On Dod

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  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 75:15:08
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Federal News Network Defense Reporter Jared Serbu speaks one-on-one and in depth with the people responsible for managing the inner workings of the federal government's largest department, and those who know it best.


  • Improving the employee onboarding process across the Office of the Secretary of Defense

    28/10/2024 Duração: 35min

    We spend a lot of time talking and about the federal hiring process and how long it takes. What gets less attention is the onboarding process: all the steps that have to happen once the hiring process is over to get new employees in a position to actually do their jobs. Previous studies have shown the onboarding process is especially troublesome in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, a collection of 19 sub-organizations that tend to each do things their own way. From basic things like getting people signed up for benefits to issuing Common Access Cards and IT equipment, there’s not much of a structure in place to make the onboarding process efficient, so on average, it takes about 90 steps. Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks recently approved an implementation plan to modernize the onboarding process for OSD’s workforce. On this edition of On DoD, we’re joined by one of the officials will lead the effort: Danielle Metz, OSD’s chief information officer.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcast

  • Where we stand on DoD's long path toward a clean financial audit

    24/09/2024 Duração: 44min

    It would be a bad idea for anyone to predict the exact year in which the Defense Department will relieve itself of its status as the only federal department unable to pass a financial audit. But the oversight body closest to the process seems to think there are glimmers of light at the end of what’s still a very long tunnel. On this episode, a deep dive into where things stand with the DoD audit process. Our guests are Troy Robertson and Dr. Coralis Rodriguez with the DoD Inspector General's office. Both worked on the OIG's latest annual plain-language summary of the financial statement audit. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • Navy's sustainment system refocuses on real-world readiness

    25/04/2024 Duração: 45min

    This episode features two discussions from the 2024 Sea Air Space conference, starting with a focus on sustainment and logistics. Over the past several years, the Navy has been using a sweeping process improvement effort to wring almost a billion dollars in savings out of its supply chains under a project called Naval Sustainment System-Supply. Now, under a 2.0 version of NSS-Supply, the focus is changing – to boosting the readiness of the Navy’s ship and aircraft fleets. For more on how it’s all going, Jared Serbu talked with Commander Kirk Engler, the director of NSS-Supply at Naval Supply Systems Command, and Melissa Olson, the project’s deputy director. Later on the show, we’ll have some highlights from a panel Jared moderated at this year’s Sea Air Space conference on digital transformation with senior leaders from the Coast Guard, Navy and Marine Corps.

  • In Japan, half of military spouse health workers unemployed amid 'shortage' of providers

    28/03/2024 Duração: 51min

    Federal News Network has covered the difficulties federal employees and military members have seen when it comes to getting access to health care in Japan. On this edition of the show, we’re going to talk about that – but not just about that. We’re also going to talk about military spouse unemployment. In the case of Japan, and Okinawa specifically, the two things are very related. A new report by a volunteer group of experts called Hire Oki Spouses found there are actually plenty of spouses in Okinawa with health care expertise who could be working as nurses, for example, to solve the provider shortage there. They’re just not being hired. On the show this time, we’re joined by two of the co-authors of the report who’ve both lived in Okinawa recently and seen a lot of these issues firsthand: Elayne Saejung is an Air Force spouse and public health researcher Kelly Pretorius, is Ph.D. health care researcher and licensed nurse practitioner

  • Lt. Gen. Telita Crosland on the Defense Health Agency's new strategic plan

    15/11/2023 Duração: 44min

    It’s been a decade of major change for the Military Health System in general, and the Defense Health Agency in particular. From its beginning as primarily a shared services provider, DHA has grown to become the sole operator of all of the military’s hospitals and clinics, the overseer of the TRICARE health plans and a central player in most other aspects of Defense health care. On this episode of On DoD, Lt. Gen. Telita Crosland, DHA’s director, talks with Jared about the agency’s new strategic plan – including her intent to move DHA from a long period of transition to the “execution phase.”

  • Commercial technologies are about to completely redefine IT capabilities in the Navy's afloat community

    26/10/2023 Duração: 44min

    On this edition of On DoD, Jared talks with two leaders from the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR) who are experimenting with technologies like 5G and proliferated low-earth orbit satellites. We'll talk about the massive increase in bandwidth those technologies allow and the improvements they might enable -- both for quality of life issues when sailors are underway, and for mission requirements. Our guests: -- Rob Wolborsky, NAVWAR's chief engineer -- Ron Wolfe, the Navy's technical warrant holder for mobility 

  • Secret-level version of Microsoft 365 rolls out to top Pentagon offices as new OSD CIO marks its one-year anniversary

    20/10/2023 Duração: 43min

    On this edition of On DoD: Up until a year ago, the Office of the Secretary of Defense was a bit of an outlier when it came to IT management and governance. Despite having 19,000 employees, there was no single person in charge of making sure those workers had a decent user experience, and no one in charge of delivering common IT services. That changed last October, when Danielle Metz became the OSD chief information officer. She joins Jared Serbu to talk about what’s happened and what’s ahead, including the impending rollout of Microsoft 365 at the classified level. Later in the hour, Federal News Network’s Jason Miller talks with Leo Garciga, the Army’s new CIO. We’ll hear details about his plans to institutionalize and simplify cloud computing across the Army, and a big push to get the service to start moving toward DoD’s new JWCC cloud contract. 

  • Navy says it's achieved big UX improvements amid DoD effort to 'fix our computers'

    24/08/2023 Duração: 41min

    Up until this summer, it wasn’t uncommon for Navy IT users, even at the most senior ranks in the Pentagon, to plan part of their mornings around the 10 minutes it took for their computers to boot. But as part of a concerted effort to improve user experience, the service has shown it’s possible to cut those maddening daily waits to only about 30 seconds. On this episode of On DoD, Justin Fanelli, the Department of the Navy's acting chief technology officer talks with Jared about what the Navy's learned from its digital experience pilots so far, and how quickly they might be able to scale throughout the fleet.

  • DoD financial management workforce gives low marks to decades-old PPBE system

    20/07/2023 Duração: 48min

    The Pentagon’s decades-old planning and budgeting process doesn’t have a lot of fans – least of all the people who work within it every day. The American Society of Military Comptrollers has been surveying the DoD financial management workforce for their views about the planning, programming, budgeting and execution process as part of a task force on PPBE reform. Among other things, ASMC found 71 percent of the workforce thinks PPBE keeps the department from quickly responding to its mission needs, and strong majorities say the information technology tools they use to plan hundreds of billions of dollars in spending each year are woefully inadequate. On this episode of On DoD, we get an update from ASMC on the broader PPBE reform conversation -- including some new insights from the practitioners ASMC surveyed. Our guests are: Rich Brady, the CEO of the American Society of Military Comptrollers Maj. Gen. Cameron Holt (Ret.), former deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for contracting and member of t

  • Pentagon has a new plan for 'customer-led' IT service delivery

    08/06/2023 Duração: 43min

    The Pentagon has a new plan to improve technology services inside the actual Pentagon – or big parts of it anyway. The first-ever enterprise IT implementation plan for the Office of the Secretary of Defense promises to take a user-centric approach to improving IT services for the 17 major offices that make up OSD. Danielle Metz, the OSD chief information officer talks about the specifics in a wide-ranging discussion with Federal News Network’s Jared Serbu.

  • An update on DoD's deployment of MHS Genesis

    30/03/2023 Duração: 45min

    Holly Joers, the program executive officer for Defense Healthcare Management Systems talks with Federal News Network's Jared Serbu and Jason Miller about DoD's ongoing deployment of a new electronic heath record, how the new EHR will work with other federal agencies, and the centrality of data in PEO-DHMS's future mission.

  • A progress report from the commission tasked with overhauling DoD's 60-year-old budgeting process

    10/03/2023 Duração: 43min

    The expert commission Congress has tasked with proposing overhauls to DoD's planning and budgeting processes is still a year away from delivering its final report. But the Commission on Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution Reform has already gathered a huge amount of information. In its first progress report, the commission says it’s held 27 formal meetings, interviewed 280 people and organizations, and launched research studies on more than a dozen topics. For an update on the commission’s work, Jared Serbu talked with the panel's chair and vice chair: Bob Hale, a former DoD comptroller and chief financial officer, and Ellen Lord, a former DoD undersecretary for acquisition and sustainment.

  • Air Force finds ways to bake cybersecurity into weapons systems, and bolt it on where necessary

    09/03/2023 Duração: 20min

    The Air Force believes it's made significant progress toward improving the cybersecurity of its weapons systems -- both brand new ones, and systems that have been fielded for decades.  On this episode of On DoD, Jared Serbu talks with two leaders from the Air Force's Cyber Resiliency Office for Weapons Systems (CROWS) about how the Air Force is working to bake cybersecurity into new platforms, and bolt it onto the ones that have been in the inventory for decades.

  • How DoD's own budget process keeps the military on the wrong side of the 'valley of death'

    21/12/2022 Duração: 49min

    A new study by George Mason University's Center for Government Contracting chronicles the ways in which the Defense budgeting process has become increasingly inflexible over the last seven decades, how it's shackled technological innovation in DoD, and what to do about it.  On this episode, co-authors Jerry McGinn and Eric Lofgren talk with Jared Serbu about findings and recommendations from their report: Execution Flexibility and Bridging the Valley of Death

  • Getting to work on fixes to the Pentagon's broken budgeting system

    02/11/2022 Duração: 51min

    No one particularly likes the way the Defense Department andCongress handle the DoD budgeting process. It’s rigid, inflexible, and veryslow. But the PPBE process, as it’s called, has been encoded into the DNA ofthe Defense bureaucracy for more than 60 years, and turning the ship around isgoing to be very tough.   That’s why there are at least two panels of experts who’llbe working on the problem over the next year or more: one chartered by Congress, andone organized by the American Society of Military Comptrollers. On this week’sshow, Jared Serbu talks with several participants in the latter group:  -- Michael Conlin, former DoD chief data officer and chairmanof the ASMC PPBE Reform Task Force   -- George Kovatch, former DoD deputy comptroller and ASMC taskforce member  -- Maj. Gen. Cameron Holt (ret.), former deputy assistantsecretary of the Air Force for contracting, and member of the ASMC task force  -- Rich Brady, a retired Marine Corps colonel and the CEO ofASMC  

  • New initiatives to bring small businesses into the Army technology ecosystem, and a big acceleration of BYOD

    12/10/2022 Duração: 50min

     We start this week’s show with an exclusive interview withGabe Camarillo, the undersecretary of the Army, about several new initiativesthe Army’s launching to incorporate small, innovative businesses into its technology ecosystem.  Later in the program, Kenneth McNeill, the National Guard’schief information officer, talks us about a big expansion of the Army’s pilot tolet soldiers use their personal devices to access Army networks.   

  • To institutionalize DevSecOps, Navy's Black Pearl aims to 'commoditize the boring stuff'

    27/07/2022 Duração: 25min

    When the Navy Department set about the process of simplifying its journey to modern software development, officials decided it didn't make much sense to reinvent the wheel. So instead of building a software factory and development pipeline from scratch, they borrowed heavily from the Air Force's Platform One initiative and tailored it to the Navy's needs where necessary.  On this week's edition of On DoD, Jared Serbu talks with Manuel Gauto, the chief engineer for Black Pearl, and Bob Stevens, a vice president at Gitlab, the company that provides the development platform Black Pearl runs on.

  • One reason Navy ship maintenance is taking too long: workers stuck waiting for supplies

    22/06/2022 Duração: 45min

    Maintenance periods for the Navy’s ships and submarines are taking longer than they should. And there are a lot of reasons for that, but one that the Navy’s only recently discovered is that most of the supplies shipyard employees need to do the work aren’t on hand at the time the work’s supposed to start. On average, less than a third of the material needed for a given maintenance availability is even identified before the work starts.  The Navy’s trying to fix that as part of a broader logistics improvement program called Naval Sustainment System Supply (NSS-S). On this week's show, Rear Adm. Peter Stamatopoulos, the commander of Naval Supply Systems Command talks with Jared for an update on NSS-S -- including how it's tackling shipyard material availability. 

  • Five years into DoD financial audits, progress has stalled

    17/06/2022 Duração: 46min

    The Defense Department and its components are now into their fifth year of having their financial statements independently scrutinized by independent auditors. In the first few years, there were some very promising signs that DoD was on the path to eventually earning a clean opinion, as every other federal agency has already done.  But the DoD inspector general says it’s getting more difficult to find clear signs of widespread financial improvement.  On this week's show, Marcus Gullett, the deputy assistant inspector general for audit, financial management and reporting, joins Jared to talk about the fiscal 2021 audit results, and what the OIG things DoD needs to do to get its financial improvement program back on track. 

  • Va. National Guard's 'Smart Weapon' aims to stop wasting airmen's time on paperwork

    19/05/2022 Duração: 45min

    Just like innumerable other government agencies, the Air Force runs on paper-based forms that have to be filled out manually, and each one takes time. How much? That was a difficult question to answer until the Virginia Air National Guard’s 192nd Wing saw a chance to do things differently. ' Chief Master Sergeant Joe Young, who’s been leading the testing process, talks with Jared Serbu about the initiative, called HR Smart Weapon.

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