
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 258:23:12
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#GetMerry is all about giving you the action steps you need to create healthier, happier, merrier days, weeks, months, years... lives. Each week we'll bring you fun stories (our stories!) and 'lessons' plus we'll invite the occasional EPIC guest to share the mic with us! Let's Get Merry with it!


  • 125: Advice For You If You Want To Quit Your Job

    04/02/2018 Duração: 44min

    This podcast episode is for you if you're thinking about quitting your job. It was a super fun episode to record! This episode is brought you by our podcast partner Bean Ninjas (beanninjas.com). The decision to use the Bean Ninjas book keeping management service was game changer for us. Turned our accounts from struggle town to bliss town. Check them out! Stuff we talked about... The story about how we actually quit our jobs. Fun!  How much money we saved before we quit the jobs. The fears around quitting... like failure or what people might think. How important our spiritual practise is for business. Money mindset advice... so important! Self-belief. Why this is pretty much the only thing you need!  So much more.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 124: Stop Hating Your Body... This Is How We Did It

    24/01/2018 Duração: 35min

    Ok, we've voted... and it's time to stop hating your body. If you've been following along with us on the podcast and the blog for a while now you would know that we've spent a lot of time hating our bodies. It's taken a while and we still fall back... but finally we can both say that we love our bodies. We've spoken about this subject several times, coz it's bloody important and we're sick of seeing amazing people put their amazing lives off just because they think they need to lose those extra 5 (or whatever number) kgs! NOW is the time to love your body.  Stuff we talked about... the endless diets, the binging, the exercise obsession. how we went from a place of hate to a place of love when it came to exercise and eating. what we did to start loving our bodies. mind, body, soul connection. what to do when you fall back. the importance of mindset. How to make it strong.  we ramble... it's all great, surely! Always merrymaking, Emma + Carla   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out informati

  • 123: Life Lessons From A 10 Year Old

    15/01/2018 Duração: 41min

    Today we chat with our good friend Cate, she's 10 years old (and AMAZING we love her) and has a heap of life lessons for us. She tells it straight.  Stuff we talked about...what is the purpose of life? what is the purpose of life? what does love feel like? what's school like for a 10 year old? #1 life tip what is the scariest natural disaster? Cate asked us if we love our jobs and what was life like before Merrymakers. It was a super fun and cute episode. We wonder how Cate has so much wisdom at a young age?! But we won't question it, we LOVE IT! Stay up to date with all our podcast episodes. Yay yay yay!    See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 122: Why We Love Pilates

    10/01/2018 Duração: 29min

    Oh, you guys know our Pilates love is strong! During this episode, we talk all things Pilates. Tune in! Stuff we talked about... How Pilates changed our lives. The physical, emotional and mental benefits of Pilates.  How Pilates is sustainable and a forever exercise thing, as opposed to something like Cross Fit. How Pilates and building core strength also builds confidence. How Pilates and yoga have become a self-love practice. We no longer exercise from a place of fear.  We're working on an awesome NEW yoga and Pilates product and it's going to be all kinds of amazing! Be the first to know about it at themerrymakersisters.com/body  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 121: Why We're Not Setting Goals For 2018

    04/01/2018 Duração: 33min

    To goal or not to goal? That is the question. During this Get Merry podcast episode, we chat all things 2018. Stuff we talked about... Our theme's for the year. What we want the year to feel like.  What actually brings joy to us both.  What creates the sense of freedom.  The importance of identifying our own values. Our new reading challenge. If you have any topics you'd like us to discuss let us know!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 120: 2017 Year In Review

    27/12/2017 Duração: 59min

    Such a fun episode! Here's our 2017 wrapped into an hour! Stuff we talked about... We go through the major projects from the year. The book, the challenges, the app, the nothingness!  Emma touches on her break up. How she was sad but now super grateful for it all.  Yoga and Pilates teacher training. The amazingness!  Creating space to make room for magic. Themes for 2018: Freedom and Joy. Biggest lessons. Favourite books. Favourite movie/doco.  Stay up to date with all our podcast episodes. Subscribe to the Get Merry podcast on your podcast app.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 119: The Stories Behind Our New Tattoos

    28/11/2017 Duração: 19min

    We got new tattoos! Yay so fun and cool, we love them. We got a bunch of questions about them on social media so we decided to record a podcast episode about the meanings and stories behind them.  We both got exactly the same tattoos. HAHA, no we don't do everything together but yes we are super best sissy friends. It's bloody awesome. How good are sibling friends? It seriously brings joy and warmth to our hearts when we meet other siblings who are proper best friends. Yay, all of us. We are so #blessed like fo real.  Ok, so the first tattoo is the sister tattoo.  Walking on sunshine Yes, like the song! This is our sister song. This is our sister tattoo! Reminds us of being together, working hard, doing stuff we love and having fun (slash walking on sunshine ;)). It's about choosing to wake up and see the sunshine, choosing to walk on sunshine even though clouds and darkness may come into our lives.  The congruency sign We got this tattoo together with our housemates. It's a mathematical symbol BUT it also me

  • 118: Our Weekly Exercise Schedules And Diets

    19/11/2017 Duração: 32min

    We've been getting asked a stack of questions like... What exercise do you do? What do you eat? Why do you love Pilates and Yoga so much? How many classes do you do a week? You've toned up, how did you do it?  So we gathered we should just answer everything on a podcast episode, and here it is!  Stuff we talked about... How many pilates and yoga classes we do each week. What we eat. Letting go of guilty feels. The changes we've made to our diets. Why all that really matters is your mindset. How it all comes to choosing love over fear. If you love this episode you will also love... The binge eating episode.  Episode 81 and one of our most popular episodes ever. The 5 things I didn't think Yoga Teacher Training would teach me. Episode 105, it's a good one!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 117: How To Think And Grow Rich (book Review)

    08/11/2017 Duração: 37min

    We've been reading (slash listening) to the book: Think and Grow Rich and it's ahhh-mazing! We're 100% sure it's changing our lives in magical ways.  It's a self-help, self-development book written in 1937 by Napolean Hill. We know... that's ages ago but it's still super relevant. As you can tell by the title it's about growing in riches BUT it's not just about our incomes. The philosophy, stories and techniques Hill writes about can be transferred to ANYTHING. This book is about living our full potential. It gives us the tools we need to create the lives we all desire. It's bloody epic. Stuff we talk about... In almost every chapter the importance of desire is brought up. That success starts with a burning desire and knowing what you actually want.  There is no such thing as failure, it's just temporary defeat. Everything will make sense eventually. The perceived failure will, in fact, be part of the success. Woah.   The magic of persistence. The power of our mindset, how to change our subconscious belief s

  • 116: Biz Update, Creating Space And Welcoming Magic!

    10/10/2017 Duração: 50min

    This episode is a general life and business update. It's fun, we ramble, we also probably go on many tangents.  Stuff we talk about... where we are at with our biz, why we stopped everything to create space. Space = magic. health update, the importance of health. HEALTH IS NUMBER ONE YO!  moving house, magical friends, good vibes. connecting with intuition, living in alignment (again). noticing the signs. BOOM shake the freaking room.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 115: Live For Yourself And Not For Other People | Lemon Canary

    01/10/2017 Duração: 49min

    Jasmin Kechel creator of Lemon Canary is some kinda magic. We had so much fun chatting and listening to her views on all things from chakras to business and we even got to the whole meaning of life thing. Cool, hey.  If you haven't heard of Lemon Canary you are gonna wanna check it out. Especially if you love beautiful things. You would have seen some of her amazing essential chakra oils, soy candles and mists featured on our Instagram stories. But the current showstopper has got to be the Aphrodite Bowl.  Guaranteed, once you listen you'll get inspired to go out and live your truth and also probably laugh a whole heap. Stuff we talk about... Chakras and how to tell when yours are out of balance. Jas mentioned her DIY chakra test. Business stuff. The importance of pouring love into it. The importance of meditation and stillness. How to use meditation to help you make big decisions.  How we as a society are not living in our innate truth. Relationships and connection. The meaning of life.   See acas

  • 114: Integrative Women's Health, What You Actually Need To Know With Dr Rach Whyndam

    14/09/2017 Duração: 51min

    Why should you listen to this episode with Dr Rach: if you are human. Seriously. Everyone should listen to this episode. We are so #blessed to have Dr Rachel Whyndam in our lives, as a friend and doctor. She's a naturopath and a medical doctor.  We feel like this episode is so important for everyone to listen to. We adore Dr Rach, she brings a warm, grounded, fun and strong energy to the room, you'll be able to feel it when you listen.  She shares information about health and illness in a non-scary way.   Stuff we talk about... How we are all made of cells and energy and hormones. So awesome to hear Dr Rach talk about this.  Googling your symptoms (yes, we know you all have). Dr Rach talks about the 10 day silent meditation she went on. She believes EVERYONE should do this. How we have 7 year stages in our lives. Dr Rach talks about her time working in palliative care. Her experience as a medical Doctor and a Naturopath. The importance of both practices.  How to manage our health. Like not waiting until we a

  • 113: Ageless: Women Breaking Age Barriers And Squeezing The Life Out Of Every Stage With Rachael Jansen

    13/09/2017 Duração: 01h26s

    Why you should listen to this episode: if you ever find yourself thinking you should be at 'this' point of life when you reach 'this' age.  We chat with the AMAZING Rachael Jansen who shares her story on being 'ageless' and why it's more about stages... rather than ages.  This is the stuff we talked about: how women are stereotyped by their age. how women are seen (or we see ourselves) as invisible when we reach a certain age. why the term 'middle aged' is irrelevant. how our thoughts and beliefs around women and men start from our school years. why we need to start celebrating all ages of women.   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 112: The Magic Of Rituals | Our Exact Morning And Evening Rituals

    12/09/2017 Duração: 27min

    Listen to this episode if you want to find out what our morning and evening rituals are. Or if you love rituals. Or if you are keen to start a morning or some kind of ritual. We start by announcing our 30 day podcasting challenge is a fail. But then we also realise it isn't a fail. It's actually the opposite.  Stuff we talk about: We talk about the benefits of having a routine or ritual. How they create a calm and steady feel for the day/evening.  Meditation, how to do it if you don't think you can. You definitely can.  Why social activities are part of our rituals. Why rituals are good for everyone but extra good for people who have a biz. At the moment these are our rituals. The podcast version is better but we get it... some people prefer to read. Morning ritual: Wake up Get dressed (probably don't need this info) Apple cider vinegar and water Pilates or yoga class Coffee or chai with friends Smoothie bowl on the deck in the sunshine 10 minute meditation on the deck Welcome to blissland Evening ritual:

  • 111: Redefining Strength (like What Does It Mean To Be Strong?) With Special Guest Amber Hawken

    10/09/2017 Duração: 51min

    Why you should listen to this episode: if you've ever thought that you need to 'be strong' when all you really wanna do is take off your mask and be real.  Amber joins us on the couch again for magical episode 111!  Here's the stuff we talk about: recognising your fears. how we tell ourselves stories like "I'm just impatient" or "I'm just..." we questioned whether being strong could be changed to choosing love.  we bang on about self acceptance and self-awareness again and we realise that sometimes we might be making excuses for our laziness.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 110: The Obsession With External Validation

    08/09/2017 Duração: 32min

    Why you should listen to this episode: if you're the type of person who is continuously looking and asking for external validation. If you're thinking about what others think about you, seeking their approval, forever comparing and just feeling stuck. Listen, get un-stuck, realise that the only approval that truly matters is your own. Don't worry, we've been there PLUS we still go back. We share our personal experiences and just have a general chat. The obsession with external validation is not only freaking annoying... it's holding us back. Holding us back from our true potential, from the magic of living our truth.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 109: Friends Rock And Why You Need To Create Good Friendships

    07/09/2017 Duração: 24min

    Why you should listen to this episode: if you ever question putting energy into your friendships. Emma and Carla chat about creating awesome friendships. How they went from putting no effort into creating relationships to now, focussing on cultivating magical friendships that make them smile huge.  They talk about this cool quote from Into The Wild: "happiness is only real when it's shared." Mic drop.   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 108: Can Changing Your Diet Help You Find Your True Purpose? Hmm!

    06/09/2017 Duração: 15min

    You should listen to this episode if you need more motivation to change your lifestyle AND you love the crazy ramblings of Emma and Carla. During this episode Emma and Carla talk about how changing their food and lifestyle lead them to finding their purpose in life.   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 107: How To ACTUALLY Believe In Yourself, Interview With Amazing Amber Hawken

    05/09/2017 Duração: 55min

    Why you should listen to this episode: if you struggle with self-belief and wanna change that.  Amber Hawken will give you her methodology of exactly how she does this. We called it the 11/10 method and it's a real banger. This is the stuff we cover: 11/10 (how to embody the knowingness that you are INCREDIBLE).  Flow: what does it mean to be in flow? What does it feel like? Consciousness. Mental strength and resilience. We laugh a lot. Amber tells some jokes too, she's the best ever (and is our epic housemate too!).  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 106: Move Because You Treasure Yourself Interview With Erin Bourne, Movement Therapist

    04/09/2017 Duração: 52min

    Why you need to listen to this episode: if you have been in a hateful relationship with your body and yourself or have ever struggled to find an exercise that suits you... you definitely need to listen to episode 106 with Erin Bourne.  Erin Bourne is AMAZING. She's a woman of many talents: yoga and pilates instructor, anatomy expert, movement therapist, she specialises in myofascial release and dynamic neuromuscular stabilisation. She's studied Exercise Science and naturopathy. We absolutely LOVED every second of this episode and were nodding along with every word she said. Here's what we cover: how our bodies represent our mind and vice versa. what a depressed body state might look like.  how mind, body and spirit are connected and how this shows up.  why the intention behind your exercise is so important. how lack of core strength is impacting our confidence and sense of self. why our hips are so tight. why pilates and yoga rocks!  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

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