Caregivers Circle Stephanie Erickson

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 54:39:43
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Join us for a lively conversation focusing on the diverse aspects caregiving. We will explore the unique and universal issues that all types of caregivers face, whether the caregivers are adult children looking after their senior parents, individuals caring for someone with a terminal or chronic illness, seniors caring for adult children with disabilities, or even extended families providing support and care for a family member with a mental health challenge. We understand the impact ones commitment to caregiving can have on your life. Caregiving brings time management constraints as well as physical, emotional, and spiritual struggles. In addition, caregivers confront financial obligations, legal ramifications and workplace consequences. By taking this holistic viewpoint, well offer helpful strategies and resources that can be applied for every personal situation. Tune in every week for your solutions on Caregivers Circle.


  • Caregivers’ Circle – Parenting Tips for those Raising a Child with a Mental Illness – part 2

    27/02/2017 Duração: 29min

    I know that all parents probably hear their children, at one time or another, complain that their brother or sister are getting more attention or special treatment than he or she is.  Hearing, “But it’s not fair!” is something to which all of us parents can relate.  For me, this feeling of unfairness occurs not only in the typical situations, … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – The Invisible Shackles of a Locked, Memory Care Floor

    20/02/2017 Duração: 31min

    Once when I was driving on the highway I noticed a woman, who looked to be about 85 years old, walking on the side of the highway.  I looked for a car that she possibly abandoned but didn’t see one.  My first thought was that she had Alzheimer’s disease and was lost and wandering.  I immediately called 911 to make … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – Caregiver Guilt can be Transformed to Caregiver Wellness!

    13/02/2017 Duração: 30min

    I was raised in a family who used guilt as a motivation technique.  I say that a bit in tongue and cheek but there are situations in which guilt is used or to drive us into action or as a form of manipulation.  I’m not sure if it was my early introduction to guilt or if it is just my … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – Parenting Tips for those Raising a Child with a Mental Illness – Part 1

    06/02/2017 Duração: 30min

    Many of my listeners have heard me discuss my family and I think I’ve mentioned my son.  When I was pregnant with him, I was sick a lot and I wonder if that was because he was feeling unsettled, even in utero.  The moment he was born he needed me intensely, much more than my daughter.  He always wanted to … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – Finding Life’s “Sweet Spots”

    30/01/2017 Duração: 30min

    Most of the time when I speak to my friends, family or colleagues and ask them how they are doing, there is a standard and quick “Good, thanks.”  But when we take a moment to really talk about life, I hear about the challenges of finding balance with work, family, caregiving, health, and many other aspects of our day to … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – This stress is killing me! How to Achieve Health and Wellness for Your Own Sake

    23/01/2017 Duração: 31min

    My friend was just telling me a story about how the commute to her job is killing her.  She’s spending 10 hours in the car each week and she has no time to decompress.  Her nights are spent rushing through homework and domestic tasks while her kids feel like she’s only half-there. Due to her guilt and fatigue, her sleep … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – Follow these 4 steps to achieve success in your personal and professional life!

    16/01/2017 Duração: 30min

    There are many moments in each day when many of us question what we’re doing.  Am I really a good mother?  A good father?  A good wife or husband?  Am I a good employee doing what I can to move up the corporate ladder?  So many of us walk around filled with doubt and afraid and discouraged that what we … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – My colleague is crazy! Understanding and destigmatizing mental illness

    09/01/2017 Duração: 29min

    You arrive at work on a Thursday morning as usual to find your colleagues standing around talking. When you approach and ask what’s going on you are shocked to learn that your supervisor has just asked to take an extended leave. He was diagnosed with Stage 3 lung cancer. You and your colleagues commiserate on how awful and scary this … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers’ Circle – But it’s My Decision! How to Share Decision Making when it Matters Most – Your Health, Your Options

    02/01/2017 Duração: 32min

    But it’s my decision! I’m the one who’s been taken care of him! What gives you the right to make a decision for me? These are not uncommon statements made by families experiencing medical and health crises. And what about the health care professionals caught in these family disputes? How do they treat and care for a patient when the … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers’ Circle – How to Build an Effective Partnership Between Care Provider and Care Receiver

    26/12/2016 Duração: 32min

    How many times have you walked out of your doctor’s office only to think about the 5 questions you forgot to ask?  Or as your driving home you’re saying to yourself, “Wait.  I don’t want to take that new medication.  Or, wait! I’m not happy with where my treatment is going.  Or, wait!  Why didn’t I speak up and tell … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – Recognizing and Ending Workplace Bullying

    19/12/2016 Duração: 30min

    While driving to work you feel your stomach in knots.  You are trying to believe that today will be different.  You visualize yourself entering the office, smiling and warmly greeting everyone.  You sit down at your desk, boot up your computer and get your day underway.  But deep down you know that your day won’t be so smooth.  Your colleagues … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – Staying Balanced When Life Gets in the Way

    12/12/2016 Duração: 30min

    The alarm goes off at 6am.  The last thing I want to do is get out of bed but duty calls.  Breakfast for the kids, finalize lunch boxes, school drop off, rushing to a work appointment, swinging by the grocery store on my way back to the office, finish the report my boss asked for 2 days ago, shove a … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – Making Your Best Life! Steps to Turn Your Challenges into Triumphs

    28/11/2016 Duração: 30min

    I’m from California and when I first moved to Montreal my husband and I had a deal that we would return to my hometown after 10 years.  Well, I’ve been here 13 ½ and there are no signs of returning.  Truthfully, between years 9 and 12 I was finding myself angry and bitter that our plans were not moving forward.  … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – Technology and Aging – Epic Fail or Match Made in Heaven?

    21/11/2016 Duração: 30min

    How many times a day do you observe someone on their cell phone, scrolling through emails or setting a date in their calendar?  Or how about taking a picture, asking Siri a question, or looking for directions?  I often wonder how I got by without my phone or computer without all of this technology!  Have you ever seen a couple … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – How REAL conversations lead to REAL relationships

    14/11/2016 Duração: 31min

    Why is it that with some people I can have these meaningful conversations in which I feel like a good connection and understanding is made and then just days later it’s as if it never happened?  I experience this at times with my husband and it tends to revolve around minor things but I have to admit that there are … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – How to Die Right – Tips on Making Your Legacy Count

    07/11/2016 Duração: 29min

    I’ve heard about teachers who ask their students to write their own obituary.  It sounds kind of morbid, but when you think about it, it’s a great exercise of life reflection, goal achievement, identifying priorities and thinking about our legacy.  I’m not sure how many teenagers can really think about their future in this way, but what a fantastic exercise … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – Looking for Eternal Youth? How to Use your Mind to Improve your Health

    31/10/2016 Duração: 31min

    My personal passion is the flying trapeze.  Yes, like in the circus.  I jump from a platform, swing through the air only to let go and be caught by the catcher and then launched back to catch that same bar and swing up to the platform again.  My family thinks I’m crazy, and likely my kids do as well, but … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers’ Circle – The ABC’s of using Transcendental Meditation to reduce Caregiver Stress

    24/10/2016 Duração: 30min

    It is no secret that caregivers are tapped out of physical and emotional energy.  In theory, caregivers know it’s healthy and necessary to take time for themselves but this is not always possible.  Transcendental meditation has been proven to reduce stress and improve overall health.  Today’s guest on Caregivers’ Circle, Bob Roth, Executive Director of the David Lynch Foundation… Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers Circle – The Key to Conflict Resolution – Rational Living

    17/10/2016 Duração: 32min

    My friend told me a story about how during one evening’s bedtime rituals with her kids, she completely lost it when her son wouldn’t brush his teeth.  She grabbed the toothpaste tube and angrily squirted the entire tube on his toothbrush and all over the floor.  I reassured her that this was not the insane behaviour of a lunatic but … Read more about this episode...

  • Caregivers’ Circle – How to Build an Effective Partnership Between Care Provider and Care Receiver

    10/10/2016 Duração: 32min

    How many times have you walked out of your doctor’s office only to think about the 5 questions you forgot to ask?  Or as your driving home you’re saying to yourself, “Wait.  I don’t want to take that new medication.  Or, wait! I’m not happy with where my treatment is going.  Or, wait!  Why didn’t I speak up and tell … Read more about this episode...

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