Gun Freedom Radio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 429:54:01
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Gun Freedom Radio (formerly Gun Talk AZ) Is a Talk Radio Show on 960am The Patriot, here to bring you all the news in the word of guns, firearms and the Second Amendment.


  • GunFreedomRadio EP232 Facebook Bias with Ryan Hartwig

    31/07/2020 Duração: 51min

    Our guest today is Ryan Hartwig. Ryan is a Facebook Insider with Project Veritas. Ryan graduated from Arizona State University in 2015 with a bachelors degree in Spanish Linguistics. More recently, Ryan took a job as a content moderator for Facebook. After watching the extreme bias and censorship he witnessed on a daily basis, he made the decision to wear a hidden camera to expose what was happening within the Social Media giant. 1) The stark contrast between what Mark Zuckerberg testified in Congress about in April 2018 and what you witnessed. 2) Is hate speech a subjective term? 3) You found it be almost impossible to discuss immigration on Facebook. Talk to us about that struggle and why you think it is such a difficult topic. 4) Labeling and rhetoric are protected under the 1st Amendment, but you were seeing an imbalance in what was allowed or banned on Facebook. For example, you mentioned off air that anti-police rhetoric is allowed, but anti-Antifa rhetoric is not. 5) 3D printing--Facebook's policy re

  • GunFreedomRadio EP231 Gun Therapy with The ParkinsonShooter and Amy Dillon

    29/07/2020 Duração: 50min

    Our guests today are "Shakey Dave" Smith, The ParkinsonShooter and Amy Dillon. Dave is a professional shooter sponsored by F-1 Firearms, STI, and LaserShot. He competes in 3-Gun and rifle competitions across the country and internationally. What is unique about Dave is that he does all of this while having Parkinson’s Disease. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease ten years ago. Although Parkinson’s altered Dave’s lifestyle in many ways, one thing it did not take away was his passion and ability to shoot guns. He started shooting guns on a daily basis as his form of therapy - “Gun Therapy.” Doctors have confirmed that raising the dopamine levels through “Gun Therapy” (which he lacks due to Parkinson’s) has been key in his journey to aid in recovery. Amy Dillon U.S. Marine. Firearms Instructor. Writer. Amy Dillon is a former Marine Corps Drill Instructor and Combat Marksmanship Instructor. Amy served 12 years active-duty and is now committed to pursuing her goals in the Firearms Industry and Legal Communi

  • GunFreedomRadio EP230 The Free Enterprise Project with Justin Danhof

    27/07/2020 Duração: 52min

    Our guest today is Justin Danhof. Justin is the General Counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research, as well as Director of the Center’s Free Enterprise Project (FEP), which is the conservative movement’s only full-service shareholder activism and education program. Since 2015, Danhof has participated in over 150 shareholder meetings to advance free-market ideals in health care, energy, subsidies, free speech, religious freedom, food policies, media bias, gun rights, workers’ rights and other important public policy issues. 1) How does shareholder activism relate to the 2nd Amendment? 2) Who are the activists pushing an anti-2nd Amendment agenda? 3) What are you doing about this at FEP? 4) What can others to do get involved?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP229 Speaking With Giants with John Crump

    24/07/2020 Duração: 46min

    Our guest today is John Crump. John is a firearms investigative journalist for AmmoLand News. Federal plaintiffs have used his research in their firearms cases, and News media around the country widely cited his research into some powerful examples of failures in the Gun Control agenda. He is also a Second Amendment advocate, and serves as the Virginia State Director for Gun Owners of America. John has just authored a book titled “Speaking With Giants: Interviews From AmmoLand” to raise money to help his nine-year-old niece, Bella, to fight brain cancer. 1) What an amazing thing, to write a book to help your niece and her family during what has to be a terrifying and uncertain time. Your niece is only 9 years old. Tell us about this diagnosis. 2) Some people start Go Fund Me campaigns, but you you author an entire book! Tell us about the book. John Crump is releasing a book to raise money to help his nine-year-old niece, Bella, to fight brain cancer. Doctors have diagnosed Crump’s niece with

  • GunFreedomRadio EP228 The War on Reason with Todd Fossey

    22/07/2020 Duração: 51min

    Our guest today is Todd Fossey. Todd is the Founder and Chief Instructor at Integrative Defense Strategies (IDS) in Minneapolis, MN. Todd is an FSI Certified Force Science Analyst and a former lecturer at medical schools, and has a 15-year background in psychophysiology offering him special insight into the psychological, physiological and perceptual effects of high-stress critical incidents and human performance. 1) Before we dive into the importance of how and why you train the way you do, let’s talk about a video you posted up recently about the silent weapons of psychological warfare and gaslighting in the War on Reason / Free Will / Critical Thinking. - Is this a Cold War or a Hot War? The riots across the nation might have taken this war “hot”. What are your thoughts? - What are our best tools of defense in this War on Reason? 2) Tell us about IDS and how its training is different? 3) What is a Citizen Defender? 4) Are there contextual differences between training for Law Enforcement or Military V

  • GunFreedomRadio EP227 The Gun Code with Ashley Hlebinsky

    20/07/2020 Duração: 53min

    Our guest today is Ashley Hlebinsky. Ashley is one of the nation’s foremost authorities on firearms history. Recently, she served as both Curator of the Cody Firearms Museum (CFM) and Project Director for the museum’s multimillion-dollar renovation that reopened in July 2019. Due to her and her team’s efforts, the museum has received positive reviews from both gun and mainstream media and is seen as the premiere gun museum in the world that fosters dialogue for a range of diverse audiences Additionally, Hlebinsky is a highly sought-after museum consultant, guest speaker, writer, expert witness in the US and Canada, and a television host and producer. 1) You are a historian who is always leaning into the future and doing something new. You have recently left your previous position at CFM, but you are still very much connected to the museum and have accepted the position of Curator Emerita and Senior Firearms Scholar at the CFM – an honor typically reserved for the end of one’s career. First of all, congratul

  • GunFreedomRadio EP226 Winning In The Courts with Holly Sullivan

    17/07/2020 Duração: 32min

    Our guest today is Holly Sullivan. Holly currently serves as the President of the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, a 27,000 member non-partisan grassroots organization devoted to advocating rights affirmed by the Constitution of the United States and the State of Connecticut. 1) The CCDL filed and won a lawsuit in United States District Court against Governor Ned Lamont and several municipal police chiefs to stop their blatant and ongoing violations of the CCDL members’ right to keep and bear arms, as well as other constitutional rights. Tell us about this important win in the courts? 2) What are the future implications of this win?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP225 Black Ops with Aaargo Jay

    15/07/2020 Duração: 52min

    Our guest today is Aaargo Jay. Aaargo is 2nd Amendment Civil Rights activist, a public school educator and father of three. His passion for the 2nd Amendment is what led him to notice the differential treatment between Black Americans and the rest of the American populous when it comes to firearms. He wrote a documentary called BlackOPS. - Black Opinion in Popular Society. Its main focus is to change the perception of Black Americans, specifically Black males, in regards to firearms. Aaargo Jay has partnered with American Defense MFG to build an AR15 rifle of his own called, the Bravo Oscar, to support the funding of his documentary. 1) You have been working on the documentary for a couple of years now, and with every major news-cycle it just keeps becoming more and more relevant. Tell us about the project? 2) You unveiled your new rifle at the 2020 SHOT Show in Las Vegas – the Bravo Oscar – what is it about this rifle that is so special to you and also to your work on BlackOps? 3) A couple of years ago

  • GunFreedomRadio EP224 Adventures in Independent Journalism with Ford Fischer

    13/07/2020 Duração: 54min

    Our guest today is Ford Fischer. Ford is an independent journalist and filmmaker. He is the editor-in-chief of News2Share, a company which has White House press credentials, and is a platform for raw video journalism related to political activism. 1) What is the problem you see in journalism today, and how do you try to remedy it in your own reporting? 2) Your style of reporting is to present raw footage. Why did you decide to create News2Share and style it in the way you have? 3) You film a lot of armed rallies. How do firearms intersect with activism? 4) When you are filming, you capture the good, the bad, and the ugly of humans intersecting with one another in times of heightened emotion and disagreement. No where do we see this more pronounced that when the disagreement is between a police officer and someone who is being ticketed or detained. What is your philosophy on filming police?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP222 The Militia and the Constitution with Randy Miller

    08/07/2020 Duração: 54min

    Our guest today is Randy Miller. Randy is a Candidate for the Arizona House of Representatives in LD 21 and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Director in Arizona, and he teaches both the Arizona and US Constitutions. 1) We are in the midst of a fresh “spike” in cases of the Covid virus here in AZ. We have a state-wide “mandate” to wear masks in public, while it is 110 degrees outside (by the way). What are the Constitutional implications of the current crisis and the “mandates”? (Does AZ Governor Ducey have the authority to make executive orders? Can he order people in their homes, close businesses, put a curfew on society?) 2) Our US Bill of Rights mentions a word that has been the epicenter of much debate. That word is “militia”. Just what is the militia, and what does the constitution say about it? 3) Tell us about your campaign for the Arizona House of Representatives in LD 21, as we ramp up to a big statewide and nationwide election – what is happening in AZ that also relate

  • GunFreedomRadio EP221 Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement with Drake Mitchell

    06/07/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    Our guest today is Drake Mitchell. Drake is a member of the which is the Arizona 2nd Amendment Sanctuary City, County, and Reservation Movement. Drake is also the current Chairman of the Arizona Citizens Defense League PAC, with his primary goal as un-electing anti-gun, anti-right politicians whenever possible. Because, he says, “We can not continue to support the same folks who have proven they will vote against the Bill of Rights and expect different results.” 1) What is the Second Amendment “Sanctuary City” Movement? Some people are confusing it with the similarly named movement connected to the immigration issue? 2) Why would something clearly delinated in our Bill of Rights need a “Sanctuary Space” carved out on the State map? 3) With the AZCDL PAC, do you work to support certain pro-rights candidates or try to expose the candidates you believe are not living up to their Constitutional Oath? Are you a partisan group?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP220 The Prepared Mindset with Liberte' Austin

    04/07/2020 Duração: 33min

    Our guest today is Liberte Austin. Liberte is a social media influencer, who uses her platform to advocate for conservativism, self-defense and the 2nd Amendment. She has over 15 years experience working in the legal industry and currently works as a paralegal and writer for U.S. LawShield. U.S. LawShield is an organization dedicated to defending the freedom of those who exercise their right to self-defense. Liberte is also the National Field Director of The Ambassador Program for the Second Amendment Institute (SAI). 1) How did you get involved with SAI? I am on the Board myself and I love that part of their mission is to restore the 2A on college campuses. 2) The nightly news is full of absolute craziness with rioting and looting going on in some of our biggest cities across the nation. On social media I am seeing boisterous comments by people (some of whom are gun owners) who say things like “I’d just shoot the looters”. It’s easy to sit behind a keyboard and type stuff like that. It’s an entirely dif

  • GunFreedomRadio EP219 The 2A Is Above the Governor's Pay Grade? with Alejandro Roubian

    01/07/2020 Duração: 48min

    Our guest today is Alex “Alejandro" Roubian. Alejandro is the President of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS). The NJ2AS is a human rights advocacy group that lobbies against unreasonable gun control laws. We believe in the responsible ownership and use of firearms as part of our rights as Americans under the second amendment of the Bill of Rights. The NJ2AS educates the public and the legislature on the safe and responsible use of firearms, laws, and policies to protect our freedoms. #1) The theme of today’s segment is “The 2A is Above The Governor’s Pay Grade?”. Really, the answer is YES, it IS above his pay grade. The NJ Governor Phil Murphy has no say in it whatsoever. But, the problem is that he said, "I wasn't thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.” Yet, he wants it both ways and he DOES want to act like HIS wishes take precedent over the Bill of Rights. #2) The NJ2AS has filed lawsuits against your NJ Governor Murphy. While it is unfortunate that we have come to a place in the U

  • GunFreedomRadio EP218 Mentoring the Next Generation with Serena Juchnowski

    29/06/2020 Duração: 41min

    Our guest today is Serena Juchnowski. Serena is a competitive shooter, hunter, and outdoor writer and photographer from Richfield, Ohio. Serena started shooting when she was in 8th grade and started competing in high power service rifle in 2015. Since that time, she has dedicated herself to pursuing a career in the outdoor industry and to introducing and mentoring people in the outdoors. Especially with women, it seems that people always want to know how nice people like us ended up being involved in guns. So let’s dive into your personal journey into the world of firearms. What is your driving passion? Are you a pro-2a-Rights Advocate? Did you experience any bias at University? #1) How has the outdoor lifestyle and your activities changed your life? Have they had any notable effects? #2) What do you hope to accomplish through your writing? #3) Topic: introducing juniors, mentoring people in the outdoors #4) What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced/are facing? #5) How did you become a writer?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP217 Mom-At-Arms with Jill Slayton McDaniel

    26/06/2020 Duração: 50min

    Our guest today is Jill Slayton McDaniel. Jill is the Virginia State Director of The DC Project and the creator of Mom-At-Arms, which is a grassroots "sleuth site," that exposes Gun Control organizations and their funding partners. 1) Virginia Gun Control Legislation: Why Virginians can not afford to fall into complacency. 2) Breaking through/ debunking Gun Control MSM Propaganda 3) Staying engaged and being a community resource- how social media can help. 4) How did you become involved with The DC Project?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP216 Government Ruins Nearly Everything with Laura Carno

    24/06/2020 Duração: 43min

    Our guest today is Laura Carno. Laura is a political strategist setting straight the relationship between citizens and their government. She is the author of "Government Ruins Nearly Everything", is a Senior Fellow at Independent Women's Forum, and is the Executive Director of the FASTERColorado Charter. Laura has dedicated herself to setting straight the relationship between citizens and their government.  She helped to recall Colorado Senator John Morse with her “Don’t you Dare” campaign, and helped to send Mark Udall home with her Udall Lied campaign. She is active in Coloradans For Civil Liberties, an organization helping to win back the gun rights for the citizens of Colorado. 1) Your book "Government Ruins Nearly Everything" has come to mind so many times over the past few months. Some of the people we have elected into Government are definitely “ruining” things and forcing many of us across the nation to succumb to their power by using fear. Talk to us about choosing “safety” over liberty. 2) Balanci

  • GunFreedomRadio EP215 Support Your Local Sheriff with Jerry Sheridan

    22/06/2020 Duração: 55min

    Our guest today is Jerry Sheridan. Jerry is a 2020 candidate for Maricopa County Sheriff. Jerry has previously served as the Chief Deputy of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, which is the 4th largest Sheriff’s Office in the Nation. His career spans forty years at the MCSO where he began as a volunteer and, using his training, education and experience, earned the highest rank, just under the Sheriff. Jerry is a Constitutional Conservative Republican, and understands that the role of Sheriff is to serve the People in protecting the Constitution, people’s liberties, and gun rights. Now, instead of reporting to the sheriff Jerry’s goal is to be elected as Sheriff and report directly to the people of Maricopa County. 1. Jerry, as we sit in the studio on, Monday, June 15, 2020 is it a rough time in the US for any law enforcement officer. There are SOME individuals who wear the uniform and do horrible things regardless of their oath to Serve. Citizens around the nation are frightened, hurting, and angry. A

  • GunFreedomRadio EP214 Gun For Hire with Anthony Colandro

    19/06/2020 Duração: 53min

    Our guest today is Anthony Colandro. Anthony is an NRA Board member and the EVP of NJ State NRA Association. He is the Host of the hit radio show Gun For Hire with more than 1,000,000 listeners nationwide. Anthony is also the owner of Gun For Hire Range, NJ's leading training facility and indoor gun range. Anthony has been an aggressive, outspoken 2A defender for over 36 years in the tough NJ battleground and has helped defeat legislative attacks on 2A Constitutional Rights. Diversity among those who own firearms Infighting between 2A Advocacy Groups Unity among people who value our Constitutional Protections Fear / Force, the tools of control What is the Quarantine Crawl?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP213 Canadian Connection with Denean Tomlin of LadyGuns

    17/06/2020 Duração: 55min

    Our guest today is Denean Tomlin. Denean is is the Founder of LadyGuns in Alberta, Canada, an organization that helps women and youth participate and become active in firearms related sports. She is an outdoor enthusiast that loves hunting, fishing, and shooting. Denean is a firearms instructor, a competitive shooter, a hunting mentor. And, most recently, she has been asked to assist the Canadian University Shooting Federation with the development of programs to introduce and encourage female participation in University shooting sports across the country. 1) As soon as I mentioned that you were from Canada I am sure people’s ears perked up. People want to know what is happening with the most recent gun-ban in your country. But, before we get there, let’s talk about where Canada is / was just BEFORE the ban. What is the gun culture, recreation, sport and activities like in Canada and what and where do you shoot? 2) Tell us about your organization, #LadyGunsTribe . How did you come to be the Founder and what

  • GunFreedomRadio EP212 Your Vote Counts with Noran Eric Ruden

    15/06/2020 Duração: 47min

    Our guest today is Noran (Eric) Ruden. Eric is an AZ Candidate for US Congress. Eric is a self-made entrepreneur, owner of Essential Pest Control, owner of the Hitting Factory (an indoor baseball facility). He is a former TEA Party activist and is a Congressional District 2 Candidate for Tucson, AZ. Economic recovery in a post-COVID environment Small business issues economic development Social Security & Medicare insolvency 2nd amendment issues, AR bans, red flag laws, education of civil liberties

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