Ocean Allison Podcast
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 33:13:59
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Bringing you the best in ocean science, conservation, education and more through conversations with people creating positive change for the ocean.
Dr. Denise Herzing: Wild Dolphin Project Founder
20/12/2018 Duração: 24minDenise is the Founder and Research Director of The Wild Dolphin Project, a non-profit research initiative studying the behavior, social structure, and communication of Atlantic spotted dolphins in the wild for more than three decades. Learn more about the longest running underwater dolphin research project in the world, their hands-off approach to learning about these marine mammals, and their cutting edge attempts at two-way communication. In this episode we also discuss ways to get involved with Wild Dolphin Project through membership, Bahamas field-work participation, internships, and events. Follow Wild Dolphin Project on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wild.Dolphin.Project Follow Wild Dolphin Project on Instagram: www.instagram.com/wilddolphinproject Follow Wild Dolphin Project on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/wdolphinp Visit their website: www.wilddolphinproject.org Photo By: Bethany Augliere
Paul de Gelder: Shark Bite Survivor Now Advocating for Sharks
13/11/2018 Duração: 32minPaul is a shark bite survivor now passionately advocating for the conservation of sharks worldwide through public speaking, writing, and TV presenting on programs like Discovery Channel's Shark Week. In this episode we discuss how even after losing two limbs to a bull shark in 2009 as a Navy Clearance Diver, Paul has come to realize that sharks are truly incredible animals that need respect and protection. Paul also shares why he chooses to eat a plant-based diet and how his profound relationship with the ocean inspires him to care for all life above and below the water. Follow Paul on Instagram: www.instagram.com/pauldegelder Follow Paul on Twitter: www.twitter.com/PauldeGelder Visit Paul's website: www.pauldegelder.com Photo By: Ian Kasnoff
Ando Shah: Aquatic Virtual Reality Co-Founder
25/10/2018 Duração: 39minAndo is the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Ballast Technologies, the world's first aquatic virtual reality company. Inspired by his love for the ocean and his desire to increase empathy, Ando is applying his skills in developing technologies to help connect humans with the ocean in a fully immersive experience. In this episode we discuss Ando's childhood in India that included an extreme fear of water, a profound experience diving with whales in Mozambique, his views on the true value of virtual reality, and so much more. Visit Ballast's website: www.ballastvr.com Follow Ando on Instagram: www.instagram.com/andoshah Visit Ando's personal website: www.ando.xyz
Jack Fishman: Project AWARE's Community Conservation Officer
12/09/2018 Duração: 41minJack is the Community Conservation Officer at Project AWARE (sister non-profit to PADI, the world's leading scuba training organization). Through his incredible passion for the underwater world, his knowledge of ecotourism, and his skills in scuba diving, Jack is inspiring ocean lovers around the world to become involved in ocean conservation efforts. Whether you're a diver, a snorkeler, or simply a beach-goer, this episode will provide you with lots of ways to get more involved in ocean conservation initiatives like Dive Against Debris surveys, REEF fish ID surveys, and AWARE Week events. Follow Jack on Instagram: www.instagram.com/jackfish44 Find an AWARE Week event: www.padi.com/aware-week/join Visit Project AWARE's website: www.projectaware.org Follow Project AWARE on Instagram: www.instagram.com/projectaware Follow PADI on Instagram: www.instagram.com/paditv This Ocean Allison Podcast episode is brought to you by Kraken Sports, high quality scuba diving photo and video equipment. Visit www.krakensport
Lauren Blickley: Ocean Plastics Scientist and Policy Activist
07/08/2018 Duração: 36minLauren is a Marine Scientist based on Maui, creating waves of change when it comes to single-use plastic pollution. She is at the forefront of ocean plastics research on Maui, and also plays a vital role in advocating for regulations on plastic materials like polystyrene (styrofoam). She is an all around ocean-lover creating positive change for the ocean through science, policy, and education! Follow Lauren on Instagram: www.instagram.com/oneswelllife Visit her website: www.swellinitiative.org
Dr. Andrea Marshall: The Queen of Mantas
11/07/2018 Duração: 44minAndrea is the co-founder of Marine Megafauna Foundation, studying manta ray populations worldwide in order to protect and conserve these ocean giants. Andrea was the first person to ever study manta rays for her PhD, discovered an entirely new species of manta, created a manta ray photo database encouraging citizen science, and has been highly influential in getting the need for manta conservation recognized globally. She is truly the Queen of Mantas! Follow Andrea on Instagram: www.instagram.com/queenofmantas/?hl=en Visit Marine Megafauna Foundation's website: www.marinemegafaunafoundation.org Visit Ray of Hope Expedition's website: www.queenofmantas.com/ray-of-hope-expeditions Contribute to Manta Matcher: www.mantamatcher.org This Ocean Allison Podcast episode is brought to you by Kraken Sports, high quality scuba diving photo and video equipment. Visit www.krakensports.ca to learn more.
Martina De Marcos: Plastic Pollution Educator on Tour
07/06/2018 Duração: 33minMartina is a marine scientist currently traveling from Tijuana to Patagonia on an 8 month tour educating as many people as possible on the issues and solutions to plastic pollution. At the same time she is earning her masters degree in environmental management with a focus on waste management strategies in remote coastal areas. In this episode we talk about her childhood in Argentina, her experience working in Panama with the United Nations Environment Program to ban single-use plastic bags, and her optimistic outlook on the future of how we interact with plastics. Follow Martina on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nimisvara Follow Martina on Instagram: www.instagram.com/martinademarcos Check out her Indigogo campaign: www.indiegogo.com/projects/dona-x-menos-basura-plastica-en-america-latina-grx-love-water#
Francesca Page: Conservation Artist
02/05/2018 Duração: 29minFrancesca is a London-based artist using her incredible paintings to communicate science and conservation topics to the world, most recently highlighting the beauty and importance of sharks in response to the global decline of shark populations. In this episode we discuss how her experiences as a scuba diver and her connection to the natural word have inspired her art to focus on painting ocean animals to start important conversations and how along the way she's even been inspired to make lifestyle changes including eating a vegan diet. Visit her website: www.francescapageart.com Visit her Etsy shop: www.etsy.com/shop/Francescaapage Follow her on Instagram: www.instagram.com/francescaapage
Alex Martinez: Ocean Allison Podcast Listener
04/04/2018 Duração: 20minAlex, just like all of you, is an Ocean Allison Podcast listener, now on his way to becoming a Marine Biologist. After listening to almost every episode while on deployments with the Navy, Alex was inspired to make a career change and pursue his interest in ocean science and conservation. After listening to Alex's inspiring story, you can follow him on Instagam to learn more: www.instagram.com/alex_oceans. Big thank you to all you ocean-loving listeners out there, your stories inspire me greatly!
Christine Spiten: Blueye Robotics Co-Founder
07/03/2018 Duração: 26minChristine is the co-founder of Blueye Robotics, a Norway-based technology start-up developing underwater drones that can allow you to explore nearly 500 feet beneath the ocean's surface and live stream to any device all at the same time! In this episode, Christine and I chat about her experiences that led her to Blueye, the fundamental ethos of exploration Blueye Robotics has, and the importance of connecting people with our blue planet. Visit the Blueye website: https://www.blueyerobotics.com/ Watch the Blueye YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwdmVZ7uvHdf69nnWCCIKA Follow Blueye on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blueyerobotics/ Follow Blueye on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blueyepioneer/ Follow Christine on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chspiten/
Anastasia Mikhalochkina: Lean Orb Founder
07/02/2018 Duração: 33minAnastasia is the founder of the Miami-based startup Lean Orb, using agricultural byproducts to create plant-based food service products and packaging that can actually be easily composted as opposed to tricky alternatives like bioplastics. Inspired by her connection to and appreciation of nature, her interest in the circular economy, and her desire to make a positive impact as an entrepreneur, she is making products to replace the single-use plastic and styrofoam items we wastefully and dangerously use, that often end up in the ocean. Visit Lean Orb's website: http://leanorb.com Follow Lean Orb on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leanorb Follow Lean Orb on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lean_orb Visit Miami is not Plastic website: https://www.miamiisnotplastic.org
Chelsea Bennice: Octopus Scientist
02/01/2018 Duração: 34minChelsea is a Marine Biologist studying the behavioral ecology of two different octopus species in South Florida that inhabit the same area. In order to see how these unique cephalopods coexist, she's spending a lot of time underwater with them! In this episode Chelsea and I discuss her journey from growing up in Ohio to being an ocean scientist in Florida, what drew her to study these amazing masters of camouflage, and what surprising behaviors she's observed during her PhD research at Florida Atlantic University. Follow Chelsea on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoctogirl Follow Chelsea on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OctoGirl
Boyan Slat: The Ocean Cleanup Founder
05/12/2017 Duração: 26minBoyan is the Founder and CEO of The Ocean Cleanup, using advanced technologies and the ocean's currents to rid the oceans of plastic. Five years since his TEDx talk went viral, Boyan and his team are now preparing to launch their first full floating system in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in Spring of 2018. Hear this young entrepreneur's thoughts on research, fundraising, criticisms, global plastic pollution solutions, and his ultimate goals for The Ocean Cleanup. Visit The Ocean Cleanup website: https://www.theoceancleanup.com/ Follow The Ocean Cleanup on Twitter: https://twitter.com/theoceancleanup Follow The Ocean Cleanup on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoceancleanup/ Follow The Ocean Cleanup on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheOceanCleanup/ Watch their videos on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOceanCleanup
Allison Lee: Phytoplankton PhD Student
08/11/2017 Duração: 34minAllison is a biological oceanography PhD student at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, working to bring phytoplankton research to the world of citizen science in the Arctic and the Antarctic. In this episode we discuss her experience working in a lab setting, her inspiring blog 'Woman Scientist', her passion for phytoplankton research, and more. Visit her website: http://www.womanscientist.com/ Follow her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womanscientist/ Follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womanscientist/ Follow her on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Woman_Scientist
Jim Ritterhoff: Force Blue Executive Director
06/09/2017 Duração: 36minJim is the Executive Director of Force Blue, a non-profit organization uniting special operations veterans with the world of ocean conservation through mission therapy. Learn more about how Jim and his co-founders are putting the skills of these combat veterans to use, not only helping rebuild coral reefs, but rebuilding the confidence of our veterans. In a world where every topic seems bi-partisan, Force Blue is bringing communities on opposite sides of the spectrum together in extremely powerful and positive ways... all for the good of the planet. Follow Force Blue on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FORCEBLUETEAM/ Follow Force Blue on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/forceblueteam/ Follow Force Blue on Twitter: https://twitter.com/forceblueteam Visit the Force Blue website: https://forceblueteam.org/
Michael Doshi: The Gnarly Beach Cleaner
01/08/2017 Duração: 32minDoshi is THE Gnarly Beach Cleaner, using Instagram and public engagement to spread awareness about ocean plastic pollution in super funny and positive ways. In this episode we talk about the origins of GnarlyBeachCleaner, the ridiculously hilarious videos he makes, Dr. Dude and Gnar Gnar, the # makeitfunmovement, the South Pacific plastic gyre, and Doshi's role in educating the public about this issue he's so passionate about. Prepare to laugh and be inspired! Follow him on Instagram: www.instagram.com/gnarlybeachcleaner/ Check out his Vimeo: vimeo.com/gnarlybeachcleaner Watch his funny video compilation: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecft6c8OH88
Dr. Iliana Baums: Coral scientist studying the shallows and the deep sea
04/07/2017 Duração: 28minIliana is an associate professor at Pennsylvania State University studying the evolution and ecology of corals - both in the shallow waters as well as in the deep sea. In this episode we discuss our recent ECOGIG expedition studying the continued impacts of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill on deep sea corals and their surrounding ecosystems, what motivates Iliana to study corals, and the importance and excitement of exploring the deep sea. Learn more at: https://ecogig.org/ Visit Iliana's lab website: http://baumslab.org/ Follow her lab on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheBaumsLab
Ocean Allison: 50th Podcast Episode!
06/06/2017 Duração: 22minIn celebrating my 50th Ocean Allison Podcast episode I decided to give listeners a bit more info about my background, my story, why I started the podcast, why I continue to produce the podcast, and also answer the most common question I receive from listeners: how can I get involved in ocean conservation? A big thank you to all my listeners, all of my inspiring guests, and everyone that's contributed to my funding platform at patreon.com/oceanallison to help keep the podcast episodes coming. Onward and upward for Ocean Allison Podcast! Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ocean_Allison Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ocean_allison/ Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allison.randolph.3
Beth Brady: Marine Biologist Studying Manatee Acoustics
03/05/2017 Duração: 23minBeth is a Marine Biologist in South Florida conducting cutting edge research on manatee acoustics. She's working to understand what exactly are manatees saying? In this episode, we discuss how Beth records the noises these manatees make, why this research is so important, and the current state of manatee populations in Florida. Plus you'll get to hear two great audio clips of manatee sounds from below the surface! Watch "Sounds of the Manatee": www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6tBpIs1CVs Photo credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Dakota and Cambria: Youth Leaders of "Heirs to Our Oceans"
05/04/2017 Duração: 19minDakota Peebler (11) and Cambria Bartlett (12) are founding members of Heirs to Our Oceans, a youth-led ocean conservation organization. These water loving kids are making a film and creating a movement in order to inspire people around the world to take better care of the ocean they are inheriting. In this episode we discuss the importance of humor in conservation, optimism in the face of a struggling ocean, and what motivates these Heirs to care. Follow Heirs to Our Oceans on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heirstoouroceans/ Follow Heirs to Our Oceans on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heirstoouroceans/ Follow Heirs to Our Oceans on Twitter: https://twitter.com/HtOO_Film Visit their website: https://www.heirstoouroceans.com/

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