Pure Passion deals with sexual sin and brokenness and the issues that surround it from a biblical perspective. Each episode covers topics such as homosexual confusion, child sexual abuse, sexual addiction, masturbation, pornography, transgender conditions, prostitution, human trafficking, father-wounding, and much more.From personal testimonies to expert teaching, you will recognize many Christian leaders such as Steven Arterburn, Francis MacNutt, John Sandford, Neil Anderson, Kay Arthur, Jack Frost, Joe Dallas, Peter Horrobin, Diane Langberg and John Bevere.Pure Passion addresses each issue from a biblical perspective and unveils Gods way of escape and healing.Spread the word to friends, pastors and support groups about God's healing message heard twice each week on the Pure Passion Podcast.
Andrew Comiskey - When the Temptations Don't Stop
14/07/2022 Duração: 43minOur guest today is Andrew Comiskey - founder/director of Desert Stream Ministries and the Living Waters transformation program. Andy will be discussing the bumps along the way in being transformed into God's image - especially as it relates to sexual brokenness.
Ken Williams - The Journey Out of Homosexuality
28/06/2022 Duração: 49minOur guest today is Ken Williams - associate pastor and co-leader of the "Equipped to Love" ministry at Bethel Church in Redding, CA. Ken left the gay life years ago and relates how intimacy with the Father became an indispensible priority in the matter of being changed by the Spirit
Dr. Andre Van Mol - The Science & Debate on Transgender Disorders
21/06/2022 Duração: 50minOur guest today is Dr. Andre Van Mol - a family physician and co-chair of the American College of Pediatrician's Committee on Adolescent Sexuality. Dr. Van Mol is going to share with us the latest scientific studies related to transgender disorders and how trans activists and the medical industrial complex is leading us astray.
Briar Whitehead - Song of Songs
14/06/2022 Duração: 52minFrom New Zealand, Briar Whitehead takes us through The Song of Solomon, otherwise known as The Song of Songs. Many see this as an erotic guide to human sexuality but the Lord has shown Briar that it is a metaphor for the relationship between God and His Beloved - the Church.
Briar Whitehead - Craving for Love
07/06/2022 Duração: 46minFrom New Zealand, Briar Whitehead discusses her book, Craving for Love, which teaches us about the origins of sexual brokenness, the resultant bondage, and God's way of escape - which is His manifest love expressed directly by Him and others.
Neil Whitehead - What Science Really Tells Us About the Origins & Healing of Homosexual and Transgender Disorders
31/05/2022 Duração: 40minFrom New Zealand, Dr. Neil Whitehead provides us with the actual science on the origins of homosexual and transgender attraction. It shouldn't surprise us that the secular media has been lying to us all along.
Esly Carvalho - Pt 2 - Healing the Folks Who Live Inside
24/05/2022 Duração: 34minOn today's program, Dr. Esly Carvalho continues to teach us about the various means by which God can heal the negative effects of sexual abuse and other traumas.
Esly Carvalho - Pt 1 - Healing the Folks Who Live Inside
17/05/2022 Duração: 32minOn today's program, from Brazil, we have Dr. Esly Carvalho who is going to share with us the negative effects of sexual abuse and other traumas, our coping mechanisms, as well as some of the "ways of escape" that God has provided through EMDR and other therapies.
Julie Hamilton - Parenting the Homosexual - Pt 2
10/05/2022 Duração: 38minOn today's program, we continue our interview with Christian therapist Dr. Julie Hamilton, who continues sharing wisdom she has gained during years of counseling same-sex attracted individuals and their families. We look at the issue of childhood risk factors and preventive tips for parents.
Julie Hamilton - Parenting the Homosexual - Pt 1
03/05/2022 Duração: 36minOn today's program, Christian therapist Dr. Julie Hamilton shares the wisdom she has gained during years of counseling same-sex attracted individuals and their families. We look at the biblical view of gender, childhood risk factors, and preventive tips for parents.
Jennifer Thorne - Lesbian No More!
26/04/2022 Duração: 35minOn today's program, former lesbian Jennifer Thorne shares her testimony of growing up as a same-sex attracted tomboy and the ways that Jesus Christ brought salvation, healing and freedom from the lesbian lie and an embracing of her God-given femininity.
Stephen Black - Surviving the Death of a Child
19/04/2022 Duração: 27minOn today's program, Stephen Black describes the abject trauma of losing a child and how God has helped him through what some say is the greatest nightmare a parent can have.
Stephen Black - Can Homosexuals Change?
12/04/2022 Duração: 35minOn today's program, Founder/Director of First Stone Ministries reveals the true statistics on whether or not it is possible for homosexuals to experience change and transformation through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Anne Paulk - When a Loved One Says They're Gay
05/04/2022 Duração: 35minOn today's program,we have the director of Restored Hope Network-former lesbian, Anne Paulk. Anne provides expert advice on what a parent or other loved one can do to minister God's message and impart His provision for the transformation of homosexuals who want to be free from such a destructive lifestyle.
Daniel Delgado - On Being Trans and Gay
29/03/2022 Duração: 32minOn today's program, former homosexual/drag queen Daniel Delgado describes his life as "Miss Gay Teen" and his ongoing struggle with multiple forms of sexual identity confusion. Once God saved him, however, the love and power of God set things aright. Once healed on many deep levels, Daniel began ministering to sexually broken people through a healing program called "Living Waters".
Walter Heyer - Thoughts on Being Transgender, The Trans Movement & How God Brings Healing
22/03/2022 Duração: 30minOn today's program former transsexual Walter Heyer describes what it was like to live as a transgender person and how Jesus brought him back to his true identity. He also describes the secular transgender movement and the damage it is doing to countless precious souls.
Dr. Richard Marks-Pt 2 - The Destructive Nature of Father Wounds
15/03/2022 Duração: 30minOn today's program, marriage and family therapist Dr. Richard Marks continues his outstanding teaching on the nature of father-wounds and the healing that God the Father Himself can bring.
Dr. Richard Marks Pt 1- The Destructive Nature of Father Wounds
08/03/2022 Duração: 24minOn today's program, marriage and family therapist Dr.Richard Marks begins a 2-part teaching on the problem of father-wounds. He begins with his own story of wounding and then leads us into an understanding of the cause, effect and healing of such wounds-with God's help.
Eddie Capparucci - How the Inner Child Affects Sex Addiction
01/03/2022 Duração: 39minOn today's program, Christian-counselor Eddie Capparucci examines the ways a broken "inner child" can give rise to addictive behavior and other dysfunctions. As his new book tells us, the road to recovery goes through your childhood!
Jonathan Daugherty - Grace-Based Recovery
22/02/2022 Duração: 41minFor over a century, the counseling world has been divided into secular and Christian approaches for the healing and transformation of broken people that are often at odds. Today's guest - the founder and director of Be Broken Ministries - will help us with the newest solution to that divide. It's called "Grace-Based Recovery" and it brings us back to therapy that is Christocentric and extremely effective.