The Dark Ascent Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 22:30:32
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Have you ever wondered what lies in the darkness? Have you felt the call to enter the gates of Hell to see what you might find? Do you feel the desire to reach out and possess anything you chooseto ascend to the throne of God and to rule your life? The Dark Ascent Podcast will reveal to you the secrets of successful black magick, what lies upon the left-hand path for those brave enough to walk upon it, and the nature of the Dark Ascent by which you may become God of your reality.


  • DA026 Will You Be a God or a Slave?

    29/09/2019 Duração: 51min

    What are the path of light and the path of darkness? What path do a majority of religions follow and where will that get you? Is it the destiny of every soul to be the God of their own reality? In this episode, Melektoth and Elinara discuss the difference between the path of light and the path of darkness, why most people will not choose to step into their godhood, where free will fits into the picture, and delve deep into the idea of self-deification and godhood. Episode Highlights [04:55] There is no middle path between right hand path and left hand path [07:50] Most people are on the right hand path, whether they know it or not [09:50] Most religions are about the diminishment of the self [14:33] Enslavement and the right hand path [17:23] The differences between the right and left hand paths [21:40] What light and darkness really mean [22:27] Working with deities on the left hand path [25:25] You can choose your path [26:40] Free will and the path of light are at odds [28:40] No morality on the left hand

  • DA025 How to Stop Feeding Your Negative Manifestations

    31/08/2019 Duração: 34min

    Does it seem like negative manifestations keep coming up in your life? Are you overwhelmed by things going wrong and don't know how to change them? Our negative manifestations can be quite persistent sometimes and hard to remove from our reality. If you could just learn how to stop feeding these negative manifestations, then they would simply disappear. In this podcast, Melektoth and Elinara will tell you exactly how to do that. Episode Highlights [01:10] Our new dog, Gino [02:22] Your manifestations are like seeds [04:48] Just thinking about your negative manifestations will not make them grow [08:01] What is the current state of your garden? [09:51] Life is responding to you, not you to life [13:26] Your negative manifestations beg for your attention [15:11] There are no lucky breaks [17:22] Stop looking to God [20:58] You are the God of your reality [23:13] Life is not cruel [24:47] The power of non-reaction [29:14] Your negative manifestations will try to scare you [30:58] The Anatomy of Resistance Nota

  • DA024 The Power of Acceptance

    16/08/2019 Duração: 24min

    There is a power that if used, would completely free you from all resistance. Unfortunately this power is so simple, something you've probably heard countless times before, that you will reject it off hand as something you already know. Yet if you aren't applying this simple idea, then it's just intellectual knowledge. The true application of this power— the power of acceptance— would truly free you from all suffering, all pain, and even all negative manifestations. Despite what seems self-evident to our ego, if you were to completely accept what is, your life would change virtually in an instant. You would begin to get all the things you want. Press play to learn how this power can be used in your own life. Episode Highlights 01:36 – Acceptance is counterintuitive for the ego 05:02 – What you push against, just gets bigger 07:17 – Acceptance weakens all problems and moves you towards what you want 10:03 – Acceptance is an instant key to the present moment 15:06 – It's OK to feel good about the future or the

  • DA023 Can You Create in Someone Else's Reality?

    02/08/2019 Duração: 31min

    Is it possible to create in someone else's reality? You know how it feels when someone we care about is struggling with an issue and we wish we could manifest on their behalf to help them? Perhaps we can. We do have a certain power of influence on others through our energy and through our will. By your thoughts, you can cause something to happen in the life of another. But when you tap into this power, remember that whatever energy you hold for someone else will affect you as well. Click play to learn how the Law of Attraction enables us to manifest in another’s reality. Episode highlights 01:16 - There is a general consensus among Law of Attraction teachers. 03:13 - Melektoth decided to create in Elinara's reality. 07:20 - Despite Elinara's own desires, beliefs and expectations, the universe found a way. 12:59 - Can you bring someone else’s issue into your universe? 14:10 - People have cursed since the beginning of history. 21:33 - Manifesting for others is a big responsibility 24:46 - Guess what? You can c

  • DA022 Becoming the Prime Mover of Your Reality

    19/07/2019 Duração: 57min

    Are you calling the shots in your life? Or do you feel as though life keeps happening to you and you’re constantly putting out fires and dealing with crises? Are you placing your happiness on conditions that are continuously moving just out of reach? This is common for most people until they make the active decision to become the Prime Mover of their reality. Choosing to be the one that acts puts you in the position of being the God of your own life. You make the choices, and life fulfills them for you. That is the main goal of your Dark Ascent: to claim power over the events in your life. This chapter is dedicated to helping you see the path to becoming the Prime Mover in your life, and causing life to adapt to you instead of the other way around. If you wish to be the master of your world, click play and take one more massive step on your journey into darkness.   Living in a constant state of reaction Why do negative things keep happening? The physical world is the effect of something greater. Breaking the

  • DA021 The Popularization of Darkness

    05/07/2019 Duração: 58min

    In times gone by, it was forbidden to utter a word of darkness or talk about the influence that Darkness has on the world at all without being punished in some way for doing so. Times have advanced and the world has moved on. In recent years, Darkness has become popularized and in some cases even glorified by the media, and various others who practice elements of darkness without the knowledge or understanding of what they are truly doing. In this week’s transmission, Melektoth and Elinara bring us along an observational journey spanning multiple religions and time periods to demonstrate the wide acceptance that Darkness has found among the people of today. Take one more step into your Dark Ascent. In This Episode Why hearing “I Love Lucifer” took Melektoth by complete surprise. From historical steps toward acceptance to mainstream media popularizing dark beings. The trend you cannot ignore. The two places in which Law of Attraction followers get stuck.   “I think it’s intriguing because I don’t think we wo

  • DA020 Moving Beyond the Veil

    21/06/2019 Duração: 01h05min

    This transmission will bring you ever deeper into your Dark Ascent. This week, our hosts Melektoth and Elinara plunge into the topic of “The Veil”. What is the veil?  It’s the thing that distracts us and shrouds our deepest desires in secrecy. The area of our mind that has us worried and anxious over superficial things while real meaning and purpose escapes us. It’s a curtain that very few are willing to move aside and step beyond. It’s made up of our thoughts, emotions, ideas and perceptions. It feeds us fuel that shapes our opinions and reactions. Does it control us? It doesn’t have to. Click play and tune in to learn how to look beyond the veil, and even how to step over to the other side and begin finding the answers you’ve been seeking for so long.   In This Episode:   What does going beyond the veil actually mean? Does more positive thinking actually equate to being happier? Every man and every woman is a star. Controlling behaviour will not get you what you want. Seeing through the veil. You are that

  • DA019 Does Religion Have A Place?

    07/06/2019 Duração: 55min

    What’s the point of religion? Does it matter? Does it actually make a difference in your life? These are questions you might hear other people asking. You might even ask them yourself. In this chapter of your Dark Ascent, Melektoth and Elinara discuss organized religion and whether or not it still has a place in the modern world. Each host shares their experiences with religion throughout their upbringing, and shed light on similarities between religions from all over the world. Ever our guide, Melektoth explains the role of certain members of religious groups who are put in place to help guide you through various transitions that will occur throughout your life, and describes the times and events in which belonging to a church or religious organization, or at least subscribing to a belief system can be a positive thing. Whether you value organized religion or not, this transmission is an important one. Tune in and continue your Dark Ascent. Steering away from strict religions. Intellectualizing spiritual an

  • DA018 The New Aeon

    24/05/2019 Duração: 01h46s

    Welcome to the Dark Ascent Podcast, where we illuminate the path to finding your True Will. Have you ever wondered why the number of people attending church is dropping every year? Or why we are pushing toward having more rights and freedoms than ever before? As time ticks away, the beliefs of old are becoming outdated, and the more we move toward a future based on individuality and liberation, the more radical the response is becoming from those who wish to keep things the same. As one Aeon ends, another begins, and Aleister Crowley wrote about this exact thing in 1904. In this episode, Melektoth and Elinara discuss the differences between each of the 3 Aeons: Isis, Osiris and Horus. They delve into what characterizes each, and how it can be observed in our current reality. The shift is happening before our very eyes, you just need to know what you’re looking for. Take one more step toward your Dark Ascent.   In This Episode The Book of The Law - The holy book for the New Aeon Existence is all joy and sorro

  • DA017 What is Your True Will?

    10/05/2019 Duração: 01h04min

    Have you tried living life the way other people have expected you to, only to feel dissatisfaction or even resentment as the result? Have you subscribed yourself to the ideals and steps someone else used to attain success, only to fall short? No matter what spiritual pursuit or teacher you follow, they all have some version of this message: your life’s journey is different from the rest of the world, and it’s supposed to be. Your purpose on earth is to find out what your purpose on earth is. That sounds crazy at surface level, but it's true. The longer you continue on the path of self study, and exploring your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual gifts and preferences, you'll become ever more clear on who you truly are, and what your True Will is. Stop pursuing a path laid out for you by someone else. Start discerning what your own path looks like, and where it leads. You're one step closer to your Dark Ascent. In This Episode What happened last Friday? Who are the OTO? Your True Will doesn’t contradict

  • DA016 Unveiling The Dark Gods Part II

    03/05/2019 Duração: 59min

    Welcome to the second chapter of Unveiling the Dark Gods. Last week, our hosts Melektoth and Elinara shed light on a few Gods and Goddesses of darkness. More interestingly, they gave an insight into some Gods that are perceived as light, but have a dark side to them. This chapter digs deeper into various pantheons and introduces us to even more darkness among divinity. Just because something is dark, doesn’t mean it’s evil. Some of these deities also represent the things we hold in the highest regard, such as love, knowledge, order and creation. Do you dare continue your Dark Ascent?   In This Episode Emanations from The Void Satan, Babalon/Shakti, and Sophia Maya: illusions - thoughts that create stories Duality of Darkness and Light can be found within every religion Order, default reality, and creation Will and effortless love   “Darkness is actually the primary force of the universe.” “Without light, you can’t have shadows.” “Light can fool you.” “Shiva is always there, even when the universe is not” “W

  • DA015 Unveiling The Dark Gods

    26/04/2019 Duração: 58min

    Gods have been the subject of controversy and mystery for a long time. But when our hosts, Melektoth and Elinara, begin making connections between the gods we know, and the god we fear: this episode takes a mind blowing twist. Who are the dark gods? Are they evil? How do Shiva, Lucifer and Jesus connect? These are just a few of the questions addressed within the depths of this transmission. Prepared to be introduced to a new side of the gods we thought we knew. Prepare to take another step in your Dark Ascent.   In This Episode 0=2 Gods, Goddesses and duality The Blue Being and the Horned God Why Satan? Are Jesus and Lucifer connected?   “Everything starts from zero” “At the top there’s zero and from that sparks duality” “You have to have a balance” “Shiva is always there, even when the universe is not” “Did I ever really leave the path?” “The more you look, the more you find it”   Join the Circle of Darkness   Dive Deeper

  • DA014 A New Paradigm of Black Magic

    19/04/2019 Duração: 56min

    Welcome to another episode of the Dark Ascent podcast. In this transmission, Melektoth and Elinara explore the concept of merging love and will in order to create effortless success and results. Ever notice that when you work extremely hard for something, the results are rarely as satisfying as you thought they would be? How about when you surrender your desires only to realize that you want more out of life? This is true of most people, and yet few realize the actual power that comes when both realities converge into one. Perhaps a little controversial to those of purist nature, when white and black magick combine, the results can be astonishingly easy to manifest. This episode is for only the most open of minds. Prepare to take another step into your Dark Ascent.   In This Episode A powerful evolution of concepts: Will and Love The pain of black magick Would you keep taking a horse and buggy if a car is available? Bringing the two forces together to get a beautiful outcome Stop trying so hard. Don’t care a

  • DA013 Tuning Yourself to Demons

    12/04/2019 Duração: 54min

    Is there an area in your life you wish to improve? Is there a specific demon you’re drawn to? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with one of these beings? In this episode of the Dark Ascent podcast, our hosts Melektoth and Elinara further explore the concepts introduced in the last episode about working with demons, and which ones are appropriate to you. Melektoth shares the process of tuning yourself to the desired demon’s energy, and what steps are required to get started. If you’ve listened this far, why not take one more step into your Dark Ascent?   In This Episode Selecting the demon for you Tuning yourself to their energy The magick of Wikki Stix The surprising thing about your first encounter There is no assertion, there is only attraction How do you attain the help of a demon?   “It’s a little bit more of a challenge working with dark energy” “The biggest thing you need to do first is to tune yourself to their energy” “You can’t be afraid when you’re doing this” “The stronger you

  • DA012 Whispers in Your Mind

    05/04/2019 Duração: 56min

    Do you ever hear whispers in your mind? Perhaps they were in response to a rhetorical question you asked under your breath, or a clear voice calling your name at just the right moment. These things happen all the time with no explanation. Welcome to this episode of the Dark Ascent Podcast. In the last few episodes, Melektoth and Elinara touched on the basics of working with spirits. It may not have been the most obvious link, but the power of these foundational concepts can be revisited and studied more closely as you see a need to go back and listen. But how does all of this fit together? How does the Tao Te Ching or Light energy influence your ability to work effectively with demons and beings of darkness? This episode will cover those questions and answer some you may not even know you have. Click play and take one more step on the path toward your Dark Ascent   Are whispers in your head just you, or is someone contacting you? Shying away from practical application, the justifications that follow, and the

  • DA011 The Tao of Darkness

    29/03/2019 Duração: 57min

    The Tao Te Ching is one of the most transformative things that Melektoth has ever encountered in this lifetime. In this episode of the Podcast, Melektoth explains why the text is so profound, and what impact adopting the Tao into his life has had, and how he has come to understand it’s place in the intersection of the right and left hand paths. Light and Darkness have an unshakable and inseparable relationship. Wouldn’t it make sense to embrace, harness and utilize both? You’re now one step further in your Dark Ascent   The light, the darkness, and the Left Hand Path What is your relation to these forces? Various translations of the ancient text The dependent correlation between being and nonbeing Stories and the rude awakening Knowing the male, but keeping to the female Wu wei and the state of inaction The snake on the road and rebellion against the light   “Can I be on the left hand path and still embrace light and dark?” “When we’re not attached to desire, we can really see the essence of things” “Withou

  • DA010 Building a World of Thought Forms Part 2

    22/03/2019 Duração: 59min

    We have all heard that Gods, Angels and Demons exist, but what exactly are they? What would you do if one suddenly appeared in your life, and wanted to help you in some way? What would you do? In this episode, Melektoth and Elinara continue exploring thought forms, and the state of being that creates them. Beyond that, Melektoth shares his experiences surrounding his work with astral beings, and his reasons for choosing specific angels or demons depending on the work he’s doing. This is a deep and powerful episode. Be aware, you are one step deeper into your Dark Ascent.   Morality and powerlessness Do killers find joy in killing? Religion and rules, good and evil Is evil found within always wanting more? The differences between beings of light and beings of darkness Can you smell what spirits are cooking? It’s bread. Which demons will serve your needs?   “When you have a Greek god on your doorstep, metaphorically speaking, what do you do?” “There are no rules to the Tao or the flow” “There’s no judgement.

  • DA009 Building a World of Thought Forms

    15/03/2019 Duração: 54min

    You may have heard a saying that goes something like “Thoughts become things”. But what if it were a little more complex than that? Thought forms are the building blocks of the entire universe, and in this episode, Melektoth and Elinara are taking us deeper into the realm of thought, and how much of it really does become a reality. This is a concept that may challenge your current frame of mind, and may also explain things in your life that had no explanation before. With society being so quick to judge things as “positive” and “negative”, it may be worth it to dig a little deeper for yourself and find out how the universe works to create a reality that reflects the things you spend the most time, energy and focus on. Are you ready to climb a little higher on your journey? Join us for another Dark Ascent.   In This Episode The building blocks of the universe So what about Gods, Angels and Demons? Did we make them up? Negative places don’t create happy thoughts Creating thought forms deliberately The 2 ways w

  • DA008 The Psychology of Selfishness

    08/03/2019 Duração: 58min

    Are you a good person? What does being a good person mean to you? Why do you want to be a good person? These are just a few questions brought up during this discussion between Melektoth and Elinara. Join our hosts as they peel back layers upon layers of psychological conditioning and society’s selfish nature. Melektoth shares some interesting examples of selfish behaviour hidden beneath the surface of kind gestures, and Elinara shares her perspectives on sacrifice and happiness. This episode will shift the way you think about being a good and selfless human being. It won’t change who you are, but how you see yourself. This is the next step in your Dark Ascent. In This Episode Is selfishness really a bad thing? A story of a “selfish” child, and the conditioning we receive from a young age. What happens when you start questioning fables Does everything you do have an underlying selfish motive? Is wanting someone to love you back a selfish desire? Melektoth’s musical mentor, and the only compliment she ever pai

  • DA007 Entering into Gnosis

    01/03/2019 Duração: 57min

    How often have you listened to the teachings of another person and watched as people believed their words to be the only truth? Has it ever happened to you? During this Dark Ascent, Melektoth introduces the concept of Gnosis, and the problem with believing things because people tell you to. Belief without personal experience or knowledge on a subject can be not only limiting you from learning, but can also be a dangerous brush with blind faith. Elinara gives insight into Gnosis that she has gained within her life, and reinforces Melektoth’s experiences and explanations of his own. You’re invited to look into your own personal experiences and be honest with yourself. What do you believe? What do you truly know? These are questions that need to be answered, and may be easier to understand after tuning in to this episode.  In This Episode Taking on beliefs that resonate with you Being blocked by Lucifer The ever deepening journey of Gnosis How do you get Gnosis? What happens when your Gnosis differs from someon

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