It's About The Journey With Jennifer Conrad

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 2:06:52
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Welcome to It's All About The Journey with Jennifer Conrad where amazing things happen, and we get real about talking our motivations, passions, and what drives us to become better people!


  • S1 EP9: Living a Life Full of Joy

    02/12/2019 Duração: 15min

    Life seems complicated these days. We’re all busy, yet how do we achieve living a life full of joy.  Success, money, and business are top of our priority list, yet deep in our hearts we need to cultivate a life filled with joy.  We need to allow ourselves to lean into joy and give into those moments, we will build resilience and cultivate joy. 

  • S1. EP8: YOU are Enough — The Three Most Powerful Words

    02/12/2019 Duração: 13min

    You are enough. Hear it, and then hear it again. You are enough. Let it really sink in. We often hear this phrase, but we often forget the depth of the meaning behind it. We live in a world where we continuously feel that we don’t belong and don’t live up to certain expectations of others around us.  The highest expectations are often not the ones that other people set for us, but it’s the high standards we set for ourselves. When we fail to meet these unrealistic expectations, we beat ourselves up, feel a sense of unworthiness, and think we are never going to be enough. Being enough is a mindset, not an acquisition.  Our conditioning plays a major part in this. You know all the stuff  you’ve been picking ever since childhood; the things people have said to you, and the way you have been treated by others. What you think and believe about yourself really matters.  Those unconscious thoughts play  in the background of our minds, can either be negative beliefs or empowering ones.

  • S1. Ep 7 Looking Inward to See Outward

    30/11/2019 Duração: 04min

    Like many these days, I have traveled and relocated quite frequently, and fortunately for me it’s one of my favorite things to do.  At first, I relocated between houses, then cities,  and then eventually different states. I’ve seen beautiful places and met the most wonderful people but by far the best direction I ever moved in is inward. To go inward inside of ourselves, is truly the best place to go if you want to move forward in life. I have discovered no matter where I go in this world, I am exactly in the same place.  This is not your physical location, it’s the place in your life where you’re experiencing your internal environment from which is the inside of yourself. The only place you, me, and everyone else can ever be, is inside. This is so important. Because whatever we feel or think from the inside determines our experience on anything in our external environment.. Our day-to-day. Our relationships. Our work. Our well-being. Everything. Without exception. And yet, whatever inside expe

  • S1. Ep6: Today is The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

    11/11/2019 Duração: 01min

    Today is the first day of the rest of your life. But here's the thing— every day is the first day of the rest of your life. Every day you have a chance to set things up for a better future. And the future will be better. You just need to think about how much your life has changed to see that. If you look at how things were a few years ago, you'll see obstacles you never thought you would overcome, stresses that kept you up at night. But many of those things will just fall by the wayside with time.

  • S1 E.5: Being Grateful For Everything and Everyone: It Changes Everything

    01/06/2019 Duração: 10min

    Gratitude doesn't change everything, but it does change YOU. And when you change, everything seems... different. Listen to this episode about gratitude to remember: when you appreciate what you love, you're asking for more of it to flow through your life.

  • S1E4 Being Selfish Is Okay

    17/02/2019 Duração: 21min

    The reality is that to be truly happy, you need to put "you" first sometimes. If that means being selfish, do so with a smile on your face. Am I saying to ignore others or how they feel, always choose yourself or become completely inconsiderate 100-percent of the time? Absolutely not -- life is about balance.

  • S1E3 Getting Personal With Your Story

    16/01/2019 Duração: 24min

    We crave stories of triumph over adversity because we need to hear them. A story without struggle is ultimately unsatisfying and, as a result, less likely to result in change.  Stories ignite our imagination and help us to make sense of the struggles we all face  during our Metanioa.  Personal stories have the power to shape our lives and Jennifer shares her personal story with the lives of our listeners. 

  • S1E2 New Year, New You, New Vision: Vision Boarding

    03/01/2019 Duração: 16min

     In a world where we are inundated daily with crazy deadlines, it is more important than ever that we focus on making our dreams our reality.  Visionboarding   give us the tools to see our lives with new eyes, fires our imagination, and fuels us with potential mark our goals a reality.

  • S1E1 Metanoia-A Radical Shift in The Way We Think

    02/01/2019 Duração: 18min

     2018 might have been a year that lasted forever, but The Metanoia Project is  is here at last. It took some time, but 2019 has reared its head... and we are here to shed some light on The Metanoia Project  and to help others on the journey of changing one's mind heart, self, or way of life.