Raw & Real with Dr Lisa<

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LIVE WEDNESDAYS 2 PM ET/1 CT/12 MT/11 AM PT Gone are the days of sleepwalking through your life! What if today was all you had? Are you truly willing to wake up, step up and make this the life of your dreams? You have what it takes to change your life NOW! Get Real! Be Raw! Embrace Change! Create your radically orgasmic reality! Choose what works for you! Come get Raw and Real with Maverick of Consciousness Dr Lisa.   Dr. Lisa’s Book: Creating After Abuse Purchase here Amazon.com www.drlisacooney.com


  • Choice Creates – Choosing Beyond Addiction With Guest Brendon Watt


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Addiction is the overarching big tent for this topic, but it's really about the compulsion, what you have to do and can't stop thinking about. Maybe it's bread, maybe it's over eating. Maybe it's overworking, maybe it's overspending. What is it that you know that’s obligating you to be the person/persona you know deep down you are not? And what could you choose today beyond Addiction? YES, your Choice will create the space of what you desire to create. No matter how many hours, minutes, days or years ago you chose you, the space of you, you keep going and choosing every moment. You keep celebrating every minute, every second as a milestone because that’s what it is! And I have invited one of the kindest people I know, Brendon Watt, to join me for a Raw & Real conversation about this topic that I’m sure will make a HUGE shift for everyone! Just one last thing. Someone told me some years ago for the first time something that changed the game for me, and I keep spreading the word: if no

  • Letting Go Of Perfection ~ Raw & Real with Dr Lisa


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Perfection “is the state of being complete and correct in every way.” Do you know someone or something that’s like that? I mean, it might depend on the perspective… But then, it wouldn’t be “complete and correct in every way” if someone else’s perspective didn’t match yours, right? That’s why perfectionism may be keeping you on a loop of constant frustration, apathy and even depression. Have you fought enough against that? What if you could change that perfectionism and replace it with a space of no judgment and self-trust? Would it create more for your future? Join me for this show, let’s dissolve and dissipate all the bonds between you and perfection so that you can find what’s light and right for you! By the way, if you would like an extra push to let go of perfectionism, I recommend you this ThetaHealing™ Downloads and Teachings call about perfection: https://www.drlisacooney.com/offers/xz2AQuLr/checkout   Dr. Lisa’s Book: Creating After Abus

  • Choosing For You, Choosing Kindness ~ Guest Dani Costa


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Look at your life right now. How much of it is what you desire it to be? What if choosing for you is actually a kindness to you and the world? Breathe. Expand. See your life. Now, add kindness to it. Does it change? Does it feel different? What if your presence was a kind gift to the world? What if you being kind to YOU would create a greater world? My friend Dani Costa is from Brazil and asked me to talk about the joy of being present in your life and creating your dreams into reality… Would you like to know more about this? Join this conversation, ask your questions and get Raw and Real with us! Dani Costa is a mentor, speaker and facilitator in integral human development. It is also the creator of Plataforma da Vida, a content and service portal aimed at self-knowledge and emotional management. Graduated in Arts from the University of Brasília, with two postgraduate degrees in the field of management, she worked in the public service and worked for 13 years as a bank, nine of them

  • How to allow the Universe to support you


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  You are a creator. Yes, YOU. Have you ever acknowledged it? And you are here, on this amazing planet earth co-creating your reality with everything that surrounds you. EVERYTHING. Do you allow the Universe to collaborate in your creations? Or do you just plan how to get where you want on your own? Have you ever looked at your targets and said something like “well, if I do xyz for 3 years I’ll be there for sure. Maybe someone finds me before and I can get there in a few months! Nah… That wouldn’t happen to me, I better work hard to get it!” Or that time when you had an extra money and something came up and you had to spend it (and more)? Your problems and your desires are finite, but the universe is infinite. What if you could turn that polarity around and start receiving the unexpected blessings the universe has for you? Join me and find out! Do you want MORE? Check the 4 C’s Mini Challenge and practice with Choosing, Committing, Collaborating with the Universe and Creating! Find out

  • Living Every Day As If It Was Your Birthday


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Tap into the energy of waking up the day of your birthday, knowing that you’re living a celebration of a year full of choice, commitment, collaboration and creation. Tune in to that moment when you’re ready to receive the love and gifts for anyone and everyone. Now turn it up. What would your life be like if every day was your birthday? Turn it on by joining me live for this show! You will get to ask your questions and receive the contribution. Would you like to get 5 days of tools to EMBRACE the life you desire? Here are the Jumpstart Tools to do it! They are my gift to you! Get them here: https://www.drlisacooney.com/eyr-jumpstart Break Free for Free!! It's a gift! https://www.drlisacooney.com/bre​akfree-2021 Beyond the Page, exercises - Come play with the exercises from Creating After Abuse! IT'S A GIFT! https://www.drlisacooney.com/bey​ondthepage   Dr. Lisa’s Book: Creating After Abuse Purchase here Amazon.com www.drlisacooney.com   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!

  • Self-sabotage or Self-care? ~ Raw & Real with Dr Lisa


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Self-care is all about doing what works for you. You feel stressed and you move your body, meditate, or express yourself with some kind of art that will lower that stress for you. And, of course, if you are not clear on what is actually caring for you, you might end up with self-sabotage. Yes, doing all those things that keep you from success! Can you see your life in those moments where you did something that you thought would help you and ended up feeling worse than before? Want more clarity around all this? Join me in this episode of Raw and Real and ask your questions live! Are you looking for more? Check my store: https://www.drlisacooney.com/store   Dr. Lisa’s Book: Creating After Abuse Purchase here Amazon.com www.drlisacooney.com   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr Lisa ~  Dr Lisa Cooney is a Doctor of Psychology and Licensed Therapist with 25 years’ experience.  She is a bestselling Autho

  • Make Yourself a Priority ~ Raw & Real with Dr Lisa


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  What are your priorities? Yes, I’m talking to you. You may say that your kids, business, partner or pets are your priorities, but what about yourself, Are you priority? Does guilt, shame, regret and revenge show up to stop you from choosing you? Do you think you’re not important enough to be your #1? Let’s change that! Are you ready to become your own inner physician? Join me live and ask your questions! Are you ready to get the cages off your life? Check the Cage Talks for more tools and: https://www.drlisacooney.com/cage-talks   Dr. Lisa’s Book: Creating After Abuse Purchase here Amazon.com www.drlisacooney.com   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr Lisa ~  Dr Lisa Cooney is a Doctor of Psychology and Licensed Therapist with 25 years’ experience.  She is a bestselling Author and the creator of the ROAR™ (Radically Orgasmic Alive Reality) methodology to move beyond abuse & trauma. Dr Lisa travels th

  • Self-care: Choosing Happiness with Guest Karla Manica


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Life can be a dark place sometimes. And you can choose to feed that possibility or feed the other ones that seem less possible. What if happiness was just a choice? What if a joyful self-care is available for you? For me, having a choice in every moment is my way of having a radically alive life. I asked a friend of mine, Karla Manica, to join me and discuss choosing to be happy and committing to that choice. She said, “for me that is the best thing that I can choose to be and look amazing.“ Come, join us as we talk about nurturing yourself with love, kindness and HAPPINESS! Karla Manica was born in Veracruz, Mexico and she's an entrepreneur and love to share all the practical things that she uses on a daily basis to change and create her life as amazing as possible. She has a business manager degree and has worked in a family business for over 30 years. About 15 years ago she discovered that there was much more to life, so she started studying, teaching and sharing different modaliti

  • Keeping up with the Change – Raw & Real with Dr Lisa


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Do you like your life as it is now? And what about your financial situation? And what about relationships? And health? Even if you said yes to all of those, I’m sure you would like to transform something in your life, that’s a pretty natural state. We are always looking to change, transform, and create greater for ourselves. Unless, somehow, we think that we have reached our limit, and with that we’re keeping our limitations in place. So, let’s say you chose to CHANGE. And you did your work. Let’s say it got you to a breakthrough and you said “wow, my life is never going to be the same again.” Then, a day or two, or even a week after, the routine knocks on your door and there’s a moment of choice: will you act as you did before the breakthrough or will you use your new awareness to fuel your actions? What to do when you choose to live a different life and the previous one is still knocking at your door? What tools can you use to keep up the change you chose? Join me an find out! Oh, w

  • Growing your Business Gratefully with Guest Jennifer McClung


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Have you ever looked at a growing your Business and had no idea where to go? What to do? And someone told you to budget, or have a clear accounting, or maybe asked to you to use a spreadsheet for the expenses, and you found yourself running away as fast you could? Can you believe that some people have fun with that kind of organization? YES. We are all different. we all have different abilities and we all enjoy life in different ways. And, of course, we all do business and money in different ways! Join me and my amazing guest Jennifer McClung, founder of greatfullgrowth, and learn about business from a corporate view that also includes inspiration, and creativity that comes out in the form of cool financial spreadsheets to help manage the business and process and planning to have direction. If you’re looking for more, remember to check my upcoming events: https://www.drlisacooney.com/ Jennifer McClung brings more than 30 years in the consulting industry focused on operations, strategy

  • Choosing (Even if The Money Didn’t Show Up Yet)


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Yes, I get you. You’re choosing a class, event, food, travel that has an expansive energy and you can see how it will change your life for the better. But (and for some it’s a big BUT), it’s too much money. How do you commit to getting something that will stretch you out of what you can pay at this moment? Is it investing in you? Is it creating a future debt? Are you willing to receive $400? And what about receiving $400,000? What makes one hard? And the other easy? Are you ready to get the cages off your life? Check the Cage Talks for more tools and : https://www.drlisacooney.com/cage-talks   Dr. Lisa’s Book: Creating After Abuse Purchase here Amazon.com www.drlisacooney.com   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr Lisa ~  Dr Lisa Cooney is a Doctor of Psychology and Licensed Therapist with 25 years’ experience.  She is a bestselling Author and the creator of the ROAR™ (Radically Orgasmic Alive Realit

  • Is Your Budget Limiting or Expanding Your Money?


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Have you ever looked at your bank account and saw the numbers going down... and saw your stress or tension or worry going up? And your best solution there and then might have been to set up a budget. Is that budget what you require to survive, pay your bills and meals? Or is it setting you up for success, as a drive to go for more, and a bigger, better money reality for you? Join me to stop you choosing the cage-life formed by denial, defenses, disconnection and dissociation and start expanding into a life of growth, choice, commitment, collaboration and creation! And if you’re looking for more, you should check my Cage Talks series that has just started on October 4th! There’s more information here: https://www.drlisacooney.com/cage-talks   Dr. Lisa’s Book: Creating After Abuse Purchase here Amazon.com www.drlisacooney.com   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr Lisa ~  Dr Lisa Cooney is a Doctor of

  • Uncaged Couples: Dealing With Relational Unconscious Programming ~ Dr Lisa Cooney


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  When we grow up, we find ourselves in different situations that might leave an imprint in our subconscious mind, and start creating a set of “programs,” like the ones in the computer, that run automatically and on the back. That’s what I refer to as “unconscious programming.” Where you an only child? Or the first, middle or last born of your siblings? And what does that mean for you? Are you a leader, a peacemaker or the center of attention? Did you have to fill in the eldest’s shoes? Or did you stand strong to protect the youngest? Were you an underdog at school or the prom queen/king? And how does that work for you now in your relationships? The thing with these programs is that they don’t allow you to have what you desire, because they keep going and sending out mixed messages to the universe. Join me for a set of tips and tricks to break free from them! Feel free to check my upcoming events. You might find some very interesting stuff upcoming! https://www.drlisacooney.com/     Dr.

  • Empowered Parenting Equals Empowered Kids ~ Dr. Lisa Cooney


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  A few shows ago I talked about breaking free from your family’s beliefs. I’m going to look now at how parenting can be a great contribution to growing up to become an Empowered adult. When I was growing up, I didn’t have a choice. My mother would choose my outfits, my food, and she would do my homework. She even chose the college she thought was best for me. And when the professor in college grabbed me by the wrist and asked me “Lisa, are you OK?” I realized that was the first time in my life someone wanted to know how I was. I’m so grateful for her. Parenting can be tricky. Have your parents told you “you will get it when you have your own kids”? And did you say something like “I would never do this to my child!”? Are you choosing something different now or repeating their behavior? Join me to release the old patterns and start creating the empowered parent you truly are. Remember to check my upcoming events for more! https://www.drlisacooney.com/     Dr. Lisa’s Book: Creating After

  • Ending A Relationship: A New Paradigm ~ Dr. Lisa Cooney


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  What do you do when you know that relationship doesn’t work anymore for you? Are you prone to say “it’s not you, it’s me” or another line that would allow you to feel better? Or do you create a big fight or, even, ask a friend to help you Ending it on your behalf? Is it possible to be friends after? During this show I’ll give you some tools to be true to YOU, your desires and your life choices. I call them the 4Cs of Radical Aliveness. Once you are connected to yourself, your choices and commitments and ready to collaborate with the Universe and create the life and relationships you desire, you will know what are the light and right next steps. Join me for another ROARing ride on Raw & Real! And if you’d like more, check my upcoming events here: https://www.drlisacooney.com/     Dr. Lisa’s Book: Creating After Abuse Purchase here Amazon.com www.drlisacooney.com   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr

  • Cage Talks – Relationships: The Distance Between Us


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  What is your perspective about Relationships? Do you see them as a gift or a torture? Do you make relationships about needs or for the joy of it? Would you like to transform your Relationships? Let’s start by shedding some light on them! On the Oxford Dictionary “relationship” is defined as “the way in which two people, groups, or countries behave toward each other or deal with each other” and also as “the way in which two or more things are connected.” So, what connects you to the people that you choose? What do you love about having them in your life? And what do you hate? What programs are creating that in your life? Let’s release what doesn’t work any longer and create a new reality! If you’d like more, check my upcoming events here: https://www.drlisacooney.com/     Dr. Lisa’s Book: Lies Of Money Purchase here AccessConsciousness.com www.drlisacooney.com/   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr L

  • Stop Disappearing In Your Relationships! ~ Dr. Lisa Cooney


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  If you’ve been abused on any level, chances are that relationships don’t come so easily to you. In my experience, one of the signs of being abused in a relationship is losing your own voice in favor of the other: your needs become invisible while your partner’s needs rule. You may also find yourself losing your presence during intimate moments with your partner. Is now the time to change that? Can you imagine being present in your body, your life and your relationships? How would everything feel like? Let's do it! Join me in a conversation with tools to reclaim yourself and be present in your body again! Check out my upcoming events and classes: https://www.drlisacooney.com/events     Dr. Lisa’s Book: Lies Of Money Purchase here AccessConsciousness.com www.drlisacooney.com/   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr Lisa ~  Dr Lisa Cooney is a Doctor of Psychology and Licensed Therapist with 25 years’ ex

  • Your Relationship With Your Body ~ Dr. Lisa Cooney


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Yes. Your body. You, the being, the soul, and your body have the potential to be an amazing team. You both have the power, the potency, and the knowledge to allow your life to be as pleasurable and orgasmic as you can only see in your wildest dreams! You also have the amazing potential for healing your body and others. What happens when you are not aware of that potential and you are use these super powers against you is that every situation, person and energy will leave an imprint in you. And your life might become affected by the energy of others. It’s time to allow Healer inside of you to SHINE instead of being drowned by others energies. Let’s do it! Check out my upcoming events and classes: https://www.drlisacooney.com/events     Dr. Lisa’s Book: Lies Of Money Purchase here AccessConsciousness.com www.drlisacooney.com/   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr Lisa ~  Dr Lisa Cooney is a Doctor of

  • Relationships And Gaslighting ~ Dr. Lisa Cooney


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that's seen in abusive relationships. I’ve had lots of experiences during my life in relationships that would even “walk over my cold, dead body and never look back” as someone pointed at me years ago. And I chose to change that. I chose to love, cherish, honor and nurture myself. I chose to go out and create the life and living I desired. And someone showed up and we are having a loving relationship. Before you get there, you might need to know how to know if you are being gaslighted and how to deal with it! Join me in this call to find out! Check out my upcoming events and classes: https://www.drlisacooney.com/events     Dr. Lisa’s Book: Lies Of Money Purchase here AccessConsciousness.com www.drlisacooney.com/   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr Lisa ~  Dr Lisa Cooney is a Doctor of Psychology and Licensed Therapist with 25 years’ experience.  She is a be

  • Break Free From Your Family’s Beliefs ~ Dr. Lisa Cooney


    Raw & Real with Dr Lisa  When you grow up, everything around you is forging the future you. All your mother’s words. All your father’s actions. Even your siblings and grandparents’ comments will be part of YOU, even if you’re not aware of that. Now, that can be really good or really limiting for you! And I have good news for you! There’s a way to go out and create your life as YOU! Would YOU like to know more about this? Would you like to break free from your family’s cages of limitation, incorrection and lack? Join me and get some tools to live the LIFE you desire. Check out my upcoming events and classes: https://www.drlisacooney.com/events     Dr. Lisa’s Book: Lies Of Money Purchase here AccessConsciousness.com www.drlisacooney.com/   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app!  https://linktr.ee/inspiredchoicesnetwork ~ More About Raw & Real with Dr Lisa ~  Dr Lisa Cooney is a Doctor of Psychology and Licensed Therapist with 25 years’ experience.  She is a bestselling Author and the creator of the RO

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