Success Alchemy

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 2:33:57
  • Mais informações



Take back control of your life, business and relationships - that's the focus. If you know you have to work on yourself to create and grow your business, deepen your relationships and increase your wealth, you have come to the right place. Catherine Taylor, founder of Powerhouse will provide insights from within her own life, the transformation made by her students and lessons learnt from some of the Grandfathers of the Human Potential movement. You will be left with a focus and call to action at the end of each episode.


  • Call Out Whatever is ‘Out’

    18/03/2019 Duração: 06min

    To create change we have to drop our social and political correctness, to As-Is what’s really going on. It’s not always comfortable yet it gives us the opportunity to correct, change and grow.

  • Keep The Burnout Beast at Bay

    09/03/2019 Duração: 09min

    In this mad, crazy, busy world, stress and burnout are close cousins that visit often. We are so accustomed to working at break-neck speed and giving ourselves a little time to maintain our sanity. It's ironic how when we get sick we HAVE TO stop and take time out. Well my friends, the horse has already bolted by then. We need to know what are some of the early signals of when we are tired and then do something about it BEFORE our stress levels escalate and we get burnt out. Don't let yourself fall into the trap of thinking you are 10' tall and bulletproof and just keep on soldiering on... the price is to high. 

  • I Am! Mind. Body. Spirit.

    02/03/2019 Duração: 10min

    Spirit is a word that is thrown around like sand at the beach but what the heck is it?! In this episode I share briefly the day that I first consciously 'recognised' the Spirit of another person. What happened blew my world and constructed beliefs apart in the best possible way.  If you think you or anyone else is only the thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that are demonstrated OR if you have a have a sense of spirit, listen in. You'll hear me do a little cough in this episode... I was experiencing tears at the time and a feeling of awe and also sadness (all at the same time). Remembering Home and how far away it sometimes feel in the crazy busyness of everyday life and living.

  • When You Are "Over It"

    27/02/2019 Duração: 08min

    I know you've said these words to yourself along with "I just can't do this anymore." I know you've felt like giving up.  It's something that feels like being defeated.  We can experience frustration, anger or apathy.  Well what the heck is that all about? This is exactly what we cover in this episode. Don't worry. You're not losing your mind... listen in and share your insights with us.

  • Who Do I Trust?

    25/02/2019 Duração: 12min

    We've all made some awesome and really poor decisions when it comes to choosing the people that we want to live, work and play with. In this episode listen to what totally changed the trajectory of my life and business after I seriously messed up.

  • What Makes a Power Player-Pt 2

    23/02/2019 Duração: 14min

    In this episode we continue with Part 2 of unpacking how to be a Power Player and how to choose them to join us in business and life.

  • What Makes A Power Player?

    21/02/2019 Duração: 11min

    We weren't given a handbook on how to be the best version of ourselves of how to choose the best people to have in our life. We've all been messed over by others and we've also let ourselves and others down. This episode will give you Part 1 of a summary of the key qualities that we want to build within ourselves and look for in others. How to be a Power Player and how to choose power players to join you in business and life.

  • From a Tradie to Business Owner & Investor

    17/02/2019 Duração: 17min

    Listen to how an average Australian man turned around his financial life, got his health on track and found love. Here I summarise the steps to what he did that he shared at one of our Masterminds...steps that you too can use to bring about change in any area of life or business. I'll also share with you with I observed about him and his behaviour, the seemingly little things that accelerated his success. 

  • Just Change Your State... Like Hell!!

    17/02/2019 Duração: 10min

    What to do when you feel crappy, off your game when anger is boiling away inside or sadness overwhelms you - that is what I share with you in this episode and... guess what? It is not to just change your state. Why? Because it's not sustainable! It is like putting sweet icing over a rotten cake. You are not your emotions. You, the Spiritual Being sensing life through your magnificent body experience them. Listen in how to experience them and not be trapped by them.

  • How To Stop Your Mental Gymnastics!

    17/02/2019 Duração: 20min

    It can feel like you've got a freight train running through your head sometimes. Your thinking goes around and around and it just doesn't stop. You end up feeling exhaust, anxious, sad and introspective... you are inside your own head and lost in your own thoughts and they are NOT serving you. Listen up and learn how to stop the mobius loop of overthinking and all the mental gymnastics that go with it.

  • How Did We Get Here?

    17/02/2019 Duração: 17min

    What the heck happened to make a young, painfully shy woman in her 20's go on to be a mentor, teacher and clearing practitioner to so many? Tune in and here the story... it's been one heck of a ride.

  • Finding The Missing Piece of The Pie

    15/02/2019 Duração: 16min

    When you discover the missing piece to human potential that enables people to totally transform their life. It's a game changer. This is a completely new thing for me normally I am live in front of a room. However, we adapt and move forward... So let's get into it! If you want to take part in my FREE Life Mastery Case Study Group head to for details. Don't wait it won't be around forever!