Street Smart Wealth Profit In Your Pjs | Social Media | Solopreneur | Real Estate | Network Marketing | Direct Sales

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 197:45:41
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Jackie Ulmer is a Social Media Strategist to Solopreneurs, Real Estate, Network Marketing and Direct Sales professionals. Monetize Your Message Online.


  • [MMM8] Your Network Marketing Success Calendar

    02/11/2020 Duração: 02min

    Do you ever feel like you are struggling in your Network Marketing Business? Like you are never going to have the success you desire? You are totally normal. Most all of us feel this way, especially at the beginning. We have a big vision for our business and it’s just not happening fast enough. The best indicator of your current success and future success is your calendar. So, get it out right now and let’s look at today; the past week; the past month. How would you rate your income producing activities on a scale of 1-10? An income producing activity is easy - how many times did you share what you do? How many times did you ask for and/or close the sale? How many follow up conversations did you have? EVERYTHING else is secondary, for success. Podcasts, training, zoom calls, passive marketing - these are ALL important and you’ll want them as part of your plan. But, they are not fully measurable. As I share with my clients in the Street Smart Wealth Academy, when we build their systems and action plan to make

  • SSW389 One Decision Away from Network Marketing Success

    29/10/2020 Duração: 10min

    Each day we make decisions in our Network Marketing business. We either move closer to success or further away with these decisions. We decide to meet new people, share what we do, make an offer, follow up. Or, we decide not to. Don’t confuse meeting people online with DMs that just pitch. We decide to try, test, learn and relearn the business skills that create Network Marketing success. Or, not. Success is a series of failures; growth and learning opportunities. We never grow if we don't try. Show notes - I help Network Marketers make money without annoying their family and friends. So they get up each day and know exactly the marketing messages they will be sharing socially; and how to build their brand from their own authentic self and in their own words. We do all of this together in the Street Smart Wealth Academy. Learn more at I’d love to work with you there. Grab my new guide - 3 Success Secret

  • [MMM7] How to Ask People to Join Your Network Marketing Business

    26/10/2020 Duração: 01min

    Asking for the sale and the close can be challenging if you aren’t skilled at it. Notice I said “skilled.” This means it can be learned. I struggled for a long time until I learned the right technique. First, know who you ideal client is and more specifically, know their greatest challenge or the problem they want solved. This is where so many in network marketing make a mistake. They assume everyone is their audience. And, while this might be true, especially in the online world - when you speak to everyone, you speak to no one. People don’t always like to be sold, but they do like to be included. They want to be part of something. They want to belong and they want their problem solved. Do you know how to share this? Are you sharing it regularly? Are you comfortable and confident with good success language to invite them into your inner circle, in a way that makes it a no brainer for them? I have sponsored over 2500 people into my network marketing business and I did it all without ever feeling uncomfortable

  • [SSW388] How to Explain Network Marketing as a Business System

    22/10/2020 Duração: 16min

    What is Network Marketing? Have you ever struggled with how to explain network marketing as a business system? Without overwhelming someone?  Most people struggle with this, so let me break it down for you.  Network Marketing is a business system; franchising is also a business system. It’s a way of moving products and services into the market place and paying the consultants or sales team, if you will, who markets and creates sales. We'll cover the 3 exciting concepts of: TIME LEVERAGE RESIDUAL INCOME SYSTEM OF DUPLICATION Show notes - Follow me on Instagram - @jackieulmer  

  • [MMM6] How to Share Your Network Marketing Business

    19/10/2020 Duração: 02min

    Do you keep your network marketing business in the closet, seldom talking about the products or the opportunity itself? WHY is this? Do you not know what to say? Do you fear being salesy? Many people struggle with both of these and it confuses me. You are simply sharing a concept and looking for interest. If you don’t want to go into sales mode, then DON’T. Write out how you will share what you do. There is an art to this. It’s a learned skill set - good communication and sales copy. Sales copy works because it doesn’t seem like sales. I teach how to write copy that sells in the Street Smart Wealth Academy, specifically for Network Marketers. How to craft the perfect success language that fits and feel right for you. I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at

  • [SSW387] Network Marketing - My 3 Year Failure in the Business

    15/10/2020 Duração: 20min

    It doesn’t matter how long it takes you to succeed in Network Marketing, if you stay in the game and keep committed to figuring it out, you will accomplish your goals. My 3 Year “Failure Learning Experience.” I’ve been a network marketing professional since 1994, when I signed up as a representative in my first network marketing company. I was far from a professional, back then. I was a slightly burned out stay home mom - loved being home, but was a little bored, to be honest. I wanted more. I wanted to have both a thriving business and a successful family where I was home, raising my children. You can learn more about my big fat zero to ultimate hero story at my blog, The 3 year failure that I’m talking about today is not the first 3 years. It happened in the last few years, actually. And, wasn’t actually a failure at all, but it sure felt that way for awhile. The year was 2016. Almost 4 years ago, to be exact. Show Notes -

  • [MMM5] How to Meet Network Marketing Prospects

    12/10/2020 Duração: 01min

    It’s not complicated, even though we try to make it that way. The #1 skill set to learn for your network marketing business is how to meet people. People are the lifeblood of your business and you must be adding to your database regularly. Your database is simply your names list. Ideally, you have a lot of details on them and they are more than just Facebook friends, but that is a start. Currently, with the pandemic, meeting people is mostly done online, or via the phone. YES, the old fashioned phone. Or, send a text. The key is to not go all weirdo when meeting people. You are doing just that - meeting people. Taking a genuine interest and learning more about them. Scripts - I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at

  • SSW386 Network Marketing and the Unsupportive Spouse

    07/10/2020 Duração: 10min

    Does this sound familiar? I’m really trying in my business, but how do I deal with an unsupportive spouse? The easiest way to get your spouse on board is through open communication. Before this conversation takes place, make a REAL decision - are you fully committed to making a success of your business? What things from the past might be driving this challenge? Perhaps you’ve signed up for other network marketing businesses and programs before and not made a go of it? Does your spouse support you in most areas? Does your spouse understand how a Network Marketing business works? Is it just a lack of education? Show Notes -  

  • [MMM4] Authentic Listening in Network Marketing

    05/10/2020 Duração: 02min

    So often we are taught scripts and what to say once we’ve made our “hot prospect” list for our Network Marketing business. Ask these questions, say this, and then say this. The challenge here is that it is not authentic; it’s too scripted and all too often leads to resistance with your potential ideal client or team partner because subconsciously, they sense that this conversation is not authentic and is forced. If you’d like a simple formula to open a conversation where you can engage in authentic listening, start with asking a question such as - Tell me about you… And then listen with no agenda. Don’t be prepared to pounce when they give you the slightest segue into a conversation about your program. Subscribe, Rate & Review It would mean a lot if you subscribe to the podcast and leave a 5 star rating & review. This shares the show with other people to listen and we grow as a community. The bigger we grow, the more impact we have on the world, and grow home business. To subscribe, rate, and review t

  • SSW385 - Network Marketing and Solving the People Puzzle

    29/09/2020 Duração: 22min

    Network Marketing is a fabulous business model. The challenge can be other people regarding our business. But wait - what IS the problem, really? We get frustrated because people don't do what we expect or want them to.  They say no. Or do nothing. Or ignore us. They can be negative. Here is how to shift all of that to the positive and have a thriving business. Let's cover Life's Playbook of Scripts and how it relates to other people in your network marketing business. Subscribe, Rate & Review It would mean a lot if you subscribe to the podcast and leave a 5 star rating & review. This shares the show with other people to listen and we grow as a community. The bigger we grow, the more impact we have on the world, and grow home business. To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit  Follow me on Instagram @jackieulmer Find the show notes at  

  • [MMM3] Cost Vs Payoff in Your Network Marketing Business

    28/09/2020 Duração: 02min

    How often do you find yourself dealing with price objections or challenges in your business. Sadly one of the first things asked by someone who we hope to do business with is - How much does it cost? How often is this the first question you ask? The problem with this is that it’s the wrong FIRST question. It’s not that the cost of something doesn’t matter. It’s that the PAYOFF is the more important question. Paint that picture so brilliantly that your ideal client clearly sees the value, and are chomping at the bit to get started. I’m Jackie Ulmer, and this is your Monday Motivation minute. Learn more about me at 

  • [MMM2] Questions Vs Affirmations

    21/09/2020 Duração: 02min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by Most of us waste time in 2 specific areas: 1 - repeating affirmations that we don’t really believe 2 - asking questions that keep us feeling stuck   You’ve probably heard the importance of affirmations as “I AM” statements and I AM a firm believer that what follows I AM is what you are inviting into your life.   I AM tired. I AM overwhelmed. I AM struggling in my business.   When we spin it and say things like - I AM rich. I AM my ideal weight. I AM in the perfect relationship. Your brain says “Yeah…..right….”   Be honest with yourself - do you REALLY believe, deep down in your heart, that the statements you are repeating are true? Or possible? Or, probable?

  • SSW384 Network Marketing and Your Money Blocks

    16/09/2020 Duração: 43min

    We all have a money blueprint and it’s mostly inherited from how we grew up. We aren’t taught entrepreneurship or much of anything when it comes to money. It controls everything about money in your life.   We are taught to go to college, get a degree, get a job and then do your best.   Money is hard to talk about; and yet when you own the story from the past, you can write the story for your future, intentionally.  Some of our beliefs about money stem from religious programming.   Show notes - Words to be aware of -   Money - what thought comes up? Feelings? Where do you feel it in your body?   Thoughts are the language of the brain; feelings are the language of the body.   What thoughts and feelings do you have around:   Rich People Poor people Money is hard Money is the root of all evil There is not enough money Deserving money Worthy of money   Money doesn’t change who you are; it only improves your ability to make a difference when yo

  • [MMM1] Validation is for Parking

    14/09/2020 Duração: 01min

    I’m Jackie Ulmer and today’s Monday Motivation Minute is brought to you by  Validation is for parking I don’t know who first said this, or where I heard it, but it is truly a freeing concept when we embody it and take it to heart. Seeking external validation is always going to lead to some degree of dissatisfaction, and feelings of unworthiness. It would mean a lot if you subscribe to the podcast and leave a 5 star rating & review. This shares the show with other people to listen and we grow as a community. The bigger we grow, the more impact we have on the world, and grow home business. To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit  Follow me on Instagram @jackieulmer

  • SSW383 Is Success Limited to Only a Few

    13/09/2020 Duração: 21min

    Recently, while my husband and I were having a casual drink and conversation about the 26.7% increase in 20-30 year olds visiting mental health facilities with a fear of doing self inflicted harm, I was interrupted by a millennial who wanted to talk about it. We discussed the disillusionment of his generation, the hopelessness, and the feeling that they did what they were told to do; went to college, racked up $100k in college debt and now have no where to turn for jobs; the housing market is prohibitive and they feel they have been shut out of upwardly mobile possibility. We also talk about capitalism, mentors, and the danger in resigning oneself that THIS is their lot in life. I believe if any one person can do it, we all have the possibility of doing it. From Oprah Winfrey, to Sara Blakely to JK Rowling and Mike Johnston; they are our proof that it can be done! Show notes It would mean a lot if you subscribe to the podcast and leave a 5 star

  • SSW382 The 3 People YOU ARE In Your Network Marketing Biz

    03/09/2020 Duração: 23min

    When you launch a network marketing business, you bring 3 of yourself into the business - the past you; the current you; and the future you. The good news is the future you can be anyone you want, if you create you! The bad news is, your past you is running the show, now and into the future if you aren’t careful. Here’s how to shift your thoughts and actions and show up as who you need to be to get where you want to go. Show Notes: Facebook - Follow me on Instagram @jackieulmer 

  • Network Marketing Mistakes During Covid19

    30/08/2020 Duração: 19min

    Network Marketing - a fabulous opportunity when done right; nightmare on steroids when done wrong. How some network marketers are blowing it for themselves and the profession of Network Marketing by what they say, how they act, and show up on Social Media. And, to be sure, the FTC is not taking income or health claims made lightly. The smack down is happening. If you've ever received a "Hey Gurl, love your look" DM, you know! Show notes: I am Jackie Ulmer owner of and founder of the teaching you the skills to pay the bills in network marketing.  

  • SSW380 Success and Self Confidence in Business

    26/08/2020 Duração: 07min

    Does success comes from having self confidence? Or despite the fear and lack of confidence we often feel? What are our fears in putting ourselves out there in business? We struggle with feelings of not being good enough, concern over other people's opinions, comparanoia.  What if we flipped the script on fears and processed our feelings to serve us? Show Notes - I am Jackie Ulmer owner of and founder of the teaching you the skills to pay the bills in network marketing.  

  • SSW379 Achievement Vs Fulfillment

    25/08/2020 Duração: 30min

    We often think that the achievement of something will be fulfilling for us, but is it always the same? Do we sometimes pursue achievements and accomplishments with an almost addiction like frenzy? Do we take time to appreciate our accomplishments; live in the present and enjoy it? Or, do we stay future focused on that next goal; next rank advancement? We'll cover how social media plays into this; measuring our B roll against everyone else's A roll, and watching some "influencer/celebrity" marriages fall apart after years of painting a glorious picture on Instagram. Show notes - I am Jackie Ulmer owner of and founder of the teaching you the skills to pay the bills in network marketing.

  • SSW378 Calendars and Planning for Network Marketing

    23/08/2020 Duração: 13min

    Success leaves clues. We don’t get our goals; we get our habits! What’s on the Calendar gets done; what isn’t doesn’t always!
 What are your Priorities for this year? What things need to be Scheduled in that are non negotiable? What day/time will I block weekly for planning?
 Business, Life, Fitness, Self Care - all of this work together to make you a Peak Performance Entrepreneur! Show Notes - I am Jackie Ulmer owner of and founder of the teaching you the skills to pay the bills in network marketing.

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