Interviews and topics centering on security clearances and protecting classified information according to the National Industrial Security Clearance Operating Manual (NISPOM).Join in on interviews and discussions about our national security and protecting our nation's secrets.
Implementing an Effective Insider Threat Program for NISPOM Compliance
03/02/2025 Duração: 13minSend us a text descriptionNISPOM Compliance Consulting and FSO Services: https://www.thriveanalysis.comNISPOM Books and Training Resources https://www.nispomcentral.comContact Jeff: jeff.bennett@nispomcentral.comImplementing an Effective Insider Threat Program for NISPOM ComplianceJeff Bennett from Thrive Analysis Group discusses the importance of implementing an aggressive insider threat program to ensure NISPOM compliance. He explains how such a program can protect sensitive information within clear defense contractors, commercial entities, institutions, and nonprofits. The video outlines the identification of sensitive assets, developing countermeasures, and training employees to recognize and report suspicious behavior as focal points of a robust insider threat program. Continuous evaluation, education on adverse information reporting, and practical steps for effective insider threat management are also covered.00:00 Introduction to Jeff Bennett and Thrive Analysis Group00:25 Understanding Insider Threat
The Importance of Training Uncleared Employees in Security Protocols
28/12/2024 Duração: 12minSend us a textJeff Bennett, owner of Thrive Analysis Group and NISPOM Central, explains the significance of security training for uncleared employees in defense contracting companies. The video details compliance with the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) and covers mandated topics such as threat awareness, counterintelligence, and cybersecurity. Bennett emphasizes the importance of including uncleared employees in security training to prevent unauthorized access to classified information. He also highlights the need for regular training and self-inspection processes, suggesting outsourcing as a solution for overwhelmed FSOs.00:00 Introduction to Thrive Analysis Group00:28 Understanding the Role of FSOs01:05 Outsourcing FSO Tasks01:22 Developing a Sustainable Security Program01:57 Today's Training Topic: Security Training for Uncleared Employees02:09 NISPOM Training Requirements03:34 Benefits of Training Uncleared Employees04:49 Handling Classified Information06:51 Training T
What happens after you get the facility security clearance
16/12/2024 Duração: 14minSend us a textConsulting: https://www.thriveanalysis.comBooks, Training and Resources: https://www.nispomcentral.comWhat's Next After Getting Your Facility Security Clearance?Join Jeff Bennett, President of Thrive Analysis Group, as he guides you through the steps to take after obtaining your facility security clearance. In this video, Jeff discusses the responsibilities of facility security officers, how to manage security programs, delegation of tasks, compliance with NISPOM, and preparing for self-inspections. Ideal for companies new to security clearances and those needing assistance in building and maintaining a security-conscious infrastructure.00:00 Introduction to Thrive Analysis Group00:20 Understanding Facility Security Clearances01:10 Roles and Responsibilities of Security Officers02:00 Guidance for New Facility Security Officers03:04 Building and Managing a Security Program04:01 Delegating Tasks and Using Resources06:14 Developing Security Policies and Procedures07:11 Handling Classified In
NISPOM Required Training
07/07/2024 Duração: 21minSend us a textGet the TrainingSecurity Training; It's That Important NISPOM requires that every cleared employee receives the initial training and the annual refresher training The rational for initial and refresher is because new employees are introduced to sensitive and classified government information and they should learn the fundamentals. Here are some great topics; just so happens to be addressed in NISPOM: The nature of classified material and how to protect it. Notice of their responsibilities to protect classified information and the consequences of unauthorized disclosure Recognizing and protecting U.S. and foreign government classified material Criteria for authorizing access to classified information Responding to classified information released to the public Security chain of command and support structure for addressing security incidents and violations Cleared employees on foreign travel For example, the newly cleared employee may not understand how to dial a combination or determine who
Security Clearances, Insider Threat Programs, Training
10/11/2023 Duração: 32minSend us a textFor some, the FSO designation is a career track with potential growth. For others, it’s an undesired appointment, part of doing business and just another additional duty.However, this responsibility should be taken very seriously as classified contracts depend on success. Regardless of whether desired or appointed, the FSO is key to managing classified contracts.Why not let Thrive Analysis Group Inc manage your FSO requirements while you focus on your core capabilities. We are uniquely positioned to equip your organization with FSO solutions and services.While you may be appointed as FSO, you should delegate FSO responsibilities to us. We provide a wide range of managed solutions. Leave FSO tasks to a trusted partner.FSO Solutions security clearance webinars and coaching. Providing security training and resources.Most organizations attack the problem with either an employee tracking or online activity re
Establish an Insider Threat Program Under NISPOM Interview
26/06/2023 Duração: 27minSend us a textThis is a collaborative effort with and an interview from my newest book, Establish and Insider Threat Program Under NISPOMFSOs have a huge responsibility to protect contractor information. One important job is to start with an insider threat program.Most people make the mistake of relying on tracking employees and looking for suspicious behavior. That's not a good way to start.I've got a better solution. It's here in the video as well as my new book:Establish an Insider threat program under NISPOM. Tools, templates and procedures you can download. is available for speaking and consultinghttps://jeffreywbennett.comNISPOM CentralProviding security clearance books, training, and resources for cleared defense contractors.Bennett InstituteOnline security clearance webinars and coaching. Providing security training and resources.SIMS SoftwareSIMS suite provides features/functionality you need to run automated
Establish an Insider Threat Program
22/04/2023 Duração: 19minSend us a textJeff is available for speaking and consultinghttps://jeffreywbennett.comhttps://jeffreywbennett.thinkific.comFSOs have a huge responsibility to protect contractor information. One important job is to start with an insider threat program.Most people make the mistake of relying on tracking employees and looking for suspicious behavior. That's not a good way to start.I've got a better solution. It's here in the video as well as my new book:Establish an Insider threat program under NISPOM. security clearance webinars and coaching. Providing security training and resources.It also answers the question that so many people have asked,If we have the NISPOM, why do we need an insider threat program?If the NISPOM is so thorough, what would an additional insider threat program look like?Most organizations attack the problem with either an employee tracking or online activity reporting goal.A
Training, inspections and other cleared contractor requirements
26/02/2023 Duração: 43minSend us a textFree security clearance seminare Fundamentals https://www.bennettinstitute.comStay tuned for more information about our upcoming book. In the meantime, if you need to provide Insider Threat Training, you can download and present your very own to your employees NISPOM requires Derivative Classification Training and Record keeping Guidance. This guidance states that the cleared contractor provide cleared personnel with initial Derivative Classification Training and follow up and at least once every 2 years. No time to write training?You can find training here more in our books "Insider's Guide to Security Clearances" and "Bennett InstituteOnline security clearance webinars and coaching. Providing security training and resources.Access Commander by MathCraftWe support the mission of FSOs, CSOs and other security professionals. SIMS SoftwareSIMS suite provides feature
Security Clearance Justification and FSO training
16/01/2023 Duração: 24minSend us a textWe are having a security clearance webinar. FInd more information here: podcast is based on information from our NISPOM fundamentals course at https://www.bennettinstitute.comPodcast discusses:Holding a security clearance is a privilege. The awardee is able to perform on classified contracts where they would not otherwise be able. However, some defense contractors mistakenly assume that they can request a Facility Security Clearance (FCL) for business development purposes or to better position themselves future classified contract opportunities. Though that is not how FCLs are awarded, there is a process and methodology to justify the FCL. The FSO has marching orders to develop and implement security programs to protect classified information. But, how effective is security policy if it is written by security and posted only in the security office? Identify items, events, and issues that security can help withLook at upcoming co
Security Clearances a little more in depth.
26/11/2022 Duração: 34minSend us a textWe are having a security clearance webinar. FInd more information here: podcast is based on information from our NISPOM fundamentals course at https://www.bennettinstitute.comPodcast discusses:Facility Security Clearances (for businesses)Personnel Security Clearances (for people)NISPOM CentralProviding security clearance books, training, and resources for cleared defense contractors.Bennett InstituteOnline security clearance webinars and coaching. Providing security training and resources.Access Commander by MathCraftWe support the mission of FSOs, CSOs and other security professionals. SIMS SoftwareSIMS suite provides features/functionality you need to run automated industrial security programs. Clearance, NISPOM, and FSO ConsultingThrive Analysis Group Inc is your resource for security clearance, NISPOM, and FSO consulting.Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra
Gates, Guards and Risk Assessment
03/10/2022 Duração: 30minSend us a textConsulting ServicesRed Bike Publishing, LLC is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business. We have sold thousands of books and training materials to individual customers. However, we would like to provide our manuals books and training to government offices to pass down to employees and contractors. Our products include training, books and services:Reminder magnets for security containers and safes.DODM 5200.01 V 1-3 and study guides for SPeD SFPC certificationNISPOM and study guides for ISP CertificationNISPOM Required TrainingFSO Services (facility and personnel security clearances)DoD and NISP Security CertificationTailored NISP required trainingeditor@redbikepublishing.comCAGE: 53JF5 NAICS: 511130, 541690, 611430 Cleared employees are trained how to properly mark, store and disseminate classified information, but not taught how to effectivelyNISPOM CentralProviding security clearance books, training, and resources for cleared defense contractors.SIMS SoftwareSIMS suite provides feature
World Class Cleared Defense Contractor and NISPOM
19/07/2022 Duração: 43minSend us a textSecurity Clearance and NISPOM consultingLink to YouTube presentation This is a presentation of how to be a world class FSOFrom How to Get U.S. Government Contracts and Classified WorkInfluence at all levelsIntegrate security at all levelsBe fiscally responsible Be flexible, but knowledgeableIf you need assistance with FSO or security training please contact me or visit my consulting site, we have NISPOM fundamentals training perfect for studying and applying to your CDC facility. purposeful execution of Foreign travel pre-briefings-When employees travel to a foreign country, they may be targeted to provide sensitive information. A threat and/or defensive briefing should be provided to all cleared employees per NISPOM. (NISPOM Training). The briefings should be documented with signatures, dates and contents of briefings for presentation to Defense Security Services (DSS)
Program protection, new FSOs, and classified reproduction
12/06/2022 Duração: 33minSend us a textSecurity Clearance and NISPOM consultingIf you are a new FSO, there is no reason to travel your journey alone. You may recruit fellow employees to assist with the tasks. Lately, contract language requires the contractor to conduct tasks in support of Program Protection Planning (PPP), Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), Criticality Analyses (CA), and providing Program Protection Plan Implementation Plans (PPIP). These requirements include language that requires developing PPIPs, protecting critical components, developing SCRM plans, quantifying risk to the supply chain, vetting vendors and so much more. The ISP and ISOC Master exam prep for NISPOM 32 CFR Part 117 is now available. If you plan to test in winter 2022 or later, make this version part of your study plans.Check it out. While this may not be an organic capability for most organizations, there are many small companies that can step up and provide the necessary guidance or share in the workload.Link to NISPOM and cleared contractor s
FSOs are busy. Get ready for performing on classified contracts
03/05/2022 Duração: 29minSend us a textSecurity Clearance and NISPOM consultingHere are the top reasons for marking classified information: Warn and inform a user that an item is indeed classified or sensitiveConveys what exactly needs protection Identifies levels of classification or sensitivityProvides vital information and instruction on when to downgrade or declassify the materialGives sources and reason for classifying the itemWarns of special access, control, dissemination or safeguarding requirements Find out more in How to Get U.S. Government Contracts and Classified WorkBe sure to visit Red Bike Publishing for books and training.If you need assistance with FSO or security training please contact me or visit my consulting site ReviewPrior to each inspection, the FSO and cleared contractor leadership should present DCSA with a state of security briefing to introduce and go over the company secuNISPOM CentralProviding security clearance books, training, and resources for cleared defense contractor
Creating an excellent security environment at cleared defense contractor facilities.
25/03/2022 Duração: 28minSend us a textThough defense contractors don't assign classification levels, it helps to understand why information gets classified and how the government identifies the classified information. The cleared contractor works with the classified information and protects it according to the markings.From How to Get U.S. Government Contracts and Classified WorkInfluence at all levelsIntegrate security at all levelsBe fiscally responsible Be flexible, but knowledgeableIf you need assistance with FSO or security training please contact me or visit my consulting site Additionally, we have NISPOM fundamentals training perfect for studying and applying to your CDC facility. purposeful execution of Foreign travel pre-briefings-When employees travel to a foreign country, they may be targeted to provide sensitive information. A threat and/or defensive briefing should be provided to all cleared employees per NISPOM. (NISPOM Training).
Classified document deliveries, Classification markings and security culture
23/02/2022 Duração: 32minSend us a textThere are many contractual reasons to transfer classified information from one location to another. Meetings, working groups, and deliverable requirements are just a few. In the receiving organization, the FSO should ensure all arriving classified information is inspected and received into accountability. From How to Get U.S. Government Contracts and Classified WorkThe FSO should ensure that all classified deliveries are inspected prior to bringing them into accountability. Such checks are necessary to ensure items were sent properly, were not tampered with in transit, contain correct items and are authorized for storage in the classified holdingsBe sure to visit Red Bike Publishing for books and training.If you have questions, visit Jeff's website: jeffreywbennett.comWhen performing Derivative Classification tasks, it's sometimes necessary to produce, reproduce, copy, or print classified information for work products, briefingsJeff's WebsiteJeff is available for speaking and consu
How Cleared Defense Contractors Institutionalize Security Awareness
14/01/2022 Duração: 34minSend us a textWhen Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) conduct reviews of cleared defense contractor facilities, they go with a purpose. Their first priority may be to conduct a risk assessment of classified information in the contractor's possession. However, they are also looking at above and beyond metrics that demonstrate the commitment to national security. These above and beyond attributes are often recorded and rewarded. Here are some ideas Facility Security Officers can employ to demonstrate above and beyond NISPOM application. You might even consider inviting an Industrial Security Professional (ISP) or Industrial Security Oversight (ISOC) certified guest speaker.Additionally, many vendors offer already developed online NISPOM training perfect for sending to your employees.Be sure to create an index or catalog of where brochures, posters or other training items are located so that you can keep them updated, monitor use and make improvements. Most of all, it’s important to docu
Security training, export compliance, NISPOM, and working groups
20/11/2021 Duração: 43minSend us a textThough not as sinister and espionage riddled as most savvy spy novels, export compliance is an issue that will get defense contractors in trouble. Violating State Department regulations will bring the weight of the US Government on the offending company. According to the International Traffic In Arms Regulation, ITAR, “Any person who engages in the United States in the business of either manufacturing or exporting defense articles or furnishing defense services is required to register”. Security clearances should be kept to the minimum amount necessary to perform the classified work, access to that classified information must be kept to only those with a valid need to perform on the government work. Security clearance verification cannot provide need to know. Just because one has a clearance doesn’t mean they should be authorized access. Need to know is based on a contractual or work performance basis.A leader can form an HPT from all business units. Since the FSO is responsible for creating a
Determining security costs, protecting CUI, FSO training and more
16/09/2021 Duração: 39minSend us a textA cleared contractor can help reduce expenses with by preparing ahead of time. This is where an experience FSO can anticipate expenses, perform risk assessment while implementing NISPOM and advise on ways to reduce costs while being compliant. The more money saved on overhead expenses, the greater the overall company profit. The earlier into the process the assessment is conducted the better the company performs overall.It's a common practice to allow employees to use enterprise computers outside of the enterprise. This has become more common where employees are increasingly working at home. Though a common practice, these occurrences are not always best practices. Anytime an employee leaves work with a company computer, the expectation is that all information is vulnerable. Protecting classified material – The proper receipt, accountability, storage, dissemination and destruction of classified material. Link to CDSE training training – This instruction helps
Classified contracts, security audits, end of day checks and metrics
26/07/2021 Duração: 47minSend us a textRed Bike Publishing is pleased to announce the new NISPOM. National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual 32 CFR Part 117. An FSO has readily available data to determine and communicate the effectiveness of the security program. Gathering available information, creating a detailed database and performing solid analysis will determine the program's success.End of day checks serve as a precaution against leaving classified information unattended.Feel free to contact us for information on how to promote your business through our newsletter. NISPOM Training Topics:Insider ThreatInitial / Annual Security AwarenessDerivative ClassifierNon Disclosure AgreementNISPOM CentralProviding security clearance books, training, and resources for cleared defense contractors.Bennett InstituteOnline security clearance webinars and coaching. Providing security training and resources.Jeff's WebsiteJeff is available for speaking and consultingSIMS SoftwareSIMS suite provides features/functionality

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