Pat & Stu's own Podcast! Listen to the entire Pat & Stu show on your schedule, right here.
An Impending Oil Crisis, In Defense of Price Gouging, Jeffy's Little Bro - 8/31/17
31/08/2017 Duração: 47min-The people of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex are feeling the crunch of high gas prices and impending fuel shortages as a result of the destruction on the Gulf Coast. -What do the condemnation of hatred and the condemnation of price gouging have in common? -Stu went eighteen years without knowing that Jeffy had a brother. What else doesn't he know about the Most Hated Man on Set? -Pope Francis has released a statement on the destruction wrought by Hurricane Harvey, and the guys aren't too pleased with it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Defending Joel Osteen, Trump's Ban Foiled, Cyber Crimes 'R Us - 8/30/17
30/08/2017 Duração: 46min-Who is really to blame for an expletive-laden interview between a CNN reporter and a Harvey survivor? -Pastor Joel Osteen was heavily criticized for not opening his Houston megachurch as a shelter during the storm. But was this criticism warranted? -Gen. Jim Mattis has frozen President Trump's Twitter-initiated ban on transgender individuals in the U.S. Armed Forces. -Just how many people are estimated to have illegally streamed the Mayweather-McGregor fight? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Latest From Houston, A Feckless GOP, Antifa Losing Allies - 8/29/17
29/08/2017 Duração: 46min-When all is said and done, just how horrific will the destruction from Hurricane Harvey be in terms of both lives and monetary losses? -North Korea has fired a missile over Japan, further escalating the tension in East Asia. -Will the GOP really be taking 2018 election advice from a Brexit strategist? -We're all anti-fascism. We're not Antifa. And we'll tell you why. -Pat's BYU Cougars really got the shaft from ESPN. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Cataclysm in Houston, Antifa Violence Continues, Kaepernick (Still) Unemployed - 8/28/17
28/08/2017 Duração: 47min-Hurricane Harvey has caused catastrophic amounts of damage along the Texas Gulf Coast, and the now-Tropical Storm isn't finished yet. -BYU and LSU were supposed to play in the AdvoCare Texas Kickoff in Houston this weekend. Where will the game be moved to? -The violence of Antifa was on full display this weekend in Berkeley, California. -Why doesn't Colin Kaepernick have an NFL job? Because he's a lousy quarterback. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Previewing the Main Event, Misdemeanors All Around, Jeffy's Lottery Losings - 8/24/17
24/08/2017 Duração: 47min-Will the Mayweather-McGregor fight live up to its billing? -Whose likeness should replace torn down Confederate monuments? Rap star Missy Elliott, of course. -Please donate to Jeffy's GoFundMe page. What your donation will be used for is still uncertain. -Just how much of their winnings will the Powerball jackpot winner end up losing to taxes and regulations? -Freedom of religion just took another hit out West. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A Super Bowl Champ and a Pair of Storm Chasers - 8/23/17
23/08/2017 Duração: 47min-ESPN made a mockery of both itself and college football announcer Robert Lee when it switched his assignment from a University of Virginia game in Charlottesville. The issue: his name, of course... -Three-time Super Bowl champion Chad Hennings joins the program to discuss family, identity, and Stu's futile Eagles fandom. -Storm chasers Bill and Danielle Ford join the show to expain how they do more than just warn people of impending danger. -Amy Schumer is no longer a significant force as a comedian, but that didn't stop her from getting Netflix to cave to her demands. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
A New Era in Afghanistan, Criticism of Columbus, Opinions of Nazi Ideas - 8/22/17
22/08/2017 Duração: 47min-President Trump unveiled a new military initiative to bring an end to what many refer to as "America's Longest War". -The Confederate monuments under fire have company as a statue of Christopher Columbus was recently desecrated in Baltimore. -What do individual Americans think of the President's comments about Charlottesville? What do they think of people who hold Neo-Nazi views? -What will Jeffy end up getting if he hits the Powerball jackpot? Hint: it's less than he expected. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Sun Gets Eaten, Amazon Goes Local, Coke Zero Debate Settled - 8/21/17
21/08/2017 Duração: 47min-A Neo-Nazi openly wept about his alleged arrest warrant. Pat and Stu don't share in his grief. -Antifa members do not love this country. Their leadership says so. So what exactly does this group stand for? -Jerry Lewis was a comedic icon, but what do the guys really think of his films? -Steve Bannon is going to war... on behalf of the White House against an unknown entity... -Coke Zero vs. Coke Zero Sugar: the debate is finally settled for Stu Burguiere! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
History is a Fragile Thing, Bannon Must Go, The Return of SPOONS! - 8/17/17
17/08/2017 Duração: 47min-After the chaos of Charlottesville, an NAACP leader spoke out against the destruction of Confederate monuments. -Has Jimmy Kimmel found a more fitting role for Donald Trump? -How did the Alt-Right gain its platform from which to spread hate? -Steve Bannon needs to be fired. There is no doubt left. -"Loosely Based on the True Story" is now a thing... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
American History in Jeopardy, New "Hope" for Trump, Minimum Wage Bombshell - 8/16/17
16/08/2017 Duração: 47min-Is the removal of Confederate monuments a foreboding omen for American history? The answer appears to be yes. -Could there be any good people who stood with the Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville? -President Trump attempted to clarify his statements on the violence and did not improve his standing at all. -What kind of damage would a $1.00 increase in the minimum wage do to the American job market? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Fat Guys Talk Food, Neo-Nazis Lose Their Jobs - 8/15/17
15/08/2017 Duração: 47min-What are the latest trends among Americans eating out? Which of these (if not all of them) are the guys a part of? -A Neo-Nazi marcher has left his job at a Berkeley, California hot dog stand. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. -An elderly couple in the Netherlands chose to die together via doctor-assisted suicide. Should we be alarmed? -The guys examine a dessert that gets "painted" live at your table. Newsflash: You probably won't like the price tag. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/14/17 - Charlottesville Reactions, Gore's Film "Buried", The Right's Media War
14/08/2017 Duração: 47min-How is the world reacting the tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia? Why is seemingly everybody on the Left pointing fingers at President Trump? -If your movement is using ISIS tactics, you might want to re-think your viewpoints. -Al Gore's new film 'An Inconvenient Sequel' is doing exactly as well as the guys expected. -Where does right wing media stand in regards to Alex Jones, Drudge Report, and Steve Bannon? -There's a big event happening right down the street that the guys absolutely have to go see. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/10/17 - Swan Song for the Second Hour, All Day SPOONS!, Football Gives Us Hope
10/08/2017 Duração: 01h32min-It's a sad day with major changes on the horizon, but it's also the greatest day this show has ever seen. Three words: All. Day. Spoons! -The New York Times ran another groundbreaking exposé... that turned out to be completely false. -Anthony Scaramucci will reportedly appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Pat and Stu have to ask, "What is he thinking?!" -We've got more of the greatest moments in second hour history. Way more... -The New England Patriots recently became the first NFL franchise to purchase their own team planes. They won't be the last. -Pat is not a fan of LaDainian Tomlinson's Hall of Fame induction speech. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/9/17 - "Fire and Fury" Looms, Get Stu a Coke Zero, More Great Second Hour Moments
09/08/2017 Duração: 01h32min-How seriously is Kim Jong Un taking President Trump's response to his country's renewed aggression? -Will Stu survive the impending Coke Zero famine? -John Lott of the Crime Prevention Research Center joins the program to talk guns, or more specifically, concealed carry permits. -We've got more great moments in second hour history, including perhaps the most legendary of them all... -Serena Williams was slammed by many on the Left after her seemingly innocuous comment about maternity and womanhood. -Glenn Beck joins the program to tell you all you need to know about a man now squarely in the spotlight, U.S. National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/8/17 - A Huge Announcement, Mar-a-Lago's Shrewd Maneuvering, Google Firing Completely Backwards?
08/08/2017 Duração: 01h32min-The guys have an important announcement for all fans of the show. -How much of Trump's wall will actually get built? Are the guys worried that they'll have to eat their underwear? -Mar-a-Lago's hiring of foreign workers did not violate any labor laws, but it took some shrewd maneuvering to get around such regulations. -A Google engineer recently put out a memo analyzing how workplace behaviors differed between men and women. He was subsequently fired. -Glenn Beck joins the program with an excerpt from his discussion with Dr. Everett Piper, President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University. Listen to Pat & Stu for FREE on TheBlaze Radio Network from 5p-7p ET, Mon. through Fri. Twitter: @PatandStu Facebook: PatandStu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/7/17 - Film Actors Making Waves, The Fox Implosion Continues, A Twentieth Century Life Hack
07/08/2017 Duração: 01h32min-The guys discuss all the latest developments on the silver screen and offer their personal critiques of several of the latest movies. -Fox News is back in the news as Eric Bolling has been suspended amid allegations of sexual harassment. -Actor Jim Carrey has made waves away from the silver screen as he attempts to help former gang members start a new life through Christ. -Millennials have found a great new life hack for getting free television channels. The device in question is known as an antenna... -Does the Pat and Stu crew hold the key to stopping Bitcoin's meteoric rise? -Glenn Beck joins the program for a special presentation about heroes, parenthood, and the Western way of life. Listen to Pat & Stu for FREE on TheBlaze Radio Network from 5p-7p ET, Mon. through Fri. Twitter: @PatandStu Facebook: PatandStu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/3/17 - White House to Go Moderate?, LA Gains a Net Loss, The Truth about Venezuela
03/08/2017 Duração: 01h32min-Just how important are President Trump's disapproval ratings? Just how far is his administration prepared to go to cater to those displaying "soft disapproval"? -Could Al Gore actually be a climate science denier? His not-so-green house certainly lent itself to support such a theory. -Los Angeles just won the right to host the 2028 Olympic Summer Games, but this victory will almost certianly end up being a net loss. -How has Venezuela fallen to such a horrific level? Katarina Hall joins the program with some answers. -How far is too far when it comes to doctor-assisted suicide? -Glenn Beck joins the program to discuss the bizarre and troubling case of IT professional Imran Awan and the files of former DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Listen to Pat & Stu for FREE on TheBlaze Radio Network from 5p-7p ET, Mon. through Fri. Twitter: @PatandStu Facebook: PatandStu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/2/17 - The Hamburglar's Return, A Revamped Hotel of Doom, Gore Tops Himself (Again)
02/08/2017 Duração: 01h32min-Why is the Hamburglar not in prison for life? And what on earth is Grimace? -A crackdown on legal immigration could be on the horizon for the Trump Administration. You read that right. -Could the opioid epidemic be abating? If so, that's bad news for Jeffy. -Al Gore continues to trip over the points he made in his new film "An Inconvenient Sequel". He failed so miserably in a recent interview that a Maryland man actually got the truth out of him. -Glenn Beck joins the program and describes how the crisis in Venezuela isn't "The Death of Democracy" that the mainstream media would have you believe. Listen to Pat & Stu for FREE on TheBlaze Radio Network from 5p-7p ET, Mon. through Fri. Twitter: @PatandStu Facebook: PatandStu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/1/17 - Trump Dictates the Show, Modern Views on Polygamy, John Oliver Roasts Alex Jones
01/08/2017 Duração: 01h32min-Donald Trump is not a politician. That was appealling to some voters, but it's not all fun and games at this point. -This show is being dictated by the President himself. Pat and Stu just need to get the timing down... -So who replaces Anthony Scaramucci after his sudden resignation? Which public figure currently butting heads with Trump could be next? -A new study shows that polygamy is actually more widely accepted by non-religious Americans than people whose faith might have a history of such a practice. -Comedian John Oliver went after Alex Jones on the latest episode of 'Last Week Tonight' and it was comedy gold. -Glenn Beck joins the program to discuss the possibility of a third party emerging as well as the first Democrat to announce his 2020 presidential campaign. Listen to Pat & Stu for FREE on TheBlaze Radio Network from 5p-7p ET, Mon. through Fri. @PatandStuFacebook: PatandStu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/31/17 - Wasserman or Charlize Theron?, Bannon Next To Leave White House?, Five Times Climate Alarmist Gone Predictions Wrong
31/07/2017 Duração: 01h28min-Stu reviews the film Atomic Blonde, and let’s just say that it isn’t what we thought it would be. -Debbie Wasserman Schultz has corruption going on under her power. -Trump on Bannon -5 times climate alarmists made wrong predictions -The View does cringeworthy Trump skit -Today on SPOONS we have coffee cake Twinkies -On Ask Glenn we talk about the book Friction with the author himself Listen to Pat & Stu for FREE on TheBlaze Radio Network from 5p-7p ET, Mon. through Fri. @PatandStu: @PatandStuFacebook: PatandStu Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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