Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 152:28:52
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Retired Navy SEAL, best selling author of Unbreakable: A Navy SEAL's Way of Life, Silver Star awardee, and founder of Embedded Leadership training. Thom Shea interviews extra-ordinary people who share their training, stories about real life and how to rapidly increase your performance and sustain a dynamic culture. "We are in the business of developing People." http://www.unbreakablelessons.com/


  • 164. Diversity and inclusion equals unified action

    09/03/2020 Duração: 16min

    Many companies and leaders get this equation completely wrong!   I have to acknowledge upfront many of you will get twisted while listening to this podcast about diversity and inclusion.  Clearly, not only the nation, but also the world misrepresents the true power of diversity and inclusion by no using the wording as an equation.  Diversity as a stand-alone notion is cool and politically charged.  But diversity is as nature as the air we breathe.  Diversity is everywhere in nature and signifies nothing of value.  Diversity happens without effort.   Inclusion is a hot topic everywhere across the planet and is both natural and exists in every species in every endeavor.  Alas inclusion is so politically charged we seemed to now consider it rare and impossible.  Inclusion is earned and often rewarded.    Taken separately, as both are now, instead of as a systematic way to succeed, both terms and topics used in a political nature and hammered with reprisal on industry create the unintended consequence of angry, l

  • 163. Complexity of Blockchain with Sam Rusani

    02/03/2020 Duração: 49min

    Sam Rusani is the Chief Revenue Officer at ShipChain, a blockchain based solution provider for the transport and logistics industry. After a successful $30 million raise in a week, they are now building a platform that will disrupt the multi trillion-dollar industry. As a serial entrepreneur, blockchain advocate/investor, and talent manager, Sam has worked with some of the biggest brands in the world, such as Sony, Fender, Virgin, Universal Music, Ogilvy, Heineken, VISA and Mercedes.

  • 162. Success begins after you fail. Three Rule of success.

    24/02/2020 Duração: 15min

    The only differentiating factor of success is failure.  Wait what?  No one wants to fail.  It makes no sense at all to put failure and success in the same sentence.  No winning coach in any sports is willing to lose.  No business owner wants to lose money or go bankrupt or lose people.  No couple wants to get divorced, because that means failure.  Yet all these fears and points of failure happen all the time.  I can honestly tell you the truth, even though you will not want to hear it no matter your age…you will fail more than you will succeed.  Sign up for Never give up training That is downright depressing to hear and to consider but let me tell you a secret to success.  What you do after you fail makes you successful.  But you will fail none the less and a great many endeavors.  Harden yourself and your mind and your family to that fact of life.  Since that unalterable truth is the real constant of success, prepare to recover, prepare for multiple attempts, prepare for hard times. Why do I lead off with s

  • 161. Respectiful Leadership with Gregg Ward

    17/02/2020 Duração: 47min

    Gregg Ward has worked with numerous Fortune 100 and 500 organizations, using his talents as a business speaker and skilled communicator, utilizing his leadership skills, emotional intelligence, communication skills, diversity, and inclusion to give business owners the knowledge and tools they need to advance their business in today's challenging corporate world. He is a best-selling author and speaker who has a goal of transforming lives in creating respectful organizational cultures.

  • 160. Chaos in Washington

    09/02/2020 Duração: 11min

    The past few weeks, no matter who you are in America have been unsettling. Businesses and leaders have watched the circus in the media and in Washington waiting for a sign or as I call “waiting for a light in the forest”. The youth have watched adults make idiots of themselves and mom and dads every where have had to deal with the unsettling nature of what happens when adult supervision is absent in DC and the hell is causes on youth. Clearly “lord of the flies” is not just a book but a reality. I don’t comment on politics or news taking one position or the other, I just find the a sense of gravity portrayed in DC to be unsettling to the youth trying to figure out where they fit in to the world. Often I wonder how so many adults rely on the news to determine who the are or what is possible. I often scratch my head when any adult relies on who is president or who is speaker of the house to determine their particular future or happiness. No adult should determine their future and their day to day actions on a

  • 159. Intro to Three Simple Things: Leading During Chaos

    04/02/2020 Duração: 21min

    Three Simple Things is written in the manner of old story telling.  Real stories told around a campfire, where people gathered to learn from the warriors and leaders of the tribe or village.  The words are intended to be read as if you and I are next to each other talking frankly without political correctness.  The stories are also meant to feel urgent and necessary.  I ask you to integrate each chapter into your life.   We humans make our lives painfully complex.  Relationships, which are fundamentally simple, now swim with complexity.  The boring simplicity of being physically tough and in shape drowns in a swamp of exciting complex and lazy actions.  The pursuit of wealth evolved away from simple work and simple teamwork to a virtual devaluing of hard work into hacks and overindulging actions that have no value.  The simple act of learning is now mired in politics and debt.  Spiritually, we are void of meaning to the point a simple prayer or meditation signifies depression and loss of soul.   There are fiv

  • 158. Best Selling Author David Lee Jensen, hire slow-fire fast.

    27/01/2020 Duração: 58min

    #1 Bestselling Author • International Speaker • Founder of The Hiring Academy & Interview Blueprint David Lee Jensen, Founder of The Hiring Academy and Interview Blueprint, is the Author of the #1 Bestselling book The Naked Interview: Hiring Without Regret and travels the world as a motivational keynote speaker focused on Team Building, Hiring, Leadership and Entrepreneurship. David shares his insight, inspiration and secrets to success, from growing a company to $2.5 billion in client sales. His analogies on happiness and his story of overcoming personal adversity to get there are riveting. His expertise in hiring the right person, the first time and every time is applicable in every arena as “The people you choose will change the trajectory of your business and your life.” His clients include Fortune 50 to industry associations, including Microsoft, NetApp, McDonald’s, Jamba Juice and Grant Cardone Enterprises. David will entertain, educate and engage your conference audience or workshop team with pract

  • 157. A non-negotiable life with Jodi Barrett

    20/01/2020 Duração: 35min

    At some point in all the chaos of life you have to go for it.  I am constantly searching for the people who go for it and set up a non-negotiable life.  Jodi Barrett goes for it and doesn't negotiate with failure or excuses. Contact Jodi: jodi@kettlebellkicboxingcanado.com or on linkedIn at Jodi Barrett Pre Order Three Simple Things: Leading During Chaos Now!

  • 156. Health: what are you waiting for?

    13/01/2020 Duração: 11min

    The older I become the more I ask myself and others this question.  What are you waiting for?  It is the beginning of the year and for god’s sake the year is 2020 and 2020 implies clear vision so let’s not waste it.  I know, I know you are waiting for something but that something will never come.  School is in the way, injury is in the way, your spouse doesn’t support, you are too old or too young, you are too busy with a job or too busy finding a job.  It is too cold outside.  I get it.  I was reading an article on American obesity this morning and it made me laugh.  The next article was on how fewer Americans than ever before can pass the physical screening test to enter the military; that made cry.  So, are you telling me the American public with all the money and opportunity and free access to how to be healthy is worse than ever before?  Is that what you are telling me? I hope that got your attention like it did mine. Hey this is a new year so let’s all start where we are and get after health.  Here is w

  • 155. Lessons from 2019

    05/01/2020 Duração: 12min

    Let’s all take a moment and look back at 2019.  Specifically let’s all look at the things we learned.  The older I get, and the more distance unfolds from my life in the SEAL teams the more humor I find in my day-to-day life.  As I look back at 2019, I cannot help but laugh.   I look at my life in five areas.  Obviously, health is a big area and as I get older big is the operative word.  The next area is work and accumulation of wealth.  Ironically, the older I get the wiser my choices and the more opportunities I see and can act on.  Another area of great value, at least to me, is the area of learning.  This area is filled with infinite possibilities to once again learn lessons I could have learned as a child.  Not so humorous realizing I am not as smart as I thought I was on a great many things.  The final two areas are relationships and spiritual discovery.  And you have to admit god has a sense of humor when you recognize “you get what you need and rarely what you want in either area”.   So let’s acknowle

  • 154. Start from Zero with Dane Maxwell

    30/12/2019 Duração: 01h12min

    Dane Maxwell almost didn't think there was a place for him to belong anywhere, but business saved his life and gave him a sense of purpose and significance. That kind of belonging gave him endless fuel because he had never felt it before. He started 16 business and failed a lot - 11 times. Each time he learned, figured out what worked and what didn't and has started 5 successful profitable businesses including The Foundation that specializes in training people to start a business from scratch, ‍Swipe My Ideas gives away profitable business ideas, ‍Paperless Pipeline a real estate transaction management software, ‍My Agent Base a real estate intranet software and ‍Fear No Feeling sells unique shirts designs.  He has gone on to create over 15 millionaires with his teachings. He specializes in helping underdogs start successful businesses. Dane also has a passion for singing and he is the author of the upcoming book Start From Zero which teaches entrepreneurs a new way to build businesses quickly, without the ri

  • 153. Brotherhood of War with Monty Heath

    22/12/2019 Duração: 01h25min

    Brotherhood of war exists between soldiers, sailors, airman, and marines throughout history.  Navy SEALs go through a forming experience that immediately connects them to each other no matter the length of time between meetings.  War and training for war would seem to be the defining connection, but the human experience is the real reason why SEALs always support each other. Monty Heath achieved great success and operated  at SEAL Team Two and SEAL Team SIx.  Follow Monty on instagram and facebook.  

  • 152. Forming a Team

    16/12/2019 Duração: 12min

      Going it alone or forming a team. It often seems as if this decision is hard to make. The old adage regarding teams is real, “if you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far form a team”. On a daily basis those two choices are being made, often they are being made by default because few know the reasons or methods to make the choice. When that is the case everyone picks do it alone.   Whether you reference the five key areas of life: health, wealth, learning, relationships, or spiritual; these two choices are being made constantly. By default, go it alone represents 80% of the choices for some reason. Over the past 30 years I have taken note why alone seems to be default. Most go alone because they don’t have to explain themselves. Others go alone because it is easier and quicker to get to it in each of the areas. While many go alone because they fear failure.   Yet, there may be a method to use to look at and select a team in various endeavors and going alone when necessary. When writing the curricu

  • 151. Prime Leader Traits

    09/12/2019 Duração: 12min

    We have entered a surreal world when people mix up the two prime leadership traits. Responsibility is an individual action trait. Accountability is what leaders have regarding the actions of others.   No one is responsible to any other persons actions. We can only be held accountable if we made an agreement, or knew better, or once informed did nothing. But let me tell you as a leader never mix these two prime traits up or the environment around you becomes chaos or like Lord of the flies.   So what happens when you mix them up or do these wrong.   If somehow you let others convince you that you are responsible for the actions of someone else. Then the next horrifying virtual reality gets conjured up: it is called blame. Blame is the first fall of humans who are convinced responsibility is one to the other. The second terrifying fall is the mental condition you will convince yourself of when you screw up being responsible for your own actions. And that is entitlement or the condition it causes: lacking

  • 150. Disruption and Innovation

    02/12/2019 Duração: 14min

    Disruption and Innovation   Unbreakable Podcast is for people who want to rediscover their edge. I believe in the human ability to get off the X and regain the edge. It doesn’t matter how old, how many times you have won or lost, or how low you have become. I am committed to you getting your edge.   Whether you are a leader, or on a team, or starting a business, or stuck after a success point there are two distinct efforts that will get you off the X again—disruption and innovation. Disruption and Innovation in a business environment always move you off the X; always move the needle.   I want to share three stories about the twins of success so you can see the advantage.   The first I find to be the most extraordinary and most common story in business. The story of how a new boss, either through a new equity purchase of the company and the injection of a new leader, or, a new leader rises up as the old one leaves. Experienced leaders, you know the ones who have turned bad situations around before, always caus

  • 149. Solving the big problems of leadership

    25/11/2019 Duração: 13min

    Solving the big problems. Moving into the week where we celebrate Thanks Giving, or Harvest or changing of the seasons or maybe just a time to say thank you to loved ones or for life in general, I want to address many questions and insights from a life spent training for war and training others in business for war. Maybe the insight will give you some peace during this week of saying thank you. I interview leaders every day either on the phone or in person, I also have spent the past 6 years training leaders to achieve results in areas they thought lost to them. These two questions illuminate a great deal of underlying issues that cripple progress: How do we ? Why is this ? The fill in the blank part of those questions is irrelevant. Oddly enough the answers and the solutions are equally irrelevant because there are millions of usable answers. How and why, when leaders or organizations are asking these two questions they are stuck on a plateau of success, or rather as the cliché says they have risen to thei

  • 148. Success one mile at a time with Rob Steger

    17/11/2019 Duração: 01h07min

    Ultra marathon running isn't hard if you are committed.  Just committing when you cannot run is what is hard.  Rob Steger committed to running ultra marathons before he could even run one mile without stopping.  In four years he has accomplished elite status as one of the few to run the triple crown of ultra:  three 200 mile races is 3 months. Learn the simple processes listen here

  • 147. 5 Million Dollar Solution: Think It, Be It with John Mitchell.

    11/11/2019 Duração: 01h15min

    John Mitchell’s 12 minute a day Think It Be It technique is recognized today as the “Top Practical Application in the World” of the book Think and Grow Rich. When he applied his technique to his own life, he saw his income go to over $5 million a year. Previously, for 20 years as an entrepreneur, he earned low six figures a year. The 20 times difference happen because his daily technique significantly increased his control over himself, by probably double.   Learn More   It also made him laser focused every day on only the 2-3 things that move the needle in his business. Also allowed him to rapidly evolve his “Strategy for Success”. He was simply operating every day at a higher level than he ever had before, and it showed up in his income. The science behind his technique was profiled in a Time Magazine cover story.  

  • 146. Strengths vs Weaknesses

    04/11/2019 Duração: 17min

    Unbreakable Podcast is for people who want to rediscover their edge. I believe in the human ability to get off the X and regain their edge. It doesn’t matter how old, how many times you have won or lost, or how low you have become. I am committed to you getting your edge.   Let’s talk about strengths and weaknesses.   There are tons of well meaning people distracting young people from success. With the volumes of data injected into our brains bypassing our senses, which were long ago designed to filter out stupid meaningless bits, the well meaning seemingly educated good doers are trending the nimble young minds into failed efforts.   You have to be careful when you are young or you are stuck on the X or you are wanting to get your edge. You have to learn to filter out stupid.   First I have to make a point of clarity about what doesn’t work. I want to make it early so if you are doing it you can stop doing it quickly so that later maybe the good things to do (the things that work) will be available to use. T

  • 145. The four ways we limit our successes.

    28/10/2019 Duração: 16min

    Thank you for listening and subscribing and thank you for sharing each episode with the people who matter to you. Many of you have reached out this past week and asked the same question. How do we limit ourselves? Probably, the most relevant question to be asked by anyone in any profession or any circumstance.   Bottom Line Up Front, the BLUF. We limit ourselves in 4 basic ways on a daily basis.   We start out skipping some wake up function to our body. We rarely read out loud each morning what our goals are for that day. We skip sharing our goals with our partners and family and often neglect listening to their goals. We all respond emotionally to what the day brings.   Clearly there are secondary and tertiary ways and mechanisms that limit us. Yet without realizing the 4 basic ways have already set us up to be less the secondary and tertiary are irrelevant.   Before I share some examples and functional ways to effect the 4 basic ways to not limit yourself, let me explain why our world is constructed around

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