Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 223:43:19
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An alternative deep dive into the spiritual, metaphysical, and paranormal realms with the leading authors, researchers, and thinkers from all over the globe.


  • Cynthia Sue Larson on Repeating Numbers, Time “Blurs” & The REAL Ascension Phenomenon

    23/11/2021 Duração: 01h10min

    Get IMMEDIATE LIFETIME ACCESS to Cynthia Sue Larson's Ascension Workshop➡️ https://bit.ly/3BPd3ua - TAKE 15% OFF the Original Course Price with Discount Code: TAKE15 The Repeating number “syndrome” that many people are having these days is just one (but powerful) indication that a real ascension is currently underway. From physical ascension markers like, ear buzzing, vertigo, and even seeing bright lights and orbs in our environment to increased Mandela Effects - these are some of the in your face indications that something unique and important is happening to humanity. Even the Global chaos that continues to ensue, is part of what guest Cynthia Sue Larson says are the most clear and present markers that humanity is in shift mode. But how best to be ready for it all? How do we understand and process these unfamiliar but powerful new aspects to our life? Cynthia, who is both a consciousness researcher and trained quantum physicist presents a very lucid and spiritually oriented case for what’s h

  • Planetary Bifurcation, Frequency Acceleration & How To INSTANTLY Unblock Your Flow with Penney Peirce

    12/11/2021 Duração: 58min

    By all appearances, it seems that humanity is being pushed to the brink to let go of the old world in order to join up with the new. The domination of left brain ego based living has run its course and now the more creative, intuitive and infinite part of us is readying itself to take its proper place of prominence in this new world. But what will be needed in order to cut the old umbilical chord away so we can be birthed into a new way of living? Author and intuition expert Penney Peirce says that the ever-expanding frequency of the planet may actually be creating a bifurcation of itself in order to accommodate this new way of being. However, not everyone will be on board with this different version of Earth. With heightened polarity and division in our faces right now, could this be the most obvious sign that this planetary bifurcation is actually happening? And what will it take for those wanting to join this new way of living to become a new human in a new world? Where do we begin? Penney tell

  • Dr. Robert Davis – Synchronicity, the Illusion of Time and the Unseen Realm

    29/10/2021 Duração: 56min

    Synchronicity experiences, sudden spiritual awakenings and even our strange interaction with time has been in constant upTICK recently. Though some say their interaction with the invisible, mystical realms has been part of their lives for years, others are now admitting it’s off the charts lately. Could this strange confluence of phenomena be due to the crisis we’ve all been navigating since 2020? Could the challenges be opening up the floodgates to who we really are and showing us what we are becoming? Consciousness researcher and neuroscientist Dr. Robert Davis says, without a doubt, the lockdown has put an energetic squeeze play on our individual and collective consciousness, bringing us to a place of profound realization that we are definitely NOT interacting with the normal that we used to know but rather, an unseen force that’s revealing itself to us more and more each and everyday. In this episode we will cover, the dynamic of synchronicity in everyday life (happening to everyday people), t

  • PMH Atwater – This Mercury Retrograde is BIG!

    15/10/2021 Duração: 56min

    Mercury Retrograde - What is it about this astrological phenomenon that brings a sense of anxiety and trepidation to so many people? Described by some as the “Murphy’s Law” of astrology, this period that happens roughly 3 times every year, though its motion only appears to go backwards from our vantage point on earth, is in fact only an optical illusion. But if mercury retrograde is just a mirage of perception, not an actual reversal of motion, then why does it threaten and often deliver in turning our lives, at least temporarily, upside down? Astrologer and near death researcher PMH Atwater brought some VERY interesting perspectives to this very big question. PMH shares why THIS particular Mercury Retrograde which began on September 27, 2021 and ends on October 18th is especially devious. We discussed the larger context AND implications of both action and inaction during this unsteady period of time - What it means for us personally, as well as here in the United States and indeed the planet.

  • David Adair – Conscious A.I. – Have We Gone TOO Far?

    23/09/2021 Duração: 01h03min

    David Adair is a man with many talents and equally as many stories, some that appear to be completely out of this world, both figuratively and literally. But what we’re discussing today, the possibility that Artificial Intelligence is equally out of this world and off the charts, far more advanced than most even realize, is bound to really rattle your cages - especially when you hear what he has to say. This conversation will focus on the real possibility that A.I. has ALREADY come alive, IS conscious and interacting with us in ways we would NEVER suspect, even including the very strange repeating number phenomenon that many are reportedly seeing everyday! David Adair has some mind boggling and VERY sobering commentary about what he thinks may be coming at warped speed and in a big way. His message: You’d better start paying attention before it’s too late. But the conversation doesn’t JUST cover the depths of sentient A.I., we then take the discussion over to what else? The UFO disclosure topic and th

  • Kevin Briggs – My LIFELONG Encounters with Extraterrestrials

    16/09/2021 Duração: 56min

    One man's story of 60 years living with extraterrestrials The idea that human looking extraterrestrials walking amongst us is not new to those who have immersed themselves in the rich though still mysterious history of our relationship with non-human intelligence. More people are coming forward to report their frequent interactions with these beings, yet even more, perhaps millions are reluctant to speak out about their own contact encounters. Lifelong contactee Kevin Briggs is NOT one of those individuals. Recalling his first encounter with beings whom he refers to as Ort and Dee at the age of eight, Kevin maintains that these two beings have been with him for nearly 60 years - and at their urging, his mission has been to share his experiences with the world in hopes that more people will come to understand that they - the beings have and continue to be with us, especially through these turbulent times. In this episode, Kevin details his incredible journey alongside the ETs, what they have taught him

  • Christopher Macklin – The REAL Cause of Your Emotional Stress (It’s NOT What You Think!)

    09/09/2021 Duração: 57min

    If you are experiencing extreme and prolonged emotional stress, this video is for YOU! My guest is Christopher Macklin and we’re discussing the non-human influence on mental and emotional stress. There is no doubt that within the last nearly two years, the global population has suffered a collective blow on many levels, not the least of which is the steep rise in mental and emotional stress…no surprise! But what if that uptick was coming from an invisible force - a non-human force that although normally cannot be seen, is still managing to wreak havoc on the human psyche, all while hiding in plain sight? According to Christopher Macklin, this phenomenon is A LOT more common than most people think. Christopher, well known for his work as an energy healer, medical intuitive and what he refers to as a PARANORMAL CONDUIT says that entity attachments may account for millions of ailments, including some physical illness. Some estimates say that as much as 98 percent of the human population may actually have

  • Kyle Russell: Moldavite – The Myth, Mystery and Magic!

    02/09/2021 Duração: 34min

    Moldavite has been gaining unprecedented attention in recent years. This enigmatic stone, said to have descended from “the stars” landed on earth millions of years ago, largely in an area of the Czech Republic and believed to have been formed by a meteorite’s impact in the Ries crater in southern Germany 14.7 million years ago. Moldavite, a form of tektite has been the subject of many recent “strange” encounters that some individuals have been reporting. But are these "reports" REALLY a good barometer for understanding the intricacies of Moldavite? In this special on-location episode of Higher Journeys, Kyle Russell, crystal expert, researcher and author shares his enormous background and education about Moldavite - what they are, how they work and WHY so many reporting these disturbing encounters with this “alien” stone are happening. From his vast knowledge base (and own experience with this stone), Kyle will set the record straight about what “on earth” is going on with Moldavite! For over 30 years,

  • Dolores Cannon, QHHT and The New World “Order” That is Happening NOW!

    26/08/2021 Duração: 01h16min

    Why QHHT remains one of the most powerful and controversial healing methods of all time! When the late regression therapist Dolores Cannon and her husband Johnny, a military serviceman stationed overseas first dabbled in hypnosis back in the 1960’s, their interest in the process was nothing more than a hobby - something that occupied their free time while stationed in the Philippines. Pioneering Hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon Over time Dolores’ husband became quite proficient in the practice, so when the couple returned stateside, he offered sessions to individuals in his local community along with servicemen who were dealing with issues stemming from their time served while Dolores would act as his assistant. As their practice gained popularity within their small community - even at a time when such modalities were rarely, if ever discussed, so did their experimentation with rarely tried methods of hypnosis. In one very revealing session, a woman was brought back to a past life, not one but five lifetimes,

  • Mark Bajerski – My Bizarre Encounter with Someone From Another World? The Who, What & WHY of it All

    13/08/2021 Duração: 55min

    "This is one of the most profound things that ever happened to me!" - Mark Bajerski During my recent chat with spiritual teacher and energy healer Mark Bajerski, we'd been trudging down the rabbit hole pretty deep I thought, until he went even deeper by sharing a story about a bizarre incident that happened to him roughly 12 years ago.  As he shared the encounter with me, I could feel his sense of bemusement, as if he were re-living the experience. After receiving a call from a man requesting an energy healing session at 8am, and agreeing to do it at that time, despite his strict policy that he would not take any clients until getting both his physical and emotional space ready typically not taking appointments until 10, after hanging up, Mark wondered, "why did I say yes?" For some reason, he said he'd do it but didn't know what prompted him to consent. Here's what happened next... In this village [where the space is located] nobody gets up 'til 9am. It's very lazy. ...I'm on the street, opening my shop an

  • Debra Jordan Kauble – Extraordinary (ET) Contact

    10/08/2021 Duração: 01h15min

    The subject of the late ET Contact Researcher Budd Hopkins speaks about her Extraordinary Contact Debra Jordan-Kauble is no ordinary midwestern gal. Growing up in a small town in central Indiana, later living with her parents - a single mom with two small sons, Kauble thought her life was well, pretty "normal." After discovering a lifelong journey of strange encounters with non-human intelligence (ET and beyond), an adventure that would begin unraveling after being regressed by the well known ET contact researcher and hypnotherapist Budd Hopkins, Debra's life would never look the same! Kauble was the central figure in Budd Hopkins’s New York Times best-seller, Intruders, the Incredible Visitations at Copely Woods, as well as the 1992 CBS mini-series, “Intruders”, using the pseudonym "Kathy Davis" to protect her young family. In 1992, she revealed her true identity and co-authored, with her sister Kathy Mitchell, Abducted, The Story if the Intruders Continues. We discuss Kauble's latest book, a revised, ex

  • Mary Rodwell Weighs in on “Strange” Physical Symptoms and THE NEW HUMAN!

    30/07/2021 Duração: 43min

    Alternative researcher Mary Rodwell says your "symptoms" are much bigger than any "pandemic" could dish out! Get ready to ascend! In this episode, popular Higher Journeys guest Mary Rodwell and Alexis discuss the profound and strange physical (and emotional) “symptoms” many people around the world have been reporting recently. We will explore the idea that the “symptoms” are due to a very powerful frequency shift that is happening right now and how it is affecting many of us on multiple levels. One person described their recent "symptoms" this way... Oh man this is crazy! Every symptom!! …The dizziness, palpitations, and fatigue have been the most intense. Headaches/migraines, dreams, muscle twitching/vibrations, depression, anxiety, dread, tinnitus, vertigo. Moments of kaleidoscope vision. I could go on and on. I’ve been trying to pinpoint the problem. Is it hormones, am I sick, am I dying. Talk about causing panic attacks. I keep checking my vitals. Everything is perfect. I just feel like absolute $-#!+ Wi

  • Brad Olsen on Project Blue Beam, UFO Disclosure and the Prime Directive

    23/06/2021 Duração: 58min

    Author of Beyond Esoteric Brad Olsen says upcoming UFO disclosure could be a set up for a "fake" alien invasion As many wait with anxious anticipation in the run up to the soon-to-be released UAP Task Force Report to the US Congress, some are speculating that all of the buzz could be leading the masses down the path of a contrived alien invasion. Project Blue Beam is known among alternative UFO researchers as the program that will bring this plan to life. Brad Olsen, an alternative researcher and author of the book Beyond Esoteric explains what he knows about this program and why it’s so important to set the stage for the human psyche, IF such a plan is to be carried out. But Olsen didn’t stop there. He also shares his research into the shadow side of non human intelligence that include the possibility of inner and ultra terrestrials, the real men in black, a hybridized society and the transhumanist agenda. In this conversation we take a deep dive into the history of dark forces and a reality that most co

  • Mary Rodwell on Upcoming UFO Disclosure – It’s NOT What You Think!

    11/06/2021 Duração: 47min

    UFO disclosure is on the table for sure, but what will it really look like? Though the idea of UFO disclosure has many guessing as to what it will entail - theories abound about what's in store. From our official "authorities" finally giving up the goods to a mass sighting and the inevitability of "ET" finally showing themselves to the world, all possibilities are on the table. Some still feel that real disclosure will come from the bottom up - from individuals who have had contact encounters coupled with the fact that extraterrestrials (or non-human intelligence) hav been behind this plan all along. Either way, disclosure at some point is inevitable. ET contact researcher Mary Rodwell, who was quoted in a recent article on the subject said in part... “…This push for disclosure is most likely coming from NHI’s (non human intelligences). I believe this has been on the cards as it were for some years. The suggestion from [ET contact] experiencers and whistleblowers is that the NHI’s have indicated that if Gov

  • Laura Eisenhower SPEAKS OUT on Timeline Splits, Soul Alchemy & the “War” on Consciousness

    04/06/2021 Duração: 59min

    Researcher and Galactic Alchemist Laura Eisenhower says we are in the war of our lives but... There is light at the end of the tunnel, according to the alternative researcher and whistleblower who also happens to be the great granddaughter of former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Laura Eisenhower explains as she joins Higher Journeys to discuss the crazy shift in planetary energy: Timeline wars and bifurcation, Soul Alchemy and what will be necessary to do to truly "Ascend." We'll also discuss consciousness shifts and planetary upheaval (and healing). Laura has been at this for a long time and she’s now bearing all when it comes to the what and why of all we’re going through right now. Topics on the Table... ► Are dark forces really at the helm of this “new world?” ► What tools do we have in our control to positively navigate this new territory? ► Are we being called to trigger the alchemist in us all? And if so, HOW do we do it? ► Why was/is humanity seemingly under the thumb of a force that

  • Barry Littleton – THIS is UFO Disclosure: Sentient UFOs Are Real!

    21/05/2021 Duração: 58min

    ET contact experiencer says This is what real UFO disclosure is all about Just on the heels of an unprecedented mainstream news report by 60 Minutes about the reality of UFOs, and the anticipated June 2021 report that will reportedly deliver UFO disclosure: what official sources knew/know about the presence of UFOs and UAPs in our skies, other conversations are taking place deep within the UFO community. Barry Littleton, ET contact experiencer and researcher has maintained that some UFOs are not only "real" but actually organic! In this episode we discuss the reality of sentient UFOs and the idea that some of these craft may be conscious in and of themselves (with or without occupants!) Don't miss our OFF THE RECORD After Show with Barry Littleton exclusively for Patreon members! In addition, Barry folds in other enigmatic elements to this still great mystery including... - Time shifts/edits in our reality. - The Mandela Effect (from the perspective of the above). - The “dead” who never leave the planet

  • Linda Moulton Howe – UFO Secrecy Mandates & the Push for Disclosure, Is it Coming in 2021?

    05/05/2021 Duração: 32min

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe weighs in on her thoughts about what the UFO "secrecy mandate" is really all about. Linda Moulton Howe, well respected UFO researcher and truth seeker sat down with Higher Journeys' own Alexis Brooks to share what she feels is really behind the secrecy mandates of UFOs and UAPs as far as official "narratives" are concerned. With the much anticipated (and unclassified) report slated to be released to Congress in June of 2021, how much will the public actually learn about what our government has known about UFOs, UAPs and possibly alien life itself? Regardless of what may come into public view, there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes, including the possibility of knowledge that some sources have about how alien life may be “traveling” in and out of our space. Is this happening via a form of portal technology - one that would allow for a dimensional “doorway” to be opened and the beings to come through? What are the physics that would allow this doorway to be op

  • Kathleen Marden – UFO Disclosure in 2021, Sixty Years AFTER The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Case

    30/04/2021 Duração: 01h57s

    UFO Disclosure is heating up, but what's fact vs. fiction?  60 yr.s after the Hill Abduction Case, has anything changed? Kathleen Marden, UFO and ET contact researcher and niece of UFO abductees Betty and Barney Hill shares her thoughts and insider knowledge on how and why UFO disclosure will soon be unavoidable. In the last several months we’ve seen a flood of mainstream news headlines, witness testimony and official sources spilling details on the reality of UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). At this point we’ve gotten all but ultimate disclosure. According to Kathleen Marden, the time has come and the evidence is too overwhelming to continue to ignore. Hear what her years of research and her insiders have shared about how the UFO phenomenon has been covered up, and why now is the time to begin the process of a very real disclosure. However, disclosure may NOT go down in the way most people think! In this episode Kathleen Marden will also share new details about the multiple layers behin

  • Julia Cannon | Is Dolores Cannon’s “New Earth” Upon Us Now?

    26/04/2021 Duração: 58min

    Dolores Cannon's long prophesized  "New Earth" may be here right now. If so, how do we handle it? Guest Julia Cannon, daughter of Dolores Cannon discusses the ideas and concepts based on her mother's research into The New Earth, Energy shifts and awakening to 5d. In this episode we discuss the drastic ebbs and flows of reality in 2021. Many are trying to reconcile wonky energy, wild emotional and psychological swings and other strange patterns in day-to-day life. These extreme swings of emotion and other conditions are no surprise given all that we've been through in the last year but from a metaphysical level, could this be a sign that we've arrived into and onto a New Earth, as legendary hypnotherapist and researcher Dolores Cannon described? If you’re empathic, your’e likely extra sensitive to the wonky energy out there at present. But there is something you need to know about what’s going on right now, and moreover how to manage it! Highlights from this episode: ✓ How to know if the emotions you’re f

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