Restless Native

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 184:37:34
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Restless Native is hosted by Brad Luttrell, the Co-Founder of the GoWild app. Were finding interesting stories and people in conservation, fitness, music, food, hunting, humanity, fishing, entrepreneurship and the environment. While the topics always vary, these people have one thing in common: Theyre ever restless. Never comfortable. Theyre Restless Natives.



    19/11/2021 Duração: 03min

    LAUNCHING SOON: [UNCENSORED] by GoWildTeam GoWild kicks off your week with shameful nonsense, inappropriate convictions, and unfiltered tales from the woods, waters and whatevers. [UNCENSORED] is a behind the scenes look at our adventures, failures, wins, embarrassing moments at trade shows, hilarious tales from the warehouse, and a good rant or three about the most recent tyranny from the Dark Lord of the Sith himself.Join uncensored conversation on

  • The Road Never Ends: GoWild Cofounders

    10/08/2021 Duração: 01h04min

    I lift a glass to each of you. It's been a helluva ride. To stay connected:Find me on GoWildWatch my content on YouTubeSpecial thanks to Donovan Sears for all of his support of the years. See you down the Trail.

  • 128: Salt Strong Founder, Joe Simonds

    20/07/2021 Duração: 49min

    Today’s show is salty. Especially salty. Because today we have one of the Salt Strong brothers on to talk about going niche. It’s all going to make sense soon, and I’ll let Joe explain exactly what he’s built, but I wanted to have Joe on because what he’s done is really impressive. So many people have dreams of jumping into the hunting or fishing industry, but don’t know how. Joe and his brother were well established in their careers, but they decided to walk away from it. We’re going to talk about how they made the jump, their upbringing, why they don’t work with advertisers, how they built a paid community of thousands of people, creating content, and more. Joe’s a great dude, and they are a tremendous resource for information. If you’re into what Joe’s talking about, check them out.Salt Strong website

  • 127: Murielle Gaither, founder of Venku

    06/07/2021 Duração: 49min

    Today, we have another outdoor entrepreneur on the show, and she’s going to highlight just what it’s taken to get her company off the ground. Murielle Gaither is the founder and CEO of Venku. I’m going to leave it to her to talk about what Venku is, but let’s just say she’s building a way for people to engage with the outdoors, and what I like most about Murielle’s company is that it involves lowering the barrier. I’ve talked so much about this over the years of hosting this podcast. I don’t think we need more ways to find expert level information. I think we need more people finding ways to get people involved in fishing and especially hunting for the first time. As they find their passion, they’ll become experts over

  • 126: Comedian, fly fisherman & biologist, Eeland Stribling

    15/06/2021 Duração: 53min

    I have the first comedian I’ve ever had on Restless Native. He also happens to be a fly fisherman, wildlife biologist, and an educator. Eeland Stribling is a really great guy. I kept seeing this guy pop up in various content from brands, and someone on my team recommended him for my other show, Gearbox Talk. We did that, and I asked him to sit down for this show as well just to unveil a little bit about his journey into the space.We talk about his comedy, fishing and his grandfather, who actually has been a really important role model for Eeland. I think this show is a fun change of pace, and yet another I’m proud to add to the long lineup of fascinating guests for Restless Native. Watch Eeland on Gearbox Talk

  • 125: Montana Recap with Bergara & CVA’s Damon Bungard

    02/06/2021 Duração: 38min

    I spent a few days out in Montana with Bergara and CVA's parent company, BPI Outdoors with team GoWild's Jacob Knight. We got to shoot a ton of guns (hey, free ammo!) and see some innovations from both manufacturers. We're in new territory in a post-pandemic world. These types of events may become more of the norm after 2020. We'll talk about that with Damon. Be sure to check out the new products:BergaraCVARestless Native is Brought to You By GoWildJoin the best community for outdoor enthusiasts. Download here.

  • 124: Founder of Trips4Trade, Slade Johnston

    18/05/2021 Duração: 53min

    I’m a sucker for a good entrepreneurial story. Toss in trying to build a company in the outdoor space?Now I’m hooked. Today’s guest is someone I met through the industry when he was first getting his company off the ground. Standing in a loud honky tonk dive bar in Nashville Tennessee, he outlined his plans to build something that would allow people to trade outdoor experiences. It sounded kinda crazy. Which in Startupland, is how you know you’re on the right path. Slade Johnston is the founder of Trips4Trade. Today, he’s going to tell us not only what it is, but the moments and milestones he’s had along the way, the hardest part of his journey, an entrepreneur he looks up to and why he’s so passionate about R3.Trip4Trade

  • 123: Backpacker & Founder of Black Folks Camp Too, Earl B. Hunter, Jr.

    04/05/2021 Duração: 51min

    Memorial Day is coming, which will officially kick off summer for most Americans. Millions of people will spend their summer camping and hiking. But today’s guest sees a gap in one audience. Earl B. Hunter, Jr. founded Black Folks Camp Too to focus on opening up the outdoors to more people, specifically, the black community. I saw a news story about Earl and his mission last summer, and he was kind enough to respond to my cold inquiry about his mission.He was recently a guest on my other show, Gearbox Talk, to talk about hiking gear. And on this episode, we’re going to talk about the challenges Earl saw, and how he’s conquering those challenges with Black Folks Camp Too.Website:

  • 122: Hunt to Eat Founder & Photographer, Mahting Putelis

    20/04/2021 Duração: 50min

    Sometimes I feel oversaturated with news about hunter numbers. They’re up, they’re down. And then back up again. Now Outdoor Life says we have no clue what they are. Whatever they are or aren’t, I think we need to do better. Even if hunting spiked last year, we have to realize there is some bubble happening here. Of course people hunted more last year, it was one of the only things you could do. How many times have I said that we were losing hunters to youth sports? And Netflix? Well youth sports were shut down last year, and there’s only so many rounds of your favorite show you can watch before you have to move or become part of the couch. There are some really interesting plays happening in the outdoor space. You have people like AJ De Rosa, Nic De Castro, Slade Johnston, Murielle Gaither, Adam Gifford, and my team at GoWild so many others, who are making strong tech plays to get more people outside. I hope that together, we’re building a strong enough community to avoid losing hunters when this bubble burs

  • 121: Jack Carr, Navy SEAL Sniper & Author

    06/04/2021 Duração: 01h03min

    Jack Carr was a Navy SEAL for twenty years. He’s led assault and sniper teams through places like Afghanistan and Iraq.And he’s the New York Times best selling author of Savage Son, along with The Terminal List and True Believer. In this interview:His military experiencePreviews of the book, which drops April 13How Jack separates himself from his main characterThe new TV series coming out about Jack’s book seriesI hate picking a favorite, but this might just be my favorite Restless Native ever. I am such a big fan of Jack. He’s one of the most down to earth people I have ever met. And no matter how many times you’ve heard him before, or if you’re totally new to him, I think you’ll find this show fascinating.Jack Carr's Website

  • 120: The Hunting Public’s Aaron Warbritton

    23/03/2021 Duração: 35min

    Most of you probably know The Hunting Public, but do you know their story? Do you know why they decided to found their business? Do you really understand what they’re trying to do?I’ve really come to respect these guys, because I have first hand seen how they’re running not only their content, but their business. They’re not pay to play, swapping sponsors out nonstop and grossly creating sponsored kills. They are themselves all the time. That’s something to admire. We’re going to talk about all of that and talk about how Aaron feels about the culture of hunting. If you haven’t seen it, Aaron was recently on my other show, Gearbox Talk, too. Don’t miss that one. This podcast is brought to you by GoWild.

  • BONUS: Brad on the First Gen Hunter Podcast

    16/03/2021 Duração: 01h38min

    Check out the First Gen Hunter podcastRestless Native is brought to you by GoWild. Don't miss our new hat, the Thunder Chicken. Presale only. Limited run.

  • 119: Hunter & Outdoor Entrepreneur, Nic De Castro (LandTrust)

    09/03/2021 Duração: 01h55s

    Do hunters have an access issue?  This simple question will throw people into fits. Some are hardcore public lands. Some don’t care. Today I have the founder of LandTrust on the show. We’re going to discuss public lands and the future of private. Nic De Castro has a very interesting take on the future of conservation through private access. We’ll also talk about LandTrust’s unique model. They’re growing rapidly right now, and Nic is a very sharp entrepreneur who has a strong vision for where his company needs to be. LandTrust and use NWTF10 to save 10% and we'll donate a portion of our proceeds to the National Wild Turkey Federation.

  • 118: Professional Outdoor Media Association’s Thomas MacAulay

    23/02/2021 Duração: 53min

    The hook and bullet industry has been and is still living through some of the wildest times we’ve known. So today, I’ve got the head of one of the industry’s leading media organizations on the show to talk about it.Thomas MacAulay is going to highlight why you can’t find ammo, why it’s harder than you think to just “make more guns” and he’s going to talk about how his organization, the Professional Outdoor Media Association, is dealing with the pressure of a year that killed conventions and trade shows as we know it. Thomas has designed and is hosting what will be the firearms industry’s first show back amid the turmoil that has been the coronavirus. We’ll outline details on that at the end. Restless Native is Brought to you by GoWildJoin today. POMA websiteShooting Sport Showcase:

  • 117: Remi Warren, TV Show Host, Photographer & Guide

    09/02/2021 Duração: 45min

    Today’s guest is one you’ve probably heard from many times over. But as always, I focused on asking a different set of questions and digging deep. This Restless Native is with the one and only, Remi Warren. You’ve heard Remi talk about stalking, hunting, archery and much more. But today we’re talking about community, societal expectations, hunting as a right, and how to avoid censorship. Remi is a TV show host, writer, photographer, videographer and just one of the best content creators in the hunting industry. I wanted to hear about his journey, where he started, and he delivers some fantastic advice on how to build your own portfolio and highlights how he just fought his way into the industry with brute force. It’s a great interview.Restless Native is brought to you by GoWildGearJunkie named GoWild the best social app for hunters. See why—join today.

  • 116: Firearms Historian, Logan Metesh

    26/01/2021 Duração: 53min

    However well you think you know firearms or history, or firearms history, today’s guest has you beat. I mean, probably. Today I have Logan Metesh on the show, and he has a degree in, is trained in, and makes his living in history. No, not like, he used to. That’s what he does for a living—talk about history. He found a way to tie his passion for American history back to the firearms industry, and today we’re talking about just how he did that, some amazing pieces he has seen, and how he is likely one of the only people to know what it was like to sit in the seat where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Wow. We also have some discussion around American’s seeming inability to have discussion. I ask Logan the big question of, is history doomed to repeat itself?Stick around for the answer. High Caliber History WebsiteHigh Caliber History Podcast

  • 115: Mark Norquist, Hunter, Angler & Modern Educator

    13/01/2021 Duração: 34min

    Today on the podcast is a great guy and the founder of Modern Carnivore. Mark Norquist is a hunter and angler who believes the path to education is through food. Mark has worked in marketing and media for more than 20 years. He has a lifelong passion for outdoor pursuits including hunting, fishing, foraging and more.Mark will also be appearing on my other show, Gearbox Talk, where we talk all about Darkhouse Fishing. Make sure you subscribe to GoWild’s YouTube channel so you don’t miss it. Modern Carnivore

  • 114: Laura Zerra, Naked & Afraid Star, Survivalist & Hunter

    22/12/2020 Duração: 58min

    Laura Zerra commanded attention and built a strong fan following on her multiple tours through the Discovery Channel show, Naked and Afraid. Now if you haven’t seen this show, you might think it’s not for real survivalist. And you, good, sir or madam, would be wrong. Laura Zerra is legit. Her journey to become a survivalist is very interesting. She’s the polar opposite of a prepper. Let’s get that straight right now. Laura is the anti prepper, in many ways. Preppers need their things. They hoard, and much of their plans require their equipment. You could literally drive Laura off into a desert with no water or food, and my money would be on her vs. the vultures. This episode is sponsored by HuntStandUse code GoWild to get your discount at the HuntStand website.

  • 113: Tethrd Founder & Hunter, Greg Godfrey

    08/12/2020 Duração: 49min

    This show is going to leave you hanging, because we’re talking about saddle hunting. Greg Godfrey founded Tethrd for one reason. We’re going to dive into that reason and the story behind it today. You all know I LOVE talking to founders. I love hearing the background. And man, I love whitetail hunting. Before we dive into this interview, please take a moment to leave a review on the show or to share it with a friend. I don’t really care which one, but I do ask that you help share the love. If you’re really  into this interview with Greg, check out my other show, Gearbox Talk, where I break down Parker McDonald’s Tethrd setup. It’s on the GoWild YouTube channel. 

  • 112: Cable Smith, Radio Host & World-Traveled Hunter

    24/11/2020 Duração: 47min

    I went down to Texas and found somebody who’s not afraid to speak his mind. OK, some of you are probably thinking that’s a lot of Texans. I agree. Texas is an amazing place. If I were to leave the great state of Kentucky for a place of residence, Texas would be high among my list for consideration. One of Texas’ best known radio hosts is on Restless Native today, and we are not pulling punches. We’re talking about if social media is good for hunting, discussing this messed up year and talking about creating content while staying true to yourself. Enjoy this episode with Cable Smith from the Lone Star Outdoor Show.

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