Find Your Glee With Dinah G

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 8:46:11
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Are you feeling lost or lonely and looking for meaningful relationships in a community that understands and supports you? Do you feel there's so much more in store for you, but you aren't sure how to get there? It's never too late to create the life you were meant to live. Stop settling for less than what's possible. It's your time to shine! Each week we'll share stories, discuss how-to's and provide tips and resources to tap into your best self. Let's do this already!


  • 17. Season Finale- Find Growth in the Journey

    31/12/2019 Duração: 14min

    In this episode I reflect on the past year.  Initially,  when thinking of 2019, I focused too much on what I didn't accomplish instead of what I DID-  Like creating a freaking podcast!   I got too caught up on the fact that I didn't get an episode out each week, instead of being proud of the fact that I created 17 beautiful episodes with great love and care, and all the work and progress that went into it.  Maybe you need this reminder too? To not be so hard on yourself, and to look at the what, the who, and the special moments with a grateful heart.   I challenge you to look back on this past year and highlight ALL YOU DID... the big and small wins, the new people you met, and those who continue to show up and bless you.  Although it's important to recognize the obstacles so you can learn from them, it's more important to notice the growth in the journey. I hope you join me in doing that, not only as you look back, but as you plan ahead to the New Year!   ACTION ITMES To Consider: 1) Write down all the thing

  • 16. Fierce After 40: Six Tips for Your Younger Self

    26/11/2019 Duração: 24min

    It’s so important to look at how far you’ve come and to celebrate the older wiser woman you are becoming.  These are the Top 6 Things that I Wish I Would Have Told My Younger Self: LET IT WORK ITSELF OUT- Give it time- Be patient and trust that it will work out over time- There’s no need to rush it- No Need to overwhelm yourself with unrealistic timelines or expectations- Take a break from the chaos- get out in nature, have fun, try new things… WHEN I WAS YOUNGER I would want to try to fix things right away and sometimes it would make things work- now each situation is different and some may require quick action, but in most cases I’ve learned to step back, give it some time and love and let it sit for a while without dwelling on it (It takes discipline and practice to not dwell, but keep working on it- find your mantras to say during this time like- "I chose love and trust time will heal this…") DON’T TAKE IT PERSONAL- When someone lashes out at you- 9 times out of 10 it is because of something THEY are INT

  • 14. Seven Tips to Avoid the Comparison Trap

    27/07/2019 Duração: 15min

    Do you suffer from compare and despair?!  You know what I mean, like when you scroll through social media and suddenly start to feel like crap because your life is not as perfect as someone else’s.  Why does it seem like everyone else is always on vacation and having the best time?  Maybe all you did this summer was a stay-cation which involved mostly home improvements and running errands.  Productive maybe, but nothing glamorous or social media worthy.  When you constantly hear and see how perfect everyone’s life seems it’s hard not to compare to how your life looks and feels.  Even though we know no one’s life is perfect, and we all have struggles, it can be difficult to avoid the comparison trap.  I can go from having a wonderful day to feeling pretty shitty about myself after a few minutes of scrolling. Don't get me wrong I’m genuinely happy for people when they are celebrating life’s happy moment’s- Lord knows we all need to celebrate the wins- besides it’s not fun to share the misfortunes of life, but n

  • 13. Take the Half-Way-Through-the-Year Challenge with Me!

    07/07/2019 Duração: 13min

    We are Half-way to 2020!  Maybe this half-way point in the year has you high-fiving yourself and singing your praises for all you’ve accomplished so far which is awesome!  I applaud you.  If you are like me, however, you may have had some set-backs, took some breaks to reflect, and aren’t sure where you are going to end up this year- and that’s okay.  Life isn’t always a race and a 24/7 hustle. Making note of this half-way point in the year is not meant to make you feel bad for not being as far as you hoped right now.  It’s an opportunity for you to reflect and think about how you want to make the most of finishing the year out.  And, it’s important to recognize all that you HAVE DONE.  It's okay if you need to adjust your goals from what they were at the beginning of the year.  Maybe the best thing for you right now is to think of the ONE THING you plan to accomplish by December.  What’s the ONE THING that you know you can commit to for the next 6 months?  Or, maybe you break it down to 6 small things (for e

  • Interview with SheHaus Coach Annmarie Molina: How To Go After Your Dream Life Before You Think You're Ready!

    11/06/2019 Duração: 01h13min

    Annmarie Molina is the Founder and Business Mindset Coach of SheHaus Coaching. Former corporate leader turned soul purpose warrior, she is dedicated to helping women everywhere go after their dreams and approach their life and career with more ease, confidence and joy.  In this episode we talk about how to show up as your higher self to confidently go after and live your best life. All too often we let our fears and doubts control our actions or lack there of and as Annmarie shares, we forget how truly powerful we really are. So sometimes we just have to “act as if” to release those limiting beliefs and go for it. Learn about the biggest struggle holding women back and how you can finally show up, take control and go after what will make you happier and more fulfilled, even if you think you’re not ready. Takeaways: Moving forward to create the life you want: Declare you are no longer willing to stay where you are. Have unwavering faith in yourself and what’s possible for you. Make time to think about wh

  • Final Mom Talk Series Episode: Mom Guilt & Judgement

    07/06/2019 Duração: 28min

    This is my last episode of the "Mom Talks Series."  In this episode I talk about mom guilt and the judgements we face as moms.  I also share perspectives from other moms in hopes of opening the lines of communication and creating a community of support.   You may find this episode helpful if you are: Dealing with Mom Guilt Feeling Judged by Other Moms or Being Hard on Yourself Want to Relate to What Other Moms May be Feeling or Going Through Need Encouragement and Support Find Yourself Questioning Your Role as a Mom We all have our own unique family dynamics.  Whether your a stay at home mom, a working mom, the mom of an only child, a single mother, an expectant mom, or someone who supports moms, I hope you find some helpful takeaways.   I interviewed a handful of moms who shared their experiences.  Here are some comments I'd like to share: "There's no manual.  Just love them (Jen Auerbach).  "Have compassion and each them how to discuss things and learn to be accountable and make their own decisions. As lo

  • Mom Talk Series: Interview with Soulmamma Podcast Host Nicole DeLeon

    16/05/2019 Duração: 46min

    Nicole De Leon has been a teacher most of her life. With a Masters in Education, Nicole taught art to middle and high schoolers, for ten years, inspiring them to delve into their creative sensibilities. Even her teens, Nicole taught people of all ages and backgrounds to surf, first in her hometown of Ventura, California and then in Manly, Australia, where she lived and worked for a year. In her 20s, she taught surfing and yoga at the Surf with Amigas Surf & Yoga Retreat in Nicaragua. After surfing for the past 23 years and traveling to exotic surf destinations, such as the Maldives and Seychelles, Nicole developed a passion for writing about her experiences and embarked on a writing career as a women’s columnist for DEEP magazine. Nicole is no stranger to a busy schedule, as she is a mom of a vivacious little toddler and a stepmom to two teenage boys. Nicole is also a a certified Yoga Alliance instructor of ten years who has always had a natural affinity for helping get others inspired and fired up about

  • Mom Talk Series: My Thoughts on Being a Mom & Self-Care

    09/05/2019 Duração: 18min

    In honor of my May "Mom-Talks" Series I kick things off by sharing my thoughts on motherhood and the importance of fitting in self-care. My girl is 13 now. Yes, I’m the mama of a teenager.  Don’t feel sorry for me, it’s not a bad thing, just different.  The days of her running to me with open arms and the sparkle in her eyes are less, which is not easy to swallow, but I accept it and relish in the rare hug without having to ask, and the random I love yous.  They are on her terms so it’s genuine and I hold on tight.  I soak up the in-depth conversations we have that give me a glimpse of her budding personality.  I cherish these deeper conversations and day dream of us continuing to have many more in the years to come.   You’d think I’d be comfortable with parenting after 13 years, but I’m not.  There are always new seasons and unfamiliar circumstances to navigate, and just when you think you have it figured out, you don’t.  It’s humbling, beautiful, exhausting and terrifying at times, but it’s also one of the

  • Interview with Dr. Bachhuber- Guidance for the Head and Heart through Career & Beyond

    30/04/2019 Duração: 49min

    Dr. Thomas Bachhuber is President of the Board and Executive Director of The Center for Life Transitions, Inc.  Tom was the Director of the Career Development Center at the University of Maryland-College Park and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  As a consultant, he led training, research and recruitment initiatives for several Fortune 500 companies.  Tom's recent book, Transpirations, is comprised of personal journal entries on facing serious life challenges, wisdom from spiritual leaders, career transition expertise and reflective activities.   The book is a valuable resource for those looking for courage and insight in periods of transition.  It can be used as a guide, workbook or means for daily reflection.  It is both spiritual and practical.   You may find the book helpful if you are: Experiencing lack of meaning with your career/work/ministry/retirement  Needing encouragement and inspiration when going through a challenging time Desiring to explore spiritual ideas/resources to help with work dec

  • The Stories Holding Us Back

    11/04/2019 Duração: 15min

    In any self-development journey, it’s important to look at where we came from to understand what helped shaped who we are today, and learn what we need to do to move forward in a positive way.  Weather we realize it or not, our environment, the people, the circumstances all shaped who we are, but they don’t have to be what defines us today.  Ill share a few scenarios that I let define me when I was younger that don’t serve me anymore.  I would challenge you to think about the stories you keep telling yourself that may be holding you back. Old Story #1 I’M NOT SMART ENOUGH I remember being labeled as “ditzy” in middle school. It was something that others called me, but something I also called myself.  I remember thinking it was kind of endearing at one point, but then I started to think I was stupid.   I didn’t always use the proper words, I didn’t always get the joke, but it didn’t mean I was dumb.  The minute I like the negative thoughts questioning my intelligence loop in my head the more I started to act

  • Opening Up & Teaching Resilience to Our Kiddos

    04/04/2019 Duração: 17min

    This week's episode has been difficult to prepare for because it's scary being vulnerable, and it's intimidating to know how important it is to bring awareness to the tough topics, yet be sensitive to the fact that everyone deals with the struggle on a different level and in their own way, no right or wrong way. Everyone deals with life stressors.  Sometimes it’s the everyday stress of a job, the struggle to balance a family schedule yet find time for yourself, other times it’s some deep and dark circumstances that make you want to hide away because you are so paralyzed from the pain. Whatever season you are in,whatever pain you are struggling with right now, I don’t want you to feel like you have to go through it alone. The good news is there is so much help out there and it seems that these days’ people seem more willing and open about sharing.  I knew I couldn’t continue to talk about “finding my glee” unless I shared why it’s so important to me. I know what it’s like to live with a cloud of pain f

  • Interview with LPC Jenna Mueller- 6 Tenets to Happiness!

    20/03/2019 Duração: 01h01min

    I am SO EXCITED to share my very first face-to-face interview with Licensed Professional Counselor, Jenna Mueller! Jenna teaches a happiness class and shares her theories on living a meaningful life. Below are some highlights and take-always from our discussion... Happiness doesn't just happen, it's intentional! 

  • 6 Ways to Un-Stuck Yourself!

    15/03/2019 Duração: 24min

    This episode is for those of you who are looking to move past the doubt, the excuses, and finally do that damn thing that's been calling you!  Maybe it's time to exercise more, maybe it's time to tap into your creative side, maybe it's time to start writing or laying down the foundation to start your own business...OR maybe it's as simple as setting aside more time for self-care--and don't you dare start thinking you're being selfish!   It took me into my early 40's to really stop caring about what others think and to start doing these things that speak to me.  As result I am more happy, and whole, and want you to feel the same! Here are my 6 Tips to "un-stucking" yourself.  I know.  I know.  Un-stucking is not a word, but I don't care (see my second paragraph:) 1) Be still.  Be Patient.  Know the Universe Has Your Back. In this tip I reference Gabby Bernstein's book "The Universe Has Your Back" and talk about how I use meditation to get still and incorporate free meditation writing to let the ideas flow and

  • 3 Easy Steps to Starting a Gratitude Practice

    07/03/2019 Duração: 17min

    Research shows that gratitude plays a HUGE role in one's happiness. It can aid in building new relationships and improve health by managing toxic emotions and reducing stress.  If you are looking for one thing to do to lay down a solid foundation on your personal development journey, GRATITUDE is the place to start! In this episode I'll share what led to me starting a gratitude journal that lasted 365 days!  I'll share how easy it is for you to do the same!    1) Find YOUR Journal 2) Decide when YOU will practice and what it will look like for YOU 3) Commit to 21 days then assess where you are at Already journaling?  Here are some other gratitude practices to consider: **Choose 12 people you are grateful for and write them a note of gratitude.  Tell them how much they mean to you and share why you consider them a blessing in your life.  Mail one out each month for a year and feel the love come back to you ten fold!   **Create a Gratitude Jar in a high traffic area of your home.  Encourage family members to jo

  • 8 Tips to Finding Glee

    28/02/2019 Duração: 20min

    In this episode I'll share my 8 Tips to Finding Glee!  After I reviewed the episode I realized I only mention 7 (eek!).  The 8th one is implied, but not given a number:)  Nonetheless, I'll include it below: 1) Practice Gratitude 2) Take ACTION 3) STOP Comparing 4) Surround Yourself with People Who Lift You Up 5) Create New Habits 6) Get Over Yourself Already! 7) This is YOUR Journey- Do What Works for YOU 8) *Love Yourself *Not officially numbered in the episode, but Oh-So Important! I'll go more in-depth with these in this episode, and future episodes, and share my experiences.  I hope you find one (ore more) that resonate with you. If so, or you have more to add, please join my FB Group, Find Your Glee with Dinah G and share there.  I'd love to hear from you! ACTION ITEM: Hone in on one of these tips and make it a point to commit to it for at least 21 days.  Or, come up with YOUR OWN list of what YOU NEED to find your glee, and focus on creating a habit with one of them.  After the 21 days are up, then let

  • Welcome to Find Your Glee with Dinah G!

    28/02/2019 Duração: 06min

    Hello and Welcome to Find Your Glee with Dinah G!  In this episode I'll discuss what this podcast is about, why I'm doing it, and who I am.  I hope you'll join me on my journey to finding glee.  It's never too late to live the life you were meant to live! A special THANK YOU to the Everyone Can Podcast (ECP) crew that helped make this possible. I hope you consider tuning into their shows as well (see below).  There's a lot of great new talent here covering a variety of topics.  Whether you are a creative person, looking for some inspiration, or simply want to be entertained, there's something for everyone! • Stop Writing Alone- Hosted by Nicole Rivera • The Soul Mammas Podcast- Hosted by Nicole De Leon • How in the HELL Did I Get Here?- Hosted by Kim Flodin and her Sisters • Creativity School- Hosted by Grace Chon • The Ready Pause Go Career- Hosted by Erika Parker Price • Food Tribe- Hosted by Georgie Creaven • The DaddyBe Podcast- Hosted by Stanley Vincent Stevenson • I Have Dreams Dammit!- Hosted by Lisa M