Podcast - Kirby Woods Baptist Church, Memphis, Tn

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Kirby Woods Baptist Church sermons


  • Grace > Guilt


    Ephesians 2:1-10 Grace transcends your past by creating a new you who lives a new life.  Grace is Greater than Guilt Because…  Grace Gets You Past Your Past (2:1-5)  The consequence of your “trespasses” (crossing the line) and “sins” (missing the...

  • Grace > Testing


    Job 2:1-10 Grace is authenticated through the testing of your faith in God who oversees the good and bad in your life Grace is Greater than Testing Because… Grace is Authenticated through Testing (2:1-6)  Satan is “the accuser” whose constant...

  • Grace > Tragedy


    Job 1:1-22 Grace prepares you for tragedy, sustains you in tragedy and worships through tragedy.  Grace is Greater than Tragedy Because…  Grace Prepares You for What is Coming (1:1-11)  Grace makes your character outwardly “blameless” and your...

  • Grace > Addiction


    Romans 7:14-8:6 Grace exposes, forgives and frees you of your sinful addictions. Grace is Greater than Addiction Because…  Grace Exposes Your Sin Slavery (7:14-20)  Your sin does not make you a sinner but you are a sinner “sold under sin” and that...

  • Grace > Anxiety


    Matthew 6:25-34 Grace transcends your anxieties by bringing a realism to what really matters in life. Grace is Greater than Anxiety Because…  Grace Gives You Real Life (6:25-26)  Anxiety is present fear based on worrying over the future of “your...

  • Grace > Religion


    John 2:23-3:15 Grace is greater than religion because it gives you a living relationship with God through a new birth. Grace is Greater than Religion Because…  Grace is Supernatural Not Artificial (2:23-3:3)  Religion can cause you to...

  • Grace > Rejection


    Luke 19:1-10 Your rejection by others makes you the best candidate to be received by Jesus’ grace. Grace is Greater than Rejection Because…  Grace Comes to You (19:1-3)  Ostracized and despised by society as a “chief tax collector,” Zacchaeus was...

  • Grace > Sin


    John 4:1-30 Jesus gives grace greater than sin to unlikely people at unlikely times in unlikely places.  Grace is Greater than Sin Because…  Grace Pursues You (4:1-10)  Being “wearied” Jesus can “sympathize with our weaknesses because he is the...

  • Easter Sunday 2019


    power and penalty of sin. Jesus Gives You Life Through…  Life-Transforming Grace (6:1-3)  When God’s saving grace intervenes into your life there is a transformation that does not allow you to “go on sinning” (6:1; Rms. 6:17-18, 20; 1 Jn...