Meta Station: A "the 100" Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 162:14:55
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Greetings from Meta Station, where a playwright and an English professor who have been best friends for sixteen years recap The CW's post-apocalyptic sci-fi drama "The 100." Season 5 returns in 2018, but stay tuned for all kinds of fun hiatus content!


  • Episode 4x11: "The Other Side"

    15/05/2017 Duração: 02h51min

    Welcome back to Meta Station, where we’re joined by special guest Chash for an emotionsfest about the Blake siblings, the return of Sinclair, Clarke Griffin’s sad perfect lil’ face, and the Abby/Bellamy rebel squad Claire has been craving for 4 whole seasons. Then she left us alone with our feelings to hold each other and cry over Jasper, Monty and Harper. Our giddy enthusiasm for last week’s beautiful one-storyline episode has dimmed somewhat in the face of how many huge emotional moments this week got unfairly short shrift because there was so much going on, but ALL THE CONGRATS to first-time director Henry Ian Cusick for getting such fucking incredible performances out of the whole cast. Also, take a shot every time Chash and Erin pronounce “Bellarke” differently, and don’t miss our outtake on fanfic! 0:00 – Hello and Welcome! Claire Is Not Here Yet, But We Have a Chash! 0:02 – The Battle Over Correct P

  • The Merits of Fanfic (with special guest Chash!)

    13/05/2017 Duração: 46min

    Professor Erin moderates a panel discussion between two of her favorite fic writers, Claire and Chash, about how fanfic can be a deep and thoughtful way to explore character, as well as also being smutty fluff for pure fun. Along the way we discuss My Little Ponies, why you can love a show and have no interest in participating in fandom for it, writing crazy things on a dare, and why fic friends are the best friends.

  • Episode 4x10: "Die All, Die Merrily"

    08/05/2017 Duração: 02h53min

    HELLO AND WELCOME BACK TO META STATION, WHERE THE AWESOME SELINA WILKEN FROM HYPABLE JOINS US TO FLAIL ABOUT THE FUCKING AMAZINGNESS OF THIS EPISODE, WHERE WE BID EMOTIONAL GOODBYES TO THREE SIGNIFICANT CHARACTERS, CRY WITH BLAKE SIBLING FEELS, FINALLY BEGIN TO LOVE WHERE OCTAVIA’S ARC IS GOING, AND THEN LOSE OUR MIND OVER CLARKE/JAHA/DANTE WALLACE LEADERSHIP PARALLELS WITH THAT INSANE TWIST ENDING P.S. SORRY THIS IS IN ALL-CAPS BUT IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE LOWERCASE FEELINGS ABOUT AN EPISODE THIS FANTASTIC ------------------------------------------- 0:00 - After Our Grumpfest Last Week, This FANTASTIC Episode Has Restored Our Faith in This Season and This Show 0:08 – The Conclave Does Right By Octavia and We Want to Scream Forever About It 0:15 – Let’s Discuss That Gaia and Indra Hug: The Throne Room Scenes Keep the Emotional Stakes Real 0:25 – R.I.P. Ilian kom Trishanakru, Who We Finally Began to Kinda Come Around to Liking During This Episode 0:36 – Octavia kom Skaikru Becomes Octavia kom Everykru By Retu

  • Clairin Outtakes - Erin Without Claire

    03/05/2017 Duração: 01min

    We had some technical glitches during recording, leaving both of us unable to hear the other one for long stretches at a time. Erin decided to leave Claire a couple of Easter eggs to find while editing.

  • Clairin Outtakes - All Aboard the Good Ship Mackson

    03/05/2017 Duração: 04min

    Y'all, we need to talk about the single most important plot development of episode 409, THE GREATEST SHIP WE NEVER SAW COMING, the potential blossoming new love between one Nathan Miller and one Eric Jackson (side note, CAN YOU BELIEVE ERIC JACKSON GOT A FIRST NAME *AND* A NEW MAYBE-BOYFRIEND THIS SEASON, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL WORLD WE LIVE IN please don't kill him you guys seriously please we love him so much)

  • Episode 4x09: "DNR"

    01/05/2017 Duração: 02h11min

    Welcome back to Meta Station, after that way-too-long hiatus! We were decidedly 50/50 on this episode, brimming with love and affection for the heartfelt, earned character moments happening in Arkadia and Science Island, and HEAVILY side-eyeing the white savior "Chosen One" business happening over in Polis. (We also hated Octavia's whole storyline, which we posted as a stand-alone segment here: 0:00 - We Were REAL MIXED On this Episode’s Weird Blend of Intimate Character Moments and Bloodthirsty War Boners 0:02 - Murphy and Raven Shattered Our Hearts Into Tiny Pieces WHAT KIND OF GORGEOUS AND IMPECCABLY STRUCTURED CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT 0:11 - Murphy Is So Happy to Have a Family Again 0:16 - We Don’t Think Raven’s Actually Going to Die, So What’s the Becca Hallucination Really Trying to Tell Her? 0:28 - Please God Please Let That 412 Plot Description Mean We’re Getting a Princess Mechanic Reunion 0:33 - Erin’s Space Theory Is Amazing 0:39 - Harper I

  • The Octavia Problem

    30/04/2017 Duração: 44min

    The show's inconsistency in developing any kind of an arc for Octavia is becoming a huge problem in S4. Here's 45 minutes of Claire and Erin breaking down all the Octavia stuff in 409, our concerns about where her plot might be going, our giant question mark about what Ilian's role is supposed to be, and our enormous frustration that the show can't decide from episode to episode who she is. (P.S. the rest of the recap is coming Monday! HINT, we love everything about Arkadia and Science Island and almost nothing about Polis.)

  • Clairin Outtakes - We Think We're Hilarious

    20/04/2017 Duração: 04min

    We recorded #408 on April Fool's Day, so obviously we had to take a few minutes to cackle at all y'all's hilarious reactions to our "big announcement" podcast. OH MAN, WE CRACK OURSELVES UP

  • It's the Meta Station One-Year Anniversary Fan Roundtable!

    13/04/2017 Duração: 01h58min

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US! WE ARE ONE YEAR OLD! Holy mackerel, what a ride it has been. To celebrate our anniversary, as well as hitting our 50,000-downloads milestone, we decided to do a roundtable for Meta Station fans to come hang out with us and get a chance to talk about YOUR most burning questions. Joining us are Caitlin (@cwalsh93 on Twitter, comingupcait on Tumblr), Shannon (@smrmiller on Twitter), and Danielle (@samsjazzff on Twitter, samsjazz on Tumblr). Our fourth guest, Kelly (@kellycowboy on Twitter, falafel14 on Tumblr), apparently made a powerful enemy of ALIE and some technology issues with her microphone forced her to have to drop out before we started, but she stayed on the line with us via chat and sent in messages for Erin to read out so she could still participate, SO SUCK IT, ALIE Anyway, we love you all and we're insanely grateful to have such a fantastic crew of nerd fans, many of whom have become real friends, over the course of this year-long adventure in podcasting. You guys are wh

  • Episode 4x08: "God Complex"

    09/04/2017 Duração: 02h55min

    Welcome back to Meta Station for our last recap before midseason hiatus! We were thrilled to be joined by two very special guests, @hawthornewhisperer and @knowlesian, who are smart-as-heck analysts of the show and shared all kinds of brilliant insights with us. The delay in getting this recap uploaded was because having multiple people exponentially increases the editing hassle, but we promise it's worth it because these ladies are terrific. We covered 18th century British colonialism, Abby's emotional breakdown, Bill Cadogan's love of wordplay, Clarke and Murphy's relationship, Sassy Nihilist Jasper, how to rave responsibly (hint: bring a backpack), and tons of speculation about where the season might be going next, both things we're hoping for (Becca flashbacks!) and things we're side-eyeing (Commander Clarke???). Come join the lady nerd party! ---------- 0:00 - 100% Not Apologizing For Beginning This Podcast With Twelve Minutes of Jaha Dragging 0:12 – Let’s Talk About Harper 0:23 – Bree, Niylah, and

  • Clairin Outtakes - Emotional Knapsack

    05/04/2017 Duração: 04min

    Thank you all for putting up with our April Fool's Day outtake last week, we promise this one is legit and not just a string of nonsense words! Claire, Erin, and special guests @hawthornewhisperer and @oscarmiked discuss Overprepared Dads Bellamy and Kane, how to rave responsibly, why the Pawnee Goddesses are superior to the Boy Scouts of America, and whether that backpack is a metaphor. Also gold star to anyone who can identify the "Friends" reference in the title of this outtake.

  • Clairin Outtakes - April Fool's (AKA Erin & Claire's Big Announcement)

    01/04/2017 Duração: 05min

    This week's episode is delayed while Erin's traveling, but don't worry, fam! We have a once-in-a-lifetime surprise for you to help you fill the hours until Wednesday when the 408 recap goes live. "BUT CLAIRIN WHAT'S THE BIG NEWS???" Listen, if we just told you right here in the track description, what would be the point of listening to hear the amazingness yourself? P.S. there was a ton of wild speculation flying around yesterday about what the surprise could be; some of you already guessed it, and congrats to you! We just ask that you don't tweet spoilers until the end of the day; we want all our fans to get the chance to listen in on this huge moment and hear it all unfold exactly as it happened. --------------------------------------------- P.P.S. April Fool's! :-) This is, of course, not a big exciting announcement, it's a sneak peek into the editing process of making this podcast. The "um cut" is when Erin and I go through and laboriously slice out every individual "um", "uh", "like", rambling h

  • Episode 4x07: "Gimme Shelter" - Part 2, Arkadia

    27/03/2017 Duração: 01h55min

    Welcome back to Part 2 of our recap of "Gimme Shelter," already one of our faves of the season! Part 1, all about the lady BAMFs of Science Island and their snartastic "ramsi" Murphy, can be found here - Also don't miss the outtake from that section where we learned some hard truths about our very different priorities on postapocalyptic house tours - And now, please join as we plummet into the depths of emotional despair as Harper, Kane and the Blakes get trapped by the black rain in a crucible of dark and terrible pain from which most of them do not emerge by the end of the episode, DOES ANYONE ELSE SOMETIMES JUST WANT TO THROW IN THE TOWEL AND SWITCH TO "PARKS AND REC" OR SOMETHING BECAUSE JESUS H. CHRIST THIS ONE GOT GRIM --------------------------------------- 0:00 – Story Craft 101: Raise the Stakes By Making Them Smaller 0:08 – This Is Not a Drill:

  • Episode 4x07: "Gimme Shelter - Part I, Science Island

    26/03/2017 Duração: 48min

    Welcome back to Meta Station, for a podcast so overloaded with content we had to split it into two parts! Stand by in the next day or so for our epic discussion of the Arkadia storyline, featuring Harper, Kane and the Blakes. In the meantime, please enjoy Murphy making apple-and-walnut risotto, Emori being the world's best con artist, Clarke and Abby having a TINY difference of opinion over what "choice" means, and Abby calling her husband all "hey baby, put Season One Kane on the phone real quick, I need murder advice." GOD THIS EPISODE WAS SO FUCKING GOOD 0:00 – WE ARE VERY ALL-CAPS ABOUT THE EMORI CONTENT IN THIS EPISODE 0:23 – “We Have No Choice” vs. “We Always Have a Choice”: The Griffin Women Debate Ethics 0:39 – "Taking a Life Should Never Be Easy": This Mashup of Season One Kane and Season Four Kane Is LIT

  • Clairin Outtakes - Becca's House

    25/03/2017 Duração: 09min

    Join us on a recap of episode 407's architecture porn, in which Erin is skeptical about how Murphy's powering that gas stove while Claire kept freeze-framing to swoon over vases, and we pilfer a segment from our friends over at The Afictionados podcast to do our own "Clarke Griffin Shower Watch."

  • Clairin Outtakes - Alone Time

    22/03/2017 Duração: 05min

    Writers left alone too long while on crazy book deadlines make very, very poor life choices.

  • Clairin Outtakes - Niylarke

    21/03/2017 Duração: 01min

    In which there is a mild difference of opinion between your two hosts about whether Claire's joke is really hilarious or really stupid.

  • Episode 4x06: "We Will Rise"

    20/03/2017 Duração: 02h29min

    Welcome back to Meta Station, where Roan is an action hero, Luna is magic, and Niylah is the most emotionally mature person on this show. Also Erin thinks she's figured out a Blake sibling arc we might actually be able to get hyped for, Claire's still crying over how only one of Kane's new daughters wants to hug him, and Jaha remains perched atop the fourth wall. This was a good one, fam. 0:00 – The Nap Rotation Theory 0:02 – Let’s Not Breeze Past the Revelation That Becca Pramheda Kept Toy Cars In Her Place of Work 0:05 – The Unexpected Magic of the Raven/Murphy/Luna Power Trio 0:15 – MURPHY IS LEARNING TO LOVE AND WE’RE EMOTIONAL ABOUT IT 0:20 – Medical Ethics On Science Island: Shit’s About to Get Very Real 0:29 – Erin’s Science Island “Bones” AU 0:31 - WHY CAN’T EVERYONE JUST MOVE INTO THAT PRISTINE TEN-STORY LAB THAT CLEARLY RODE OUT THE FIRST APOCALYPSE JUST FINE 0:34 – Luna’s Magical Healing Effect on Raven’s Brain: These People REALLY Need a Therapist TBH 0:41 – Abby, Clarke and “There Has to

  • Clairin Outtakes - "Snakes On A Plane"

    18/03/2017 Duração: 03min

    Claire and Erin go in two very different directions with pop culture references about that Murphy/Raven storyline.

  • Claire and Erin Interview Sachin Sahel!

    09/03/2017 Duração: 01h19min

    Ever wondered why Jackson says "Abby" so much? How the cast prepped to play chipped versions of themselves? What Sachin always thought Jackson's first name should be? What Henry Ian Cusick's hair feels like when you run your fingers through it? Were you perhaps in the market for a Paige-and-Sachin-are-best-friends story no one has heard before, some very light and non-spoilery hints about what's to come on Science Island, or a pair of HAUNTINGLY accurate impressions of Bellamy Blake and Charles Pike? MY FRIEND, YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE. We got to hang out via Skype with Sachin Sahel ("Eric" Jackson on "The 100") last week to talk about episode 405 and had the time of our goddamn lives. You will too.

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