Mylife: Chassidus Applied

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 365:22:53
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MyLife: Chassidus Applied Podcast by Simon Jacobson addresses the personal and emotional needs of our community by answering the most pressing questions of our lives -- from the perspective of Chassidic thought. The podcast demonstrates how the Torah provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Get unlimited free downloads of MP3 recordings o


  • Ep. 473: What Would the Rebbe’s View Be on the Latest Hostage Deal?

    27/11/2023 Duração: 01h08min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What are our responsibilities in time of war?  How have Jews won their battles throughout history?  How do the physical and spiritual components of the war complement each other?  What does the spiritual war entail?  How do you fight and win a war against a sworn enemy?  Why are we empowered by knowing that this conflict is part of the geulah process?  How do we respond to the global wake-up call?  What strength and lessons do we gain from Yud Dalet Kislev – the 95th anniversary of the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin?  What are some practical steps we can take to change our daily mindset from the negativity of golus to the positivity of geulah?  How should I avoid despair?  How do we build up betachon?  How beautiful is it to see Jews celebrating the return of the hostages?  What would the Rebbe’s view be on the latest hostage deal?  Does negotiating with terrorists over hostages create a dangerous precedent and further encourages its e

  • Ep. 472: Are We Just Fighting a Defensive War, or Do We Have a Vision for the Future?

    21/11/2023 Duração: 01h11min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:Strength and Direction  Are we just fighting a defensive war, or do we have a vision for the future?   What is the spiritual, cosmic and psychological nature of this war?  What is the true role of Israel and the Jewish people, why are they integrally connected, and what crucial mission must they bring to the entire world?  How to deal with a sworn enemy: Peace through strength and truth  Nip an infection in the bud: Preemptive actions  Should we consider public opinion?  The battle – rooted in the house of Abraham – is about fulfilling what G-d wants of humanity  We are the final stages of golus, ready to usher in the redemption  What should this war teach us? And how should we respond?  What is the best response to antisemitism?  How should we respond to the current historic wake-up call?  Lessons from the Franco-Russian War of 1812 and its spiritual implications  Today we have the power to transform the world of Esau and Ishmae

  • Ep. 471: Should We Attend the Pro-Israel Rally in Washington on Tuesday?

    14/11/2023 Duração: 01h07min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:A Historic Wake-Up Call  How are we to look at the latest events shaking us all up?  Is this a wake-up call?  How do we respond?  What are its implications?  What responsibility do we have today and what should we be doing?  How can I move away from obsessively following the news?  How do we deal with upheaval?  What can I do to comfort someone who lost a loved one in Israel?  Why should we be afraid of terrorists if we have one G-d and many worlds?    Should we attend the pro-Israel rally in Washington on Tuesday?   Should I not allow my children to attend due to concerns for their safety?  What are our good deeds accomplishing?  If someone is not doing a good deed, are they less protected?  Should we giving charity and saying Psalms together?  Should we be extra careful with tznius?  Should we start dancing and celebrating now, in advance of the miracles we know Hashem will do?  Should we apply for legal gun permits for s

  • Ep. 470: What Battles Were Foreseen to Happen in the End of Days? Answering the Tough Questions Part 4

    07/11/2023 Duração: 59min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Strength and Direction What should be our general attitude to recent events? How should we react to this tragedy? How should we deal with fear? What should we tell our children? Should we be traveling to Israel now? Should we be leaving Israel? Actions What actions should we be taking? What more should we be doing? Should there be special emphasis on Mivtza Mezuzah? Are our increased good actions making a difference? How do we know that our good deeds help? They didn’t seem to help the Jews in WWII? Should we “boycott” mitzvos to motivate G-d? Can our words make a difference? How can we increase in Jewish unity – ahavas and achdus Yisroel? How can we get all the shluchim to unite in one Kinus? Should we organize a million-man march? Should we participate in a pro-Israel rally where there may be potential safety concerns? Empowering Torah Portions How does the story of Yishmael and Yitzchak unfold in this week’s Torah portion? What is its

  • Ep.469: Yishmael vs. Isaac: Biblical Roots of Today's Conflict -- Answering the Tough Questions P. 3

    30/10/2023 Duração: 01h12min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics:Strength and Direction  How to find strength and direction in these times?  What are the treasures and secret weapons that can help us win today’s war?  How are we to understand the Rebbe’s words that Israel is the safest place in the world?  Is this like the war against Amalek, where we need to eradicate every last one of our enemies?  Should we be concerned that our enemies are setting a trap for us?  How can living with the times – the weekly portions in Torah – help us in these times?  What are the roots and the deeper inside story behind this war, and where do we find it in these weeks Torah portions?  Can we gain strength from the holiday season that just ended?  What does Simchas Torah – and its Torah reading – teach us about these terrible events?  What can we learn from Parshas Bereishis:  What can we learn from Parshas Noach?  What can we learn from Parshas Lech Lecha?   What can we learn from Parshas Vayeira?  Is there a

  • Ep. 468: Abraham’s Vision About Today’s Events; Israel at War: Answering the Tough Questions Part 2

    23/10/2023 Duração: 01h06min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Overview How to find strength and direction in these times? What can we learn from the flood destroying the “world filled with chamas” (in Parshas Noach) for our times today? What should Israel be doing now? What do we learn from Jacob when he prepared to confront Esau? Why don’t we try to appease our enemies? Should we celebrate when our enemies are destroyed? Are these events teaching us that we need to all move to Israel? How does Chassidus explain evil and how to eradicate it? How can things be getting worse instead of getting better if we are doing the things the Rebbe asked us to do? What are the roots and the deeper inside story behind this war? Where do we find these origins in this week’s Torah portion? Please elaborate on the prescient verses in this week’s parsha about current events – the Promised Land, the covenant, the birth of Yishmael and Isaac What was the “deep dark dread” that fell upon Abraham? Was he shown the wars and sufferi

  • Ep. 467: Israel at War

    16/10/2023 Duração: 01h09min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Overview  Why would G-d allow this to happen? And on Simchas Torah, no less?  Was dancing the appropriate reaction when we first heard about the brutal attacks?  What is the Rebbe’s approach to events like this?  What can we do?  During this time of war does halacha allow us to use radios and cellphones on Shabbos to keep us safe?  How this tragedy brought out the greatness, beauty and love of the Jewish people 

  • Ep. 466: How Do I Personalize the Holidays?

    11/09/2023 Duração: 01h09min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: TISHREI What is the significance of this month? ROSH HASHANA How do I personalize Rosh Hashana? Why is there no special commemoration of Elul 25, when the world was created? Why do some people have the custom to visit cemeteries Erev Rosh Hashana? If we can narrow it down, what is the single most important thing we need to do on Rosh Hashana? What is the book of life and how do we get inscribed (with a “full page ad”) in it? Why do we dip an apple in honey? Is it better to make good resolutions that are small but easily achievable, or larger and more difficult ones? Is it appropriate to resolve to transgress and then refrain from doing so? Why can’t Rosh Hashana be on a Friday when the first Rosh Hashana was a Friday? Why don’t we sound the Shofar on Shabbos? How does Shabbos spiritually accomplish the same thing that blowing the shofar accomplishes? Has anyone yet come up with an acronym for the new year tof shin pey daled? TEN DAYS OF TESH

  • Ep. 465: Chai Elul: Revolutionary Ideas Introduced by the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe

    05/09/2023 Duração: 01h11min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus applied to Chai Elul What does this day teach us? What did Chassidus come to accomplish? How did it address the challenges of the time? How does Chai Elul help us enter Rosh Hashana? What were some of the revolutionary ideas introduced by the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe? What is the difference between the “two luminaries”? Is inspiration ever initiated by us and by Hashem at the same time? According to Chassidus should we be shunning the beauty of the natural world? Was Hemshech Ayin Beis ever concluded? New revelation Lessons from Netzavim-Vayeilech What is the primary lesson from this week’s portion? What does the Parsha mean when it says this is “very near to you in your mouth and heart so you can do it”? Since we are concluding a Hakhel year, should we make one last stand during Elul and organize Hakhel gatherings? Is the shofar sounding also a wake-up call for Hashem? Are there situations where G-d, for whatever reason, answ

  • Ep. 464: What Is the Chabad View on the Turmoil Israeli Judicial Reform Is Causing in Israel?

    29/08/2023 Duração: 01h13min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus applied to Ki Tavo  Lessons from Elul  What can I do about missing a day of putting on tefillin due to illness?  If I'm traveling to a small town that doesn't have any known Jewish people, should I put on my tefillin at home or should I wait until I get to this town and do it there to elevate the land with a mitzvah, which might not normally occur there?    What is the Chabad view of the turmoil Israeli judicial reform is causing in Israel?   How to address different sexual orientations and identities?  Follow-up: Dealing with narcissism 

  • Ep. 463: How to Address Same Gender Attraction?

    22/08/2023 Duração: 01h12min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus applied to Elul What should we be doing during this special month? What was Moshe doing during Elul? What indestructible power do we have in this month? Does “the king in the field” mean a literal field? Is there something we can do via prayer and meditation during this month to guarantee that Hashem will answer our prayers positively in a revealed manner? During this month can we benefit and draw down extra measures of Divine kindness by repeatedly saying the verse of the 13 attributes of compassion, or do we need to understand its inner meaning? Why not refrain from sounding the Shofar all of Elul to prevent the negative forces from mounting an “attack” against us? Every year around this time, I fail to keep my resolve not to indulge in inappropriate behavior. What shall I do? Lessons from Ki Teitzei What is the general lesson from this week’s portion? How do we successfully face the battles and challenges in life, and not become overwhe

  • Ep. 462: What Can We Learn From the Wildfires Ravaging Hawaii?

    15/08/2023 Duração: 01h08min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus applied to Elul What does this time period teach us? Why is the entire month of Av called Menachem Av? With Elul approaching, what are some practical things we can do to end the year on a high note and begin the new year with the proper inspiration? What does “the king is in the field” practically mean? Lessons from Shoftim Why does the Torah command us to install a physical king in Israel when we have G-d as our true King? Why does the Torah prohibit kings from having more horses than they need? What is today’s equivalent of a “city of refuge”? Does eglah arufah teach us that a community is responsible for the hurt and abuse that occurs in the area of their jurisdiction? What can we learn from the wildfires that have ravaged Hawaii, killing and injuring many people? How should I deal with my son who thinks he might be gay? To what extent should we be investing in restoring historical Jewish sites? Any advice for overcoming writer’s b

  • Ep. 461: What Should We Do to Honor the Rebbe’s Father on Chof Av?

    07/08/2023 Duração: 01h14min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What does this time period teach us?    Chassidus applied to Chof Av  Lessons from Re’eh  Who was Moshe’s “mouthpiece” after Aaron passed away?  How should we react to yesterday’s riot in Union Square?  What's more important in a child developing their personality – genes or environment?    How does a spiritual soul transform and become a physical existence in a body?  What does it mean to reveal G-dliness in the physical world?  Where do I find a community of like-minded people?    Follow-up: 

  • Ep. 460: When and Why Did the Rebbe Visit Summer Camps?

    31/07/2023 Duração: 01h07min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What do we learn from this time period – following Tisha B’Av? Chassidus applied to the 15th of Av What does this day teach us? What is the connection between the 15th of Av and Yom Kippur? Does it make a difference if we say Tu B'Av or Chamisha Asar B'av? Why is this day related to shidduchim? Why is it customary to start wishing each other kesiva v'chasima tova on the 15th of Av? In our times how do we fulfill the custom of young men and women meeting for shidduchim on this day? Why is this day called the “day that broke the axe”? What connection does that have to the meaning of the 15th of Av and to the additional Torah learning that begins on this day? What is the significance of cutting down a tree with the axe handle made of the very wood of the tree itself? If it takes the wood of a tree to cut down trees, how did they cut down the first tree? Post Tisha B’Av How do we address our children’s disappointment that Moshiach has not

  • Ep. 459: What Personal Lessons in Growth and Recovery Does Shabbos Nachamu Offer Us?

    24/07/2023 Duração: 01h12min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What does this time period teach us?  Chassidus applied to the 5th of Av – the Arizal’s 451st yahrzeit  How do we counter and transform the negative and divisive energy of these days?  Shabbos Chazon  Tisha B’Av  What can we learn from the loose lion in Berlin in this month of Leo?   What can we learn from the recent rainstorms?  Lessons from Shabbos Nachamu  Lessons from Parshas Vaetchanan  Follow-up: 

  • Ep. 458: How to Deal With a Spouse’s Zealotry?

    17/07/2023 Duração: 01h09min

    Chassidus applied to the Nine Days What do we learn from these days? How are they reflected in our psyches? What is the significance of Aaron’s yahrzeit on Rosh Chodesh Av? Why specifically nine days? Lessons from Shabbos Chazon How do we reconcile R’ Levi Yitzchak Berditchever’s explanation of Chazon with its literal meaning? How to transform a vision of destruction into a vision of redemption? Lessons from Parshas Devarim What is the general lesson from this chapter? Why is Devarim called Mishneh Torah? Does it have the same divinity as the first four books since it was spoken by Moshe? Since every word in Torah is precise, why was it necessary for Moshe to repeat some events and laws in Mishneh Torah? Why were the two and a half tribes that wanted to settle outside the borders of Israel not judged as harshly as the scouts? How to deal with a spouse’s zealotry? Should we leave our shlichus due to a health threat of tics? Why did G-d create mosquitos? Dealing with narcissism – follow-up

  • Ep. 457: Is There More Hope Than the Usual Despair for a Narcissist Who Is Jewish? Frum? A Chassid?

    10/07/2023 Duração: 01h04min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus applied to the Three Weeks  Lessons from Parshas Matos Massei  Why don’t we fall off the earth?  What is the process of a soul descending to earth?   Dealing with narcissism  Gimmel Tammuz follow-up 

  • Ep. 456: Is It Better to Be Another Member of a Chassidic Community or Live Out of Town Where You Can Be a Leader?

    05/07/2023 Duração: 01h05min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Lessons from Yud Gimmel Tammuz  Chassidus applied to Parshas Pinchas  Chassidus applied to 17 Tammuz  Is it better to be another member of a Chassidic community or live out of town where you can be a leader?   Should I indulge my family with materialism for the sake of shalom bayis?  Gimmel Tammuz follow-up 

  • Ep. 455: What Lessons Can We Learn From the Tragic Implosion

    28/06/2023 Duração: 01h06min

    Submit your question now at, or email: WEBSITE: EMAIL US: SPONSOR A MYLIFE: CHASSIDUS APPLIED EPISODE, OR EXPLORE OTHER GIVING OPPORTUNITIES: THIS WEEK'S TOPICS: • Chassidus applied to Tammuz o How do we explain the paradoxes of this month? 01:13 o Is it easier or more difficult to serve G-d during the summer? 01:38 o What are the opportunities and challenges of summertime? 07:50 o Why is this month called by the name of an idol? 04:20 • Chassidus applied to Parshas Chukas-Balak o How can we heal from the toxins of death? 11:30 o What is the connection between Chukas and Gimmel Tammuz? 09:20 o How does sprinkling the ashes of a red cow purify us? 22:48 o Why does a copper snake on a pole represent healing? 25:00 o How do Chukas and Balak reflect the paradox of Tammuz? 20:38 o W

  • Ep. 454: 29 Years From Gimmel Tammuz! How Much Longer?

    19/06/2023 Duração: 01h07min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Lessons from Gimmel Tammuz  Is darkness a creation or is it just an absence of light?   Chassidus applied to Parshas Korach  Behaalotecho – follow up: What does the upward and downward movement of light teach us about G-d?   Shelach – follow up:  

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