Q & A StartUp Hotline: (855) 898-1305 x200Simply call and leave your question and it will be answered during the podcast or weekly conference call.StartUp Conference Call: (949) 229-4100 PIN 4740#Weekly conference calls covering various topics to help our members achieve their business goals.Interview RequestTo request an interview send your personal LinkedIn profile to, cell phone number, and best time to call. One of our team members will reach out to get you scheduled. All participants will receive questions designed by our team to get them prepared.Email: launch@startupstafford.comFacebook: @StartUpStaffordTwitter: @StartUpStaffordWebsite: www.StartUpStafford.comStartUpStafford exists to promote, inspire, encourage, and educate entrepreneurs in the 540 local area to "innovate and expand" beyond their horizons. Our podcasts will feature "540Rockstars" that are taking "Stafford" to new heights in all industries.Our team will be selectively interviews entrepreneurs, StartUps, and GoGetters in the 540 local area. To get featured on the show, email your LinkedIn Profile to OpportunitiesEach month our team will select a 540Rockstar to promote their business to our audience for one month. The audio file must be in mp3 format (max 30 seconds).EventsOur team will be hosting live and virtual seminars, webinars, and workshops featuring speakers and authors to inspire, encourage, and educate individuals seeking to become entrepreneurs. The events will be posted on (stay on the lookout)eBookAll entrepreneurs and business owners featured on the show will be included in the upcoming eBook - "Launch Smarter not HARDER".Our Sponsor(s)Our team wants to send a BIG shoutout to the following sponsors who believe in our - DIY whiteboard video - Domain names, email marketing, WordPress hosting, and - Access up to $500K (business owners only) - Incorporate in all 50 - Ultimate marketing platformSocial MediaLike us on Twitter and Facebook @StartUpStafford and join the FBG to get free tips and advice.#LearnLaunchGrow (Not just a SLOGAN but a LIFESTYLE) is owned and operated by BigNet Media Group a Virginia corporation.
What's Always Included in Getting Success
19/01/2021 Duração: 13minThere are millions of tips and tricks floating around that you can use to achieve whatever you want in life. But there are a few that are always present. Acceptance and recognition of the desire to change are where it all begins. Anything less makes your desire only a dream. Having complete clarity of precisely what you want will separate you from almost everybody on the planet. It will also accelerate your progress. Asking yourself, "If not this, then what?" is an excellent way to begin. Commitment to success, no matter what gets in the way, is the only way to sure that life doesn't get in your way. Being willing to do whatever it takes is a virtual guarantee that you will get what you want. Finally, two things are always around: taking as much action and being as flexible as required to reach your goal. You CAN do much, but success comes faster when you focus on what you MUST do.
Their Goals. Your Goals. Who Wins?
18/01/2021 Duração: 11minSome goals happen quickly. Others take longer. A lot longer. How can you keep your goals alive while you make them a reality? 1) Stop falling for someone else's goals. Everybody has something they want to achieve. It's not bad. It could be useful. In any case, it is a distraction. Know what you want and why you want it. 2) Once you are listening to yourself, be sure that you commit to your plan and never, ever, ever, give up. 3) While you make progress, be on alert when others insert their goals into your life. They are tricky little things. They'll distract you without you even knowing. As you move along, always keep this question in your mind— "Is this an opportunity that will move me closer to my goal or further away?" There is only one answer that will improve your life.
How To Get Lucky in Life
11/01/2021 Duração: 10minHave you noticed that some people seem to get luckier than others? Have you also noticed that they are not just sitting around collecting luck? Getting lucky is almost always the result of taking action on an opportunity that presents itself. Even finding a twenty-dollar bill on the sidewalk resulted from having the chance to take a walk - and doing it. There are three rules to attracting more luck into your life: 1) Get in the habit of seeking and recognizing opportunities that cross your path every day. They might be hidden so keep your eyes open. 2) When you spot one, immediately decide if taking action will move you closer to your goals. 3) If your heart and soul tell you to go for it, jump in with both feet, commit to your action, and get busy turning that opportunity into the luck you’ve been seeking. In the future, when somebody asks how you’ve been so lucky in your life, tell them that you just like to stay busy. The rest takes care of itself.
Reach Your Goals Faster with 3 Questions
04/01/2021 Duração: 11minThere are so many choices in front of us every day. Each has the power to determine when and whether you will achieve your goals. Once you know the outcome you desire, these questions will help: 1) What CAN you do today that will lead directly and quickly to achieving your goal. 2) What SHOULD you do today that will lead directly and quickly to achieving your goal? 3) What MUST you do today that will lead directly and quickly to achieving your goal? It’s simple. Make your next action that one that gets the result you want as fast as possible. Everything else can wait. I dare you to try it.
Easiest Way To Thrive in 2021
28/12/2020 Duração: 10minIt's time to crank up those 2021 goals with a new year upon us. Why not choose a simple way? One of the easiest methods of achieving success is to stick to tried and true. That doesn't mean you can't move toward something more meaningful. It means that you forgo new knowledge and skill and leverage what you already understand. The easy way to success assumes: 1) You already have experience and wisdom. You will learn any new skill if, and only if needed. 2) You will choose the path of least resistance. The goal is to get the results you want in the fastest period. No distractions. No zig-zagging. 3) Overthinking burns too many brain calories. If you find yourself confused and stuck, accept that you may need to reevaluate your plan. Do it fast. Human nature will compel you to clutter your success journey with distraction. Seek the direct route to the results you want. It's easier.
Grateful For The Past Year
21/12/2020 Duração: 10minIt's the time of year when gift-giving is everywhere - but those are not the most important you have received. Every day that passes, you experience life. The good. The bad. The ugly. Those experiences add up to incredible life lessons that you carry forever. That leads me to a question - What experiences did you have last year that you consider a gift? It is challenging or pleasurable. How you perceive has the power to transform your future. As you head into Christmas, take a moment and give thanks for the gifts that 2020 produced. That'll make the next year even better.
Why People Fail at Their Goals
15/12/2020 Duração: 10minSetting goals is a process that can happen automatically or consciously. Sometimes you find yourself on a path. Other times you choose your path, which is the only way to control your outcome. Why should you choose your path? Because there are three elements to successful goal completion: 1) Principles are the foundation that supports your belief or behavior. 2) Strategies are your action plan to achieve your goal. 3) Tactics are the steps you take to achieve your final goal. Think. Plan. Act. That’s the path forward to reach any goal. Focus on Principles, Strategies, and Tactics. Anything else will cause you to slide backward.
Opportunity Discrimination
14/12/2020 Duração: 09minDo you have too many options and are having a difficult time choosing? There is a concept called "Opportunity Cost.” It is simply the value gained or the value lost in deciding what opportunities you will pursue. I tend to focus on another question entirely - "Does an opportunity provide the fastest and most direct path for me to reach my goals?" It's easy to look at almost any opportunity and justify a path, especially if you are being persuaded by someone else. It’s more difficult to make a choice. If you want to break free from a stalled life, you must eliminate anything that takes you off course and stay focused on your goals.
2021 is the Year of Decision
07/12/2020 Duração: 10minI’ve learned the single most powerful way to build momentum is to make a decision. That's why I’ve chosen “Decide” as my guiding word for next year. When you make a decision, any decision, it can be life-changing - as long as you understand… Decision making is not about a “Yes or No.” Like Yin and Yang, each is the same as the other, only opposite. A decision is also not about “Maybe.” Unlike being opposite, it's a confusing mess of everything negative and positive. What is decision making about? It’s about cutting off all other options and focusing your energy forward. As you gain momentum, you leave your frustrations behind. Deciding can be scary. But it can also be exhilarating. It's also a good habit to develop.
Setting Goals The Smart Way
03/12/2020 Duração: 10minI'm a big fan of setting big-ass goals. Dreaming BIG is my natural state - which is why S.M.A.R.T. goals are not all that smart. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound. While it may seem like a good plan, I can't wrap my head around not setting goals because they don't seem achievable or realistic. Excuse me? Since when did big-ass goals seem achievable and realistic? If that were true, you would already be doing them. Anytime you are moving from dreaming into doing you will be living in the land of crazy and scary. If you hold yourself to what is achievable and realistic, you might as well keep doing what you're doing. Instead… dream BIG and start taking baby steps. It won’t be long before your goals become real. Sponsored by Jiminy's... To learn more and save 15% on your first purchase, go to slash BOOST and use code BOOST15 at checkout.
A Different Way of Planning
01/12/2020 Duração: 12minI was on the phone with a client this morning when he said, ”I don’t know why I have such a hard time planning my day-to-day stuff? I just want my day to be easier!” I get it. Everybody does. And to make that happen, you need a mindset shift. First to consider is that non-stop and continuous planning of every task every day is exhausting. It only adds another level of stress to your day. Instead, planning should be done occasionally with a broader focus on short, medium, and long-term. The goal is NOT to spend your life planning. It is creating containers where you plan to do your work or play. Once you have your containers, you load them with goals and tasks and get them done. When things require adjustments, make another plan. Make your plan and work your plan. Don’t keep change things. That’s how you get what you want.
How To Believe in Yourself
30/11/2020 Duração: 11minIt’s the time of year when the world begins to believe. Children always believe. They don’t know otherwise. Adults view the world with a different set of eyes, so building self-confidence requires a little more focus. 1) Building belief in yourself begins by taking care of yourself. There is tremendous power in taking control of your body, mind, and spirit daily. You will feel yourself get stronger from the inside out. 2) Once you take control of your own life, it’s time to open your horizons and expand your worldview. Be brave and look outside yourself for new ways to explore the world around you. Start with small steps and grow. The more steps you take, the more your belief in yourself will arise. 3) Share what you have learned with others and give them a helping hand. The positive feedback you receive will build the belief and self-confidence that will make you unstoppable.
Why You Should Set Goals
23/11/2020 Duração: 10minAre you feeling excited to be alive today? Why not fire yourself up by becoming a goal setter on a mission to maximize your life experience? I've said for years that goals are the heartbeat of your life. Goals make you feel alive and give purpose to your daily experience - and experience is what life is all about. You can also consider goals as tangible expressions of your values. Through your daily actions, you express how you feel on the inside. Goals are also automatic. Set them for yourself, or you'll find that other, well-meaning people will be happy to set them for you. The meaningful life you desire is a result of setting and pursuing meaningful goals. Never set goals and forget them. Set, pursue, and LIVE them. Sponsored by Blinkist... Go to to start your free 7-day trial and get 25% off of a Blinkist Premium membership.
Simple Reset For Maximum Productivity
17/11/2020 Duração: 11minHow would you like to be more productive AND enjoy your day? I’ve always been the kind of person who believed that life is life. Whether living your personal life, working at your job, or building a business. You are still the same person no matter what you are doing. Leaving yourself behind while you do something else is not a recipe or success. Instead, as you go about the business of your day, why not have a little bit of YOU tucked in your back pocket? Do you have a hobby? Do you need to send a note to a loved one? Are you working your way through a romance novel? Your goal should be to find small breaks between your focus at work to be YOU for a few minutes before getting back to work. Two things will happen: 1) You’ll get more done. I promise. 2) You’ll be living your authentic self. No matter what you find yourself doing today, YOU are still YOU. Be a happier warrior and bring yourself to every challenge. Sponsored by Nutrafol - Get TWENTY PERCENT OFF at Use the promo code MTM.
How To Completely Change Your Life - The Easy Way
16/11/2020 Duração: 12minHave you been running full speed ahead - knowing you’re not heading in the right direction? It’s easy to get caught up in the business of life and find yourself off track. Could your experience could be better? It comes down to awareness and decisions: 1) Everything begins when you recognize that something needs to change - and admit it to yourself. Is the time now? 2) Driving forward will only add to unhappiness. Instead, keep up with life and push the pause button on everything else—no pulling or pushing. You are only pausing. 3) During this time, work your way back to YOU. There’s no hurry. You may have been off-track for a long time. 4) Remember your dreams. Now that you have space, it’s time to explore how everything fits into your life today - and your future. Begin to take action in any direction that makes you happy. Once you find enjoyment, accept it, and defend it with all your energy. Spend the rest of your days bringing more into your life. Sponsored by TEMPO... Go to and use code BOOST
Think Like a Founder With Vision
11/11/2020 Duração: 10minI spoke with a client a few days ago about what is expected from his employees while he is in the office. Like any successful business owner, he hits the ground running and leads be an example. Always available to help, his days were routinely becoming 16-hours long. Vacation days were 8-hours. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see how unsustainable that can be. And that’s not what anybody wants. Whether you work with family, staff, employees, or any group of people, they all want the same thing—empathy, understanding, and leadership. Begin every day by taking a few minutes to see your vision. Spend the day casting that vision; you’ll find that everybody is happier and more successful. The best leaders are members of the tribe, but they never forget their job is to lead others toward their vision. Sponsored by Nutrafol... You can grow thicker, healthier hair AND support the Daily Boost by going to and using promo code MTM. New customers get twenty-percent off. This is their best offer avail
How To Make Sure You Are Living With Gratitude
09/11/2020 Duração: 11minHere we are again, approaching the end of the year. It is a time when you may find your mindset taking on a feeling of gratitude. This year more than ever. What a wild ride it has been! Simply put, gratitude is the state of being grateful. It is also a two-way street: 1) When you are appreciative of what you have received, you have gratitude. That’s the only way that you can expect to get more of what you want. 2) When you express gratitude for what you have received, you are living in a grateful state? The only way others know how you feel is to tell them - right? Receiving and expressing gratitude requires few words. With practice, it requires even less thought. There’s no better way to make your day better than living will gratitude in your heart. Especially when you make sure the world knows it. Sponsored by Tri Niagen... Right now, new customers can save twenty dollars on a three month supply by going to
What Kind of Success Action Are You Taking?
09/11/2020 Duração: 11minAre you a motivated individual? You’ve heard the secret to getting what you want to take action. But what kind of action? Do you choose “Massive IMPERFECT Action” focused on your goal? Willing to do whatever it takes and clean up your mess when you finish? Do you choose “How Bad Do You Want It Action” to fuel your efforts? Do you choose “I Better Do it or Else” ACTION because you see the pain coming if you don’t? Do you choose “You Better Do It or Else” because somebody else will bring the pain? Do you choose “I’m Waiting to See What Happens” ACTION and put your fate in something else? Do you choose “I’m Not Going to Do Anything” ACTION because you don’t know what to do? Whether your action is passive or active; there is a reward or penalty. You may as well select the one that serves you best. Sponsored by HelloFresh Go to and use code DAILYBOOST90 to get $90 off, including free shipping.
Tidy Up Your Day
03/11/2020 Duração: 11minNo matter how busy your day gets, there are always two things that will improve any day. First, seek to learn one good thing each day that will make you a better person. You will likely need to carve out a dedicated time to make that happen, but it's worth it. It's time to become the person you are meant to be. Not only will you be happier, but all the other challenges of the day will also become much more manageable. And since you never know how long you will walk on this planet, be sure to tidy up your day. Making an effort never to have any loose ends provides peace of mind. It also makes for a good night's sleep. Mindlessly going through your day is for amateurs. Mindfulness is how you make sure every day fulfills your purpose. How would you like to learn the key takeaways and need to know information from the best selling books in less than 15 minutes? You need to get Blinkist. Go to find out more - and get 25% off a Premium Membership and a 7-day free trial.
What You Can Learn From a Happy Dog
02/11/2020 Duração: 10minI have a friend named Jaxon that is so consistent and successful; he makes me a bit jealous. I know I shouldn’t be that way, but I can’t help it. Jaxon is not the most talented. He doesn’t work harder. He doesn’t get serious and stuffy. Win or lose, Jaxon always has a reason to celebrate, although he wins most of the time - then he takes a nap. My dog, Levi, likes Jaxon too. They compete together in dog agility competitions. Levi runs faster and wins more blue ribbons. He also crashes and burns more too. While their styles are different, both dogs run because they love it. Both are winners, Both are happy dogs. You can learn a lot from a happy dog. Whether you run fast or slow, as long as you enjoy the game, you will be will always be a winner. Our sponsor today is Betterhelp. Join over 1 million people that are taking charge of their mental health - and get 10% off your first month. Visit right now.

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