L.a.b.chats With Krista Pettiford
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 28:10:27
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Hello, Beloved! I'm Krista Pettiford, host of L.A.B. Chats - conversations with God's daughters about how His love, acceptance, and beauty shapes our identities and the way we live out our faith. Each week I'll share from my heart or I'll have a guest on the show. My guests will be women from diverse backgrounds that stand on the common ground of God's sacred unifying grace. These chats will make you laugh and cry but most importantly I hope they will help you see through the eyes of Gods grace that you are more alike than different from other women. And, hopefully, you will come away from these chats trusting more in His love, acceptance, and beauty bestowed on you when you became God daughter.I hope you will look forward to L.A.B. Chats each week to be encouraged and strengthen in your faith through stories of Gods unyielding goodness and grace. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the chat!
You Are Called To Win In Life - Don't Let Busyness Defeat You
20/08/2020 Duração: 35minHey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing how busyness can keep you from winning in life and four things you can do to help you stay focused on what really matters. Don't take on more than you can handle or are called by God to do. Learn to say no without letting people talk you back into doing things that overwhelm you. Take care of yourself and be present in your life. Purchase Beautiful Feet Co Apparel Witness Collection: beautifulfeetco.com Get the Witness Bible Study Free: https://beautifulfeetco.com/pages/witness Connect with me: http://kristapettiford.com http://Instagram.com/kristapettiford http://Facebook.com/kristapettifordpage
When God Launches You Into Your Dream At the Appointed Time
13/08/2020 Duração: 34minHey Beloved in this episode, I'm sharing my story of how one of my God-given dreams came to pass suddenly after more than ten years. It was my dedication to my dreams during the years that my dreams were on hold that helped me be prepared when God said, "now is the time." When God gives you a vision, it is for an appointed time and purpose. He often gives dreams in the nigh seasons of life more so than the happy times. When God gives you a dream or a vision, the first thing to do is write it down. What God's shown you and what He is going to do at the set time is probably bigger than you could think or imagine so often times He sends you into a season of preparation that may be hard to understand. Don't give up on your dreams when you go through seasons that look like setbacks, detours, and delays, in the end, things will come together just as they should. Shop BeautifulFeetCo.com Apparel Witness Collection. Subscribe to my YouTube channel Connect with me online: kristapettiford.com Instagram Facebook
Season by Season, The Good Works You Were Created For
06/08/2020 Duração: 40minHey, Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing God's call to do the works He created you to do. Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” The works God calls you to do has everything to do with how He created you - the gift, talents, and abilities He's given you and your new identity in Christ. However, your calling doesn't unfold according to your plans but according to God's plan and His timing. In God's plan, you are called to do different things in different seasons. But everything you do for God, big or small is part of the good works God created you to do and His plan for you. So, don’t despise small beginnings or the ebbs and flows of life that come as you walk out your calling through the different seasons of your life. Purchase Beautiful Feet Co Apparel Connect with me: kristapettiford.com YouTube Instagram Facebook
Identity - God's LAB
29/07/2020 Duração: 43minThe call of God is more than the work you do. It's an invitation from God to have a relationship with Him, to become the woman He called you to be, to do the works He created you to do and to live a victorious life. In this episode, I'm sharing how God shapes you into the women He's called you to be by the power of His love, acceptance, and beauty. Connect with me: http://kristapettiford.com http://Instagram.com/kristapettiford http://Facebook.com/kristapettifordpage
You Are Called To Know God As Father - Relationship Over Religion
23/07/2020 Duração: 28minIn this episode, I'm sharing from the book of Ephesians chapter one what it means to know God as Father. He desires to have an intimate relationship with you. Your calling from God is more than the works you do. Secularly speaking, a calling is your vocation but Biblically speaking your calling is an invitation from God to, first of all, have a relationship with Him then to be who He called you to be, to do the good works He created you to do and win life. You are accepted in the Beloved. Your approval from God does not come from the works you do but it comes from His grace and love for you. Please subscribe to the podcast, rate, and share it with friends. If you want to leave me a comment, need prayer, or have questions you can connect with me: Website:http://kristapettiford.com Instagram: http://Instagram.com/kristapettiford Facebook http://Facebook.com/kristapettifordpage
Called to Win - How To Be Resilient In This Season
16/07/2020 Duração: 31minHey Beloved, Your calling is more than the work you do. Your calling from God begins with an invitation to have a relationship with Him, then to be who He called you to be, do the good works He created you to do, and to win in life. Since we are called to win, in this episode, I share how to be resilient in this season and keep a winning mindset. Regardless of your circumstances, you can learn to stretch, be flexible, spring back, and recover quickly from any difficulties you face. Please subscribe, rate, and share this podcast. Connect with me: http://kristapettiford.com http://Instagram.com/kristapettiford http://Facebook.com/kristapettifordpage
Prepare To Pivot Successfully
09/07/2020 Duração: 21minHe Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing four practical strategies that will help you prepare to pivot successfully if you are in a season of transition. Here they are listed in order. In this episode, I take a deep dive into what it looks like to really walk each step out. 1. Reimagine your future - paint a new picture 2. Create a plan based on your God-given vision 3. Do a SWOT analysis of your plan. 4. Count the cost - what you will have to give up to gain the future you want to obtain. (Luke 14: 28) If you need help writing your vision, creating a plan, and setting goals you purchase a copy of my Christian Vision Board Workbook here: https://kristapettiford.com/product/biblical-guide-creating-vision-boards-take-action-vision-based-goals/ If this episode blessed you, please subscribe, rate, and share the podcast. Connect with me online: Website: http://kristapettiford.com Instagram http://instagram.com/kristapettiford (inbox me with questions, comments, and topics you'd like me to share) Facebook ht
Are you doing what God called you to do or what's easy for you?
01/07/2020 Duração: 31minIn this episode, I'm sharing some truth about surrendering what you want to do to do what God called you to do. It's not always easy to lay down what you thought you would be doing for the thing God asks you to do but it's always worth it. Saying yes to God will change the trajectory of your life in a good way. This message will challenge you to take an honest look at why you are doing what you're doing. Is it for God and His kingdom or to build your own influence? If this message blessed you, please subscribe to the podcast, give it a five-star rating, and share it with friends. Get your copy of A Call to God's Daughters A Call To God's Daughters Paperback Book Connect with me online: Instagram http://instagram.com/kristapettiford Facebook http://facebook.com/kristapettifordpage
Let No Man Take Your Crown
27/06/2020 Duração: 37minHi Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing a message I did on Facebook Live, a prophetic teaching based on a prophetic word the Lord gave me about not allowing anyone to take our crowns. Yesterday morning as I woke up, the Lord told me to go back to the beginning and read the book of Genesis. Then later in the day said to me, "let no man take your crown," and He told me to read Revelations 3:11. What I learned is that Adam and Eve were deceived out of their place with God in the same way the devil tries to deceive Christians into not following God's commands so that we lose focus, get off track and not finish our race and thus lose our crowns. The way not to lose your crown as Paul teachings in 2 Timothy 4:1-8, is to continue in your faith, endure to the end and finish your race. Oh... also don't mind the new cut. I did a big chop. Video coming soon. Connect with me: Website: http://kristapettiford.com Instagram http://instagram.com/kristapettiford Facebook http://facebook.com/kristapett
How to Move Forward When Your Season Has Shifted
18/06/2020 Duração: 17minHey Beloved, in this episode, I am sharing how to successfully transition into your new beginning when your season has shifted. These steps will help you gain the clarity, confidence, and courage to take the reins and do what God called you to do. We entered a new prophetic season, 5780 on the Biblical calendar last September, and God has shifted His people into new beginnings. However, some people have not shifted and are overdue for a change but have been unwilling to take the reins. 1. Pause long enough to calm your soul and process where you’ve been, where you’re at, and where you want to go. 2. Pray until God reveals His plan for you, gives you a new prophetic vision and clear direction (even if it’s just one step forward). 3. Prepare for your new beginning by counting the cost of your actions before you pursue the new thing in front of you. Connect with me online: Website: http://kristapettiford.com Instagram http://instagram.com/kristapettiford Facebook http://faceboo
How to Stop Questioning Your Calling and Do What God Called You to Do
09/06/2020 Duração: 19minHey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing four reasons you question your calling. The truth is God would never call you to do something He did not already equip you and prepare you to do. I remember when the Lord called me to do my first Called Conference. I was afraid. I questioned if I had what it takes. I questioned if anybody would come. I questioned if what God had given me to share was something that women hadn't already heard and if they would want to hear it again from me. It took courage, but I chose to move by faith and obey God anyway, and the Lord met me at every stage. The sad thing is, even after God did exceedingly above what I had dared to imagine, I still questioned EVERYTHING. Sometimes we can be our worst critics. You can be called and chosen and paralyze your own progress by choosing not to believe what God says about you and focusing your attention on all the what-ifs. What that really means is you don't trust God completely. You are still self-reliant, trying to figure things out on your
L.A.B. chat #8 with Sharon Pearce
06/06/2020 Duração: 58minDownload Episode! My guest for episode #8 is Sharon Pearce, the founder and executive director of Silent Voices Pregnancy Care Center. I reached out to Sharon when I shared my story of having had an abortion at our annual women's conference several years ago and then had several women come to me silently via texts and email to thank me for sharing my story and to share their stories with me. I reached out to her to be able to refer some for follow-up who need more counseling. Then a few months ago a saw Sharon at a ministry event and asked her to be on the podcast. During our chat, Sharon shared her story of working in the abortion industry and how that affected her to the point of a mental breakdown, and how God in His mercy healed her and lead her to start Silent Voices to help women make the decision to keep their babies. Sharon's mission is to help women make the decision to keep their babies and to support them through motherhood, and bring healing to those women who have had abortions. Maybe you'
* Bonus Episode* A Call To God’s Daughters For Such A Time As This
05/06/2020 Duração: 21minHey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing a word of encouragement from the book of Esther. Just as with Esther, there is a call to God's daughters for such a time as this. Even though it will take courage to do what God has called you to do, He has called you to the Kingdom, not to remain silent but to rise up and use your influence and your voice to affect change against injustice and the racial prejudice of our day. If you choose to remain silent, deliverance will come from somewhere else, but one day it might be you that needs someone to stand again oppression with you. Esther found the clarity and confidence she needed to do the hard thing through fasting and prayer. Three ways that you can affect change beginning now is to be the bridge that brings those that are disconnected together. Bring solutions to the table instead of opinions and mindsets that keep us divided. Be led by love in your thinking, your conversations, and your actions. Please subscribe, like, and share this video. Connect with me: Webs
You Were Called for Such a Time As This
03/06/2020 Duração: 42minHet Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing the audio from the Facebook live conversation I had with my friends. Yesterday I had a moment of sadness that led to doing a Facebook live to ask other people how they are doing. The live video and the comments that followed brought clarity, actionable solutions, and support. If you are part of the body of Christ you have a responsibility to respond to injustice no matter how uncomfortable it may make you feel and to do it with love and compassion. As God's daughters, we are to be the bridges that bring people together. Bring the solution that leads to healing and justice and do so with love as Christ witnesses. Saturday morning in prayer at 8:30 AM got to go before the King to change the edict that allows injustice to continue against Black people and for God to expose those who stand for justice and those who oppose it with silence. You can join us and fast with us if you choose to, here: On Facebook: http://facebook.com/kristapettifordpage "And Mordecai told them
Called to Be Witnesses
27/05/2020 Duração: 26minHey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing what it means to be called to be a witness for Jesus. Not only do we bear record that He is the Son of God and the Savoir of the world but are to let our lights shine in the darkness and to be salt in the earth as a testimony of what He stood for. In this day and age when injustice, mercilessness, and pride rule the children of the world we as Christians must remember what God requires of us. “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8) As Jesus's witnesses, we are called to bear record not only of Him but of heaven's will. Isaiah said, "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins." (Isaiah 58:1) Therefore those who remain silent and feel indifferent while injustice reigns will have to give an account of who side they were on. Because, "to him who knows to do good and does
Identity in Christ - The Power of God's Love to Transform You Into Who He Called You to Be
19/05/2020 Duração: 22minHey Beloved, in this episode, I'm sharing the power of God's love to shape your identity in Christ and transform you into who He called you to be. We have been given an inheritance, a new name, and a new identity in Christ. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessing in Christ, but too often our experience in the world doesn't match the truth of what God has already done in and for us when He freely gave us all these things. See, it's one thing to study your new identity in Christ but another thing to apply the word of God in your life and make your new identity in Christ your reality. God transforms you into who God called you to be by the power of His Word. However, you must first believe what God says about you and His promises He's freely given to you. Then you must allow the Word to shape you. When you believe in the power of His love, acceptance, and beauty they shape your identity in Christ and empower you to walk in your calling with clarity, confidence, and courage. Please subscribe to the podca
Three Reasons Worry Doesn't Work & What You Should Do Instead
11/05/2020 Duração: 21minIn this episode, I'm sharing three reasons worried doesn't work and what you should do instead. Whether you worry about yourself, your loved ones, your calling and ministry, your business, your job, or your future it doesn't work. The first reason is that worry prevents you from being productive. The second reason is that worry doesn't change anything but you, and not for the better. The third reason is that worry disrupts your peace, divides your focus, and disunites your soul. Jesus said, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:34 Even though at times it seems impossible to do, not worrying is what Jesus commanded of us and so even in the worst of times it's something to not worry is something He has equipped us to do. What you should do instead of worry is trust, pray, and do what you can do today. In this video, I'll help equip you in how to trade worry for trust God, cast all your cares in prayer, and foc
Meet Our Called Conference Speakers
18/12/2019 Duração: 01h14minIn this episode, I'm chatting with Sarah Lopez. I love Sarah's spirit. She is a blessing to everyone who knows her. Her joy, humility, and love for people and God are contagious. Sarah is leading a workshop Saturday afternoon at the Called Conference on ministry in the marketplace. If you are an entrepreneur you won't want to miss this session. Sarah and I chatted about how we overcame the fear of not being capable of doing what God called us to do through faith, prayer and applying God's word to our circumstance. We also talked about how God uses marketplace ministry to build the kingdom of God and many other things. It's really a refreshing conversation I think you will enjoy. You can find Sarah @freshlyprepped on Facebook and Instagram You can find out more about the Called Conference here: calledconference.com You can purchase your tickets for Called Conference on Eventbrite
Meet Our Called Conference Speakers
03/12/2019 Duração: 01h09minIn this episode, I’m chatting with Theresa Warren-Johnson. Theresa is hosting Friday night’s girl chat on Identity - Stepping Out the Box (Overcoming Fears, Insecurities, Competition, & Comparison). Theresa and I talked about all things ministry, motherhood, and being single empty nesters in mid-life. We laughed, shared, and our listeners' so much good stuff, and we even came up with a plan to possibly share a dog. I think you will enjoy our conversation as much as we did. Theresa is the mother of two children. Her daughter is a 21 old years old college student, and her son is a 16 years old junior in high school. She is the owner of Girl Talk Ministries; she serves as a Women’s Ministry Leader (Rock Solid Woman Discipleship) @ The Rock Church and Co-Leads the Pastoral Support team (East County campus). She is also a weekly Bible Study teacher and Marriage Family Therapist Associate at New Day Woman Center, La Mesa, CA. Theresa shares with women of every age about God’s great gra
Meet Our Called Conference Speakers
26/11/2019 Duração: 36minIn this episode, I'm chatting with my pastor of almost 20 years, Pastor Marie Sorrentino, who will be sharing on the call of God to all His children to be witnesses for Christ. Pastor Marie shared a bit of her testimony and we talked about how to follow Jesus to the end, successfully. Her love and joy are contagious. She is very funny too. I think you will thoroughly enjoy our conversation and getting to know more about her. Pastor Marie is originally for New York. She is co-pastor with her husband at New Covenant Tabernacle Church in Chula Vista, California, and co-founder of the Lily of the Valley Orphanages, Mexico. She has one son and one daughter and three grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. For over 30 years her life has been dedicated to rescuing orphans from the streets of Mexico. With 37 years in full-time ministry, her passion has always been to teach men and women how to love God with all their hearts, soul and mind. She is just as passionate as the day she got born again and is a truly

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