Liquid Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 650:49:30
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Live weekly teaching on God & life, culture & faith from! Liquid Church is a creative, contemporary Christian church - find out more at


  • Spiritual Themes in the Movie Coda

    21/08/2022 Duração: 51min

    In part 3 of Liquid Church’s annual At The Movies series, Pastor Zach Taylor explores the Biblical themes and lessons behind the Academy Award Winning movie Coda. In Coda, we learn that you can’t be everything for everybody, but being you is enough for somebody. What do you need to say no to in your life to embrace who God has made you to be? "This message features short clips from the critically acclaimed film Coda, which was produced by Pathé Films and Vendôme Group and is available to watch on Apple TV+. No copyright is claimed for Coda, and we assert that use of the short clips within this sermon is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright law.” At The Movies Series | Pastor Zach Taylor | Liquid Church #Coda #Spiritual #Bible #Movie #Gospel #God #AtTheMovies #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • Spiritual Themes in Spiderman: Far From Home

    15/08/2022 Duração: 45min

    There are many epic story themes in the movie Spiderman: Far From Home - purpose, honor, courage, bravery, and even sacrifice. The truth is, nothing moves the human spirit like the stories we see on our screens! But is there a spiritual point to the movies and shows we watch? In part 2 of Liquid Church’s annual At The Movies series, Guest Speaker Pastor Mark Johnston explores the Biblical themes and lessons behind the movie Spiderman: Far From Home. Everyone has a purpose in life. You cannot escape the mission when God has a specific plan for your life. He will strengthen you for the task! "This message features short clips from the critically acclaimed film Spiderman: Far From Home which was produced by Columbia Pictures. No copyright is claimed for Spiderman: Far From Home and we assert that use of the short clips within this sermon is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright law.” At The Movies Series | Pastor Mark Johnston | Liquid Church #Spiderman #Spiritual #Bible #Movie #Gospel #God #At

  • Biblical Themes In Top Gun: Maverick | At The Movies, Part 1

    07/08/2022 Duração: 43min

    There are so many epic story themes in the movie Top Gun: Maverick - from love, to honor, courage and bravery, even sacrifice. Truth is, nothing moves the human spirit like the stories we see on our screens! But is there a spiritual point to the movies and shows we watch? In part 1 of Liquid Church’s annual At The Movies series, Pastor Tim Lucas explores the Biblical themes and lessons behind the movie Top Gun: Maverick. There are actually 3 spiritual lessons we can observe from Top Gun: Maverick to become a relationship ace: Agape love for your enemies, Commit to pray for your enemies, and Extend forgiveness to those who hurt or disappoint you. "This message features short clips from the critically acclaimed film Top Gun:Maverick which was produced by Paramount Pictures and Skydance Media. No copyright is claimed for Top Gun: Maverick and we assert that use of the short clips within this sermon is permissible under fair use principles in U.S. copyright law.” At The Movies Series | Pastor Tim Lucas| Liquid Ch

  • The Misconception Behind “Follow Your Heart” | Stuff Jesus Never Said Part 5

    01/08/2022 Duração: 49min

    Following your heart sounds like great wisdom; In fact, it’s common to think Jesus encouraged us to follow our hearts. But is this something Jesus really advised us to do? In this message from Part 5 of Liquid Church's series, "Stuff Jesus Never Said," Pastor Daniel Fusco shares that as believers of Christ, we should lead our hearts and not be ruled by them. The truth is, “Follow Your Heart” is a misconception - it’s stuff Jesus never said! So many people choose to follow their hearts, but where is this leading them? Watch the message to join us as we learn the truth behind Stuff Jesus Never Said! Stuff Jesus Never Said Series | Pastor Daniel Fusco | Liquid Church #Wisdom #Deception #Heart #Independence #Scripture #Bible #Christianity #LiquidChurch #ChristianChurch

  • The Danger Of A “You Do You” Mentality | Stuff Jesus Never Said Part 4

    24/07/2022 Duração: 38min

    We live in a culture that wants you to believe that your happiness depends solely on YOU and that you are your life's main character--the hero of your own story. But where is God in that equation? In this message from Part 4 of Liquid Church's series, "Stuff Jesus Never Said," Pastor Kayra Montanez sheds biblical light on the problem that stems from doing life your way versus doing life God's way. The truth is, everyone wants to be happy, but at what expense? Watch the message to join us as we learn the truth behind Stuff Jesus Never Said! Stuff Jesus Never Said Series | Pastor Kayra Montanez | Liquid Church #Pride #Happiness #Joy #Indepence #Scripture #Bible #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • Karma VS Grace | Stuff Jesus Never Said Part 3

    17/07/2022 Duração: 46min

    A lot of people believe in Karma– a world where bad actions are punished, and the good get rewarded. But Grace is something else entirely! Pastor Tim Lucas debunks the difference between Karma and Grace in this message from Liquid Church’s Stuff Jesus Never Said series. It may be easy to think - or even hope - that “what goes around comes back around.” But the truth is: Grace has kept us from getting what we deserve. As believers, we don’t wish KARMA on anyone; we forgive and show grace towards those who have wronged us. Karma can teach a lesson- but only Grace can change the heart! Watch the message to join us as we learn the truth behind Stuff Jesus Never Said! Stuff Jesus Never Said Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Karma #Myth #Truth #Grace #Scripture #Bible #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • Myth: God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle | Stuff Jesus Never Said Part 2

    10/07/2022 Duração: 41min

    Have you ever received news that completely OVERWHELMED you? Maybe someone you love received a difficult health diagnosis. Or, maybe you’re enduring a financial burden that you didn’t see coming. And in the middle of your hard situation….along comes a well meaning Christian who tells you: “Don’t worry, it’ll all be okay…..cause God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.” In this message from Liquid Church’s Stuff Jesus Never Said series, Pastor Kayra Montanez, debunks the myth that God won’t give you more than you can handle. The truth is, when you face a crushing situation that feels like too much to bear, God wants you to need Him so you can depend on His presence to pull you through it. You may not be able to endure your situation and persevere off your own strength - but rather, through God’s supernatural power and your reliance on Him! Watch the message to join us as we learn the truth behind Stuff Jesus Never Said! Stuff Jesus Never Said Series | Pastor Kayra Montanez | Liquid Church #Myth #Truth #S

  • Myth: God Must Be Disappointed With You | Stuff Jesus Never Said Part 1

    03/07/2022 Duração: 40min

    Jesus said a lot of wise stuff in the Bible. Lately, it seems like he’s been saying a lot on social media too. In this message from Liquid Church, Pastor Zach Taylor kicks off a new series called Stuff Jesus Never Said by debunking myths about the words of God in the Bible. The Bible is packed full of incredible teachings and truths, many of which are straight from the words of Jesus himself. But when interpreting Scripture, it is easy to sometimes hear what we want to hear, isn’t it? This week, we look at the myth “God must be disappointed with you.” When you mess up or experience a failure, it may be easy to think this way. But did Jesus really say that? Or is it just popular opinion or fake news? Watch the message and come discover the truth about Stuff Jesus Never Said! Stuff Jesus Never Said Series | Pastor Zach Taylor | Liquid Church #Myth #Truth #Scripture #Bible #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • Proven Ways To Build Your Spiritual Muscles | Man Up Part 4

    26/06/2022 Duração: 44min

    In the Bible, God gives men explicit instructions on how to man up, build a foundation of spiritual leadership, fight for their marriages and protect their families. God has called men to be both a Worker and a Warrior for God. When men start to build, the enemy of our souls, Satan plots to destroy it. We live in a dark world, and it’s imperative that men stand up for what God has called them to build. In this message from Part 4 of Liquid Church’s series “Man Up”, Pastor Tim encourages men with solid ways to build their spiritual muscles. Like working out at the gym builds physical muscle, it takes work and devotion to build spiritual muscles in the life of a Christian. Pastor Tim encourages men to defend and protect whatever they are building. Man Up Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Manhood #Protector #Families #Marriage #Integrity #Warrior #Leadership #TimLucas #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • 5 Ways to Safeguard Your Life & Those You Love | Man Up Part 3

    19/06/2022 Duração: 43min

    We live in a world full of moral failures. Far too many marriages are ending due to a lack of integrity. God created men to be protectors of their families, but the enemy is wreaking havoc on his ego, causing him to compromise and lose his footing because of the deficiency of setting boundaries. In this message from Part 3 of Liquid Church’s series “Man Up”, Pastor Tim Lucas shares 5 personal tips on ways in which he safeguards his life, family and leadership. He encourages men to live above reproach and according to scripture, teaching and challenging them to create healthy dynamics in relationships with the opposite sex and to value life-giving, faith-building friendships with other men. Man Up Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Manhood #Purity #Protector #SexualIntegrity #Friendships #Integrity #Faith #TimLucas #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • Stand Up To Protect Your Family | Man Up Part 2

    12/06/2022 Duração: 41min

    There is a lot of confusion in our culture about what it means to be a man. We’re not talking about gender– or the differences between men and women - but rather, the differences between boys and men. What are the marks of authentic Biblical manhood? In this message from Part 2 of Liquid Church’s series “Man Up”, Pastor Tim Lucas shares how men can be protectors of their families. He shares openly and practically about how parents can talk to their kids about sexual purity, protecting marriages from temptation and how single men can pursue sexual integrity. Parents: In this message Pastor Tim teaches candidly on the Bible’s view of sex and how to deal with issues of porn and purity. So, this message is PG-13, and is not suitable for younger kids. Man Up Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Manhood #Purity #Protector #SexualIntegrity #Vision #Integrity #Faith #TimLucas #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • The 5 Marks Of A Man | Man Up Part 1

    05/06/2022 Duração: 43min

    We’re asking the question “What makes a man an authentic man in today’s world?” If you’ve noticed: There’s a lot of confusion in our culture about what it means to be a man. We’re not talking about gender– or the differences between Men and Women - but rather, the differences between boys and men. What are the marks of authentic Biblical manhood? In this message from Liquid Church, Pastor Tim Lucas kicks off a series called Man Up that is all about Biblical masculinity. This series is designed to lift men up, not tear them down. Here, Pastor Tim shares 3 out of 5 marks of a man and shares examples of these markers from the story of Noah in the Old Testament of the Bible. Man Up Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Manhood #BiblicalManhood #Vision #Integrity #HardWork #Faith #Masculinity #TimLucas #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • The Keys To Financial Freedom | Generous Livin’ Part 3

    29/05/2022 Duração: 31min

    In American culture, it’s relatively rare to act your wage. Society has taught us to aspire to acquire. Bigger and better is the typical American way! However, the problem with living in this mindset leads to all sorts of material - and even spiritual - bondage. Matthew 6:24 says that “You cannot serve both God and money.” So what is the key to financial freedom? In this message from the conclusion of Liquid Church’s Generous Livin’ series, Pastor Kayra Montanez shares 3 Bible-based, practical principles to break the power of greed in your life and instead, trust God’s Spirit with all the gifts He gives you. Watch this message from Liquid Church to learn how you can start finding financial freedom in a material world! Generous Livin’ Series | Pastor Kayra Montanez | Liquid Church #Money #Finance #FinancialFreedom #Saving #Giving #Generosity #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • How To Get Out Of Debt | Generous Livin’ Part 2

    22/05/2022 Duração: 44min

    Learning how to get out of debt is actually a profoundly spiritual issue. Why? In Scripture, Jesus actually spoke more about the topic of money and our stuff than Heaven and Hell combined! When you become a Christian, you acknowledge that Jesus paid the debt for our sin. The truth is, it’s hard to be a servant of Christ when you are a slave to credit card debt. Proverbs 22:7 says “The borrower is slave to the lender.” But practically speaking, how do you get out of debt and really start making a dent in those overdue bills? In this message from Liquid Church’s Generous Livin’ series, Pastor Tim Lucas shares practical tools to help you find financial freedom. One such tool is Financial Peace University - and we’re launching new online classes this Summer at Liquid Church. Watch this message from Liquid Church to learn how you can start controlling and managing your finances through a biblical lens! Generous Livin’ Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Debt #Money #Finance #FinancialFreedom #DebtManagement

  • The One Time God Says “Test Me” | Generous Livin’ Part 1

    16/05/2022 Duração: 46min

    While the Bible tells us not to test God, there is one area where God actually encourages us to test Him: That’s the test of generosity! There is a blessing to living generously when you put God first in your finances. In this message from Liquid Church’s Generous Livin’ series, Pastor Tim Lucas shares that today, too many people are living small, selfish lives - hands closed, clutching to what they have. But Scripture in Malachi 3:10 says this: ​​”Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” When you live generously and practice tithing, God promises to bless the rest. Watch this message from Liquid Church to discover the joy and freedom that comes from an abundance mentality and generous living! Generous Livin’ Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Generosity #Tithe #Tithing #Money #Finance #

  • Mother’s Day At Liquid Church | Queen: The Story Of Esther Part 3

    08/05/2022 Duração: 35min

    In this message from Liquid Church’s Mother’s Day message, Pastor Kayra Montanez shares encouragement for all the moms, aunts, grandmas, mentors and more! Let’s be honest: Motherhood is thrilling and terrifying. It’s energizing and exhausting. Parenthood fills you with love and joy, but also fear and doubt. Moms, we get it! Motherhood is a gift from God that is both deeply rewarding and incredibly challenging. This Mother’s Day we want to bless the women in our lives by sharing hope, encouragement, and the reassurance that God is walking alongside you on this journey! Queen Esther of the Bible is a beautiful example of resilience to take heart from. After learning of an evil plot to kill all the Jews in the kingdom, Esther decides to speak up, knowing it’s a dangerous decision. As parents, there are plenty of times where you can feel incapable, ill-equipped or unprepared for the challenges you face to stand up courageously for your kids. Let Esther’s story encourage you that you too were made by God “for such

  • The Courage Of Conviction | Queen: The Story Of Esther Part 2

    01/05/2022 Duração: 35min

    What crisis are you facing today? Who is counting on you to be courageous? If your family is under attack, a loved one is in trouble, or your job is in jeopardy, God may be calling you to STAND UP and SPEAK UP for change. In this message from Liquid Church’s series Queen: The Story of Esther, Pastor Tim Lucas inspires us to prepare for the moment when our faith is under fire. You must decide NOW what you will do THEN. Will you compromise your convictions or stand up with courage? Queen Esther of the Bible shows us a beautiful example of courage and faith. After learning of an evil plot to kill all the Jews in the kingdom, Esther decides to speak up, knowing the result is she may die. We see that Esther was made queen “for such a time as this.” With courage, she stands up to save thousands of lives. It’s a stirring reminder that when you stand up for God, He will stand up for you!

  • When God Seems Silent | Queen: The Story Of Esther Part 1

    24/04/2022 Duração: 39min

    What do you do when God seems silent in your life? Maybe you’re worn out by the pressures that keep stacking or a heart that keeps aching. In this message from Liquid Church’s series Queen: The Story of Esther, Pastor Kayra Montanez shares that when life seems off the rails, we can trust in God’s providence. The word providence is the biblical term used to describe how God purposefully provides for, sustains, and governs the world - and that includes your life and everything in it! Queen Esther learned this truth firsthand. She had to make some tough choices. Would she remain silent in the face of a big challenge, or would she speak up? After Esther spent three days in prayer and fasting, God gave her the courage to speak up. God used her to save the nation, and God can work in your situation, too. Queen: The Story of Esther Series | Pastor Kayra Montanez | Liquid Church #Purpose #Esther #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

  • Easter With Liquid Church | Life After Death

    17/04/2022 Duração: 41min

    Are you hungry for hope? Whether it’s life after sickness, a difficult diagnosis, or a ruined relationship, God promises there is hope after the heartache. This Easter With Liquid Church, we’re celebrating God’s love that transforms lives! In this Easter message, Pastor Tim Lucas shares the impact that the Easter story of Jesus’ resurrection has on our lives. The reality is, we don’t typically think about Life After Death until we get bad news. Pastor Tim shares personal reflections on his own father’s battle with cancer and the hope his father found on his journey to new life in Christ. At Liquid, we know that Jesus’ resurrection has the power to change lives - and it might just change yours this Easter! In this special message, you can expect a multimedia experience with dynamic preaching, real stories of healing and breakthrough, powerful music, and special elements that will leave you feeling inspired. Life After Death | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Easter #Death #Life #Faith #Hope #LiquidChurch #Chr

  • The Gift Of Supernatural Generosity | Wind & Fire Part 6

    03/04/2022 Duração: 44min

    God has given every person a Spiritual Gift, or a Supernatural Ability, to help other people. To some, God gave the gift of supernatural generosity. The truth is, we serve a God who is very generous to us, and when the Holy Spirit fills your heart, he opens your hand to be generous to others. In this message from the conclusion of Liquid Church’s Wind & Fire series, Pastor Tim Lucas shares how the early Church put generosity into practice. In Acts 4, we see that when God inspires unity and generosity among a Holy Spirit-filled Church, miracles can happen! Watch the full message to learn 3 levels of giving that you can start practicing as God leads you to start practicing generosity. Wind & Fire Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church #Generosity #HolySpirit #Spirit #SpiritualGifts #Giving #Miracles #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch

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