Northplace Church Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 543:38:39
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Northplace Church is a place where the doors are wide open to people from all backgrounds. This podcast includes messages from our Sunday services from our Lead Pastor Bryan Jarrett and others. We invite you to listen whether you're new on your spiritual journey or a committed Christian who wants to get connected more deeply to Jesus. Visit for the video equivalent of these messages.


  • 6 Challenges in Light of the Most Contentious Presidential Election of our Lifetime - 11.05.16 & 11.06.16

    06/11/2016 Duração: 50min

    Are we not constantly being shaped by forces in our culture that make it almost impossible for the world to see any difference in our values? If we are ever going to appear to the world as aliens and exiles on the earth, then we are going to have to go back and renew the declaration of allegiance by which we became Christians and confession was Jesus is Lord! And we are going to have to wake up to the fact that this is a radical declaration of independence from our culture and of absolute allegiance to a foreign king, Jesus. Visit the website to watch the video

  • Now or Never - Jurie Kriel - 10.29.16 & 10.30.16

    30/10/2016 Duração: 45min

    Each day we decide whether or not to live in God's purpose - enter into it or miss out on it. God has a plan and purpose for your life. The question is, how to live in that idea of God for your life. We are trusting God that you would be encouraged and empowered to live in the plan of God for your life after listening to this message delivered by Pastor Jurie Kriel campus pastor of Doxa Deo Church in South Africa. Visit the website for the video

  • The Nudge - Lean In - 10.22.16 & 10.23.16

    23/10/2016 Duração: 51min

    This is the last weekend in a 5-week conversation where we’ve been trying to “lean in” to hear the voice of God. Last week we started wrapping the conversation up by equipping you with practical tools that help you develop an ear to the voice of God…posture your heart to the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit…or to use a biblical phrase…incline your ears to the words of his mouth. Visit for the video

  • The Nudge - Incline Your Ears to the Word of His Mouth - 10.15.16 & 10.16.16

    16/10/2016 Duração: 51min

    While God can reveal His voice however he good and well pleases…historically ad biblically, there are patterns and ways in which that God has revealed himself. Visit for the video

  • The Nudge - The Sound of Silence - 10.08.16 & 10.09.16

    09/10/2016 Duração: 51min

    All of us are going to encounter seasons of silence - times when God is silent. Moments where God does not seemed to be talking. We've all had these moments. There are times where God moves into our lives with power, answers our prayers and wins our trust. And then there are these seasons when chaos and darkness descend. It’s like we're in a spiritual desert where an arid wind blows and leaves our souls cracked and parched. We pray. We cry out to God but he goes silent. He seems absent from our life. Is it just us or has it ever seemed to you that God was playing hard to get? For the video visit:

  • The Nudge - Distractions - 10.01.16 & 10.02.16

    02/10/2016 Duração: 50min

    This is week 2 in the series and we are going to focus on eliminating the distractions that keep us from hearing God’s voice and shutting out the competing noises that drowned out God’s voice. If we want to hear from God we must discipline our selves to create margin in our schedule and use that margin to position our hearts to hear Him. (more on that in a moment) Life immerses us in a myriad of human interactions, influences, and demands. Our schedules are bloated with work responsibilities, commitments to family, church, and community, and leisure activities—while the noises of civilization envelop us. Media messages by the thousands bombard us through electronic, visual, and print sources. How will we ever hear the whisper of God? Is God calling us but he can’t get through because the line is always busy? Watch the video

  • The Nudge - Hearing the Voice of God - 09.24.16 & 09.25.16

    25/09/2016 Duração: 40min

    Our conversation will basically revolve around the concept of Voice Recognition. First and foremost, we need to be aware that God is actually still speaking and secondly we need to learn how to recognize his voice when He is speaking us. To say it in biblical terms, we need to learn how to “incline our ears to the words of his mouth.” Isaiah 55:3 ESV 3 Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; Proverbs 4:20-21 ESV 20 My son, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. 21 Let them not escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. Proverbs 22:17-19 ESV 17 Incline your ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge, 18 for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you, if all of them are ready on your lips. 19 That your trust may be in the Lord, I have made them known to you today, even to you. Watch the video at

  • The Missio Dei - 09.17.16 & 09.18.16

    18/09/2016 Duração: 52min

    Most of us are aware of the story. Adam and Eve, in a moment of arrogance and rebellion, broke the heart of God. God’s grand vision for relationship was wrecked by the choice of one man. Sometimes the Bible seems very overwhelming to us, but we want to make it extremely simple today. From its opening pages you see the true vision of God. He just wanted to be with us. You see that grand vision destroyed by Adam’s choice. But then you see the Missio Dei begin to unfold. After Adam’s fall, the rest of the of the Bible is a story of God’s commitment to do whatever is necessary to get us back. The mission unfolds page after page, chapter after chapter, that tells us the story of how God gets us back. Watch the video at

  • Authentic Christianity - Part 6 - Overcoming The Evil Aimed at You - 09.10.16 & 09.11.16

    11/09/2016 Duração: 51min

    Did you ever wonder why so many Christians get spiritually stuck? The Bible’s very, very clear. It says this: 17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT) And yet, you meet people – sincere, good, people that really love God. They’ve seen transformation in some very significant areas, and they’re even committed to Bible study on a regular basis, and they really want to grow, and yet they hit a ceiling or they stall spiritually. There are simply some areas of their life that don’t seem to ever mature…the temper just never seems to get under the Spirit’s control, they can’t seem to walk in the fruit of the spirit and bridle their tongue, how they say certain things or the way they judge people, or there are private sins and addictions that plague them. They feel terrible inside and they promise God and they recommit their life over and over again. They just feel stuck. That's because the greatest see

  • Authentic Christianity - Part 5 - Overcoming The Evil Aimed at You - 09.03.16 & 09.04.16

    04/09/2016 Duração: 46min

    Of all the people you have interacted with in life, who would say has hurt you the most? Whose the first to come to your mind? Who’s wounded you? Who’s lied about you? Who’s walked out on you? Who’s taken your money? Gossiped about you? Who sexually or physically abused you? Who’s been ungrateful and humiliated you in front of a group of people? Who’s said things at a Bible study or at church that produced incredible pain? Who betrayed you? We don’t mean to pull off a scab. We don’t mean to stir up things that you’ve worked to keep locked deep down in your heart. But we want you to follow us today and give the Holy Spirit a chance to do something supernatural. Visit for the video of this message.

  • What Do You See? - Pastor Bear Boyle

    28/08/2016 Duração: 54min

    There are some areas to which we're blind. Or maybe we have some sight, but can't see from time to time. For the video visit:

  • Authentic Christianity - Part 4 - Serious in Self-Assessment Coming to Terms With the Real You - 08.20.16 & 08.21.16

    21/08/2016 Duração: 51min

    We’ve been discussing what a truly mature, authentic Christian looks like. Jesus tells us to love the Lord with all our heart, with all of our mind and with all of our strength and to love our neighbor as our selves. Paul takes that simple but profound summation of the Christian life and explains what it looks like when practically lived out in everyday life. We’ve been studying Paul’s explanation in our study of Romans 12. Jesus says we are to love God and love people. When Paul expands on that thought in Romans 12, he answers this question…How do we love God? In vs giving him all of us…surrender. Then, in verse 2 Paul warns us that this world’s system will seduce us away from our savior if we allow it…so he calls us to live separate and distinct from the behaviors and customs of this world. Then in verse 3-8 Paul comes to the crux of the issue by calling us into a moment of self-examination and forcing us to ask the question, How do you view yourself? Because you will never be able to love God and

  • Authentic Christianity - Part 3 - How To Get God’s Best 08.13.16 & 08.14.16

    14/08/2016 Duração: 47min

    Paul uses relationship as the measurement of true spiritual maturity. During this time, many of the believers in Rome had not fully grasped the complete message of the gospel of grace; so they measured a person’s spiritual depth by their morals, their external behavior, and their ability to follow a list of religious rules. Paul was fully aware that there were many rule followers who had successfully changed many of their external behaviors…but had never been transformed in their hearts. Religion is dominated by rules and focuses on the external changes…“behavior modification”…but Jesus is focused on changing you from the inside out. The exterior will take care of itself when the soul of a person is supernaturally transformed. For the video visit:

  • Authentic Christianity - Part 2 - What Does God Want From Me? - 08.06.16 & 08.07.16

    07/08/2016 Duração: 46min

    Spiritual maturity is not measured by how well you keep a certain list of rules but by how you manage 5 key areas of relationship. In Romans 12 Paul shows the 5 relationships and the authentic Christian response in those areas. The Relationships and Responses of Authentic Christianity • Relationship with God = Surrendered • Relationship with the world’s values (culture) = Separate • Relationship with yourself = Serious in Self-Assessment • Relationship with other believers = Serving • Relationship with the “sought” = Supernatural Those 5 relationships and responses are basically an outline of the entire chapter of Romans 12. We quickly went through all of them last week. But today I want us to drill down a little bit but we are not going to get very far. For the video visit:

  • Authentic Christianity - Part 1 - The Romans 12 Way 07.30.16 & 07.31.16

    31/07/2016 Duração: 40min

    The events that are unfolding in our world right now, the events that are unfolding in our country and even in our own city are addressed in the words of Romans 12. It would do all American Christians some good to immerse themselves in Romans 12 right now. This political year and recent racial tensions combined with social media have brought out the worst in people who claim to follow Jesus. Romans 12 is like the Cliff Notes on the entire Bible. It is the executive summary of the most read book on the planet. Diving into an in depth study of what God says in Romans 12 will change your life and spiritually mature us as a church. We encourage you during the week to read the 12th chapter of the book of Romans and become as familiar with it as you can. We even challenge you to commit it to memory. For the video visit:

  • Northplace Durban - Randy Freeman - 07.23.16 & 07.24.16

    24/07/2016 Duração: 43min

    Introducing Northplace Church in Durban South Africa. Hear the backstory and our vision for this place. This video contains powerful visuals, watch it in its entirety at:

  • Following the Voice of God - Scotty Gibbons 07.16.16 & 07.17.16

    17/07/2016 Duração: 50min

    Listen to timely message from Pastor Scotty Gibbons. Do not be conformed to this world, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2 For the video visit:

  • The Place of Pain in the Story of God 07.09.16 & 07.10.16

    10/07/2016 Duração: 41min

    In a time of national disunity, God has called us to model unity. In a time of fear, God has called the us to be courageous. Many are fearful that the violence we’ve seen is a sign of a fracturing American social fabric. That may well be the case. Even so, we are part of a social order that transcends and will outlast the American one. As we said last week, we are citizens of another country. To watch the video visit:

  • The Nature of True Freedom 07.02.16 & 07.03.16

    03/07/2016 Duração: 39min

    This weekend’s festivities across the country are the epitome of “Americana”. The corn is almost head-high. Watermelons are juicy. Flags are waving. Fireworks light up the sky. Kids ride their bikes. Families picnic together. Churches gather for worship. People sing patriotic songs. Apple pies bake in ovens. An underdog wins the college baseball world series. These are nostalgic American traditions.I'm humbled and grateful to enjoy the freedoms that have come at such a high cost for thousands of men and women in our military. When you hear the phrase “Freedom isn’t Free”. Be reminded of the costs associated with what we enjoy.Visit our website for the video of this message.Northplace Church on FacebookNorthplace Church on InstagramPastor Bryan Jarrett on FacebookPastor Bryan Jarrett on InstagramPastor Bryan Jarrett on Twitter

  • From My Heart: A Cry for Spiritual Awakening 06.25.16 & 06.26.16

    26/06/2016 Duração: 50min

    Rodney ‘Gipsy’ Smith never received a formal education, yet he lectured at Harvard. He grew up in a gypsy camp outside London, yet he was invited to the Whitehouse by two different presidents. Gypsy Smith was powerfully used of God preaching to millions as he crisscrossed the Atlantic Ocean forty-five times. Everywhere he went, it seemed like revival was on his heels. Gypsy revealed his secret to a delegation of hungry seekers that asked him how they could make a difference with their lives the way he had with his. His answer was simple yet profound—as timely and timeless now as it was a hundred years ago. Go home. Lock yourself in your room. Kneel down in the middle of the floor, and with a piece of chalk, draw a circle around yourself. There, on your knees, pray fervently and brokenly that God would start a revival within that chalk circle. For the video visit:

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