Ally Loprete

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 235:34:43
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Career Strategist for Parents, Ally Loprete is on a mission to bring 1 million parents home. CALL IN LIVE with your challenging questions! Tuesdays at noon PST 800-449-8686


  • Holidays and Holi-Debts!!

    19/12/2013 Duração: 57min

    The #1 stress creator during the holidays is debt. We have made sacrifices. We've left our double-income-no-kids lifestyle long behind and ventured into a hand-to-mouth way of living. We've made choices to stay home with the kids and build side businesses to supplement our expenses. We don't spend extravagantly and although we survive each year, we still manage to go deeper into debt. The holidays expect more from us. Because we don't have disposable income, we fall back on the only thing that will get us American households have a substantial amount of credit card debt. Of the estimated 46.7% of households that carry a balance, the average debt is a whopping $15,328 as of September 2012. What does this mean? Credit card debt is holding fairly steady – but whether or not that’s a good thing is up for debate. On the one hand, higher consumer spending puts the economy on a positive track. Higher spending leads to more jobs and higher incomes, which in turn lead to higher spending. However, if

  • Coming Together in Grief for Newtown

    16/12/2013 Duração: 57min

    There is a process that we must go through when tragedy strikes. When I first heard about the tragic events of the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary on Friday, I shut down. Every part of me went numb. It was too much for me to handle. I had to take some time to process it, sort out my reaction, and consider how much I could allow my mind to wrap around it. I was sick to my stomach. I couldn't breathe. My 3 year old was having a play date with his best friend and I had to keep it together for their sake. So I did. I went through my day holding onto my strength as long as I could. That afternoon at my first grader's pick up time, I arrived at his school early, choking back tears and when he approached the car, I got out to hug him. I began to cry...but only for a few seconds. Our embrace was disrupted by a school attendant who had to remind me that getting out of the car in the middle of the carpool lane was not permitted as I was holding up traffic. I took the kids to get a banana split, and loved loved

  • Outserving Your Competition

    16/12/2013 Duração: 57min

    Choose your mentors strategically. If you are a SELF-STARTING, ACTION-ORIENTED small business owner, who is committed to taking your business to the next level--- you won't want to miss today's interview with Michelle Pippin. Last week we talked about my tribe of BBFs (Business Best Friends) with Leah Jantzen and Patty Lennon... who---ironically---had to take over the show last week as I drove my family "off the grid" to an out-of-state family funeral. ((Thank goodness for mom tribes and business besties... right???)) My tribe IS my support system... the gals who GET ME and accept me. In addition to my "tribe" I have 2 mentors---and these women serve a different purpose in my self-made career. They might "get me" but their job is NOT to pat me on the back and give me an abundance of "atta girls" when I need to be pushed passed my comfort zone. My mentors are there to help me to STRIVE FURTHER out of my reach... They DO NOT allow me to make excuses... or at the very least not TREAT excuses as ROAD BLOCKS--- an

  • Turn bright Ideas into BIG BUCKS!

    13/12/2013 Duração: 57min

    Launch a profitable business...BY MONDAY. Whether you’ve got a great idea for a business-- OR-- you are ready to take your job and SHOVE IT-- OR -- You already have a business that.. is... sucking... the.. life... out... of... you... A fresh and strategic business plan-of-action might be what was missing all along. If you are anything like me... you jumped into self-employment with 100% pure passion and VERY little knowledge of venture capitalism. GOOD NEWS FOR ALL OF US --- even if you did do things a little backwards--- ANYONE can learn this stuff... and come away with a PROFITABLE PLAN in a mere weekend. If serving others SERVES YOU, then basic business information WILL EMPOWER YOU. Moms and Dads... you are part of a BIGGER purpose and you SHARE your ambitions with one another. Parents who are PASSIONATE about providing for their children--- who also work to have a core understanding of business --can POSITIVELY IMPACT the world in a profound way. There is no reason to shy away from your BIG DREAMS because

  • Wild Wealth for Wild Women

    01/12/2013 Duração: 57min

    There are days where I am so overwhelmed with fierce joy, I wonder if I am living someone else’s life. You see, we cannot connect the dots going forward, but looking back… EVERYTHING BECOMES so clear. Imagine that we have always been traveling to be RIGHT HERE--- in this glorious moment in time. No matter how hard we work to create a road map--- it's always a shock when we ACTUALLY ARRIVE. Take a look around you see how far you've come? I just had the great honor of speaking to a lovely group of (mostly) women entrepreneurs at the Shabby Lane Shop Small Business Conference in Nashville, TN …so very far away from home... and yet, so close. There were attendees who --I learned later-- booked their tickets to see me speak, because they were long-time members of, or listeners of the This Little Parent Stayed Home radio show. Ironically, it was I who was honored to be in their presence. I had many surreal take-aways... the first being when a woman told me that she attributes much of her s

  • Are you willing to clean Toilets?

    30/11/2013 Duração: 57min

    Are you willing to do ANYTHING to build wealth and stability? Prove it. Back in college, I remember my professor of Acting 101 asked the small crowd of freshmen what they were willing to do to become "famous." The question wasn't meant to be rhetorical, but rather-- provocative. HOW BADLY DO YOU WANT IT? Because in the most competitive industry in the world...chances are... your competition wants it MORE. We were told that if you are not willing to do just ANYTHING, crazy or not... QUIT NOW and find another college major, another dream, a more "simple" paycheck, and an easier way of life. The good life wasn't meant for YOU. It was reserved for the people who were willing to do what most were UNWILLING to do. That was the lesson --- and it stayed with me. Kara Anderson was willing to CLEAN TOILETS to provide for her family. She sent an email to family and friends and offered to clean bathrooms for free... the only catch was if they loved her, they had to HIRE HER and then brag to their friends ABOUT her. From

  • Do You Believe in Magic?

    30/11/2013 Duração: 57min

    We could all use a little MAGIC in our lives. I have not even left New York - where I was HONORED to be on the stage at Mom Gets A Business Conference-- (I am writing this as I wait to board the airplane at JFK) -- and I simply cannot contain my enthusiasm for what I just experienced! When I first began this journey as a self-employed stay-at-home Mom, I was not only looking for a way to provide for my children that did not take me away from them every day, but also a way to nurture my desire to make an important mark on the world. I had QUITE an uphill battle ahead of me. I was determined to create wealth ON MY TERMS, prove to the naysayers that IT COULD BE DONE...and I didn't care that I didn't HAVE A CLUE where to start. But I had more than "a clue". I had a VISION that fueled so much passion in me... nothing would allow me to back down. Ignorance was most likely bliss... because if I REALLY KNEW what was ahead of me, I might not have ventured forward. I HAD TO BELIEVE IN MIRACLES-- and I learned to close

  • Create the Results you want in Life

    24/11/2013 Duração: 57min

    Unlock the Power of Your Mind. I LOVE PUZZLES. Crossword, Sudoku, Riddles-- even jigsaws. I wasn't always this geeky. As a child, I don't remember enjoying USING MY BRAIN this much. Not in the least. But as an adult...I not only see the benefits of keeping my mind alert... I FEEL IT. It's like exercise for my brain. I love figuring things out, narrowing down possible solutions through processes of elimination, pattern recognition, mathematics and science...searching for different colors, shapes, insights, nuggets of information be pieced together collectively in a way that will bring new insights into focus --- unlocking higher levels of consciousness, paving the way for different opportunities and awakening new schools of thought. Sometimes putting our LIVES together can feel like a multi-faceted, big puzzle filled with unexpected twists and turns... but ultimately leading us to a higher purpose or a desirable end result... (WE HOPE!) Your BRAIN is the most valuable resource that you have-- and NO ONE

  • Building Better Profits

    24/11/2013 Duração: 57min

    Today I will be interviewing this dedicated father and work-at-home business guru --who I have had the wonderful pleasure of getting to know this year. Rafael has already been providing heaps of VALUABLE BUSINESS EDUCATION and mentoring parents JUST LIKE YOU on how to earn thousands of dollars --EVERY WEEK--- around your kids' schedule. If you want to know how he is doing it... you'll want to tune in for the EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW. Rafael has got some pretty amazing giveaways for you as well. You don't have to wait for the show tonight to sign up for his Email Mastery Program and receive a FREE COPY of Internet Marketing for Newbies!! With social media, it has never been easier to uncover opportunities, engage in conversations, discover new information from trusted sources, and forge new relationships. Rafael Perez of Building Better, business blogger, work at home Dad, and consultant to offline businesses unveils the same secret trainings he uses to generate traffic, capture leads, and convert sales

  • Get Clear On Your "It" Factor

    19/11/2013 Duração: 56min

    Behind every successful parent entrepreneur are MORE parent entrepreneurs supporting, encouraging, and nurturing them. There has never been a better time for moms and dads to claim their place in society and earn their way to freedom. You better believe that YOUR CHOICE to be self-employed is making a significant difference for your children and the future that awaits them. Today there is a greater ability to connect with one another than in any past generation. Thanks to our unlimited virtual information sources... (social media platforms and the ability to carry it all around with you in a hand-held mobile device) gone are the days of the lonely house parent who's grown-up intelligence turns to mush from lack of stimulation. We have resources! HURRAH!!! =) =) There is a science behind all of this and when closely examined, it equals progress. It should come as no surprise that we are all --every one of us-- motivated by the exact same thing: The love we have for our children. We may be activated through dif

  • Build a Business Without Going Bankrupt

    19/11/2013 Duração: 56min

    Show me the money!! We know that building a business takes time---but sometimes we don't have the LUXURY of waiting. We have bills to pay, mouths to feed, groceries to buy and little bodies to clothe. WE NEED TO BE PROFITABLE NOW! We have a choice as entrepreneurs. We can either learn to do it all ourselves without ever hiring ANYONE else to help us (which is ENTIRELY possible!!) or we can INVEST in the convenience of learning what we need to know NOW... and see bigger results FASTER. The challenge is knowing which investments will really give us a return and which are just BOGUS BUSINESS packages designed to keep us chasing our tails without ever making a profit. I've called upon the best person I know to talk to us today about when it's appropriate to invest in our businesses and when to walk away and figure it out ourselves. Chris Hogan is an entrepreneur, public speaker and money strategist. You may remember him from our most popular show EVER several years back: HOW TO GAIN FINANCIAL FREEDOM FOR YOU AND

  • Exceed Your Own Expectations

    09/11/2013 Duração: 56min

    Open up to your healing power. Earlier this week, I had ---what I like to lovingly refer to as --- "The Mommy Melt Down". My mind was clouded with overwhelm and I was finding it unusually difficult to focus on my daily tasks. (Did I remember to sign the permission slip? When did we run out of food? Did I remember to walk the dog? Are the baseball uniforms washed and ready for the game this weekend? I must remember to call that client back... and that one, and that one...) "Mind Clutter" like this was most likely the result of lack of sleep, lack of exercise, lack of nutrition, hormonal imbalance... whatever... It felt like my brain needed to BREATHE. ...and I realized I needed to give it more oxygen. So I cleared some time and went for a quick run. It was like taking a magic pill. IT FIXED EVERYTHING. Once the darkness cleared, I was able to easily obtain a more clear and effortless FOCUS. Suddenly, all that had -- just moments earlier appeared-- DEMANDING, now seemed uncomplicated and elementary, even... dar

  • Social Media for Maverick Mompreneurs

    07/11/2013 Duração: 56min

    "There is a sea of possibility waiting for savvy entrepreneurs to navigate." - Captain of "online media", Sue B. Zimmerman You already know that I "cracked a code" using Twitter. Once I got over my fear of the big bad internet and realized its potential for us aa parent entrepreneurs, I began to explore the uncharted territories. What I discovered is unlimited possibilities to connect with our newest clients and our future fans. For the past two years I have taught more than 250 small businesses to learn what I know about social media. The biggest mindset "misconception" that I see out there among online business owners is that they seem to be jumping into new social media platforms BLINDLY --- (and because someone told them to)... without REALLY knowing WHY or HOW being on social media will directly effect their bottom line. It's all about focused strategy. Despite how you might feel on some days, the internet was NOT created to stress you out! It is an EXPANSIVE resource that... if we are strategic enough..

  • Raising Capital for your Business

    06/11/2013 Duração: 56min

    If you are going to DREAM BIG, you have to be willing to PLAY BIG. One of the biggest reasons women in business don't PLAY BIG is because they don't give themselves permission. Growing your SMALL business BIG is ... well... it's a BIG decision to make. Not everyone wants to play big--- and that is okay too. When I first became an entrepreneur... it was kind of a happy accident. I didn't set out to become a big income earner. All I wanted was to be able to afford to leave my corporate job (and my corporate salary) and get busy being a mom. I needed a way to FUND that. Playing BIG was NOT the intention. In my pursuit of a basic supplemental income, I discovered (totally unexpected) that I not only had a head for business, but I also had a knack for helping others bring their ideas into fruition. A mom business coach was born. I just returned from an amazingly CONTENT RICH business retreat-- one of the most effective programs for entrepreneurs I have EVER been a part of-- taught by my good friend Kim Flynn. She

  • Alternative Health for Moms and Kids

    06/11/2013 Duração: 56min

    If you are going to DREAM BIG, you have to be willing to PLAY BIG. One of the biggest reasons women in business don't PLAY BIG is because they don't give themselves permission. Growing your SMALL business BIG is ... well... it's a BIG decision to make. Not everyone wants to play big--- and that is okay too. When I first became an entrepreneur... it was kind of a happy accident. I didn't set out to become a big income earner. All I wanted was to be able to afford to leave my corporate job (and my corporate salary) and get busy being a mom. I needed a way to FUND that. Playing BIG was NOT the intention. In my pursuit of a basic supplemental income, I discovered (totally unexpected) that I not only had a head for business, but I also had a knack for helping others bring their ideas into fruition. A mom business coach was born. I just returned from an amazingly CONTENT RICH business retreat-- one of the most effective programs for entrepreneurs I have EVER been a part of-- taught by my good friend Kim Flynn. She

  • Are you Generous in Business?

    06/11/2013 Duração: 56min

    For most of us Moms, working at home is an ECONOMIC decision. Choosing to come home and place priority on raising children is NOT (necessarily) about personal fulfillment for moms. It's about doing what is practical and what works best for our families. Yet --IRONICALLY-- what started out as a way to earn a supplement to the family budget has become the new bar to clear in small business. We've raised the standards for what is possible...NOT what is expected. If you feel like there is more pressure on you to succeed--- YOU ARE RIGHT. As a human race, our nature is to improve and progress... BUT JUST MAYBE... the point is not to produce more pressure and stress, but simply-- HAPPY PARENTS-- who (as a result) are happier at parenting. Essentially our personal fulfillment is a GIFT for our families. When you are more generous with yourself and others, the world is more generous to you. Get your message out into the world more effectively, serve more clients, and increase your prosperity with a new and more power

  • Summer Activities 4 kids

    06/11/2013 Duração: 56min

    Welcome to CAMP MOMMY! We are knee deep into summer and for many of us, our roles have transitioned from mom-preneur to mom-cierge. Our businesses may have to be scaled back during this time of year, but the work load hasn't decreased one iota. In my kid's world, Camp Mommy is filled with all sorts of busy activities: free bowling days, $1 movie days, water fun-filled play dates, concerts in the park, and indoor crafts (on those brutal-can't-go-outside-scorching HOT days). It's A LOT of work to keep my kids entertained! Do your children appreciate what a PRIVILEGE it is to have you at home? We already know the positive effects of exposing our children to our work-at-home careers, but it is important that we ENGAGE them in the freedoms that comes along with being financially independent. Not to mention if you are looking for some NEW ACTIVITIES to do with your children this summer (besides flooding the downstairs bathroom with water balloons) why not help them to earn a little money of their own? If you are lo

  • A Show for the Dreamers

    05/11/2013 Duração: 56min

    Do you suffer from TOO MANY ideas? You may be FILLED with revolutionary concepts and visions ...many of them you imagine would make you CRAZY WEALTHY... if only you had a game plan to execute them. Or perhaps you've tried to implement some of your ideas, only to become inundated with new ideas that impose on your momentum and confuse your intention. In short--- YOU ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE. Too many ideas is a sign of OVERWHELM First, don't beat yourself up. It isn't a terrible thing to be a "dreamer". In fact, there are many who envy your natural ability to have ideas pouring out of you. After all, you are an optimist and a visionary. Without thinkers like you, the world would be stagnant and motionless. The trick is to CAPITALIZE on your strength and not allow the influx of sparkling ideas to drown out the other tasks that will ensure your BEST IDEAS get put into action. Focus is key. It doesn’t mean you can’t have layers, complexity, and lofty ambitions. Without focus however, the Universe doesn’t know how t

  • Common Mommy Mindset Traps

    05/11/2013 Duração: 56min

    Moms, the PEACE and CALM isn't gone from your life forever. You may not recognize yourself since your mommyhood "transformation" and you may not remember the last time your house was quiet. The reality is when you are juggling household responsibilities, a career, finances, relationships, kids, social events and school activities-- that CALMNESS can melt into a full blow TANTRUM. It’s not easy striking a balance between meeting the endless needs of others and finding the much-needed time for yourself to replenish your reserves. What's a busy mom to do? On today's show, we'll give you the answers to the following: When should you say ‘yes’ and when should you say ‘no’? How is it possible to let go of guilt? How can you stop feeling selfish when you DO take time for yourself? When April O’Leary, Certified Life Coach, Founder of The University of Moms and mother of 3, talks about the importance of finding time for self-care and practical ways to stop yelling... she speaks from personal experience. As a former el

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