Mylife: Chassidus Applied

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 365:22:53
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MyLife: Chassidus Applied Podcast by Simon Jacobson addresses the personal and emotional needs of our community by answering the most pressing questions of our lives -- from the perspective of Chassidic thought. The podcast demonstrates how the Torah provides us with a comprehensive blueprint of the human psyche as a microcosm of the cosmos, and offers us all the guidance we need to live the healthiest possible life and build nurturing homes and families, bringing up the healthiest possible children, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Get unlimited free downloads of MP3 recordings o


  • Ep. 433: What Is the Main Contribution of the Alter Rebbe?

    16/01/2023 Duração: 01h17min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to 24 Teves – 210 yearsWhat is the main contribution of the Alter Rebbe? What is the significance of the Alter Rebbe’s Hilula on this day? Why did the Alter Rebbe oppose Napoleon instead of trying to transform the Western World? Why were the challenges in America more difficult than the ones in Russia? What did the Alter Rebbe teach us about the power of song? What is a chiddush of the Alter Rebbe that can help us daven better so that our prayers are answered positively? What is the best way to study Tanya in English? Why do we sing the Alter Rebbe’s song only on special occasions? How should one pray? One person’s journey from living like a robot to becoming emotionally alive. Why not develop a Chassidus-based psychology? Chassidus Applied to VaeiraWhy was the name Havaya revealed to Moses? What is the difference between G-d's name E-l Shaddai and Havaya? Why are there four expressions of redemption? What lessons do we learn from t

  • Ep. 432: What Can I Say to a Friend Who Is Suffering From a Terminal Illness?

    09/01/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to ShemosWhy is Shemos called the “book of redemption”? What profound lessons to we learn from Egyptian exile and exodus about dealing with suffering? How can pain make us stronger? What was the power of women that redeemed the Jews from Egypt? What can I say to a friend who is suffering from a terminal illness? What is the relationship and difference between Tanya and Shaar HaBitachon/Chovos Halevavos in terms of bitachon and the most effective way to deal with life's challenges? More Chassidus Applied to ShemosWhat does it mean that “the house lit up” when Moshe was born? Why was Moshe called by a name given to him by Pharaoh's daughter, and not the name (Tov, Tuvia) given to him by his parents? Why was Moses not a “man of words”? How does Chassidus explain the test Pharaoh gave Moshe with the plate of diamonds and the plate of hot coals? Is there significance that our forefathers and Moses were shepherds? Why would Moshe accuse G-d

  • Ep. 431: Is It Appropriate to Wish “Happy New Year”?

    02/01/2023 Duração: 01h10min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to 10 TevesWhat is the significance of this day? Why is the siege of the wall around Jerusalem so pivotal? How is it possible that we go from the brightest days of Chanukah into one of the darkest days of the Tenth of Teves, the beginning stage of the Temple’s destruction? How could something so apparently negative and sad occur in Teves, which contains the word tov, good? Chassidus Applied to VayechiWhy is the chapter about Jacob’s passing called Vayechi (lived)? Why do we say that Jacob’s best years of his life were the 17 years he spent in Mitzrayim? And if so, why was he so adamant that he be buried in the Holy Land? Why did Jacob keep a “grudge” against Shimon and Levi for the massacre of Shechem? In Jacob’s blessings to his children he tells us that great kings will come from Judah, great judges from Dan, great seafarers from Zevulun. Can we deduce which tribe performers originate from? What does it mean that Yaakov Avinu lo meis (J

  • Ep. 430: Is Zos Chanukah an Opportune Time for Blessings for Having Children?

    27/12/2022 Duração: 01h03min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Zos ChanukahWhat is unique about this day? Is Zos Chanukah an opportune time for blessings for having children? Is there a connection between Zos Chanukah and Yom Kippur? Is Chanukah associated with Sukkos? Are the eight lights of Chanukah related to Hakhel being the eighth year? Why don’t we light all the lights at once, instead of gradually growing from day to day? Why eight days? Does someone need to have an actual menorah to do the mitzvah? What difference does it make if we light from left to right or right to left? Does posting photos of your Menorah on social media count as publicizing the miracle? Why are we not allowed to benefit from the Chanukah candles? Could the Greeks have actually “killed” our souls? With Chanukah allowing Jews sovereignty over Israel for a couple of more centuries, is there any present focus on reestablishing sovereignty in our land, apart from the Moshiach vision? What will be different in Messianic time

  • Ep. 429: What Is Chanukah’s Message For Us Today?

    19/12/2022 Duração: 01h05min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Chanukah How does Chanukah personify eternity? What is Chanukah’s message for us today? Which miracle is greater – winning the war against the Greeks or discovering the oil? Why is the number eight so significant to Chanukah? Would the miracle be less if the flames burned, say, for six days? Why is the Menorah on the left side? What is a short synopsis of the Alter Rebbes maamar Ki Ner Mitzah in Torah Ohr where he explains why we put the mezuzah on the right and the menorah on the left? Why do we light the Menorah facing outside and after sundown, unlike the Menorah in the Temple? Why don’t we light a flame every day? Why can’t we use bulbs for the Chanukah lights? Is Yud Tes Kislev connected with Chanukah? Is there a connection between Chanukah and the yeshiva students of Tomchei Temimim being called lamplighters? How do we apply the lessons of Chanukah in the winter to the Southern Hemisphere? Are women included

  • Ep. 428: Why Is Yud Tes Kislev Referred to as the Rosh Hashana of Chassidus?

    12/12/2022 Duração: 01h07min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Yud Tes Kislev250th yahrzeit of the Maggid of Mezeritch Why is Yud Tes Kislev referred to as the Rosh Hashana of Chassidus? Why was there a problem with the Alter Rebbe teaching Chassidus? Since we begin the new Tanya cycle on Yud Tes Kislev, what is a short synopsis of some of Tanya's most important lessons? Is Tanya geared toward both men and women? Is the idea of two souls a revolutionary innovation of the Tanya? What does it add to the fundamental Torah idea of the yetzer tov and yetzer hara? Are the Alter Rebbe’s teachings his own chiddushim, or were they compilations of what he learned from his teachers? Is Tanya considered like a “portrait” of the Alter Rebbe? Did the Alter Rebbe write and edit all the contents of the Tanya or were some parts added by his students who heard the teachings from him? Is there greater emphasis in Chassidus Chabad on bittul than on dveikus? What do we learn from the Alter Rebbe’s name Schneur, two ligh

  • Ep. 427: Is It Appropriate to Watch the World Cup? What Lessons Can We Learn From It?

    06/12/2022 Duração: 01h11min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Yud KislevWhat is the significance of this day? Why was the Mitteler Rebbe arrested after the Alter Rebbe’s spreading of Chassidus was vindicated? How is the geulah of the Rebbeim relevant to all Jews, not just Chabad? Why are there no portraits of the Mitteler Rebbe? What was the Mitteler Rebbe’s kapelye? Why are we told the story about the Mitteler Rebbe not hearing the cry of the child? Who was Reb Aharon of Strashelye and why would he challenge the succession of the Mitteler Rebbe? Is there a difference between the avodah of the Alter Rebbe and the Mitteler Rebbe? What is the goal of a farbrengen? Yud Dalet KislevWhy did the Rebbe say that this day bound me to you and you to me? And that we should see fruits from our work? In honor of Henya bas Brocha Devorah Leah for a complete and speedy refuah shleimah Chassidus Applied to VayishlachWhat is the central message of the battle and reconciliation between Jacob and Esau? Why don

  • Episode. 426: Are Our Prayers Answered?

    30/11/2022 Duração: 01h07min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Why is Kislev called the month of Geulah? What is the meaning of Geulah? Chassidus Applied to Tes Kislev:What is the main contribution of the Mitteler Rebbe? Why is the Mitteler Rebbe compared to Binah? Chassidus Applied to VayeitzeiWhat personal lessons do we learn from Jacob’s journey from Beer Sheba to Charan? What is the significance of Yaakov's dream of the ladder and what practical advice does it give us in our daily lives? Was Yaakov’s 14 years of work a punishment for the 14 years he spent in the yeshiva of Shem V’Eiver? Who were Bilha and Zilpa? Why did Rachel steal her father's idols? Follow-upHow can we say that Rivka was only three years old when she married Yitzchak? Are nose rings appropriate today? Why did Abraham not tell Sarah about the Akeidah? Are there any authentic surviving paintings of the patriarchs or Moses? Is it wise to learn both tracks of Rambam daily – three chapters as well as one chapter? Were the original Jews d

  • Ep. 425: Is a Thanksgiving Dinner Considered a Hakhel Gathering Without Some Torah and Mitzvos?

    21/11/2022 Duração: 01h09min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to ToldosWhy was Jacob deceptive in receiving the birthright and blessings? What do Jacob and Esau represent in our lives? What can we learn from Isaac and Rebecca to ensure that G-d blesses us with children? What was Esau thinking when he sold his birthright for... lentil soup? Why do we assume that Hashem is only capable of doing good? Is G-d beyond good and evil? Chassidus Applied to Rosh Chodesh Kislev: What happened on this day and what lessons does it offer us? Was the Kinus HaShluchim the Rebbe’s idea? Is a Thanksgiving family dinner considered a Hakhel gathering or do we need to do something in the realm of Torah and Mitzvos? Should I start learning Gemara Yerushalmi November 14 with the new cycle? Who created G-d? Follow-upDoes the acronym of the Rebbe Rashab have any deeper meaning? Why don’t we wear nose rings? Was Abraham wrong for not telling Sarah that he was instructed to sacrifice Isaac? Why did G-d test Abra

  • Ep. 424: How Should We Respond to the Latest Bout of Antisemitic Vitriol?

    14/11/2022 Duração: 01h07min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Chof CheshvanWhat is the connection of the Rebbe Rashab to Keser? What were the Rebbe Rashab’s two main contributions? Why is the 5th Chabad Rebbe called the Rebbe Rashab? What was his most important teaching? What can I do differently to manifest and reveal the blessings of the Rebbe Rashab that the students in his yeshiva would be successful? Chassidus Applied to Chayei SarahWhy is the chapter called Chayei Sara when it discusses her death? What is true life? Are there any lessons that singles can learn from Eliezer's successful mission in finding Rivkah for Isaac? Why did G-d bless the patriarchs with mundane things like children and land, and not something more spiritual, such as the world to come? If the patriarchs had difficulty raising their children properly, what chance do we have with ours? What parenting lessons, if any, can we learn from the patriarchs and matriarchs? What does it mean that Abraham's children will be

  • Ep. 423: Can You Love G-d if You Don’t Love People?

    03/11/2022 Duração: 01h06min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to VayeiraHow could Abraham turn away from G-d to greet guests? Can you love G-d if you don’t love people? What can we do today to merit that Hashem personally reveal Himself to us? If Malkizedek was wrong for blessing Abraham before blessing G-d, why was Abraham not punished for turning away from G-d to greet guests? Why was Abaraham harsh with his guests to entice them to thank G-d? Why did Abraham beseech G-d to save the evil criminals from Sodom? Why was G-d upset at Sarah for laughing when she was informed that she would have a baby at age 90? Do the Arabs hate us because their ancestor Ishmael was kicked out of his home by Sarah and Abraham? Why Did Abraham not defy G-d at the Akeidah, based on the law that a son is not supposed to listen to his father telling him to murder? Follow-upIf we finished the work of elevating sparks, why are we allowed to eat meat? Should we be honoring the Jewish husband of the non-Jewish vice president

  • Ep. 422: Should the Rainbow Help Quell Fears About Global Warming?

    31/10/2022 Duração: 01h06min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to Lech Lecha and Zayin CheshvanWhat is the meaning of the statement that Parshas Noach is a melancholy week, but the end of the week is joyous due to the birth of Abraham; but the true joyous week is Lech Lecha, when we live with Abraham all week long? What can Abraham teach us today about dealing with our confusing times? What do we learn from the 7th of Cheshvan when the last Jews returned home after the holidays? What did Malkizedek do wrong by blessing Avraham before blessing G-d? Is our connection to the Patriarchs physical or spiritual? Chassidus applied to BereishisDoes Bereishis barah Elokim mean that in the beginning concealment (from the name Elokim) was created? What is the connection between the ten sefiros and the ten maamaros? Are there maamarim that explain the rakiya? Why was it necessary and what practical lessons do we take from it? Chassidus applied to NoachWhat exactly happened during and after the flood for Hashem

  • Ep. 421: Why Do Some Think That Simchas Torah Must Include Getting Drunk, and What To Do About It?

    24/10/2022 Duração: 01h46s

    • Chassidus Applied to Post Tishrei        o What is special about this time as we transition from the holiday season into the regular year? 03:00      o How do we draw energy into our daily routines from the renewal of Rosh Hashana, the sanctity of Yom Kippur and the joy of Sukkos? 05:00     o What practical things can we do to tap into this energy? 10:14     o What does it mean that after the Tishrei holidays we need to “unpack the bundles”? 13:33     o What are some of the second chances given to those who didn’t maximize the full energy of, or participate completely in, the Tishrei holidays? 14:14    o What happens after Simchas Torah? Is the dancing itself the container for blessings, or is there something additional I must do? 18:34   o Why do we only dance with the Torah on Simchas Torah and not every time we take out the Torah to read from it? 24:41 • Chassid

  • Ep. 420: Should We Fear Yom Kippur? Doesn’t Fasting Distract Us From Being Introspective?

    04/10/2022 Duração: 01h08min

    Chassidus Applied to Yom Kippur Why is this time of year so special? What opportunities does it offer us? What is the building of Malchus during the Ten Days of Teshuva? Should we fear Yom Kippur? As non-practicing Jews, what is the best way for us to participate in Yom Kippur? What does the word holy mean? Why did the High Priest pronounce the holy Tetragrammaton on Yom Kippur, and we are not allowed to do so? Why do kohanim wear special garments in the Temple? How is the Seder Avodah relevant to us today? How do the five prayers correspond to the five parts of the soul? Why do we go to the mikveh Erev Yom Kippur? Why do we have fast days when we are not supposed to punish our bodies? Isn’t fasting distracting and counterproductive to being reflective and introspective? How are we so sure that we will be completely forgiven? Do we have a nuclear option in our davening that is so strong it guarantees Hashem will forgive us on Yom Kippur? What is the connection between Yom HaKipp

  • Ep. 419: How Can I Actually Change?

    19/09/2022 Duração: 01h06min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to SelichosWhat is selichos? Why is the first selichos recited at night? Chassidus Applied to Rosh HashanaHas anyone made a nice acronym yet for the new year 5783, tof shin pei gimmel? What is the significance of eating certain foods at certain times? What benefit do we achieve by saying the Hebrew words of davening in the siddur if we don't know what they mean? Do some people have more power to bless others? Is it advantageous to go to the top of a mountain to daven because it's closer to the heavens? What are your thoughts about a chabadnik going to Uman? What can I do to stop my husband from trying something strange this Rosh Hashana to bring Moshiach? Why 60 days and not 40? Is there special creative energy available every year on the 25th of Elul, when the world was created? What can a couple struggling with infertility do differently in the month of Elul to have the “king in the field” grant them a child? Can

  • Ep. 418: How Should We React to the Queen of England’s Passing?

    12/09/2022 Duração: 01h11min

    Chassidus Applied to 15 Elul – 125th anniversary of the founding of Yeshivas Tomchei TemimimWhat is the significance and contribution of Tomchei Temimim? What was the Rebbe Rashab's goal with creating the Yeshiva, and did he succeed? I was in Tomchei Temimim throughout my life, but I struggle with what I'm supposed to stand for. What are some of the advantages, and the spiritual and physical responsibilities, of a Tamim? Chai ElulWhat is the significance of the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe both being born on the 18th of Elul? Would it be fair to say Chai Elul gives life to the entire month? What is novel about the Baal Shem Tov and the Alter Rebbe? What do they have in common and how do they differ? What is the difference between Chabad and other types of chassidus and is any one more aligned than another with the Baal Shem Tov’s approach? Why are there no chiddushim on shas from the Baal Shem Tov? What can we learn from the Baal Shem Tov going into the forest to daven and meditate? Ar

  • Ep. 417: How Should We React When Someone Criticizes Us?

    05/09/2022 Duração: 01h11min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus applied to the Month of ElulWhat is special about this month and how can we tap into its energy? How can we apply the work of Elul to our personal mission in life? Why do we say L'Dovid Hashem Ori starting Rosh Chodesh Elul? Why is it customary to check tefillin and mezuzas during Elul? Are we allowed to start praying for the new year in Elul? Are there things we are not allowed to pray for? What are the thirteen attributes of Divine compassion?What are practical ways we can benefit from the revelation of the 13 attributes in Elul? How can we access them? Where can we meet the “king in the field” – do we need an actual field? What is the correlation between having a beard and the 13 attributes of compassion? Can women and those without a beard access these attributes? What's the difference between the 13 attributes that Hashem told Moshe and the 13 attributes revealed to the prophet Micha? How were you able to remain composed wh

  • Ep. 416: How Can We Practically Experience Renewal in the New Year?

    30/08/2022 Duração: 01h08min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What should we be doing during the month of Elul?What is special about this month? Why is G-d compared to the “king in the field”? What are good middle ground resolutions for the new year that neither overreach nor underestimate our abilities? If G-d is more approachable in Elul, when He is like “the king in the field,” does that mean that He is less approachable the rest of the year? How can we practically experience renewal in the new year? Chassidus Applied to ShoftimWhat exactly is justice that we are obligated to pursue? Why were people killed for worshiping idols? Why is such foolishness taken so seriously? Is the Torah supportive of a monarchy? Lessons from Eikev and Re’ehWhy does the Rebbe quote "Aini Hashem Elokecha..." as proof that G-d is protecting the Land of Israel, when Rashi explains that this may include good or bad decrees? Why does G-d need us to bless Him? Since the Torah takes such care not to say anything negative, wh

  • Ep. 415: What Does It Mean That G-d Never Gives Someone a Problem They Can’t Handle?

    24/08/2022 Duração: 01h02min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: What life lessons do we learn from the transition of the month of Av to the month of Elul? Chassidus Applied to Re’eh and its connection to this time of the yearWhat is the meaning of curses in the Torah? If they are truly blessings why are they expressed in negative terms? Why were the people obligated to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem three times a year? And what can we do today to connect and draw down similar energies? What is a nisayon (test), and what is its purpose? How does it elevate the Divine sparks? And how does it increase one’s perception (daas)? What does it mean that G-d never gives someone a problem they can't handle? Preparing for ElulDoes the “king in the field” manifest in physical ways? How would you explain repentance to someone who is not that familiar with the concept, and how can we practically implement it? Can you provide a fresh perspective on the high holidays? Rebuilding the Beis HamikdashWhy don't the sages use posi

  • Ep. 414: What Is the Most Meaningful Way to Honor Chof Av?

    15/08/2022 Duração: 01h12min

    Rabbi Jacobson will discuss the following topics: Chassidus Applied to the days following Tisha B’AvHow do we rebuild after loss? Lessons from Chof AvWhat is the significance of this day? And what is the best way to honor it? What is appropriate conduct and proper mindset for a Chabad chossid going to Alma Ata? What is expected of us during the second half of Av?Why did they break the axe after finishing cutting the wood on the 15th of Av – isn’t that wasteful baal tashchis? Why was the tribe of Benjamin allowed to rejoin the community on the 15th of Av after their heinous crime? Which day is the happiest day of the year? What can we do during the two last weeks in the month of Av to get a head start on our work in Elul? May I ask you to sing a niggun? Should we be worried that if we turn away from Torah and mitzvos and turn to idolatry that Hashem won't be able to take us back because we have "married" someone else? Why isn’t there more discussion about Ahavas Yisroel in Shulchan Aruch?

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