I'm With Phill

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 2:27:10
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"I'm With Phill" is an irreverent look at politics without the Politically Correct label. Phill Wright is a conservative freedom-fighter. He served as the 2016 Chair of the Utah Ted Cruz Presidential Campaign. He was the 2016 Chair of the Utah National Delegates to the RNC in Cleveland, Ohio, and he later campaigned for Donald Trump and has become a "HUGE" supporter of his presidency


  • Senate Bill 205 to add Convention Only Option to SB54

    26/02/2021 Duração: 26min

    Senator Dan McCay one of the original sponsors of SB54 has authored a bill to fix some of the problems caused by SB54. This bill will add another option for political parties to chose to advance their candidates to the ballot, Convention Only! February 25, 2021.

  • The Storyteller Collection

    25/11/2020 Duração: 33min

    In this episode, I talk about well....what everyone seems to be talking about....COVID-19! Actually, I only talk about that for a moment.  Most of this podcast is talking about my books. My newest book, Man Against Messiah The Sanhedrin Plot Against Jesus, and my new Sci/Fi/Historical Fiction book and series called Return From Rysa.  I also talk about my friend and fellow author Michael B. Rush, author of "A Remnant Shall Return" and "Daniel 11", and an upcoming podcast we will be doing together.  ENJOY!!

  • The Coronavirus versus The Black Plague

    26/03/2020 Duração: 20min

    Like millions of Americans today in March of 2020, I am sitting in my home office as I record this.  Why my home office? Because of the CORONAVIRUS! Much has been said about this virus.  Almost daily we hear about the deaths all around the world due to a virus that started somewhere in the town of WuHan China. I am not going to make light of this virus, because it has already taken the lives of a few thousand people around the world. There seems to be a 50/50 split of opinion about this virus, half believe it’s a pandemic that will kill millions and the other half believe it may not kill as many people worldwide as the common FLU does each year.  According to the World Health Organization, the FLU kills between 290,000 and 650,000 people every year. And the FLU season in the US usually runs from October through March and occasional as late as May, but not often.  Today happens to be March 25, 2020.  Here are today's worldwide statistics from worldmeters.info 471,759 cases, 21,297 Deaths and 114,696 Recov

  • Republicans Raising Taxes YOU GIVE GOV A BAD NAME! https://vimeo.com/348967248

    19/07/2019 Duração: 08min

    In 2018 the State of Utah had a record surplus of over ONE BILLION.  But instead of doing a tax refund to give excess money back to Utah taxpayers, they spent every penny and then raised taxes MORE!  At the end of the 2019 legislative session, they tried to pass a massive Tax Bill that would have taxed services that have never been taxed before in Utah and are typically NOT taxed in any of the other States. Due to the citizen revolt and uproar, they didn't pass the tax hike but instead have created a task force named Stronger Future, and they are traveling the state trying to convince us that we need to "Modernize" our tax system and start taxing like never before.  In this episode, Phill discusses some of the misinformation the state is passing on as fact, and he also includes the hilarious 2019 Keep My Voice KMV Awards video "YOU GIVE GOV A BAD NAME," specifically making fun of Republicans in government who consistently vote to raise taxes

  • The Presidential Morality Police

    12/07/2019 Duração: 08min

    Donald Trump has been accused of some pretty scandalous things.  The left has thrown everything at him and couldn't derail his candidacy, and after two years with a costly and FAKE Russian collusion investigation, they also failed to remove him from office. We know why the left is so bitter and filled with hatred toward President Trump, it is because he beat their savior Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election. But, on the issue of morality is Donald Trump really that different that many if not most presidents before him?  Let's take a brief look...

  • Sunrise or Sunset on the Utah Caucus System

    09/07/2019 Duração: 24min

    Phill compares his political involvement and experience in California compared to Utah. The only true grassroots in the nation that listens to and hears the voice of the individual is in Utah.  Utah is on the verge of losing the best system in the United States to vet candidates.  The liberal/left/RINO "Unelectable" have spent millions of dollars to destroy the Utah Caucus so that they can start getting their candidates elected in a direct primary, just like California. Utah is on the cusp of becoming just like Colorado. 

  • My First Novel, Not Without Mercy The Black Death (Video Link https://vimeo.com/347191070 )

    07/07/2019 Duração: 14min

    In 2013 I published my first book, a 500-plus page Historical Fiction novel.  The book is the story of a family that survives the Black Plague of 1348 in Bristol, England. The book is part of a trilogy.  I've written book one, The Black Death, and also, book two, The Passage Home.  Book three will come out sometime in 2020 (hopefully). I also wrote a children's book called Henry and the Big Green Garden Hose, and last fall I published a non-fiction book titled, Man Against Messiah, the Sanhedrin Plot Against Jesus.  I know, I write in many different genres. I don't just decide to write a book about something, in particular, I only write when I feel inspired to write.  I guess that is why I have chosen to write about such different subjects. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little bit of my life, and you can also buy my books that are all now sold exclusively on amazon.com.CLICK HERE FOR THE VIDEO VERSION https://vimeo.com/347191070

  • What Happened? Phill explains to Hillary exactly what happened.

    04/07/2019 Duração: 10min

    Shortly after losing the US Presidential election to Donald Trump in the biggest Presidential election upset in US history, Hillary Clinton wrote a book titled, "What Happened?" In her book, she explains how everyone but her, was to blame for her major loss.  In this hilarious 10 minute episode, Phill clearly details with sound bites exactly what caused Hillary to lose the election of the century.