 - À la vôtre !

    28/11/2012 Duração: 20min

    Topics covered: Indirect object pronouns C’est vs il est/elle est and on À la vôtre / À vos souhaits / À la vôtre Bonjour à tous ! C’est moi Jean-Paul ! Bienvenue ! Je suis très heureux de vous présenter l’acte XXIV aujourd’hui. I hope you’re feeling uplifted today because we’re meeting Valérie and Michelle. You know there’s going to be a lot of talking! Avez-vous déjà étudié les leçons de grammaire et fait les exercices ? Oui ? Ne perdons pas plus de temps alors ! Allons-y !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons: Lesson 23 - Bon voyage !

    28/11/2012 Duração: 19min

     Topics covered: Imparfait : formation Imparfait : uses N’importe quoi Bonjour à tous ! Bienvenue ! C’est moi Jean-Paul ! Je suis très heureux d'être avec vous pour ce nouvel acte. Aujourd’hui, nous allons avoir le plaisir d'être en compagnie de Valérie et de Kevin. Last time Valérie met with Kevin when he had just returned from his family vacation in Canada. Have you taken the time to study the grammar lesson and to do the exercises on our website ? Oui ? Je crois que nous sommes prêts alors ! Allons-y !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons: Lesson 22 - Tacos fever

    28/11/2012 Duração: 20min

    Topics covered: Depuis / Il y a...que / Ça fait...que Coordinating conjunctions Au lieu de Bonjour mes amis ! C’est moi Jean-Paul ! Comment allez-vous ? Vous êtes prêts pour un nouvel acte ? Aujourd’hui, nous allons écouter Valérie et Jacques. Last time we met Jacques, he had just returned from Paris. He seemed certain that there he had found a chef for his new restaurant. We’ll hear more about that today. Avez-vous déjà étudié vos leçons de grammaire ? Avez-vous fait vos exercices ? Eh bien, nous sommes prêts ! Allons-y !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons: Lesson 21 - Ambassadress

    28/11/2012 Duração: 22min

    Topics covered: Passé composé of pronominal verbs Past participle agreement : exception + more pronominal verbs Être à côté de la plaque Bonjour ! C’est moi Jean-Paul ! Je suis heureux de vous présenter l’acte XXI ! Aujourd’hui, nous allons écouter Valérie et Michelle. Est-ce que vous êtes prêts ? Avez-vous déjà étudié les leçons de grammaire ? I know for sure Michelle has, she’s also has done the exercises before coming to class. We all know she’ll have a lot to share with her favorite French teacher. Ne perdons pas une minute ! Let’s start!

  • Learn French in 30 lessons - Lesson 20: Accents

    28/11/2012 Duração: 19min

    Topics covered: Direct object pronouns Agreement of the past participle Les doigts dans le nez Bonjour chers amis ! C’est moi Jean-Paul. Je suis très content de présenter un nouvel épisode aujourd’hui ! It’s our 20th episode already. I hope you have taken the time to study the grammar lessons, to do the exercises and to learn the vocabulary for this new act of our play. I’m sure you have noticed that the dialogues are becoming complex so hopefully you can keep up and progress at the same pace as our three wonderful students. Today, we’ll catch up with Kevin. Je crois que nous sommes prêts ! Let’s welcome our favorite teacher Valérie and her student!

  • Learn French in 30 lessons - Lesson 19: Sleepless in Paris

    28/11/2012 Duração: 19min

    Topics covered: Passé composé with être More past participles for être D'ailleurs Bonjour les amis du français ! Comment allez-vous ? Je suis content d'être avec vous pour un nouvel épisode. Aujourd’hui, nous allons écouter Valérie et Jacques. Jacques just got back from France. I’m sure you’re looking forward to hearing his stories. We’ll also learn a lot of new things today. Avez-vous déjà étudié la leçon pour aujourd’hui ? I hope you did the exercises and consulted the flashcard as well. crois que nous sommes prêts ! Allons-y !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons - Lesson 18: Charity work

    28/11/2012 Duração: 21min

    Topics covered: Passé composé with avoir Negation and placement of adverbs with passé composé C'est pas de la tarte Bonjour les amis ! C’est moi, oui, Jean-Paul ! Bienvenue au théâtre en français ! Today we’ll spend some time with Valérie and Michelle. Michelle is meeting with Valérie for the first time since her surgery. I hope you’re ready for some real entertainment...and some serious French lessons of course. By the way, have you studied already and have done the exercises? Oui ? Je crois que nous sommes prêts. Allons-y !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons - Lesson 17: ADN

    27/11/2012 Duração: 17min

    Topics covered: -RE verbs (irregular) like suivre, vivre Comparative and superlative of adverbs A priori Bonjour et bienvenue ! Are you ready for Act XVII? Today, Valérie meets with Kevin again. Kevin is about to go to Canada for his annual family vacation. He’s looking forward to spending some time with his cousin Rex and maybe practice some French. Kevin has been studying really hard and making great progress. I hope you’re doing the same. Have you already looked up the lessons and have done the exercises? crois que nous sommes prêts pour notre leçon ! Allons-y !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons - Lesson 16: Mission impossible?

    27/11/2012 Duração: 20min

    Topics covered: Pronominal verbs Tôt, tard, en avance, en retard, à l’heure Il ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard Bienvenue les amis ! C’est moi Jean-Paul ! I’m happy to welcome you to Act XVI. Today, you’ll have the pleasure to listen to Valérie and Jacques. As you know Jacques is still pursuing his dream to open, not just a French restaurant but a restaurant geared to help couples who are on an awkward first date. I hope you have already looked up and studied the material for today and learned your verbs. Don’t forget to do the exercises as well. Well, I think we’re ready to listen in. Enjoy the show!

  • Learn French in 30 lessons - Lesson 15: The nose job

    27/11/2012 Duração: 20min

    Topics covered: Savoir vs Connaître Tout Par contre / En revanche Bonjour et bienvenue ! Today, we’ll be enjoying the company of our French teacher Valérie and of her diligent student Michelle. I am confident that you feel encouraged to see students on our show like Michelle and others, with different backgrounds and with different purposes, tackling the French language with success. Have you already studied for today’s episode and have done the exercises? So I think you are ready. Enjoy Act XV!

  • Learn French in 30 lessons - Lesson 14: How’s your skin today?

    27/11/2012 Duração: 17min

    Topics covered: BOIRE (to drink), CROIRE (to believe), VOIR (to see) Time in French Bien dans sa peau / Mal dans sa peau Bienvenue au cours de français ! It’s me Jean-Paul, I’m ready to introduce Act XIV to you. Are you ready? By ready, I mean, have you looked up our grammar lessons and have done the exercises? It’s very important you do that before enjoying the dialogues as it will greatly enhance your experience and allow you to make more connections. Now, let’s connect with Valérie who will meet with Kevin for another lesson. I’m sure you’ve noticed that Kevin seems to be coming out of his shell, all for our enjoyment. Well, let’s listen in!

  • Learn French in 30 lessons - Lesson 13: EXpress yourself

    27/11/2012 Duração: 21min

    Topics covered: VENIR Interrogative words Je n’en reviens pas ! Bonjour et bienvenue ! Are you ready for Act XIII? Today, our French teacher Valérie meets with Jacques again. Jacques has been preparing a trip to France during which he hopes to find a chef for his new restaurant. As the day of his departure gets closer, he seems to be increasingly preoccupied with the quality of his French. He’s been studying really hard and I hope you’re doing the same. Have you already looked up the lessons and have done the exercises? So I think we’re ready! Allons-y!

  • Learn French in 30 lessons - Lesson 12: Who wants to live in Whatever-Sur-Mer ?

    27/11/2012 Duração: 21min

    Topics covered: -RE verbs (irregular) like mettre Partitive articles Bon marché Bonjour ! C’est moi Jean-Paul ! Once again I’ll be your host for Act XII. We hope that following Jacques, Kevin and Michelle in their endeavor to learn French is helping you to learn as well. Before you listen to the play, take time to familiarize yourself with the flashcard. Let’s begin!  Valérie, our French teacher, is meeting with Michelle today for another lesson. Michelle’s dream to move to France is getting more and more concrete...we hope so anyway. Let’s hope she continues to learn for our great pleasure. Voici l'acte XII !

  • Learn French in 30 lessons - Lesson 11: Tour de Food

    27/11/2012 Duração: 21min

    Topics Covered: -RE verbs (irregular) like prendre Interrogative and exclamative quel C'est-à-dire / C'est-à-dire que   Bonjour et bienvenue mes amis ! Today we’ll hear Act XI! I hope you’re feeling quite sharp because we meet with Jacques. I’m sure you’re looking forward to know what he’s been up to and how his French restaurant project is coming along. I know Valérie does, she never gets bored when she has a lesson with Jacques.  Have you studied the grammar lessons for this week and have done the exercises? Oui ? Then you’re ready for our new act! Oh, look! Jacques is already at the door and it looks like he has something on his mind. He is glued to his phone and didn’t even hear Valérie arrive. Let’s listen!

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