Petes' Playhaus is an informative and comedic show hosted by brothers Mitch & Tommy Peterson. Available on iTunes and YouTube.
Petes' Playhaus 08
13/02/2015 Duração: 01h14minOur show goes full circle with a breakdown of church communion and confession with many tangents in between on marijuana, Ricky Williams and of course, kombucha.
Petes' Playhaus 07
02/02/2015 Duração: 57minIn this episode, we overanalyze the birth of the mirror, grammar in the education system, reading for fun, and other wild tangents. Recorded February 1st, 2015.
Petes' Playhaus 06
31/01/2015 Duração: 38minLearn about the perks of working at Google, our thoughts on the company's direction, and we take a look beyond money, is movement the future currency? Recorded January 31st, 2015.
Petes' Playhaus 05
30/01/2015 Duração: 01h23minHear about their ride-a-long with the police, experience with self checkout, and thoughts on the current canine situation in America. Recorded January 30th, 2015
Petes' Playhaus 04
28/01/2015 Duração: 01h27minWe venture into a wild talk of craft coffee, the NBA, social media apps, police and DUI's, the marijuana industry, national debt, kombucha, and a myriad of other subjects. Recorded January 28th, 2015
Petes' Playhaus 03
27/01/2015 Duração: 01h15minWe discuss the state of Farmers Markets in Sac, raw dog food, egg industry, barefoot walking, and oh so much more goodness. Recorded January 27th, 2015
Petes' Playhaus 02
26/01/2015 Duração: 01h10minThe show starts off discussing small craft coffee, social media,, and so so much more. Recorded January 26, 2015
Petes' Playhaus 01
26/01/2015 Duração: 01h09minWe discuss the coolness of Oregon, water shortages, kombucha, and so much more. Recorded January 25th, 2014