Doing Stuff Daily

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 7:20:23
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If you want to change your life, change something you do every day. This is your source of encouragement, inspiration, and practical ideas for creating new daily habits and routines that will increase your productivity and personal success.


  • DSD - 049 Never Too Late to be Great

    20/02/2019 Duração: 04min

    I'm 60 years old and I'm just getting started. when I look back, I see too many wasted years. I don't have time to waste any more. I've set myself on a 10-year track to personal success that will not be denied.  It doesn't matter what has happened up to this point. It's only made me who I am. What I do today will make what I will become. Age is just a number and late is no longer in the equation. Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.  Facebook:  Twitter:  Instagram:  LinkedIn:  

  • DSD - 048 Nothing Worthwhile is Easy

    13/02/2019 Duração: 03min

    Easy is stuff that's given to you. Easy come. Easy go. But if you work for it. I mean, work hard for it, you will value it much more. It is the representation of you blood, sweat and tears. I fought for my marriage that I almost lost. In order to make it strong again, I had to work hard at it. Harder than anything i've ever worked at before.  If it's worth the prize, it's worth the fight. Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.  Facebook:  Twitter:  Instagram:  LinkedIn:

  • DSD - 047 Patience is Power

    06/02/2019 Duração: 05min

    This doesn't mean sitting on your hands doing nothing. Do not confuse patience with laziness. Do not use patience as an excuse for being lazy.  Patience is working hard, working smart, working fast. The results are not immediate. They may even be a long way off but you keep working knowing that eventually all your hard work will pay off. Patience is quiet, steady perseverance, the supression of restlessness when facing delay. It is continuing & not quitting, knowing your hard work will result in success.  Facebook:  Twitter:  Instagram:  LinkedIn:  

  • DSD-046 The Result is Worth the Sacrifice

    30/01/2019 Duração: 05min

    Very simple, direct thought... The Result is Worth the Sacrifice. If the sacrifice is compromised, the result will never be realized. Do the work! Do whatever it takes to get the result you want. Sacrifice. Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.  Facebook:  Twitter:  Instagram:  LinkedIn:

  • DSD-045 Failure to Learn is True Failure

    23/01/2019 Duração: 04min

    "Anybody can make a mistake but only a fool makes the same mistake twice." I guess that makes me a fool a few times over. The difference is, now I don't let failure keep me from trying again. I'm the kind of guy that will not quit. I believe anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. This is true as long as doing it poorly doesn't become a habit. Get better at it or stop doing it altogether. I'm learning how to learn better. A few years ago I had a goal of reading 50 books. It ended up just reading and not learning. My goal this year is to read 4 books and go deep in each one for 3 months. I want to learn, not read. When you learn, write it down. Have a notebook and keep details. Writing will help you retain what you learn. Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.  Facebook:  Twitter:  Instagram: ht

  • DSD-044 Follow Purpose Not Money

    16/01/2019 Duração: 04min

    Yup, I lost a couple grand following the money. It seemed like an easy thing at the time. Just promote the other website and get $1,000 commission. Do it twice and I'm even. Do it more and you're in the black. Well, I'm still in the red on that one. Color me a sucker. That's what I was. I'm now on a mission to follow my purpose, and my primary purpose in life is to help others grow and share their wisdom with the world. I guess we could call that Wisdom-trading. We are wisdom-traders with the world. As we share and follow our own purpose and help others. money will find us. it's not a magic money belt. It's not a get rich quick scheme. It's not even a get rich slow scheme. It's not a scheme at all. Money will follow in it's own time. Focus on your purpose and you will find ways to make money by helping others through your purpose.  Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book. 

  • DSD-043 Change Your Focus For Success

    09/01/2019 Duração: 08min

    If you want to change the outcome of whatever it is you're working on, you must first change your focus to the best possible outcome for that project.  Belief is the first action and attitude to have before any project will be successful. My word for the year 2019 is "BELIEVE." What's yours? Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.  Facebook:  Twitter:  Instagram:  LinkedIn:

  • DSD-042 There Will Be Haters

    19/12/2018 Duração: 06min

    Friends may come and friends may go but enemies accumulate. 3 Questions... 1. Who hates you? 2. Why do they hate you? 3. Does it matter who hates you? While watching a behind-the-scene video on how to do Facebook Live, this social media Boss did the best thing ever when the trolls and haters started commenting on her broadcast. She didn't read them. She deleted them. Haters have no foothold in her business, work and life. They don't matter. Fringe friends who are always negative about your work and progress are not your friends. Ditch them. When you know you're heading in the right direction, it doesn't matter who hates your work or who hates you.  Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.  Facebook:  Twitter:  Instagram:  LinkedIn: https://www.

  • DSD-041 Fear is an Illusion

    12/12/2018 Duração: 07min

    That's right, people. Fear is an illusion. It isn't real. It's all in your head. It's created in your imagination and you shouldn't give it any time to occupy and paralyze your life... like it has mine for too many years. 2 Things 1. There is no reason to listen to unfounded fears No reason to hold back. No reason to fear failure. No reason to fear rejection. No reason to fear embarrassment. 2. There is no excuse to stop because of unfounded fears Don't play the "What if...?" game. Don't have any "What if...?" conversations. Don't have any exucses. Live each day beyond the idea of fear. Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.  Facebook:  Twitter:  Instagram:  LinkedIn:

  • DSD-040 Living With Integrity

    05/12/2018 Duração: 05min

    I once worked for a man who did just two things to me. Not for me. Not with me... but to me.  He lied to me and he lied about me. He treated all of his staff that way and I feel fortunate to have walked away without any damage to my own reputation. He was eventually removed from his position. For the next several years, I refused to talk to anyone about the situation because I could not speak honestly about him without "trashing" him. Sometimes honesty requires you to just keeping your mouth shut.  Some truth is just opinion. "Is this dress pretty?" The answer is subjective. When my wife asks me this, I tell her she is gorgeous but the dress is not my favorite. Honest answer to a subjective question. If I just blurt out and say the dress is ugly, it is also true to me because my opinion of a dress is subjective. I choose a more tactful approach. You should too. This idea comes from a Zig Ziglar quote... If you always tell the truth, you will have nothing to hide. Telling the truth tactfully is an artform. It

  • DSD - 039 Never Stop Learning

    28/11/2018 Duração: 06min

    Not a lot of notes today except to ask you this: How are you learning new stuff? Is it on YouTube? Kinda legit, depending on the topic. Podcasts? Well, you're listening to this one, right? Books? That's one of two primary ways for me. (The other is online membership sites specific to areas I want to excel in) Whatever your mode of learning is, do it everyday. Learn something new every day. Create the habit of learning and recording something new every single day without fail. When you do, you move closer to achieving your goal. But it doesn't stop there. Learning is one thing. Putting what' you've learned into practice is where the gold can be found. Being smart and knowledgable is useless without practical application. Learn stuff. Put it into practice in your daily life.   Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.    Websites:  Facebook:https://www.facebook

  • DSD 038 - Gratitude

    21/11/2018 Duração: 06min

    Never take gratefulness for granted. A simple list of things to be grateful for every day. Family... stuff that works... stuff you have... the opportunity before you... right now... good times... rough times... learning times... the littlest of things... The big widsom bomb of the day: WHAT YOU ARE TRULY GRATEFUL FORYOU WILL TREAT DIFFERENTLY. Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.  Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn:

  • DSD - 037 Be the Individual

    14/11/2018 Duração: 07min

    Too many people try to be like everybody else. They dress like them, try to talk like them, copy their style, their mannerisms, and so on. DON'T BE A CLONE ARTIST! The more you try to recreate someone else, the less you become of, well, you. There is some truth to the phrase, "I'm unique, just like everybody else." There are a lot of people online who may be doing the same thing but nobody's doing it the same way. They have a unique slant that takes information and makes it uniquely theirs. Even though you've heard the topic many times before, it is the presentation and individual slant that may resonate with you. I met a unique person who does what many other people so online, but it's her uniqueness, just being herself, that makes her business and presence fresh and unique.  She does online social media marketing. Her name is Rachel Pedersen. You can say she's just like everybody else that does SMM. You can also say she's uniquely her in everything she does.  Take the knowledge. Be yourself with what you le

  • DSD - 036 100% is Easy

    07/11/2018 Duração: 08min

    I don't know how many times I've talked about this and I don't care. I guess it's because I've taken too many back doors or open windows in my past and don't want to take any more. Once you're past half way, there's absolutely no reason why you'd turn back. That being said, you still have to move forward and finish what you started. When you leave an out, a side door, a back door, an open window, the struggle is to ignore the opportunity, however small, to take that out. When you have no other options to consider, there's nothing left for you to do but succeed. Content based on the book "Conquer What's Next" available now. Bill McConnell is the content creator and author of the book.    Websites:  Facebook:  Facebook Page:  Twitter:  Instagram:  Google Plus:

  • DSD-035 Habits Make or Break Us

    31/10/2018 Duração: 05min

    This is the 6th habit in the “20 Habits of Success” series Is there any chance you might have a bad habit or two? Everybody probably does. What if those bad habits are keeping you from being more successful? Currently, the worst bad habit that I can identify with is getting caught in the black hole of media videos…  I watch just one that may even be relevant to my writing or research. The next one is right there waiting for you to click on it… and I do. Next thing I know, 30 minutes has passed and I’m still watching “Fail Army” or “People are Awesome.” The result of this bad habit is wasted time. I don’t have any time to waste. Neither do you. I want you to memorize a definition… a definition for the word “Habit.” You’re not going to find this definition in any dictionary or even in popular books written specifically about habits. Here it is: Habits are a conscious, daily activity you’ve chosen not to live without. 3 Elements… #1 Conscious... You’re aware of the action #2 Daily Activity... You do it everyday.

  • DSD-034 Control Your Own Future

    24/10/2018 Duração: 04min

    Podcast 033 This is the 5th habit in the “20 Habits of Success” series Control Your Own Life This means you should take responsibility for your own life. Being personally responsible means not making any excuses. It wasn’t my fault. The other guy screwed up. I didn’t have the right instructions. Google Maps was wrong. I once interviewed with a man who wanted to hire me to work for his “company.” The entire interview he told me about himself, how he built the company, he makes the money, he controls the growth. He also told me he owned a softball team. (Nobody owns a softball team) He just sponsored the team by buying their uniforms for them.  Needless to say, he was a narcissist and a control freak. To work for him would mean him telling me exactly what to do and I would have to do it. I turned that job offer down. Even though I needed a job, I wasn’t going to work for him. I knew that if everything went well, he’d take the credit. If anything went wrong, he’d blame me for it. Florence Nightingale said it bes

  • DSD-033 Plain Hard Work

    17/10/2018 Duração: 05min

    What’s one job around the house that you absolutely hate to do? For me… mowing the lawn. Mowed in circles for 2 years just to mess with the neighbors It’s been said that one will work 8 hours for a job, 10 hours for a good boss 24 hours for a cause he believes in. What is your definition of success? I heard John Maxwell say, “Success is having the love and respect of those you love the most.” Note what’s missing from that definition… Title (or) Position and Money Take some time and write out your definition of success. Don’t research it. Just do it. If your definition of success involves negatively affecting or excluding others close to you… IT’S NOT SUCCESS. DO IT AGAIN. If your definition of success involves making a ton of money… IT’S NOT SUCCESS. DO IT AGAIN. If your definition of success involves breaking or tearing others down as you build yourself up… IT’S NOT SUCCESS. DO IT AGAIN. Bottom line… Nothing replaced hard work. Do you want to be the definition of success that you just defined? Get to work. N

  • DSD-032 Your Past Doesn't Dictate Your Future

    10/10/2018 Duração: 04min

    3rd installment in a series “20 Habits of Success” Think back to your teenage years. High school… Scary, right? Think of the time you absolutely blew it… Missed the shot. Missed the tackle. Didn’t ask the girl to the dance because you were afraid she’d say no. Got it in your mind… OK, now change it! You can’t. It’s impossible. It’s in the past yet you remember that failure and wish you’d done something different. Past failures have a habit of creeping back into your head and telling you you’ll fail again. Your past doesn’t dictate your future. It will only if you let it. Don’t let it. As I grew up, my father told me I’d never amount to much. He never said it but I cannot remember a single word of encouragement he gave me. Not one. He taught me how to be afraid of everything. I grew up believing I had to be afraid of everything and that belief has robbed me of many opportunities to be and act differently. Not anymore… I still have many fears ingrained into me… hardwired through the first 22+ years of my life.

  • DSD-031 Direction Determines Outcome

    02/10/2018 Duração: 07min

    Today is the HABIT OF PERSONAL DIRECTION…the second of 20 “Habits of Success” and I’m sharing my honest journey through each of them.    I know what it’s like for someone to feel they have no direction in life. I was there, and I stayed there too long. I had to learn to aim at something and become laser-focused on that target. The habit of personal direction will help set you on a course that is more pavement than gravel, has less early morning fog and the view from the top as well as the journey itself is breathtaking.  Every PERSONcan KNOW WHERE THEY’RE GOING IN LIFEby CULTIVATING THE HABIT OF PERSONAL DIRECTION. My wife and I were with friends and together decided to drive to the top of Mount Evans, one of few 14,000 ft. mountains you can drive to. We paid our fare and started up the paved road, but the weather was not very good at all. Within two miles we were in dense fog. We couldn’t see more than 10 feet in front of the vehicle. My wife started to freak out because she has a very real fear of heights a

  • DSD 030 Habit #1 Believe in Yourself

    25/09/2018 Duração: 09min

    Today is the HABIT OF PERSONAL BELIEF… the first of 20 “Habits of Success” and I’m going to share my honest journey through each of them. Every PERSON can HELP THOSE THEY LOVE THE MOST by BELIEVING IN THEMSELVES FIRST. I know for a fact that if you don’t believe you, no one else will either.  Your own negative self-doubt starts to rub off on those you’re closest to, like your spouse, kids and friends.   The habit of personal self-belief will give you confidence that cannot be confused with arrogance, you will not turn into someone’s puppy dog and your future will look brighter than ever.  Confidence should be taught at a very young age. Children should be raised to be self-confident. Most are not. I was not. Because I was not raised this way, I became dependent on another person’s confidence. When I was growing up through junior high and high school I remember I had no identity of my own and no confidence in myself. I had glasses I had to wear every day. They weren’t stylish and none of my peers wore them. I

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