Gun Freedom Radio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 429:54:01
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Gun Freedom Radio (formerly Gun Talk AZ) Is a Talk Radio Show on 960am The Patriot, here to bring you all the news in the word of guns, firearms and the Second Amendment.


  • GunFreedomRadio EP334 Rick Ector with When Freedom is Free

    04/08/2021 Duração: 35min

    Our guest today is Rick Ector. Rick is a Civil Rights Advocate – a Keynote Speaker – an Expert Witness – a Freelance Writer and a Firearm Instructor. Rick is a NRA credentialed Firearms Trainer based in Detroit, Michigan. In addition to empowering citizens how to assume a greater role in their own safety, he also provides several community events throughout the year. His biggest event is the “FREE Shooting Event For Ladies” in which he trained nearly 2,000 women over one weekend in August 2020! And it is time to gear up for the 2021 event! 1) Tell us about the details for this year’s event. Where, when, who should come? 2) You always have a star-studded lineup of well-known trainers at this event, who are you expecting this year? 3) The man who has been nominated for the head of the ATF, David Chipman, has been quoted as being very condescending toward all of the brand new, first time gun owners across the nation as though they couldn’t possibly become trained and responsibly armed. What would you say to any

  • GunFreedomRadio EP332 An American Olympian with Lanny Barnes

    30/07/2021 Duração: 54min

    Our guest today is Lanny Barnes. Lanny is a three-time Olympian in Biathlon and is a National & World Champion in several shooting disciplines. Lanny is currently teaching courses to military, law enforcement and competitive shooters on the physiological and psychological aspects of shooting. Lanny & her twin sister, Tracy, spend a majority of their free time traveling around to schools, 4-H clubs, and Boys & Girls Clubs, talking to children about following their dreams, setting goals, and leading a healthy active lifestyle. And if all of that isn’t enough to fill a calendar, Lanny also takes wounded vets and terminally ill kids on hunts through Freedom Hunters and OE4A. 1) When the topic came up recently about US Olympians bringing activism into their sport – particularly activism that appears to be less than pro-American you put up a particularly thoughtful social media post about your own experiences as an Olympian – over multiple years – who represented your sport and our nation. Help people better unders

  • GunFreedomRadio EP331 2A On The Runway with Amanda Suffecool

    28/07/2021 Duração: 48min

    Our guest today is Amanda Suffecool. Amanda is a Pro 2A leader, trainer, and educator. She is the Ohio South-Eastern Region Director for the DC Project, Host of the syndicated radio show, “Eye On The Target” and she is the creator of the NRA Carry Guard Conceal Carry Fashion Show. 1) Concealed carry fashion show Why What can we expect Who will we see What are you showing us 2) Eye On The Target Radio Show Whats new Radio, TV, and Radio Row at SHOT show in 2022 3) DC Project New Podcast Coming Soon! What is the Southeastern region doing

  • GunFreedomRadio EP330 Citizen Government with Jeff Zink

    26/07/2021 Duração: 55min

    Our guest today is Jeff Zink. Jeff is a Republican Candidate in AZ running for US Congress against incumbent Democrat, Ruben Gallego. Jeff has been a College Professor, Scuba diving instructor, an NCAA basketball official, and a business owner with more than 40 years in Sports Medicine. 1) What was the moment that tipped the scales for you and made you decide to step into the rough and tumble political arena? 2) You have been very active in the AZ Election Integrity Audit. What has been the most frustrating (and the most rewarding) things about this experience? 3) What are your stances concerning the Second Amendment? 4) Like thousands of other families, your family has a connection to the events that took place on January 6, 2021. Can you bring us up to speed on that? - My son who was arrested by the FBI on February 4th. He spent a month and a half being moved from one place to another so that I could not keep up where he was until he was flown to Washington DC.

  • GunFreedomRadio EP329 Convention of States and the AZ Audit w AZ Senator Kelly Townsend

    23/07/2021 Duração: 56min

    Our guest today is AZ Senator Kelly Townsend. Senator Townsend has proudly served the citizens of the 16th Legislative District since 2013. Kelly is an accomplished author with books published in the USA, Croatia, and Slovenia. She is well traveled internationally, with a deep interest in other cultures and customs, languages, and of course, international and state government. And she is a fierce defender of the Constitution and is a national leader in the Article V movement and our AZ Election Integrity Audit. 1) We have moved into a new phase of the audit here in AZ. Talk to us about what we know and what we anticipate in the near future. 2) You have been a regular speaker at each of our annual Celebrate and Protect the Second Amendment Rally Events. Why is the 2A important to you? 3) What is the Convention of States? 4) What is the Article V movement?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP328 Educating About The Fed with Alan Myers

    21/07/2021 Duração: 54min

    Our guest today is Alan Myers. Alan Myers is a San Diego CPA and forensic accountant. For 10 years, he has dedicated himself to researching, studying and analyzing the Federal Reserve System, banking and the national debt. Alan is a writer, speaker and radio commentator on these and other related topics. The national monetary system is the most powerful system in our country because everything in our country is connected to it. Unfortunately, says Alan, this system was not designed to work in the best interest of the people or our country. 1) Let’s blast through your book titled, Fed Ed: Basic Monetary System Education. What are the absolute HAVE-TO takeaways that we need to leave our audience with to have a better educated citizenry. 2) What is the origin and development of money? 3) What are the historical characteristics of what defines what money is? 4) Does crypto fit enough characteristics to actually be or become money? 5) Why is the Fed depicted on the cover of your book as a Hydra? 6) Let’s di

  • GunFreedomRadio EP327 FASTER Life Saving Skills with Dr. Dick Caster

    19/07/2021 Duração: 54min

    Our guest today is Dr. Dick Caster. Dr. Caster is one of the Originators and Founders of the FASTERSavesLive Emergency Response Program that has been protecting and saving the lives of school children across the nation for a decade. Holding a doctorate in School Administration and having worked as an Instructor and Director of the National Association of School Resource Officers, Dr Caster has a deep understanding of the need and importance of securing our nation’s schools as we do every building that houses our nations treasures. In the early 2000s Dr. Caster, along with John Benner, the Founder and Owner of Tactical Defense Institute, wrote a school safety curriculum that would eventually become the FASTERSavesLives Training Manual. Tragically, it took the murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 for teachers and administrators to understand and begin to demand this kind of armed and unarmed emergency training as well as the emergency field medical supplies and training that FASTER includes in the tr

  • GunFreedomRadio EP326 Intersection of Guns and Mental Health w Michael Sodini

    16/07/2021 Duração: 01h01min

    Our guest today is Michael Sodini. Michael is the founder of Walk The Talk America (WTTA). The Walk the Talk America initiative is a non-profit organization dedicated to making positive change in relationship to mental health, and firearm awareness. Through organizing a profound team of experts from different fields, and all walks of life, unbiased by politics, media, or personal prejudice – WTTA seeks to input opportunities to enhance communication, compassion, calls to action and education. 1) You recently helped a women named Connie Wray overcome her phobia and fear of firearms. Connie of Fox News Reno filmed her experience as part of show called “The Next Stage”. 2) How does your work with WTTA impact Legislation like HR 127. 3) In what ways does (or does not) the Firearms Industry support the work you are doing? 4) How do people follow you?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP325 A FASTER Way to Save Lives with Joe Eaton

    14/07/2021 Duração: 50min

    Our guest today is Joe Eaton. Joe is a program director for FASTER Saves Lives, a nonprofit based in Ohio that has given firearms training to thousands of teachers since 2012. 1) What is FASTERSavesLives? 2) How are you connected to this organization? 3) This isn’t just training church and school staff for physical responses to violence – there is an emergency medical element that cannot be overstated. Talk to us about that.

  • GunFreedomRadio EP324 Saving Lives FASTER with Jim Irvine

    12/07/2021 Duração: 01h34s

    Our guest today is Jim Irvine. Jim Irvine is a Director with FASTERSavesLives and the President of the Buckeye Firearms Foundation (BFF). With both of these organizations, Jim works with legislators and interested parties to enact positive changes to Ohio firearm and self-defense laws. Jim is also a husband, father, and a professional airline pilot. 1) Give us brief overview of what FASTER is, and how long this training has been helping to keep schools, churches, synagogues, and other organizations safe? 2) Recently, I was honored to be a participant in the training. The training is serious and focused. I have been shooting most of my life and I wasn’t able to pass your firearms / accuracy qualification test. Talk to us about what is involved in the course? 3) While I was in OH the OH Supreme Court made a ruling that could threaten this decade-long program and cause schools to be less safe. Talk to us about this ruling. 4) Schools are once again open all over the nation and horribly, bad guys WILL take advan

  • GunFreedomRadio EP322 Is There a Problem, Officer? with Steve Pomper

    25/06/2021 Duração: 52min

    Our guest today is Steve Pomper. Steve is an author, freelance writer, and retired Seattle police officer. During his career, he served as a field training officer, on the Community Police Team, and as a mountain bike patrol coordinator. He has written several books, and his latest title is “The Obama Gang: How Barack Obama, through his post-presidency foundation, assembled, launched, and wages the new assault on American law enforcement”. 1) Before we dive into your new favorite line on your website is: “What’s the Most Government Can Do for Me? The Least Government Can Do for Me.” That is a very Libertarian stance. You have also been a Law Enforcement Officer. There are more than a few people who would say that those are competing mindsets. For you, how do those two things mesh together? 2) Let’s talk about your book, “The Obama Gang”. 3) Tell us about your article in LifeZette, titled “Is the FBI Misreporting Data About Legal Gun Owners Stopping Active Shooters?” 4) Back in November you wrote an

  • GunFreedomRadio EP319 Bullets and Bombshells UK with Gerald Bailey

    23/06/2021 Duração: 56min

    Our guest today is Gerald Bailey. Gerald is the organizer of Bullets and Bombshells UK. He was born in Rhodesia, grew up in South Africa and now lives in the UK. He is an elite navy diver serving on the teams in the reserves forces in the UK. Gerald is a nature conservation officer, running a game reserve and nature reserves, and is a qualified firearms instructor as well as a combative red dot pistol instructor. He has published 7 politically incorrect self-defense related e-books, and is a firm believer in the international right to self-defense. And here in the US, Gerald runs firearm related classes through Covenant Tactical based in Texas. 1) Here in the US we have different laws in different states, but for the most part firearms are ingrained in the culture of our nation. You grew up in the UK, where guns are not as acceptable culturally speaking. So, how did you get into firearms? 2) What do you think are some of the main areas of concern within the training world today? 3) What do you focus on wh

  • GunFreedomRadio EP321 Preserving History for the Next Generation w/ Jeff Gottesfeld

    21/06/2021 Duração: 44min

    Our guest today is Jeff Gottesfeld. Jeff writes for page, stage, and screen. He has won awards from the American Library Association, the Association of Jewish Libraries, the Writer’s Guild of America, the National Council for the Social Studies, and the American Alliance for Theater and Education. His current focus is picture book texts for children, and he just published his latest title, Twenty-One Steps: Guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. 1) It is interesting how we each grow and change through our life experiences and the historical events that happen during our lifetimes. When you were younger your views were different than they are today. So, how did a former Vietnam War protestor like yourself come to write a book like this? - I'll talk about my upbringing in the liberal (not leftist then, but liberal) bastion of Teaneck NJ, first school system in the country to voluntarily integrate, and my skepticism (at best!) in high school and early college about American institutions and the military.

  • GunFreedomRadio EP320 Arizona Stands Up! with Theresa Catherine

    18/06/2021 Duração: 57min

    Our guest today is Theresa Catherine. Theresa is a co-founder of Arizona Stands Up!, a grassroots nonprofit which was formed due to the unconstitutional lockdowns and mandates issued by the government in light of Covid-19. Theresa is also a Second Amendment advocate, certified firearms instructor, and enjoys competing in the shooting sports, and she is a firm believer that individual Liberty should always come first. 1) Tell us about AZ Stands Up. THREE ARIZONA STANDS UP INITIATIVES LAUNCHING JUNE: MEDICAL FREEDOM ALLIANCE~ We have launched a Medical Freedom Alliance, bringing together an Alliance of medical freedom professionals from multiple disciplines across the state, in an effort to bring truth, facts, scientific data, and health information to the public. We are showcasing their knowledge on multiple fronts, and two include the following initiatives: THE "FREEDOM TOWN HALL"~ Our Freedom Town Halls launches June 17th and will be a monthly public event, with panel discussions and moderated forums.

  • GunFreedomRadio EP323 The Sentinel Over the Audit with AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers

    16/06/2021 Duração: 50min

    Our guest today is AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers. Senator Rogers is a Conservative America-First Republican in Arizona’s #LD6. She is a retired Air Force Lt Col & pilot, business entrepreneur, and a homeschool mom. 1) What an important time to be in the AZ State Senate. Let’s start with the hottest topic. What is happening with the AZ Election Audit? 2) What else is happening in AZ that is maybe not getting as much public attention as it should? 3) What caused you to put you hat in the political ring? 4) What is the single most important thing that each individual, whether in AZ or in any State, can do right now to protect and preserve our Constitutional Liberties?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP318 Freedom Junkie with Betsy Dewey

    14/06/2021 Duração: 48min

    Our guest today is Betsy Dewey. Betsy is the founder of the Freedom Junkie Radio podcast. She is an author, speaker, prepper, rugged individualist, risk taker, Constitutionalist, and former Libertarian Congressional candidate. Betsy is a freedom-advocate who thrives outside her comfort zone, and who champions the power of individual freedom. She is also a professional musician in Austin, TX - fiddle player and singer/songwriter with a new release called We Can Agree. 1) Why are the Constitution and the Second Amendment so important to you? 2) What is your Second Amendment journey? Did you grow up with firearms in your parent’s home? 3) You have a gun range and you use that range to convert anti-gun people into gun owners... tell us about that. 4) Why did you choose to start your podcast called Freedom Junkie Radio? 5) What's the most exciting thing you've noticed since starting Freedom Junkie Radio and interviewing people for the show? 6) You've got a new song out called “We Can Agree” (What's in the V?) Whe

  • GunFreedomRadio EP317 A Christian’s Duty To Defend with Lloyd Bailey

    11/06/2021 Duração: 52min

    Our guest today is Lloyd Bailey. Lloyd is the Armed Lutheran, host of “Armed Lutheran Radio,” a weekly podcast about faith, firearms, and freedom. He is also the editor of the newly released book, “Duty to Defend”. 1) Why is the “duty to defend” such a difficult concept for both Christians and people of other Faiths? 2) You have some powerhouse voices who wrote contributions in this book. Was there one in particular that you felt would lend extra credence to your work? 3) In our current world, division is everywhere. Christ himself said, all those 2,000 years ago that chaff and wheat would be separated, and that he knew he was part of that sifting and sorting. He actually said in the Gospels that family member would turn against family member. How do we, as Christians, interpret and square a duty to defend with a duty to become separate from those who are of and in the World? 4) How were guns viewed in the household you were raised in? Were you raised with firearms?

  • GunFreedomRadio EP316 AZ Audit and the GOP with Dr. Kelli Ward

    09/06/2021 Duração: 41min

    Our guest today is Dr. Kelli Ward. Kelli is an osteopathic physician and politician who has served as the Chair of the Arizona Republican Party since 2019. She also served in the Arizona State Senate from 2012 to 2015. 1) Kelli, there is an historic audit taking place right now and right here in our State of AZ. Audits are just a formalized way of “showing your work”. We have been audited by the IRS for finances and by the ATF for our firearms business. Neither was a “Constitutional Crisis”. Our very Founders “called into question” the actions of the Government – which is why we even have a United States – please help us understand why some people – including some Republicans are so against this audit? 2) Some of the people who are against this audit are Republicans. Some are citing that to say that there is a rift and a split in the Republican Party. What would you say about that? 3) The best outcome is that we discover that the election was a “perfect” as the Board of Supervisors seem to think it is. That

  • GunFreedomRadio EP315 Freedom Works with John Tamny

    07/06/2021 Duração: 50min

    Our guest today is John Tamny. John is Vice President at FreedomWorks, and Director of its Center for Economic Freedom. He's also editor of RealClearMarkets, and Senior Economic Adviser to mutual fund firm Applied Finance Group. He frequently writes about the securities markets, along with tax, trade and monetary policy issues that impact those markets for a variety of publications including the Wall Street Journal, Investor's Business Daily, Financial Times, National Review and London’s Daily Telegraph. Tamny is the author of five books. His latest is When Politicians Panicked: The New Coronavirus, Expert Opinion, and a Tragic Lapse of Reason, which was released on March 30, 2021. Tamny received a BA at the University of Texas at Austin, and his MBA at Vanderbilt. 1) Tell us about this FreedomWorks tour: America’s Comeback? You were recently here in AZ, and had some local, national and even international speakers. - CL Bryant, Kari Lake, AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend, Nigel Farage 2) These days the

  • GunFreedomRadio EP314 Correcting The Language with Ashley Hlebinsky

    04/06/2021 Duração: 57min

    Our guest today is Ashley Hlebinsky. Ashley is one of the nation’s foremost authorities on firearms history. Recently, she served as both Curator of the Cody Firearms Museum (CFM) and Project Director for the museum’s multimillion dollar renovation that reopened in July 2019. Due to her and her team’s efforts, the museum has received positive reviews from both gun and mainstream media and is seen as the premiere gun museum in the world that fosters dialogue for a range of diverse audiences Additionally, Hlebinsky is a highly sought-after museum consultant, guest speaker, writer, and expert witness in the US and Canada. And, in her “spare time” she is a television host and producer. 1) In our intro we mentioned that you are an expert witness. You recently offered testimony as a subject matter expert to Senate Judiciary’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, in a hearing titled: Stop Gun Violence: Ghost Guns. But, you don’t use that term and told the Senate as much. Can you expound on that? - “Firstly, I will no

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