Corporate Talk With Charlie And Eva

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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The mission of CORPORATE TALK WITH CHARLIE AND EVA is simple; to make your job, career and workplace better.Join us every week and join the workplace improvement revolution!


  • Accountability-Accountability


    Integrity, accountability, leadership. Three words we hear often but what do they really mean? Many people talk about the importance of these three qualities but how many people actually embrace them? On this episode, we explore the qualities of integrity, accountability and leadership. Join us for an interesting and thought provoking conversation!



    You make decisions all day long yet when you get home you have a tough time deciding what to have for dinner. What is that? Why can simple decisions leave us stuck and procrastinating? On this episode, we discuss why we sometimes can't move forward and what to do!

  • Opening a Closed Mind-Opening a Closed Mind


    Most of us feel we're open minded; open to change, new ideas, new people. But how open are we really? On this week's episode, we're going to explore ways in which we may be shutting ourselves off and what we can do about it!

  • Navigating Your Way To Better Habits-Navigating Your Way To Better Habits


    The need for change can happen in an instant. One day you wake-up, either literally or emotionally, and tell yourself "Enough! I need to do something about this!" And in the next breath you think, "How did this happen? How the hell did I get here?" You might then pull yourself together and launch into a flurry of activity. But if you're like most of us, before you know it you're back to doing things the same way. The reason? Change is a slow and steady process that either moves you in a good direction or a bad one. So what can you do? During today's discussion we'll provide practical tips for staying on course even in the midst of a pandemic.

  • Embracing and Moving Forward in 2021-Embracing and Moving Forward in 2021


    Let's take some time to discuss what good came out of 2020 and how to move forward in 2021!

  • Wake Up and Break the Cycle!-Wake Up and Break the Cycle!


    The world has completely shifted yet we're hanging on to our old beliefs, just sure that everything will go back to normal... Soon. Even though you know change is inevitable, the old way of looking at things just doesn't seem to fit anymore. So how do you motivate when all you want to do is sleep, eat and wait until it's all over? Change doesn't have to be painful or even hard, you just need some new ways at looking at things. Join us and as we discuss how to break out of old cycles.

  • Liar, Liar-Liar, Liar


    Most of us think we're fairly sophisticated and could easily spot a liar. But if that was the case, why are so many of us surprised when we find out the truth. How could Bernie Madoff get away with running a Ponzi scheme? Why aren't spies immediately detected? Why are we blindsided when confronted with a significant other's infidelity or addiction? The partial answer lies in the research of Timothy R. Levine a professor that has studied deception for more than 25 years. His conclusion is that humans are hardwired to default to truth. On this episode we'll discuss: Truth-bias and why the normal means of detecting a liar have been found to be inaccurate at best and dangerous at worst. Why defaulting to truth is actually good for society. How to look inward and see how we lie to ourselves which leads to lying to others And how to start on a path to finding your own truth!



    If everything went back to normal tomorrow would you be ready? I've asked myself that same question and in some areas of my life I would have to say "no." So how can we utilize this time to it's fullest? How can we start re-energizing ourselves and reducing our stress? Listen as Charlie and I discuss easy to follow tips and strategies to get you back on track if you've veered off a bit. In this episode we discuss: The importance of routine and how to establish one Why and how to take better care of yourself What to work on now And much more! You'll be ready to get back in the race!

  • Empathizeand#x2117; But What About Meand#x2117;-Empathizeand#x2117; But What About Meand#x2117;


    Every one of us needs to feel heard and understood. Empathy, the ability to feel what another person is feeling, is the key. Whether its a crisis in our lives or a celebration, empathy allows us to feel connected with others. On this episode Charlie and I discuss empathy, what it is and what it isnt and we provide examples. Listen and see what you think. Working the empathy muscle (which we all need to do) will not only bring you closer to family and friends but it will also enhance your career and work environment!

  • Developing Our Ability to Listen-Developing Our Ability to Listen


    "In conversation, do you listen or wait to talk℗" Mia Wallace to Vincent Vega ~Pulp Fiction Our country is in a full-blown crisis right now. Whats become clear is that as a nation made up of individuals, we havent been listening. Not to our partners Not to our kids Not to our bodies Not to our intuition And we certainly not to those with opposing viewpoints Issues start with a whisper and get louder until we finally take notice. In this episode, Charlie and I speak frankly about what were experiencing and discuss the importance of developing our ability to listen. Let peace begin with each of us!

  • We Need To Hear From Everyone!-We Need To Hear From Everyone!


    Its hard enough getting noticed at work without a pandemic. But now with so many people losing their jobs or working from home, being seen and heard is essential! Theres a problem though. Researches at BYU have recently found that although women have a seat at the table, they arent being heard. "They are systemically seen as less authoritative. And their influence is systemically lower. And theyre speaking less." These are the women that have no trouble speaking up, have killer credentials and experience. So what happens to those women and men that tend to hang back℗ This is a problem! How can it be 2020 and were still not treating our co-workers equally℗ Even in friendly work environments where people love the teams theyre on. Listen as Charlie and I discuss this problem. We discuss what current research shows and what you can do to ensure everyone has an equal voice! Because we need to hear from everyone now more than ever!!

  • Navigating Change | Tag, Youre The Leader!-Navigating Change | Tag, Youre The Leader!


    "The first act of creation is the destruction of the status quo. When everything falls apart, dont stop dreaming. Dream bigger." ~Martha Beck During this unprecedented time, there is one major certainty, we are in midst of big change. A change that no one has navigated before. Uncertainty hangs in the air as we grieve for our old way of life. Going through Kubler Ross 5 stages of grief feels overwhelming: denial, anger, depression, bargaining and finally, acceptance. Typically we look to someone experienced to lead us through a time of upheaval. But what do you do when theres no leader℗ When everyone is dealing with their own emotions℗ The answer is simple but not necessarily easy, you become the leader. You are the leader of your job, your life, your emotions. Ive studied with and been mentored by some of the biggest names in self development and spirituality. In this podcast, I share some of what Ive learned (and continue to learn). Listen as Charlie and I discuss the cyc

  • How To Protect Your Most Precious Asset-How To Protect Your Most Precious Asset


    Charlie and I were excited to speak with returning guest, Megan McNealy, the author of Reinvent the Wheel: How Top Leaders Leverage Well-Being for Success. Megan has reached back to some of the leaders she interviewed for her book to ask what they were doing to stay well during this turbulent time. Our greatest take away was the concept that one CEO shared, "Its important to protect the asset". He was not discussing money, or possessions but his body. No one on this planet has ever experienced a change of this magnitude and its more important now than ever to keep our body, mind and spirit in top shape. Listen to the high energy and fun conversation we had with Megan and learn ways to ensure you keep your most precious asset in top condition while youre staying inside. No trainer, guru or personal chef needed. All you need is you!

  • Anger | How to Calm and Stand Up to a Dragon-Anger | How to Calm and Stand Up to a Dragon


    Anger is a complex emotion and not one that many of us are taught how to handle. Some of us bury it which can lead to depression. Others bully which leads to loneliness due to lost relationships. Some rage, others quietly and lethally seethe. Charlie and I like to equate anger to a dragon that lives within each of us. Some of us let it sleep until it gets poked one too many times and then it brings chaos to anyone around it. Others walk around with it on their shoulder snarling at everyone.1 An untrained dragon creates chaos and fear. No hope, progress, dreams or loving relationships can flourish if you dragon is out there kicking and screaming. But theres a different way. A trained dragon is a strong ally. It sticks up for us, it fights against injustice, it makes things happen. On this episode, we discuss the different forms that anger takes, how to express anger and how to start taming your own dragon. Youll also learn strategies for handling the fire when someone turns their angry dragon on you.

  • Why Bother With Self Developmentand#x2117;-Why Bother With Self Developmentand#x2117;


    Think about the number of peoples lives youve directly or indirectly touched on any given day: Your family and friends People on the road People at the coffee shop or store People at work Just to name a few Now think about the impression you left on them. Did you leave them with a smile, a frown or neutral (what I like to call at least "do no harm"). We do have the power to affect peoples lives on any given day. And the way we interact with our family sets the stage for how they will interact out in the world. But when you think of personal development work do you feel its self indulgent or selfish℗ Or maybe you think its worthwhile but dont know where to start℗ Listen as Charlie and I discuss personal development, why its important and what tangible, simple steps you can take today to make a positive difference.

  • The 12 Best Move-Yourself-Forward Tips of 2019-The 12 Best Move-Yourself-Forward Tips of 2019


    The Best of 2019! As we move into 2020, Charlie and Eva want to get you started on the right track! Listen as they discuss the year in review and provide the best tips they shared with their listeners in 2019. 2020 is almost here, so listen to find what show speaks to you and get started in the right direction. Heres to a terrific 2020! Happy Holidays from Charlie, Eva and the gang at TalkZone!

  • Being Well at Work with Megan McNealy-Being Well at Work with Megan McNealy


    What is more important at work℗ Doing well or being well℗ Charlie and Eva are joined by Megan McNealy, an impact entrepreneur and a prominent Well-Being Thought Leader who founded Well-Being Drives Success, a multi-faceted platform designed to serve those in our workforce who strive for exceptional wellness and extraordinary success. Megan McNealy has devoted her career to helping others reach their highest potential in their personal and professional lives. Megan is an award-winning, 22+ year First Vice President and Wealth Management Advisor at one of the largest financial firms in the world, where as a CFP® and an investment professional, she specializes in working with senior corporate executives. Dubbed an “Early Success Story” in her first year at the firm, she learned to be masterful storyteller and inspiring keynote speaker, and she has presented to thousands of people over the course of her career. Simultaneously, she is an impact entrepreneur and a prominent Well-Being Thoug

  • Marketing Guru Randy Zak-Marketing Guru Randy Zak


    This week, Charlie and Eva talk with marketing expert Randy Zak to learn about savvy low-cost marketing strategies for business owners and entrepreneurs. Randy is the author of "Keys to Your Kingdom," and he explains how the rapidly changing technology of artificial intelligence is revolutionizing marketing. Todays show is packed with information youll be able to immediately implement!

  • Enough Already!-Corporate Talk: Elizabeth Trinkaus


    Elizabeth Trinkaus has been helping individuals manifest their dreams for over 25 years. Her mission is to inspire individuals to live their best life by providing them with tools to help them become happy, healthy, and successful.

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