The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 991:45:36
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The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever. The Model Health Show is brought to you by RareGem Productions.


  • TMHS 207: Reset Your Genes And Become Younger - With Dr. Sara Gottfried

    08/03/2017 Duração: 56min

    Time is not toxic. Just because the days roll by on the calendar, does not mean that you have to be sentenced with years of sub-standard living and loss of function. New York Times bestselling author, and superstar physician, Dr. Sara Gottfried is here to blow your mind with the latest research on aging. You’re going to learn firsthand how to ensure that your healthspan--the amount of time you live with good health and normal function--is as long as possible. This information will be valuable to you for a lifetime (and a much longer, healthier lifetime at that!). So, click play, take good notes, and become Younger! In this episode you'll discover: The triggering event that led Dr. Gottfried to focus deeply on the aging process. Why the experience of aging starts in your muscles. How your muscles are actually a fat-burning endocrine organ. What normally happens to your blood sugar as you get older. Why it’s critical to extend your healthspan as long as possible. How our various organs age differently. Why it’

  • TMHS 206: Exercise Your "NO" Muscle And Get Free To Focus - With Michael Hyatt

    05/03/2017 Duração: 52min

    How often have you found yourself feeling stressed by time? How about the feeling that you don’t have enough time to do the things you really want to do? And, if you’re like most us, just thinking about how little time you have makes you so exhausted that you just eat some dessert, watch tv, and waste even more time? It’s crazy how time can do such a number on our psyches. But, today, we’ve got some major solutions to our society’s crazy time epidemic! Time is not measured by clocks, it’s measured by moments. The more that we can take control of how we invest our time, the more we’re going to be present for the moments that really make life worth living. On the health side, time worry is actually a major cause of anxiety. So much futurecasting, and not feeling empowered to do the things we want, can lead to a subtle, or very strong, feeling of helplessness. To help all of us become a better master of our days, I called in one of the top productivity and leadership experts in the world. His story is remarkable

  • TMHS 205: Smart Tips To Beat Inflamm-Aging And The Telomere Effect - With Dr. Elissa Epel

    28/02/2017 Duração: 58min

    Sometimes I contemplate on just how fragile life is. Here we are, spinning around the sun in the middle of the universe with a billion delicate balances allowing us to be here. When you stop and think about how grand everything is, it can be a little overwhelming. But, if you zoom in even closer… and even closer than that… and even closer than that… all the way down to the makeup of our cells, you see that life is also very powerful and resilient. And there are intelligent systems governing it all. Life, and how long we live, is not an accident. Our cells can actually tell us how long we’re going to live. More specifically, they can tell us how long we’re going to live healthfully. I just overheard a gentleman at the gym, probably in his late 50’s, telling another seasoned fellow how he’s getting too old to do basic things he used to do. He was complaining about the inability to tend to his yard and to exercise normally. The man he was talking to simply replied, “It’s too bad, isn’t it?” They have bought into

  • TMHS 204: Spot-Treating Body Fat, Lowering Cortisol, Staying Mobile As You Age And More!

    22/02/2017 Duração: 01h37min

    Conventional wisdom says that your body burns fat as a whole, and that you can’t “spot-eliminate” fat. Well, if conventional wisdom had a nose, it would be growing like Pinocchio’s right now. In past episodes we’ve discussed how your body actually burns fat, how it’s eliminated, and what fat even is in the first place. In this episode we’re going to talk about how you can influence your body to burn more fat from specific “problem areas”, plus a whole lot more. Today we have a very special episode we recorded with listeners of The Model Health Show live in Washington D.C.! This special Q & A show delves in on topics ranging from overlooked causes of heart problems, spot-treating body fat, deciding on your career path, avoiding hip and knee replacements, quickly eliminating inflammation and that’s just for starters. I hope this episode provides you with a plethora of tools and insights that you can use for a lifetime. And a special shoutout to everyone who joined us in D.C. It was an amazing time in an awe

  • TMHS 203: 5 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Fitness Program - With Drew Canole

    20/02/2017 Duração: 53min

    What does a good sandwich, an Oreo cookie, and a Hot Pocket all have in common? Well, even though I might not be sycked to eat any of those things, it’s the stuff in the middle that makes them what they are. Without the fixings in the middle of the sandwich, you’d just be eating bread (true story, I’ve eaten many bread sandwiches in my lifetime), without the cream in the middle of the Oreo, you’d just have two dry black discs, and without the cheesy meaty center of the Hot Pocket, you’d just have a pocket. So, what’s the point of this pro-diabetes food analogy? It’s to remind you that what happens in the middle counts. I’d argue to say that what happens in the middle is where all the action is. And that’s why today’s show is so important… Contrary to popular belief, you don’t actually “get fit” when you’re working out. It’s the stuff that you do in between your workouts (aka in the middle) that makes all the difference in the world. You see, exercise is known as a hormetic stressor. It’s something that puts a

  • TMHS 202: 7 Little Known Superfoods You Need To Learn About

    14/02/2017 Duração: 01h17min

    The term “superfood” has been used more and more loosely as the years have gone by. It’s sort of like when a really skinny guys who doesn’t workout has abs… and you’re like, “Nah, that doesn’t really count. Put your shirt back on and stop flexing.” Well, at least that’s what I would have told my 12-year old self... Superfoods are not the run-of-the-mill foods that you see everyday. These are foods that have rare nutrients, or concentrations of nutrients, or a completeness of nutrients that are rarely seen in nature. Broccoli is like abs on Justin Bieber. Real superfoods (like you’re about to learn about today) are like abs on Arnold Schwarzenegger. They are totally in a different league (and no disrespect to broccoli!). You’re about so get the inside scoop on foods that are clinically proven to destroy cancer cells, foods that can regenerate and heal your ligaments, tendons, and bones, and even foods that can upgrade your entire immune system. Enjoy, and make sure to share this with the people you care about!

  • TMHS 201: Extreme Self-Care And Developing A Miracle Mindset - With JJ Virgin

    08/02/2017 Duração: 56min

    You’ve probably heard the statement, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” But if that’s the case, why do so many of us shy away from adversity? Why, when the chips are down, do we sometimes feel like we can’t move past the hard times? Part of it is perception. It’s not what happens to us, but how you respond to what happens that tells the real tale of the results in our lives. How you perceive the challenge will be your experience of the challenge. You can see it as the ultimate thing that will take you down, or the greatest gift that’s going to push you to take your life to the next level. The other part is readiness for the challenge. It might seem that we are ill-equipped at times to overcome our hardships. Yet, if we dive deep and keep moving forward, we’ll often find that the strength was in us all along. You are not always going to be ready for a specific adversity, but you can train yourself mind, body, and spirit to be ready at all times for life’s toughest situations. That’s what today’s guest

  • TMHS 200: 15 Of The Biggest Health, Fitness, And Life Lessons From The Last 100 Shows

    01/02/2017 Duração: 01h30min

    When we set out on a journey to get to a destination, we don’t always know what’s in store for us on the road (or if that road might take us somewhere totally unexpected). The important thing is that we embark on our journey, and, as the wise writer Paulo Coelho says, discover our own “personal legend”. Every journey begins with taking the first step. When I took the first step to start this show, all I knew was that I wanted to help. I wanted to be a blessing in people’s lives. I want to, not just give them hope, but to give them how. And through all of these years and countless hours, I feel that we can confidently say we’ve helped make that a reality. What I didn’t expect, however, is how much I would love this process, how much I would grow, and how many amazing friends would be brought into my life. But, learning has been of of the most valuable gifts to me. Part of teaching is being a lifetime student yourself. I’ve been able to embrace a childlike sense of wonder, and curiosity that has me asking power

  • TMHS 199: Creating Powerful Relationships And Why Men Are From Mars And Women Are From Venus - With Dr. John Gray

    25/01/2017 Duração: 01h22min

    One of my favorite statements of all-time was from Dr. Wayne Dyer when he said, “You don’t attract what you want. You attract what you are.” Our relationships say a lot about us. They tell us our strengths and weaknesses. They reveal to us our capacity to grow and change. And, most importantly, they give us moment-to-moment feedback about where our life really is. You see, nothing influences our health, happiness, and success in life more than our relationships. Your most intimate relationship has the greatest influence of all. Anyone who’s ever been in love before knows that love (or lack thereof) permeates itself into everything that you do. It’s the foremost place of inspiration, yet so many of us today put our relationships on the backburner (or worse, on autopilot). I’m beyond excited to bring a true legend and gift of a human being on the show today to share his most valuable insights for having the relationship that you truly deserve. John Gray is walking, talking amazing. You’re about to find out exac

  • TMHS 198: Take Back Control Of Your Time And Achieve Your Goals Each Day - With John Lee Dumas

    20/01/2017 Duração: 57min

    One of the biggest reasons that people give for failing to exercise, to prepare great food for themselves, and to get adequate sleep is that they don’t have enough time. It’s kind of funny because we all share the same 24-hour clock… and there are people with 3 kids, running their own business with multiple employees, writing books, touring the country speaking, recording their own podcast and frequently doing media interviews... that still have enough time to exercise, eat healthy, get great sleep and have a wonderful family life. I know it because I am that person. This is actually my life. If I was told it would be like this 10 years ago I probably would have thought you were crazy. But, step-by-step I’ve achieved greater levels of productivity, I’ve radically increased my energy and focus, and, more important than anything, I’ve become world-class at setting and accomplishing goals. Trust me, I didn’t get here on my own. I’ve had incredible teachers along the way who’ve taught me the tools of the trade. O

  • TMHS 197: How To Learn Faster, Increase Your Focus, And Develop A Superhero Mindset - With Jim Kwik

    17/01/2017 Duração: 01h17min

    All growth in our life is a result of learning. Learning changes our brain, it changes our intellect, and it changes our possibilities. There’s an old Chinese proverb that says, “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” What we learn becomes a part of who we are, and the tools that we can access anytime we need them. That’s why learning is an invaluable skill you need to master in order to become the best version of yourself. Today we have a very special episode with accelerated learning and memory expert, Jim Kwik! You’re going to discover some powerful tools that are going to help you learn faster immediately and improve your focus and memory for many years to come. In this episode you'll discover: The 3 elements of a superhero mindset. What a personal trainer for the brain is. What Arnold Schwarzenegger shared with Jim about what it takes to become a champion. Why you should have a not-to-do list. What a switching cost is and how it impacts your productivity. The 4 ways to learn ever

  • TMHS 196: Secrets Of Living Healthfully To 100 And Why Goddesses Never Age - With Dr. Christiane Northrup

    11/01/2017 Duração: 01h09min

    How long do you choose to live? Have you ever thought about that before? Life is such a delicate thing, yet it’s not something to experience without a zest and vigor that throws caution to the wind, and pulls every ounce out of this opportunity. Rationality would say that the longer you live, the more opportunity for experiences you have. This is definitely true if, of course, you’re taking full advantage of the situation called “your life”. Many people live less in terms of number of years, but far more in terms of experiences, fullness, and impact. Abraham Lincoln said, “It’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.” So when you decide how long you want to live and walk in that direction, make sure that it’s tied to a strong enough why and add plenty of life to those years you’re vying for. Today we have an absolutely phenomenal teacher, healer, and guide to help you live a longer, more fruitful life. Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a true pioneer and leading authority in the field

  • TMHS 195: 7 Small Changes To Help You Burn More Fat This Year

    04/01/2017 Duração: 01h14min

    Burning fat is an inside job. Your body has an innate intelligence that’s designed to burn more fat for fuel, or to store more fat for a rainy day. The most important realization you'll ever have is that this intelligence is all based on the programming you give it. The good news is that there are several little known (yet incredibly powerful!) clinically proven ways to train your body to burn more fat. Today you’re going to learn how to utilize these valuable strategies to help shape your body and health for many years to come! In this episode you'll discover: What water-induced thermogenesis is and how it impacts weight loss. How much water you need to drink for a fat loss effect. How overeating and dehydration are related Tips to ensure that you’re drinking enough water each day. Why sleep deprivation is one of the biggest causes of overeating. Which sleep-related hormone actually helps your body burn more fat. Whether or not moonlight can negatively impact sleep. Which form of exercise best enhances your

  • TMHS 194: The Human Diet And How To Get Deep Nutrition - With Dr. Cate Shanahan

    27/12/2016 Duração: 01h16min

    Most diets are really just guessing games. Even though a diet might claim to be the ultimate solution for health and weight loss, chances are they fail most people. And there’s a big (simple) reason why. Since the beginning of history, humans have tried to eat everything. If you can get some of it in your mouth, somebody has tried to eat it. Sometimes it made them feel good. Sometimes it made them keel over and die. Most importantly, someone was there to document the results as time has gone on, and the foundational human diet was born. For many years now, I often sit back and wonder what humans were really designed to eat, and if there’s really any “perfect food” for us. That question has driven me to keep searching, to keep experimenting, and to even roll the dice with my own food choices a time or fifty. I’m so over taking courageous crap shoots with health now-a-days. I’ve settled in comfortably knowing that I can look back on the wisdom of our ancestors and know exactly what will help me be the healthies

  • TMHS 193 - Ending Fat Controversy And How To Eat Fat, Get Thin - With Dr. Mark Hyman

    21/12/2016 Duração: 46min

    The word “fat” can drum up a whole lot of uncomfortable emotions. Whether it’s fat in our food or fat on our bodies, there’s a pervasive fear around fat that makes many of us turn our heads and run. Is this a logical fear? Well, sure it is! Especially if you’re under the impression that fat in our food and fat on our bodies are the same thing. Rationality would tell you to just steer clear of fat, and a fit, healthy body will be your grand prize. There’s just one tiny, little problem… Millions of people have avoided dietary fat with ninja-like covert precision, yet collectively we’ve seen our society’s rates of obesity and body-fat related illness skyrocket. Was the fat in our diets the problem all along? Or was there something else happening behind the scenes? To answer your fat-related questions we have on one of the top Functional Medicine Physicians on the planet, Mark Hyman, MD. Dr. Hyman has been a true pioneer in the field of health and wellness, and he has ten #1 New York Times bestselling books to pr

  • TMHS 192: You Vs. You - 4 Ways To Create A Strong Fitness Mindset

    14/12/2016 Duração: 01h03min

    You’ve probably heard the saying “mind over matter” before... but what the heck does that even mean? Well, to put it simply… the thoughts and beliefs that we carry determine the actions that we take in our lives. Your mind is strong enough to move the rest of your “matter”, and that’s why your mindset matters so much. Today you’re going to learn some important decisions that you get to make in determining how your mind (and thus your body) works. It’s You vs. You in the only competition that really counts… the competition for real estate in that beautiful mind of yours! The space in your mind that determines your approach to life is up for grabs, and you get to choose. Will it be an empowering mindset that helps to put more success on automatic in your life? Or will it be a disempowering mindset that holds you back and keeps you from reaching your potential? You and I both know which one you will choose, and it all starts now by pressing play and taking action! In this episode you'll discover: Why our psycho

  • TMHS 191: Everyday Medicines And The World’s Healthiest Coffee - With Tero Isokauppila

    12/12/2016 Duração: 01h03min

    You’ve heard the quotes from Hippocrates time and time again, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” There is true brilliance in that statement. But when you need the best medicine, what food do you go for? Four thousands upon thousands of years mushrooms have stood head-and-shoulders above all over foods for their medicinal qualities. So much so that there’s even a category of mushrooms called medicinal mushrooms that really take the fungi cake. Today you’re going to learn some of the surprising science on medicinal mushrooms. Our special guest Tero Isokauppila is going to blow you away with tips and insights hailing from the mushroom kingdom. You’re going to learn how to ensure you stay healthy when you travel, how to slow the aging process, how to make the world’s healthiest coffee and a whole lot more! In this episode you'll discover: What the 3 different categories of mushrooms are. How mushrooms “eat” nutrients like humans do. Why mushrooms are distinctly different from plants. What human

  • TMHS 190: Natural Treatments For Infertility - How To Radically Enhance Your Reproductive Power

    07/12/2016 Duração: 01h37min

    When I think of the circle of life, I always think of where life begins (and I can’t help but think about that song from The Lion King too). We are all creators of life. We are a fertile species at one degree or another. And, as you’ll discover today, the cultivation of your fertility is tied to your life line more than you may have realized before. Today we are seeing the highest rates of infertility ever in recorded human history. I can tell you straight away that there is solid science to prove exactly why this is. It’s an important challenge to address because our lives are literally at stake. You’re about to learn powerful, simple, clinically proven natural treatments for infertility. Plus, even more importantly, you’re going to learn why being a vibrant, fertile human being is valuable in every area of our lives. In this episode you'll discover: What fertility actually means (and why it’s about more than making babies). The shocking amount of toxic chemicals that are released into our environment. Why 

  • TMHS 189: Why All Movement Matters - With Katy Bowman

    29/11/2016 Duração: 01h10min

    Everything in the universe moves. Even the most laidback tree is made of atoms that are vibrating and spinning faster than your eyes can see. They move within and without the earth. They help to shape their environment, and, amazingly, their environment helps to shape them. It might surprise you to know just how much like a tree you really are. You are, indeed, a mover and shaker within your environment, but your environment helps to move you too. As biomechanist Katy Bowman has shared with us in past conversations, your environment actually shapes your body. That body that you have (take a look down at all of that glory for a second) has been shaped by your actions and environmental stimuli. Your body is best equipped to handle the consistent loads that are placed on it. Whether it from the subtle forces of your office chair or the more obvious forces of a barbell on your shoulders. Your body is your receipt from the loads you’ve experienced. For better or for worse, this is how the system works. Today we’re

  • TMHS 188: Better Skin, Healthier Joints, And Faster Weight Loss With The Bone Broth Diet - With Dr. Kellyann Petrucci

    28/11/2016 Duração: 01h15min

    I love the quote from Leonardo da Vinci that says, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” The key to having a healthy, radiant appearance is connected to something so simple, and so innate to our human experience, that it is often overlooked. New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kellyann Petrucci has taken action to put these innate components into a diet strategy that’s changing the lives of thousands of people all across the world. I also feel the da Vinci quote is fitting for her because she is the epitome of sophistication in my eyes. She walks her talk, she is graceful, kind, and loving, and she is real. Dr. Kellyann has put sound science together with simple tactics that humans have been using since the beginning of our existence. Today you’re going to learn about the phenomenal benefits of bone broth, plus you’re going to learn how to best utilize bone broth for supreme anti-aging benefits, improved brain health, and faster weight loss. Enjoy! In this episode you'll discover: How endometriosis

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