Squeez'd from the goblin fruits for you
The Appalling Silence, or: In the Shadow of Mount Terror
21/04/2023 Duração: 02h20minThe conclusion to the White Sands trilogy. Listen the next time you're feeling lonely, on your way to some place you've never been, where nobody knows you. Written and recorded by me, music by me. There is now a Goblin Market patreon
In A Field
19/01/2023 Duração: 17minListen the next time a blizzard traps you inside for the evening...
The Troubles at the Erskine Abbey
31/10/2022 Duração: 55minListen next to a warm fire, preferably indoors, away from the rain and the wind, with a warm drink in your hand. Happy Halloween, everyone.
Llano Estacado
07/10/2022 Duração: 32minBefore the finale, an interlude in the form of a prelude. Listen on long, lonely train rides through the empty places... There is now a Goblin Market Youtube, if you prefer to listen that way. A number of the Halloween stories over the coming weeks will have a video component, for your autumnal bliss.