Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 392:09:29
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Learning to see life from a spiritual perspective can change the way we think, which changes everything. As we let go of fear, worry, regret, blame, anger, guilt, resentment, jealousy and shame, we can create the loving, joyful, prosperous, healthy life that we want and deserve.brbr The best or worst place to live is in our own mind. You will learn how to weed out the negativity and to be grateful and positive in word, thought and deed, resulting in your ever-increasing happiness. Uplift Your Life: Nourishment of the Spirit is broadcast live every Thursday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • Predictions for 2021 and Beyond

    07/01/2021 Duração: 58min

    I invite Dawon to come on my show every year because he has such a high accuracy rate. His predictions almost always come true within the year or the near future. For instance, last year, he predicted: a woman would be elected vice-president or president in the USA in 2020; and that we will have a Native American President before long. We saw this possibility emerging with the appointment of a female Secretary of the Interior who is the first Native American Cabinet secretary. Here is a glimpse of the new predictions he will share with us: an airline out of Europe will be developed that is more passenger friendly; New York City will create a subway system that makes travel 2 to 3 times faster; people will be able to communicate directly with their loved ones on the other side; and because people need hope, there will be more angelic help available to all of us. Please join us Thursday to hear what we can look forward to this year and moving forward into the decade.

  • The Power of Crystals and How They Can Help You

    31/12/2020 Duração: 56min

    Crystals caught my attention as a child because of their beauty. Later I hung beveled ones near windows to catch the light and create dazzling displays of rainbows. Then I discovered the healing power of crystals and my journey into the world of crystals deepened. Kac has been one of my guides. She always brings new perspectives and techniques to expand and deepen my understanding. Kac has created a new approach to wellness by combining crystals with the chakras, essential oils, astrological signs, goddess energy, and more. These new approaches help heal emotional wounds, improve every aspect of health, and can even repurpose your life. Please join us Thursday to learn more about these wonderful gifts from nature.

  • Life-Between-Lives: How Your Soul's Contract is Guiding Your Life

    24/12/2020 Duração: 52min

    Everything changed when I realized I had chosen my parents and my life challenges to help my soul grow. Before that, I blamed others for my problems. Knowing I was responsible for my life circumstances, allowed me to take my power back. I chose to stop blaming and start making choices to change my life and become the person I wanted to be. My guest says: “We select our parents because of what they will provide us in terms of environment and opportunity for our soul’s growth. They … fill a karmic agreement to challenge or inspire us, but the rest is on us. Often both parents have been with us in prior lifetimes, so we’re working on karmic residue on both our parts. Other times, one parent is new to our soul group and has come in with the other parent as a ‘package deal.’ For that reason, we may feel a karmic connection to one and not the other.” Please join us Thursday for a fascinating discussion on past lives, life-between-lives, and how the Council of Elders help us plan our lives.

  • Crystals for Physical, Psychological & Spiritual Healing

    17/12/2020 Duração: 55min

    Whether you’re new to crystals, an expert, or anything in-between, my guest has new perspectives and a depth of knowledge to enrich everyone. Crystals are effective for healing because they emit energy. Each crystal contains energy to help us heal in specific ways. Since color also vibrates at its own frequency, it contributes to the healing powers of the crystal. For instance, Nicholas explains: “Green symbolizes growth, renewal, and regeneration. Green stones are therefore employed for physical healing as well as for abundance, luck, and harmony. These stones provide a sense of structure, expansion, and innovation. Green stones often invite compassion and an outward expression of love. In the physical body, green stones can be used to treat conditions affecting the heart, lungs, and immune system: they are adept in situations of infection and abnormal growths.” Please join us Thursday to learn about the physical, psychological, and spiritual healing powers of crystals.

  • How Emotion Underlies Personality and Connects All Life

    10/12/2020 Duração: 55min

    The dominant belief is that thoughts are more important than emotions. Research is showing us, however, that emotion underlies personality, spirituality, and a range of extraordinary perceptions, conditions, and experiences. These include déjà vu, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phantom pain, and extreme empathy, where people feel the physical pain, emotions, or thoughts of other people. Many gifted children, people with synesthesia or autism, and extremely sensitive people describe having innate knowing and psychic experiences. My guest uses scientific studies to show how emotion can influence the development of unusual capacities and sensitivities, and how a hidden emotional intensity underpins both autism and anomalous perception. Strong emotions connect us with animals, one another, and all of nature, and may even last after death. Please join us Thursday to learn about the unseen role of emotion in mind and personality, where science meets wonder.

  • Psychics Help Us Emotionally, Mentally, Physically & Spiritually

    03/12/2020 Duração: 56min

    The U.S. military has psychic spies who do remote viewing, and my guest is in that group. Detectives ask her to help solve homicide cases. Marla can sense physical ailments before symptoms emerge and find structural problems in buildings without standing in them. Being a psychic is more than receiving messages from the other side and providing spiritual healing, although she does that also. As one of the most respected and gifted psychics in the USA, Marla Frees uses her gifts from Spirit to help others in ways that go beyond our usual way of understanding the world. She writes: “When we take responsibility for our behavior while we are alive, it not only helps everyone around us, but also the dead. When the dead accept responsibility, the living are able to feel the freedom, too. The pain of life and death can be transformed on both sides of the veil through love and forgiveness.” Please join us Thursday to be inspired by Marla’s story and learn new ways to heal.

  • Communicating with Loved Ones on the Other Side

    19/11/2020 Duração: 56min

    Imagine writing a book with your 27-year-old son after he passed to the other side. Terri-Ann is the third parent, who I have had on my show, who has written a book with a son after he transitioned suddenly and unexpectedly. This is a level of understanding of the spiritual realm that is needing to be understood by those of us who are here now. We are in a time of great change as the veil between the spiritual realm and the physical realm is thinning. We have easier access to information coming from the spiritual realm through direct communication with guides, angels, and loved ones. This is no longer solely the realm of psychics, mediums, and channels. More and more people are experiencing enhanced intuition, mystical experiences, and prophetic dreams. Not everyone feels safe and comfortable talking about these things. I’m grateful that my guest does. Please join us Thursday to hear Anthony’s message from heaven.

  • Integrative Medicine: A Powerful Tool for Healing

    12/11/2020 Duração: 55min

    The body can oftentimes heal itself if we are patient and provide it with the care and support it needs. Integrative medicine is a powerful tool for healing that combines alternative treatments with modern medicine to provide care for both the mind and the body. Popular forms of Integrative medicine include acupuncture, chiropractic, meditations, and psychotherapy along with other natural approaches to health. Integrative medicine is growing in popularity as it can treat many common health conditions such as chronic pain, depression/anxiety, GI issues and musculoskeletal/joint pain. My guest has explored natural medicine, Chinese medicine, psychology, energy medicine, and shamanic healing. She has also spent the last 30 years “in a search of the soul in medicine” after witnessing what she refers to as a loss of soul in contemporary medicine that is practiced today. Please join us Thursday to learn more about how integrative medicine can help you.

  • Empathy: The Upside and Downside

    05/11/2020 Duração: 55min

    Empathy is far more complex than we have been led to believe. When there is healthy empathy, it supports the mutual exchange of love, strengthens cooperation, enhances our passion for life, and increases our well-being. When empathy is out of balance, it can cause problems. When someone has too much emotional empathy, they can easily be manipulated by people with too little empathy. In addition to emotional empathy, we can also have physical, mental, and spiritual empathy. With physical empathy, for example, you may feel someone else’s pain and even unintentionally take some of it into your own body because you want them to feel good. Once we understand what is happening to us and why, we can choose to do things differently and lead a healthier happier life. Please join us this Thursday to learn more about the different kinds of empathy and how to prevent the negative aspects and increase the positives of being an empathetic person.

  • Lifeboat: Navigating Unexpected Career Change and Disruption

    29/10/2020 Duração: 55min

    The coronavirus has created a huge disruption in our workplaces and in our lives. Many people have lost their jobs or their physical place of work. Old ways of coping with change and disruption are starting to wear thin. Just when we thought the virus was getting under control, we discovered surges of new cases and deaths around the world. The hope that things will go back to normal is diminishing. In fact, we may need to think about a new normal. My guest learned how to do that when she chose to leave her successful and financially lucrative career because it left her feeling anxious and depleted at the end of the day. With her values out of sync with her career, she chose to shift her mind-set from self-interest to concern about others and how to survive serious challenges together. Please join us Thursday to learn how to assess and solve problems proactively and cultivate emotional agility to respond authentically and strategically under pressure for the good and well-being of all.

  • Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child: Heal Yourself and Your Relationship

    22/10/2020 Duração: 56min

    Ten million Gen X and Baby Boomer parents are estranged from their adult children. Estrangement is different from just not talking to or seeing each other. It means your child treats you like a stranger. The severity ranges from being totally cutoff and never communicating to emotional disconnection even if you see each other to on-and-off estrangement. Parents feel guilt, shame, and sadness, which can turn into frustration and anger. While each situation is unique, there are practical and effective techniques all parents can use to understand and heal these painful breaches. Reconciliation is a slow process that can lead to renewed relations. Because relationships are about two people, we cannot control the outcome. We can, however, choose to heal ourselves by releasing the guilt, shame, and pain and finding self-love and wholeness. Please join us Thursday to learn how to heal yourself and take steps to heal your relationship with your adult child.

  • Big Boys Should Cry: The New Model of Sacred Masculinity

    15/10/2020 Duração: 54min

    Boys are raised to ignore their emotions or risk being viewed as weak or “unmanly.” This is creating a mental health crisis among our young men. Even before COVID-19, suicide and violence among males was increasing and boys are 3 times more likely to abuse drugs. As women are beginning to allow themselves to be more powerful in the world outside the home, including politics, it is time for males to discover their softer side and allow themselves to feel and express the whole range of human emotions. By inhibiting the emotions that aren’t considered to be “manly,” they are preventing themselves from feeling the highest forms of love, intimacy and joy. It is time for men and women to come into the full spectrum of what it means to be human and experience both their masculine and feminine qualities because in fact, we are not one or the other. We all need to come into a new kind of balance that allows us to be fully human. Please join us Thursday to learn more about Sacred Masculinity.

  • Healing from Childhood Emotional Pain and/or Family Trauma

    08/10/2020 Duração: 56min

    When I learned a close friend was divorcing several years ago, I said: “But I thought you had it all together.” My wise friend said, “If you think that about anyone, it’s because you don’t know them well enough.” We are all good at suffering silently while we put on a smile for others, pretending everything is great. This pandemic has made it increasingly difficult for us to continue to pretend. We don’t have our usual distractions and our fears, worries, and buried emotions are coming to the surface. My guest is a Black Indian woman born into a family legacy of highly gifted healers from the Native American Iroquois tribe and the Nigerian Nri Kingdom. She went through a transformative healing journey from deep trauma, near-suicide, and serious emotional pain to connecting with God and embracing her spiritual inheritance to heal herself and help others do the same. Please join us Thursday to learn how you too can reconnect with lost parts of yourself and heal your emotional pain.

  • Words that Incite Violence and How to Confront the Perpetrators

    01/10/2020 Duração: 54min

    President Trump, like Hitler before him, uses 12 specific forms of communication that typically precede acts of mass violence up to and including genocide. My guest, Helio Fred Garcia, has documented these forms of speech and the instances where Trump’s dangerous rhetoric has motivated lone wolves to commit violence and murder. Garcia writes: (Ten days before the 2018 midterm elections,) “In a single week ... two separate terror attacks took place. One killed eleven people at worship in a synagogue. One failed but had targeted a dozen Trump critics with mail bombs. In both cases the perpetrators justified their actions by quoting Trump language. One of them, the mail bomber, described his conversion from being apolitical to being “a soldier in the war between right and left” that resulted from his several years in Trump’s orbit.” Please join us Thursday to learn how to recognize the 12 patterns of dangerous speech early, hold the perpetrators accountable, and prevent violence.

  • The Mindful Place of Calm

    24/09/2020 Duração: 48min

    In 2004, Paul took some time off between engineering jobs in Silicon Valley to decompress from a stressful year. His usual technique of working out in the gym until he was exhausted didn’t keep him calm throughout the day. Instead of feeling defeated, he began a search for what would work. He started to meditate again, which helped, but it wasn’t sufficient. So Paul developed his own techniques creating a system that allowed him to make practical and trackable changes in his anxiety and perceptions of himself and the work around him. As he writes: “Who we are today does not have to be who we want to be tomorrow. We can change. … Remember that the words willingness, tenacity, and fortitude were not chosen idly.” Paul changed by learning how to create an inner space of calm in the gap between negative thoughts and actions. Please join us Thursday to discover how you can achieve a feeling of tranquil centeredness and turn tension into lasting joy and peace.

  • The Warrior Heart Practice: A Simple Process to Transform Confusion into Clarity and Pain into Peace

    17/09/2020 Duração: 54min

    Overwhelm, confusion and stress are the new norm, but they do not have to be. There is a lot we cannot control. We can, however, choose to use this time to take a deep look inward to reconnect with our inner knowing, realign with our true nature, and achieve freedom from the inside out. My guest used her own struggle with self-worth, fear of rejection, shame and blame to create a revolutionary process to help others assess their current emotional and mental state and reframe it. With her process, you learn to accept your emotions without fighting or judging them, realize the story you’re telling yourself, objectively evaluate the situation, define and focus your intent, and finally refocus your intent based upon your new perspective. Like a kaleidoscope, you can take the same pieces and make different designs. Please join us Thursday to discover how you can take life’s inevitable obstacles and rearrange the pieces to bring you peace and clarity.

  • Why We All Need Smile Project Louisville

    10/09/2020 Duração: 55min

    In these troubling times, everyone needs uplifting. That’s why Smile Project Louisville is now National, and I believe it will become International soon. Michael Ray writes: “Through the inspiration of my non-verbal daughter, Smile Project Louisville is a movement to promote small acts that influence attitude & behavior….through smiling and acts of kindness. Be so happy that when others see you, they become happy too.” Smiling is a Universal way to communicate love, joy, and happiness. We don’t have to speak the same language or even be physically close. A smile uplifts those who smile and those who see the smile. It’s free, and it changes you on the inside, bringing more ease when you need it the most. Michael has experienced enough trauma in his life to cause most people to become depressed or bitter. Instead he has chosen to uplift himself and spread the joy to others. Please join us Thursday to learn how you, too, can start smiling more and spread happiness to others.

  • Life Design for Women: Conscious Living as a Force for Positive Change

    03/09/2020 Duração: 54min

    We are in the process of great change. Our world has been dominated by the male way of doing and being, and women have had to fit into that model. If we wanted a career, we had to ignore our natural ways of being in the world. In fact, most of us don’t know ourselves very well because we have been busy meeting other people’s expectations and allowing them to define us. Women are inherently more cooperative, compassionate, empathetic, nurturing, creative and peace oriented. Those qualities are not valued in the workplace or outside of the home, but they are what is needed now if we are to solve our current global problems and create the world we want to live in. My guest has a process for weeding out the thoughts and actions that block your true purpose while helping you nurture your authentic self, rather than living your life through the dreams and fears of others. Please join us Thursday to learn about this hands-on guide to reclaim your power and become a force for positive change.

  • The Mindset of Maybe

    27/08/2020 Duração: 55min

    We fear change, yet the only certainty is change. No wonder, even before the pandemic, we were a world consumed by anxiety, fear, worry, stress and depression. We have been living in fear of the very thing that is unavoidable. I’m not sure where in the history of civilization we took a wrong turn and decided that we should fear the unknown. What I do know is that we have the power to change our attitude and embrace uncertainty with hope, optimism and the excitement of possibilities which could lead to more joy than we have ever experienced. Fear of the unknown drains our energy and keeps us stuck in patterns that feel comfortable and safe but in truth, keep us stuck and limit our potential. If we don’t believe in a better future, we won’t develop the strength, courage, grit and resilience to create it. Please join us Thursday to learn how the mind-set of “maybe” can reduce stress and worry and help us achieve all that is possible in our lives.

  • Reconnecting to the Source: How It Can Change You and Transform the World

    20/08/2020 Duração: 54min

    We are in a critical period of change. Crises in our health, economy and ecology are all part of this transformation. Ervin Laszlo believes the solution requires our learning to think and act differently and to honor the kind of experience that reconnects us to the source. He writes: “We are empathetic and collaborative beings; not uncaring and destructive competitors. We are one; our separateness is an illusion. We are intrinsically oriented toward wholeness and love and are linked to one another and to the universe…The time has come to allow the experience of our own fundamental nature to rise to our consciousness and change our thinking and our life. The time has come for you and for me, and for a critical mass of sensitive and responsible people, to reconnect to the source. Then we will change our thinking and our life—and change the course of history.” Please join us Thursday to learn how to reconnect with the universe even if you don’t consider yourself spiritual or religious.

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