Street Smart Wealth Profit In Your Pjs | Social Media | Solopreneur | Real Estate | Network Marketing | Direct Sales

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 197:45:41
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Jackie Ulmer is a Social Media Strategist to Solopreneurs, Real Estate, Network Marketing and Direct Sales professionals. Monetize Your Message Online.


  • How to Choose the Right Direct Sales Company

    05/01/2015 Duração: 21min

    On the last show, I mentioned the new business launch I am doing with my 19 year old daughter and shared that we would be detailing our business launch and strategy and how to do a prelaunch and 90 day launch.So, on this show, let's talk about the first step, choosing the right company to launch.Welcome to the Street Smart Wealth podcast, delivering everything awesome in how to start, launch and succeed in a Direct Sales and network marketing business. I have a free gift for you - Profit in Your PJs - 8 Easy steps to take your business online and sponsor via the internet. Grab it at ProfitInYourPJsNow.comIf you are ready to stop talking and start succeeding, consider my inner circle coaching program, go to of quick things - I am pretty sure I am going to take the podcast back to a once a week show, on Thursdays, so this may be the final Monday show.And, I want to add in more freedom to add special shows when I want, without being locked into 2 shows a week and on set dates.Why? Bu

  • Launch 2015 - How to Rack This Next Year in Network Marketing

    01/01/2015 Duração: 20min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 124On the last show we closed out the year.I mentioned choosing a theme word for your year and the word I chose is launch.Now, let's get ready to launch the new year with all the right components to make your network marketing business produce what you really want.I give your- leaders who launch!!!!If you are ready to stop talking and start succeeding, consider my inner circle coaching program, go to do I have a lot to share with you on today's show and in the coming weeks.I'm so excited about 2015 and the promise it brings. I always love the start of the new year but especially this year. I operate in 5's - 5 is my lucky number and so any thing I'm multiples of 5 always work for me.So, I have known that big things are in store for me this year and I've been planning for it.A lot of new things launching for me and my business this year.2014 - a year of searching, seeking, trying some things I've wanted to do for awhile, my inner

  • Wrapping up 2014 and Preparing for 2015

    29/12/2014 Duração: 22min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 123     On today’s show, let’s get you ready to close out this year and welcome in the coming year. prepared to make it the best yet!   Success is by design, not by accident!   Do you have specific things you do to close out and get ready?   Happiness, gratitude and even success are a choice. A choice WE make. A great way to launch your new year is to close out the old, and set some powerful patterns and intentions to move you forward.   The end of the year is a perfect time to do this. I like to close out the year in a very scheduled, specific way. I actually block time on my calendar to do this in a very thoughtful, organized and  HONEST way.    I love doing a good end of year close out, to acknowledge, appreciate, adjust and anticipate. This releases me from any leftover baggage from what I "didn't do" and allows me to acknowledge and appreciate myself for what I did do.     Tweet me your thoughts and opinions @jackieulmer and let’s connect!   If you

  • A Few of My Favorite Things in Network Marketing

    25/12/2014 Duração: 03min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 122. I’m Jackie Ulmer and I want to wish you a VERY Merry Christmas!   It’s the holidays and I LOVE this time of year. It offers HOPE, BELIEF and that overall sense of well being if one can just sink into the feelings that the season evokes, regardless of what religion you celebrate.   Focus on the light, the love, and the blessings that all of us have access to.   So, on today’s show, I’m doing things quite a bit differently than normal but hey, that’s the benefit of running the show, right?   I want to share with you my Favorite Things, done up a little differently.   I hope you enjoy. Tweet me if you do - @jackieulmer     Now, here is how the real song goes….     Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things   And, here is my best of home business version…     Play when I want to and sleep in til ten Residual paychecks, no boss wh

  • Is There Luck in Network Marketing

    22/12/2014 Duração: 25min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 121   Is There Luck in Network Marketing   There are numerous factors involved with becoming successful at network marketing, and one of them is tough work, another being dedication. What many of us fail to get is that network marketing is a job your business – it’s not a hobby. To be successful you must commit yourself to your business and work methodically toward your targets.   On today’s show, lets talk more about luck and how to create it!   Welcome to the show. At the recent Go Pro event in Las Vegas, a question was asked - is there luck in Network Marketing.   What do you think?   Tweet me your thoughts and opinions @jackieulmer and let’s connect!   If you are ready to stop talking and start succeeding, consider my inner circle coaching program, go to -   A big part of moving from the thought of luck to it really just being business skills involves success language, which we will cover in a moment.   The best resource I h

  • Building Your Brand Online for Network Marketing

    18/12/2014 Duração: 24min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 120   Developing Your Online Business Brand   In my inner circle coaching program, we go through a pretty extensive exercise on identifying your exact target audience and avatar for your business. It’s not - Just everyone - like we tend to think offline.   Yes, it’s true that anyone MIGHT be right, the more you can niche it down and get clear, the better results you will have.   Part of this process involves your brand, and while this can be a bit over done these days, it is important.   On today’s show, lets talk more about your brand and how to develop it.   Welcome to the show. I am just traveling home today from a fabulous trip to New York City with my daughter for the Radio City Rockets Christmas Spectacular show, theater, shopping, a visit to the newly opened World Trade Center and museum and great food and fun!   So, as we discuss branding, I just want to note that part of my brand and mission is building a lifestyle business, from anywhere, as a

  • Have You Scared Off Friends and Family With Your Network Marketing Business

    15/12/2014 Duração: 23min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 119   Do Your Friends and Family Run When They See You Coming   My good friend Martha Finney, co author of Best, Worst, First in Network Marketing recently asked this question of me as someone she knows is struggling with this.   What to do when your warm market run when they see you coming, and I am guessing this is because they don’t want to hear about your network marketing business.   In today’s show, let’s chat about some reasons why this might be happening, and steps you can take to correct it, and prevent it in the future.    If you have comments or questions, tweet them to me @jackieulmer and let’s connect!   Are you ready to take your business to the next level - great more prosperity and generate more people to talk to and sign ups in your business? Maybe it’s time to join my inner circle group coaching on Network Marketing success and how to build your business and create your own leads online.   Do Your Friends and Fa

  • How to Solve Any Problem in Your Business

    11/12/2014 Duração: 22min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 118     Do you ever feel challenged in your business - have those things that come up that you just don’t feel you can solve?   Often, these come down to things like -   I’m worried everyone will say no. No one wants to listen to me.   And so on, those things we make up.    In today’s show, let’s chat about some steps you can take to solve any problem or challenge in your home business.       INTRO    If you have comments or questions, tweet them to me @jackieulmer and let’s connect!     Are you ready to take your business to the next level - great more prosperity and generate more people to talk to and sign ups in your business? Maybe it’s time to join my inner circle group coaching on Network Marketing success and how to build your business and create your own leads online.   How to Solve Any Problem in Network Marketing     There is no problem you can’t solve, no challenge you can’t overcome.   So, let’s pick a problem and thi

  • Social Media Updates for Your Network Marketing Strategy

    08/12/2014 Duração: 23min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 117     The landscape of social media is ever changing, and boy don’t we know it.   Did you catch Facebook’s recent announcement about going even further with their pay to play for Facebook business pages?   With new sites, new stats and rules changing and showing up constantly, it’s tough to stay on top of changes, right? And, then run a business and a life.   WE’ve gone from static sites to blog and interactivity, and Smartphones make up over 60% of Social Media use.    One thing hasn’t changed - Social Media is important to your business and brand and even more than ever, driving that traffic back to your site is critical. This is where business happens.     Let’s chat about that in today’s show.      If you have comments or questions, tweet them to me @jackieulmer and let’s connect!     Are you ready to take your business to the next level - great more prosperity and generate more people to talk to and sign ups in your business? Maybe it’s time to jo

  • How Important is WHY in Your Home Business Success

    04/12/2014 Duração: 15min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 116   At a recent holiday gathering, a few of us were talking about our journey in Direct Sales and Network Marketing, and one friend of mine expressed her dislike of babysitting people and having to spend so much time getting to the heart of their why.   It made me start thinking - how much time and responsibility should we, as the sponsor and upline, spend on this?   If someone is serious, isn’t it pretty clear?   Let’s chat about that in today’s show.   The holiday season is here and people are busy, busy, busy. So thank you for listening in as you may be walking, shopping, cooking, wrapping gifts or even listening to this after the holidays. If you have comments or questions, tweet them to me @jackieulmer and let’s connect!     Are you ready to take your business to the next level - great more prosperity and generate more people to talk to and sign ups in your business? Maybe it’s time to join my inner circle group coaching on Network Marketing succe

  • Best Worst and First for Network Marketing Success

    01/12/2014 Duração: 29min

    My good friends Margie Aliprandi and Martha Finney published a book last year called Best, Worst and First - everything you need to know to build the business of your dreams.   They selected 75 network marketing experts to share their thoughts and experiences and on today’s show, I’m going to highlight some very helpful concepts.   And, shameless plug - I was honored to be included.     Thanks for joining me for today’s show, and I hope you’ll find some value here. If you have comments or questions, tweet them to me @jackieulmer and let’s connect!     My inner circle group coaching on Network Marketing success and how to build your business and create your own leads online is alive and well.     Best Worst and First in Network Marketing   I am going to highlight a few of the leaders and chapters that jumped out at me -     Chris Cucchiara   Dana Collins    Kimmy Everett    Kirk Gillespie   Justin Harrison    So, those are a few for today. I’ll be sharing others over the next few month

  • Gratitude and Thanksgiving in Life and Business

    27/11/2014 Duração: 18min

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US and all of those US Ex Pats who are around the globe celebrating in another country!   I love this holiday and this season because it is such a great time to reflect on everything we have to be grateful for.   On today’s show, I want to share some things I am grateful for in life and in business, and let’s see what we might share some common ground with….   Thanks for joining me for today’s show, and I hope you’ll find some value here. If you have comments or questions, tweet them to me @jackieulmer and let’s connect!     My inner circle group coaching on Network Marketing success and how to build your business and create your own leads online is alive and well.     Thanksgiving and a Season of Gratitude   I’m spending the holiday in Phoenix, with my parents and my brother’s family, for the first time in YEARS. My kids were tiny the last time we were all together, so I am grateful for that!   Tweet me and let me know where you are if you are ce

  • How Direct Sales Success Happened For Me

    24/11/2014 Duração: 31min

    Sometimes, it’s easy to look at someone and think -   it must have been really easy for them to reach success because of XYZ.   We think this often, without knowing the whole story. I know I sure did.   So, today, I want to share a little of my journey and how it all unfolded, from zero to hero, so to speak….in case you might be thinking it must have been easy for me.     INTRO   Thanks for joining me for today’s show, and I hope you’ll find some value here. If you have comments or questions, tweet them to me @jackieulmer and let’s connect!     My inner circle group coaching on Network Marketing success and how to build your business and create your own leads online is alive and well.     How Network Marketing Success Finally Happened for Me     Thanks for taking some time to listen to my story on how success happened for me, the successes and the failures. I’m not an instant success, by any means. I am here to paint a picture for you of what is possible, and then to truly help you cr

  • How to Get Cold Market Contact Information

    20/11/2014 Duração: 16min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 112   Have you ever been in the grocery store, or at a party, and you strike up a conversation with someone who you just resonate with? You just really feel that they have what it takes to succeed in network marketing.   And, then you struggle with how to get the conversation started and then how to ask for their contact information….   So, lLet’s talk about those cold market conversations - how to get them started and get their numbers for your Network Marketing business…   And, a brief intro into texting people as a first contact.   My inner circle group coaching on Network Marketing success and how to build your business and create your own leads online is alive and well.     How to Effectively Prospect in the Cold Market Real World for Your Network Marketing Business and Get Their Contact Information.   You’ll find that many network marketing trainers and companies only teach warm market list making and that leaves a few peop

  • 3 Keys to Success in Life and Your Network Marketing Business

    17/11/2014 Duração: 27min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 111   Ahhhh, the keys to life, and business success and happiness - wouldn’t we all like to know what they are?   And, can it really come down to 3 simple things? Well, I know that it does for me…at least now. I didn’t always feel this way, but now, being older and wiser and having some life experiences, I know that the keys to not only my happiness, but my online and Direct Sales success come down to 3 philosophies to live by.   Let’s talk about these on today’s show….   Thanks for joining me on the show today and I would love to know what brought you here? How did you find this show? Send me a tweet - @jackieulmer and ask any questions you might have for the show.   I’ve mentioned before about my coaching certification.   Go to   To get on the notification list.   I’ll be offering some free coaching sessions needed to complete my certification, so stay tuned for more!     My inner circle group coaching is alive and well.  Jack

  • Good, Bad and Ugly in Network Marketing

    13/11/2014 Duração: 29min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 110   There is no doubt that there are lots of opinions about Network Marketing out there. Some good, some bad and some ugly.   On today’s show, let’s get into why exactly there are so many opinions about Network Marketing out there and some things you’ll want to know if you are just getting started and how to have conversations with others when some of the “bad and the ugly” concepts come up!   Thanks for joining me on the show today and I would love to know what brought you here? How did you find this show? Send me a tweet - @jackieulmer and ask any questions you might have for the show.   I’ve mentioned before about my coaching certification.   Go to   To get on the notification list.   I’ll be offering some free coaching sessions needed to complete my certification, so stay tuned for more!   My inner circle group coaching is alive and well.     The Good Bad and Ugly in MLM   1. Start your own business

  • How Stories Sell Your Network Marketing Business

    10/11/2014 Duração: 21min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 109   It’s easy to think that sharing all of the facts and figures about your company and product line is what is going to DRAW people into your business. It’s going to be the thing that snags them.   And yet, time and time again, we hear stories from top income earners and we are engaged by stories.   Let’s chat about how stories sell your network marketing business and how to empower and inspire others on today’s show.     Thanks for joining me on the show today and I would love to know what brought you here? How did you find this show? Send me a tweet - @jackieulmer and ask any questions you might have for the show.   I’ve mentioned before about my coaching certification.   Go to   To get on the notification list.     I’ll be offering some free coaching sessions needed to complete my certification, so stay tuned for more!     My inner circle group coaching is alive and well.     The Power of Stories in

  • There is no Fast and Easy to Success

    06/11/2014 Duração: 24min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 108     There are two words you want to avoid like the plague in your Network Marketing business - Fast and Easy.   If someone tells you this, run… If you are tempted to say this to a prospect, DON’T.   There is nothing fast or easy about building any type of long term successful business.   In today’s show, we will cover the realities of what it takes to make it in any business. It is not super complicated. Doesn’t matter if it is a brick and mortar business; online business; or a network marketing business.   Success is about a few simple things.   Thanks for joining me on the show today and I would love to know what brought you here? How did you find this show? Send me a tweet - @jackieulmer and ask any questions you might have for the show.   I’ve mentioned before about my coaching certification.     Go to   To get on the notification list.     I’ll be offering some free coaching sessions needed to complete my certification,

  • MLM the Holidays and Your Business

    03/11/2014 Duração: 24min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 107     The holidays are here and there is some good news and bad news about them. I’m going to share both, and how you can benefit and stay profitable. And, some tips for handling family and friends around the topic of “Your Network Marketing Business!”     Thanks for joining me on the show today and I would love to know what brought you here? How did you find this show? Send me a tweet - @jackieulmer and ask any questions you might have for the show.   A few exciting things to share. I am getting my official coaching certification starting in January, so I’ll be sharing a lot of the tips I am learning. I have coached for years, but want to sharpen my skills and re-open my coaching program. My passion is really around helping others have the same type of success that made such a difference in my life and still does today. Freedom is TRULY the name of the game.   I’ll be offering some free coaching sessions needed to complete my certification, so stay tu

  • Having FUN in Your Network Marketing Business

    30/10/2014 Duração: 18min

    Your Listening to the Street Smart Wealth Podcast, show 106     Are you struggling in your business? Are you feeling like there is no fun in the process of building it?   On today’s show, we are going to talk about some ways to put the fun into your business and keep it going. This will attract people to you like crazy!      Welcome to the show! Are you brand new, or have you been listening awhile?   I love your feedback and to hear from you. It does feed my soul and creative spirit to keep putting out information!   Send me a tweet - @jackieulmer and let me know where you ARE when you listen in. Walking, driving, at your computer, doing dishes, in the shower?     If you want to take your business to a new level and have essentially a training university at your fingertips, Direct Sales Online Coach provides just that -   A - Z coaching on how to launch and succeed in Network Marketing, and how to take things to a new level with developing your online presence and brand and attract those people who go online

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