Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 223:43:19
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An alternative deep dive into the spiritual, metaphysical, and paranormal realms with the leading authors, researchers, and thinkers from all over the globe.


  • Sexual Assault and The “Coming Out” of Everything

    15/11/2017 Duração: 21min

    It's not just news of widespread sexual assault that's coming out. So why aren't we hearing about it? Ever since the Breaking News about Hollywood film mogul Harvey Weinstein and the multiple accounts of sexual abuse he’s alleged to have committed by a throng of individuals coming out against him, the news about widespread sexual abuse across multiple industries has been unrelenting. Whether in entertainment, politics, professional sports and now academia - The BIG story is that sexual harassment is absolutely everywhere, so-much-so that a new movement has suddenly surfaced, known by the hashtag #meetoo! But what is this really all about and why is it coming out now? Above and beyond the revelations of pervasive sexual misconduct - and as many have said, this is just the tip of the iceberg - It goes much deeper and gets much darker than this - there may be a much bigger and multifaceted agenda at play. It was alternative researcher and author of the new book Everything You Need to Know - But Have Never Be

  • Mary Rodwell – E.T. Contact Goes Mainstream

    08/11/2017 Duração: 28min

    E.T. contact researcher reveals unprecedented changes in the field of UFOlogy Mary Rodwell, who many know for her extraordinary research via multiple testimonies of individuals who have had contact with non-human intelligence has some incredible news to share. And once you hear what she has to say, you too will know that a subject that has for so long been denied, ridiculed and dismissed, is finally ready to come out into full view. This interview, conducted on-location in November of 2017 highlights Rodwell's whirlwind multi-city tour of the U.S. and the revelations of a multitude of individuals "coming out" about their life long encounters with E.T. intelligence. Many of the individuals she's spoken with are not who you may think they are! And where these new revelations are going has the potential to change this planet and humankind forever! Watch this episode on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_b06jzV5JA Relevant links from this episode: Article/Interview: Medical Doctor's Views on the Alien

  • Steven Halpern – The Power and Influence of Words

    25/10/2017 Duração: 01h02min

    Award-Winning Musician and "Sound Scientist" Steven Halpern sheds light on the power of words and language Though we’ve all been reminded to be careful about the words we speak or the thoughts we think, most are still unaware of the very real consequences of not taking responsibility for what comes out of our mouths or lives in our minds. Steven Halpern, accomplished musician and a researcher into the science of sound lays out a brilliant and well informed thesis about how words can literally effect our body, mind and our overall lifestyle. I brought Steven in based on an account of someone I personally know who can speak first-hand about how a recent experience in which the words she was contracted to speak, temporarily turned her world upside down. Get this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/RsYOAI-6w0k Relevant links from this episode: Article: How Our Thoughts Control our DNA by Dr. Bruce Lipton Article: The Frequency of Emotion Web site: Masaru Emoto (on water crystal experiments) Article: Restru

  • Dane Wigington – A Round-Table Discussion on Geoengineering

    11/10/2017 Duração: 34min

    Geoengineering expert Dane Wigington: "There is no natural weather anymore!" According to geoengineering researcher and solar energy expert Dane Wigington, there is no natural weather anymore. So what’s going on? By best estimates geoengineering - the artificial manipulation of our global climate has been happening for 60 plus years and has created a total disruption of our weather system. In this candid and sobering round-table discussion with Dane Wigington, commercial photographer and creator of the documentary film Look Up, George Barnes, and Dr. Doug Levine - executive director of Life after Cancer, we spoke about the Global distraction that keep the masses in survival mode, which has greatly reduced our ability to be aware of our surroundings, including and especially what is going on in our skies. The implications of a sustained weather modification program are huge, and they affect each and every one of us. Get the interview on YouTube https://youtu.be/hX6W_29NV8k Note - Since the taping of this in

  • Joanne Summerscales – An Unimaginable Story of Alien Contact and Beyond

    27/09/2017 Duração: 01h03min

    Co-author of the book 44, Joanne Summerscales says alien contact with Bill Brooks was just the tip of the iceberg! Though more of us are getting used to the idea that ET contact is a reality and inclusive of the human experience, there are some accounts that fall into this category which are still very difficult to grasp. One such story involves a man named Bill Brooks, who at 44 years of age began having spontaneous recall of what could only be described as life long contact with non-human intelligence. But his recollections didn’t stop there.  Amid this bizarre string of visits that began roughly at the age of 3, were a collection of synchronistic though strange encounters woven into the consistent backdrop of ET contact like visits from Men in Black, Freemason and Rosicrucian involvement, and the witnessing of a mass abduction while serving in the military. Someone who knows Bill Brooks’ story in explicit detail and in fact co-wrote a book with him, simply entitled 44 An Ex-Soldiers True Story is Joanne

  • The Resurgence of 11:11 – Are You Seeing It, Again?

    20/09/2017 Duração: 18min

    For many, the 11:11 phenomenon has waxed and waned. Has it cropped up for you again? “Heady stuff!” This is how Rob and Trish MacGregor, co-authors of the book The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity describe the phenomenon simply known as 11:11. Within consciousness circles, there certainly has been no shortage of opinions on just what significance this double pair of numbers connotes. From wish making to wake up calls - spiritual enlightenment to apocalyptic certainty, the 11:11 anomaly has been sliced and diced and decoded every way imaginable. Regardless of its significance, one thing is certain, it somehow has a way of showing up in our lives at junctures that are critical to us both individually and collectively. Recently, I headed over to Trish and Rob’s popular blog SynchroSecrets. After trading a few emails with Trish about my latest brush with synchronicity which could only be described as a deluge of 11:11 - six days in a row to be exact - without hesitation she pointed out a number of curious anomalies

  • Dr. Maree Batchelor Part Two – The Awakening of Humanity and Understanding Both Shadow and Light

    13/09/2017 Duração: 55min

    In Part two of our interview, Maree Batchelor, M.D. sheds even more light on the shadow programming that's kept humanity asleep for so long. Though most people would immediately dismiss the idea that humanity is and has been purposely manipulated at all levels, more and more evidence is coming forward to show that this may just be the case. In our first interview, Australian physician and healer Dr. Maree Batchelor touched on some of these ideas, but in this, our part two where we caught up with Maree all the way in Mumbai India, she had a lot more to say about the historical assault on humanity, and moreover how despite the continued manipulation of mass perception,  we can navigate, activate, and finally evolve as a species. Relevant links from this episode: Interview: Dr. Maree Batchelor – Shadow Path: An Agenda to Dim the Light (Part 1 of this interview) Interview: Alexis reveals her own spiritual awakening with Alfred Lambremont Webre Article: Pineal Gland: Science, DMT, Fluoride, and Activation Book

  • The Destruction of Division and the Alchemical Way

    08/09/2017 Duração: 27min

    Is increased polarity and division actually a positive step in times to come? Division. Divisive. Disagreeable. These are words that have found too common a place in our societal vernacular at present. Mostly driven by media headlines, political discourse, and thus everyday folk who not only speak the words but act in accord with its message, division has taken a precedent in the justifying of a position and the anchoring of identity. Though the process of taking a side: left/right, conservative/liberal, gay/straight appears to be an all too natural dimension of being human, those who have sought a different path - one of enlightenment - have tapped into a preternatural philosophy that goes well beyond the limits of the 3D. In alchemical tradition, there are seven known stages of spiritual growth: Calcination, Dissolution, Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation, and Coagulation. It is the seventh stage that we are concerned about here for purposes of examining the dynamic we'll call "division

  • Dr. Maree Batchelor – Shadow Path: An Agenda to Dim the Light

    30/08/2017 Duração: 50min

    Are we embracing the shadow path and we don't even know it? Dr. Maree Batchelor has traversed the spectrum of reality like no other. Growing up in a family of academic and financial privilege, she had what many would call “the dream life.” That is until that dream turned into an unimaginable nightmare. In this interview Maree explains her sojourn from comfort to calamity and now to calling. Although this was a fantastic discussion, we were thrown quite a few technical curve balls. True, we were conducting our interview literally on opposite sides of the planet, me in the Eastern United States and Maree in Australia, however our connection should have been much better than it was. Where was this interference coming from? Well, what we had to say on this also made for interesting discussion. Despite the few (no many) glitches we had in the transmission, I hope you’ll indulge us because what she had to share - and you’ll get the gist of it, was way too important to end up on the cutting room floor. Some of w

  • Dick Gregory – My Day With and Tribute To A Legendary Man

    23/08/2017 Duração: 23min

    Brilliant, Combative, Wise. Dick Gregory departed this life with BIG Messages! It's Time to Listen... Alexis and Dick Gregory in April of 2014 in San Mateo, California My day with "Baba" Dick Gregory was a time that I will never forget. It was April of 2014. Just outside of San Francisco. I watched as throngs of "fans" who couldn't get enough of "Baba" descended just post his powerful talk. Once we managed to steal away from the crush of adoring devotees, the real deal commenced - An interview like none other that I'd conducted was about to begin (Listen to it HERE) Although I was admittedly a tad "miffed" at his ornery behavior; his raw and off the cuff style, I knew there was something deep, complex, and revelational behind the veneer that he so proudly displayed. It was a dream that I had after learning of his death that just maybe set the record straight, and clued me in to the real Dick Gregory.

  • Cynthia Sue Larson – Anomalies of Reality Revisited!

    18/08/2017 Duração: 54min

    The "Quantum Optimist" shares more stories of the strange and unusual nature of reality Despite many who feel that reality is always static, predictable, and unchanging, there are those who differ with that assumption. One such individual, known to many as the quantum optimist is Cynthia Sue Larson. With a background in new physics and consciousness studies, Cynthia doesn’t just rely on the many anecdotes she’s collected about the flexible  nature of reality, she herself is a firsthand experiencer of what she calls reality shifts. Picking up on our discussion last year which was aptly called “Anomalies of Reality,” Cynthia shares some of her latest findings as well as stories about the strange and unpredictable nature of existence itself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7CLbYBdUJY   Relevant links from this episode Interview: Anomalies of Reality (Part 1) with Cynthia Sue Larson RealityShifters E-Zine (Cynthia Sue Larson’s Free E-Newsletter) Article: The Rise of the Mandela Effect - Are You Noticing I

  • Jim Marrs, The “Missing” Bridge, and the True Nature of Time

    09/08/2017 Duração: 22min

     How thoughts about Jim Marrs and a missing time experience came together in perfect symmetry As synchronicity would have it, I had two predominant thoughts on my mind just before retiring to bed last night: The passing of Jim Marrs and the fact that I didn't as yet have a subject to discuss for the next episode of Conscious Commentary. Here's where the synchronicity comes in... Just before waking up this morning while in what I'd call a "twilight" state of sleep, I heard in my mind, simply "Time." And then another word: "Emit." And then the realization that emit is simply time spelled backwards. The download continued: "Reference these two ideas (time and emit) with the recent experience of missing time you had just last weekend." (which I will explain during this episode). I quickly got out of bed, got dressed - morning coffee in hand, scrambling to make sure I would not forget these ideas, fearing that this serendipitous stream of consciousness would flee my mind as quickly as it came in. Jim Marrs, 1943

  • Adventures with Non Human Intelligence from Our Audience

    02/08/2017 Duração: 56min

    Is Interaction with non human intelligence on the rise? How does contact with non human intelligence happen? Is there a prototype for these otherworldly encounters? Or might they be coming in through a variety of channels? Today’s guests are audience members of Higher Journeys who reached out to express an interest in being on the show to share their unique and very different contact experiences. Stephanie from Kansas City Missouri describes her encounters as coming through the creative channel in something called process painting (see some of her incredible images below). While Jason from New York City says his multiple manifestations of orb like phenomena happen almost on a daily basis and are triggered through intense meditation and something known as the CE-5 Protocol. Two very different accounts, but seemingly one fundamental reality: We are connecting with a broader spectrum of intelligent life. Bottom line, more and more "everyday people" are claiming contact with non human intelligence through myri

  • Is There More to the Fake Meme Than Meets the Eye?

    28/07/2017 Duração: 21min

    Suddenly the world’s gone fake - A look at what may be real-ly going on When something comes out of nowhere and suddenly ends up everywhere, something else is going on. - David Icke Fake is the new real-ity. I for one have found this burgeoning meme, famously attributed to the allegation of spreading "fake news" quite fascinating. But not for reasons you might imagine. Sure, many of us are aware of how easy it is to get the masses to parrot words,  mimic acts, and integrate behavioral trends once unleashed by the architects of cult-ure.  But have you ever asked why there's such a push in a given direction? In other words, what's the "end game?" This is a question I posed to myself while watching the swift proliferation of fake this, fake that, fake ____________ (fill in the blank). I became acutely aware how frequent the word had become woven into all sorts of media sound bites, not the least of which is the now notorious "fake news." Here are some recent headlines: Kenya election: BBC targeted by fake N

  • Roberta Grimes – Irrefutable Evidence: The Afterlife is Real and FUN!

    19/07/2017 Duração: 58min

    Some even describe the afterlife and the dying process as "orgasmic!" So what's really going on here? The Fun of Dying. Just by virtue of the sentiment that title implies, you might assume that the following discussion will be light, innocent, and even a touch naive. Well, I can assure you, this is anything but! In my conversation with attorney and afterlife researcher Roberta Grimes we take a critical and evidenced based look at what happens when we die. From quantum theory and breakthroughs in consciousness research to debunking the debunkers, and even first-hand reports from those of have “died,” Roberta Grimes has collected what some may say is irrefutable evidence that not only is there an afterlife, but yes, it can and often is FUN! Watch/Listen to this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/iKc6mBpapoc Relevant links from this episode: Website: Victor Zammit - Afterlife Evidence Article: Quantum Theory Sheds Light on What Happens When We Die Book: Quantum Enigma Video*: Energy/Spirit Leaves Mouse’s

  • UFOlogy, Disclosure, and Why We’re Barking Up the WRONG Tree!

    14/07/2017 Duração: 09min

    Question: "WHEN are we going to Wake Up?" For anyone who follows the latest “news” within the Ufology community, no doubt you’re aware of the recent controversy surrounding several prominent “public figures,” in the field, and the uptick in questioning the validity of their story(s), and how this has called into question the true motivation of some of these individuals for promulgating what appear to some to be far out claims. And where you might think that this post and accompanying (little) commentary are meant to add to the thread of criticism about such claims (either for or against), it is not. This is about public perception and the willingness and desperation to hang their hats on what someone has told them rather than seeking truth for themselves. For this, the focus in NOT about whether what certain individuals are saying is true or not (though certainly any proliferation of un-truths should never be condoned nor tolerated.) - Note that I have and will not proffer any opinion on these matters. Becau

  • Caroline Cory – ET Contact and Gods Among Us

    06/07/2017 Duração: 50min

    ET Contactees, Researchers, Scientists Say - "ET Contact IS Happening!" Are we living with Gods Among Us, and if so, how, if at all, are they connected to us? Filmmaker and consciousness researcher Caroline Cory lays out a compelling thesis that not only are we living in the midst of a broader range of intelligent life, but that there’s actually science to show that this is the case. In her groundbreaking documentary film, Gods Among Us - The Science of Contact, Caroline illustrates with fascinating narrative, first-person accounts, and interviews with some of the top researchers in the field that non human intelligence has and continues to play an integral role in the lives of many. I sat down with Caroline on site at the 2017 Contact in the Desert to discuss her film, and the paradigm changing implications that no longer can be denied. Watch This Episode On YouTube https://youtu.be/bN8Cm86LaoU Explore more... VIDEO: Gods Among Us - Watch movie trailers and extra footage BOOK: The New Human by Mary Rod

  • ET Contact vs. Spiritual Awakening – Is There a Connection?

    29/06/2017 Duração: 23min

    You've had a spiritual awakening but was it really contact with non-human intelligence? In my most recent interview with ET contact researcher Miguel Mendonca we discussed how many individuals who claim to have had repeated contact with non-human intelligence (NHI) are left with a sense of expanded spiritual grounding and as Miguel stated, have gone through positive life transformations as a result of their contact encounters. Sure, there are some who reveal that their interactions with NHI were intimidating or downright terrifying, but based on my own research along with a multitude of discussions with others, both fellow researchers and experiencers alike, the vast majority report benevolent, loving and positive life changing encounters. That said, when we think of the process of what is called spiritual awakening, an often sudden and unprovoked experience in which an individual goes through a profound life transformation, we will hear similar descriptions of positive change, a new sense of self and other

  • Miguel Mendonca – Looking for ET Disclosure in All the WRONG Places

    23/06/2017 Duração: 01h09s

    Top-Down ET Disclosure? Forget About it! Miguel Mendonca is not just an author. He is an explorer; an adventurer determined to make sense out of the schism AND potential of humanity. Not afraid to delve deep beneath the surface of reality, he continues on this quest with his latest volume in a trilogy of revelation, entitled Being with the Beings, the How and Why of ET Contact. In this, our third interview together, we discuss Miguel’s personal journey and the philosophy that continues to shape up for him based largely on the material you will find in his books - that being the multitude of experiencers he’s interviewed extensively about their own journey of Contact. Watch/Listen to this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/Z2ZgJvnkPrk Relevant links from this episode: Book - We Are the Disclosure - Part One and Part Two - by Miguel Mendonca Audio - Soundtracks from We Are the Disclosure including Mary Rodwell Book: 44: Based on an Ex-Soldier's True Story of Life-Long Encounters Involving Alien Abduction,

  • How to Escape The Matrix – It’s Not What You Think!

    14/06/2017 Duração: 19min

    How one four letter word may be THE Key to unlocking your way out of the Matrix of Reality In a world locked down by rules, regs, and agendas that some say must go according to plan, one might think there's no way out of what has been dubbed "The Prison Planet." The Matrix was a movie that depicted a frightening scenario of the robotic masses and their "handlers" (The Agents) determined to keep tabs on and prevent the public from a life of freedom. The character portrayed as "Neo," once taking the red pill did discover how deep the rabbit hole goes, but he also discovered an inner sanctum; a power woken up out of dormancy, that on some level we all possess. The themes from this film resonated with so many about the constructed nature of physical reality, and how one can escape the proverbial Matrix. But there's another movie that exquisitely captures the idea of a planned or constructed reality.  However in the end, it offers quite a different angle on how one can dissolve what appears to be an inescapable

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