Developing Mach-21 Airmen

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Air Education and Training Command experts discuss a wide variety of topics that directly impact total force Airmen, including force development, continuum of learning, innovation and more! Description: Experts from across the Air Force's recruiting, training and education enterprise discuss a wide variety of topics that directly impact total force Airmen, including force development, the continuum of learning, innovation and more!


  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 64 - Life as a Instructor Pilot


    Dan Hawkins from the Air Education and Training Command public affairs team spoke virtually with Capt. Ashley Bird, 33rd Flying Training Squadron executive officer at Vance Air Force Base, Oklahoma, about her journey to the military through ROTC at Purdue University, the path to becoming a pilot, the pros and cons of being a force generator instructor pilot, and her personal life being military married to military. Bird also talks about rated diversity improvement, which is the Air Force’s focused, long-term effort to attract, recruit, develop, and retain a diverse rated leadership corps.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 63 - Competition-focused ePME Changes


    Airmen across the service can hear first-hand about upcoming changes to enlisted professional military education being made to develop the combat-ready Airmen we need for today’s strategic competition environment is the focus of the latest episode of "The Air Force Starts Here," released Aug. 24, 2022. Dan Hawkins from the Air Education and Training Command public affairs team spoke with Chief Master Sgt. Josh Lackey, command chief at Air University’s Barnes Center, about the effort to help build multi-capable Airmen who are agile, critical thinkers with the ability to act in a disaggregated environment separated from command and control elements. This ties directly to Air Force Doctrine Publication 1, released last year, that notes the need for Airmen to be able to operate in the mission command construct.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 62 - The Growth Mindset


    Dan Hawkins from the Air Education and Training Command public affairs team talks with Dr. Lauren Scharff, U.S. Air Force Academy professor of behavioral science, and John Reifenberg, AETC force development policy specialist, about the science behind both the growth and fixed mindsets, how the Academy and AETC are incorporating the growth mindset into training and education, and how it applies to organizations.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 61 - myTraining


    On this episode of the Air Force Starts Here podcast, Lt. Gaby Gosco from the Air Education and Training Command public affairs team sits down with Floyd McKinney and Demetrius Stewart from the HQ AETC Learning Services division to discuss myTraining. The myTraining system, "powered by myLearning," is replacing the Total Force Training Record, or TFTR, for Airmen and Guardians and provides the capability through 21st Century learning tools to manage the training lifecycle for Total Force personnel.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 60 - The Arnold Group


    On this episode of the Air Force Starts Here Podcast we discuss the Arnold Group, Air Education and Training Command's premier think tank, and their role of serving as the catalyst for innovation, pooling their wide experience to produce studies and answer the hard-hitting questions on Force Development and the future of education and training.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 59 - Developing Organizations


    On episode 59 of "The Air Force Starts Here" podcast, Miriam Thurber from the Air Education and Training Command team speaks with Brig. General Shawn Campbell and Dr. Alex Barelka on the Air Force's foundational competency, Developing Organizations.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 58 - AF Learning Professionals COP


    On episode 58 of the “The Air Force Starts Here” podcast, Dan Hawkins from the Air Education and Training Command public affairs teams talks with Dana Horn from the HQ AETC/A3PB Learning Professional branch about the recent launch of their learning professionals communities of practice. Topics discussed include the why and how the Communities of Practice on MilSuite have been formed to support the continuous learning of learning, how the communities of practice came about after collaboration with others on the AETC staff revealed a gap in developmental information, the collaborative aspect of development, and much more.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 57 - Developing Ideas


    Episode 57 of "The Air Force Starts Here" podcast focused on the third group of the Air Force foundational competencies - Developing Ideas. In this episode, Jamal Qaiyyim, foundational competencies branch chief at Headquarters Air Education and Training Command, shared his insight on ways the A3/J team creates road maps for Airmen to better prepare them for the future. He was joined by Lt. Gen. Clinton Hinote, deputy chief of staff for strategy, integration, and requirements at Headquarters Air Force. Hinote discussed how Airmen continue to use this competency to prepare the force for the future, referring to Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown's mandate to Accelerate Change or Lose.

  • The Air Force Starts Here- Ep 56-Air Force Foundational Competencies Developing Others


    In this episode of The Air Force Starts Here podcast we discuss the Air Force foundational competencies "Developing Others" category. The Air Force has identified 24 Airman's foundational competencies for all Airmen, as part of a systematic competency-based approach to develop the force. Developing Others is one of the four categorized groups for foundational competencies. The following competencies have been grouped under Developing others: Leadership, teamwork, develops people, service mindset and fosters inclusion.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 55- Tech Training Transformation


    Tech Training Transformation podcast with Dr. Maj. Jesse Johnsonn, Det. 23 commander and Tech Sgt. Casey Michalski, Det. 23 curriculum engineer and C-130J subject matter expert where they discuss the re-engineered crew chief fundamentals course into a VR experience.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 54 - CDC Modernization


    On this edition of the pod, Dan Hawkins from the AETC public affairs team sits down virtually to talk modernization with Ms. Lindsey Fredman and Chief Master Sgt. Jennifer Bye from the Air Force Career Development Academy, along with Master Sgts. Nikita Gunter, Steffan Gray and Dylan Peterson to discuss AFCDA's on-going effort to reimagine the service's Career Development Courses (CDCs) design and delivery model to Airmen in order to bring it into the 21st Century learning environment.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 53 - Guests Return to BMT Graduation


    In episode 53 of The Air Force Starts Here podcast we discuss the decision to open Air Force basic military training graduation to guests starting July 22, 2021. Col. Jeffrey Pixley, commander of the 737th Training Group, joins Jennifer Gonzalez, AETC public affairs, and speaks about balancing the risk to mission, force and community.

  • The Air Force Starts Here Podcast - Ep 52 - LGBTQI+


    Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, commander of AETC, sits down with Brig. Gen. Brenda Cartier to discuss LGBTQ+ issues and initiatives in the Air Force.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 52 - Real Talk LGBTQI+


    Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, commander of AETC, sits down with Brig. Gen. Brenda Cartier to discuss LGBTQ+ issues and initiatives in the Air Force.

  • The Air Force Starts Here Podcast- Ep 51- Developing Self


    The Air Force has identified 24 Airman's foundational competencies for all Airmen, as part of a systematic competency-based approach to develop the force. These foundational competencies are universally applicable to all Airmen and are categorized into four groups: Developing Self, Developing Others, Developing Ideas and Developing Organizations. In this episode of The Air Force Starts Here podcast, we explore the Airman's Foundational Competencies.

  • The Air Force Starts Here Podcast- Ep 50- AETC COVID Oral History


    In episode 50 of "The Air Force Starts Here," we take a look back at how the COVID-19 pandemic and changed Air Force training. Gary Boyd, Air Education and Training Command historian, speaks with Maj. Gen. John J. DeGoes, who is the former 59th Medical Wing commander, and has been credited by Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, commander of AETC, as a pivotal leader in fighting through the pandemic.

  • The Air Force Starts Here – Ep 48 – (DAWN-ED: Department of the Air Force-funded degree program)


    DAWN-ED is a Department of the Air Force-funded degree program that provides up to 15 eligible Airmen and Guardians an opportunity to pursue a master’s degree or doctorate from a university of choice. Officers have until June 25, 2021, to apply for the 2022 academic year. Tune in to episode 48 of "The Air Force Starts Here" podcast, to learn more about the application process. Dr. Steven Hansen, DAWN-ED program manager, provides specifics on the program and application process. Capt. Ciara Figliuolo, from the 558th Flying Training Squadron and participant in the DAWN-ED master’s program last year, who will attend Carnegie Mellon University’s Master of Science in artificial intelligence and innovation program is also a guest on the podcast.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 48 - Women's History Month, Trailblazers


    In episode 48 of "The Air Force Starts Here" podcast, we celebrate Women’s History Month 2021 with four of the first-ever women to graduate Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training here in 1977. Capt. Kayshel Trudell from the Air Education and Training Command public affairs team spoke with these trailblazers from UPT class 77-08. Joining the discussion was retired Col. Kathleen Cosand and retired Lt. Cols Mary Donahue, Sandra Scott and Mary Livingston who attended UPT from August 1976 to September 1977. These women left their mark on the pages of history and have opened doors for women pilots and Airmen for generations to come. Diversity in all forms makes the Air Force better and it’s more than race, gender and ethnicity, it’s about leveraging unique strengths, perspectives and experiences. Women serving past, present and future bring unique warfighting capabilities to our nation.

  • The Air Force Starts Here- Ep 47- Valuing Force Generators


    On episode 47 of "The Air Force Starts Here," Staff Sgt. Keith James from the Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs team sat down with Chief Master Sgt. Erik Thompson, AETC command chief to discuss the importance of force generators. Force Generators consist of recruiters, instructors and training leaders. These voluntary assignments are demanding opportunities, but offer positive career broadening experiences for Airmen to mature and grow as leaders.

  • The Air Force Starts Here - Ep 46 - myLearning


    On episode 46 of the "The Air Force Starts Here" Dan Hawkins from the Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs team sat down with Floyd McKinney, Adam Rusmussen and Lt. Col. Hien Nguyen from the HQ AETC/A3G to talk in-depth about "myLearning." The new secure learning management system (LMS) will enable student learning, automation and reporting for roughly 800,000 Total Force users in three phases, with the first phase consisting of a modernized and interactive training platform that allows Airmen to access training modules previously found on the Advanced Distributed Learning Service (ADLS). The LMS is part of Air Education and Training Command’s efforts to aggressively and cost-effectively modernize education and training to develop the Airmen we need.

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