Breaking Bread Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 78:34:49
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Around the meal table, needs are met. As participants we celebrate the common solution to our physical need - bread. While we do so, bread of another type is broken as well. Help, hope and encouragement are shared to meet the needs of our struggles, heartaches and questions. Breaking Bread is reminiscent of these life giving conversations. This podcast strives to meet some of our common needs through our common solution The Bread of Life.


  • Our Intuitive Playbook: Why we think, feel and react to people the way we do.

    20/03/2023 Duração: 26min

    Like an athletic team running plays out of their playbook, we become skilled at running plays out of ours. However, those plays are not running or passing plays. Rather, they are intuitions- feelings and thoughts about people and the circumstances that confront us. Our reactions to these situations are so automatic, they operate in our subconscious. In these three episodes of Breaking Bread, Physician Keyna Martinez helps bring our playbook into our conscious awareness so we can learn, adjust and even correct our plays to match more closely with Christ’s. Show notes: Definition: Our “playbook” is our subconscious intuition that launches judgment and reaction. Importance: Our “playbook” is extremely important for life. Many of our decisions are made subconsciously. For example, we avoid danger by judging it as such and making necessary changes, often before we are fully aware of what is happening. How the playbook is made: Experience largely has constructed our internal playbooks. More specifically, painful ex

  • Caring for Tragedy in the Church Community

    06/03/2023 Duração: 25min

    Tragedy comes to us unannounced. It is a shock in the human experience. The new and unwanted reality has a way of troubling us to the core. Yet hope can emerge if a community is present to care for the troubled. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Ted Witzig Jr. speaks to those in the caring community. There are some things to know about support in times of crisis that will prove helpful to the troubled. Show notes: Definition of tragedy: Tragedy is a sudden, shock inducing experience that launches us into a place crisis. Examples of tragedy: Natural disaster, unexpected loss, robbery, assault, accident Effects of tragedy: Tragedy undermines safety, security and the sense of control. It has a shocking effect in the human experience. Emotionally, tragedy causes grief, sadness, anxiety, and anger. Spiritually, tragedy can surface troubling questions of “why?”. Community Role in tragedy: Provide support and care for the troubled both in the short term and long term. To do this well, we must be aware of which phas

  • What to Do if My Child has Seen Porn?

    20/02/2023 Duração: 22min

    We do what we can to prevent our children from being exposed to pornography. But what if they do become exposed? First time exposure to porn can have long lasting effects on the young mind. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Brian Sutter and Jacob Feucht coach parents on the do’s and don’ts of engaging our children after exposure.  Show notes:   Consider the following tips if your child has a first time exposure to pornography.  What NOT to do:  Avoid shaming.   This can lead to isolation.  Avoid despair.   This can communicate to the child that irreparable damage has been done.  Avoid rage.   This can drive the issue underground and breakdown communication on the topic of sexuality.  Avoid ignoring.   This will not care for the trauma that has occurred and allow the behavior to go unchecked.  What TO do:  Receive the child in love.   This can prevent shame.  Receive the child with question.   This can give parents the ne

  • Parenting the “Easy” Child

    06/02/2023 Duração: 24min

    Difficult children demand a lot from parents. Wonderfully, easy children do not. Yet, the easy child should not be overlooked. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Craig Stickling reads a letter from an easy child to her parents. It helps us see the errors we can make when neglecting our easy ones. Moreover, the undue burden that can be placed on them unwittingly.   Show Notes:  Definition: Some children require a lot of parenting. Whether it is a streak of rebellion or special needs, these children might provide parents a unique challenge. We might understand them to be “difficult”.  Definition: Some children do not require a lot of parenting. Whether it is their resilience to respond well to adversity or their innate disposition to please people, these children do not deplete parenting bandwidth. We might understand them to be “easy”.  Problem statement: Parents can overlook the needs of their easy children.  Ill consequences:   The “easy” child’s identity can get unhealthily tied to their per

  • When Neurodiversity is Present in Marriage: ADHD

    23/01/2023 Duração: 26min

    Marriages can find themselves in places of despair. Marriages often assume the problems are symptoms of waning affection. Yet what is actually present is neurodiversity. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Kaleb Beyer educates us on the impact ADHD can have on marriage relationships and the hope that can be breathed into a marriage when this is understood.   Show Notes:  What is neurodiversity?  The neurodiverse brain is contrasted with the neurotypical brain. The neurodiverse brain thinks, responds to its environment and interacts with emotions outside of the normative operating neurotypical brain. This condition is diagnosed, for example, as autistic, dyslexic, or ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder).   What is ADHD?  ADHD stands for Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. This is a diagnosable disorder. An individual with ADHD has the ability to hyperfocus. Often, they can be exciting, fun, creative, in the moment and flexible. Those with ADHD can struggle to prioritize

  • Four Action Words for the New Year

    09/01/2023 Duração: 20min

    The new year carries a sense of hope for needed change. In this episode of Breaking Bread, the clinical staff from ACCFS share four words to help inspire and guide the changes we need to make.  These simple four verbs will be easy to remember and promise helpful practical action. Show Notes: Four simple action words that can motivate and guide positive change for our new year. Walk – Slowing down is necessary for us to live well. It puts us in a position to live mindfully. Cultivate – Fostering, encouraging, and nurturing growth. It puts us in a position where the next healthy step in progress is possible. Balance – Not all things equal, but all things in healthy proportion. It puts us in a position where we are investing in areas that matter most. Explore - Being curious and opening ourselves up to something new. It puts us in a position to grow our world and grow in our world.

  • Local Church

    26/12/2022 Duração: 15min

    God saves his people into families. A nurturing community where souls are cared for and loved. In this episode of Breaking Bread, ACCFS’s church outreach team shares the vision that propels the work they do. Show notes: Vision: By God’s grace, the Church Outreach division of ACCFS is committed to supporting the local church by providing resources and teaching that equips the local church to care for its members.

  • Listen To Your Body

    12/12/2022 Duração: 20min

    Often, our bodies seem like a liability to our emotional, relational, and spiritual health. After all, our flesh is weak. Yet Jesus beautifully sanctioned the bodily experience when He came to earth in the flesh. He showed us that our bodies should not be scorned but instead listened to and exercised to the glory of God. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Brian Sutter and Isaac Funk help us see the role our bodies play in our emotional and spiritual health. Show notes: Common Misconceptions: The biological body is irrelevant. Your feelings tell you what is true. Your flesh is a liability. The body is corrupt and will defile you. Healthy spirituality separates itself from the body. Truth: The biological body is relevant. It informs our reality. God had good in mind when he created the flesh. We should learn to listen to it. The flesh has been affected by “the fall”. It can be used for wrong. Healthy spirituality is always done in the body. By listening to our bodies, we can learn to detect our emotions. B

  • The Elderly Advantage: Seeing More

    28/11/2022 Duração: 15min

    Jesus saw more. He saw what others missed in a setting. He saw what mattered in an interaction. He understood the reasons for a situation when others overlooked it. Jesus saw more. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Arlan Miller and Matt Kaufmann highlight critical purpose for the elderly among us. Help us like Jesus helped his disciples – help us see more. Show Notes: Help us see what others miss: Just as a passenger in a car can see more of the surroundings than the driver, we need the elderly in our communities to help us see what we often miss. Jesus helped his disciples see what most missed. He pointed out a poor widow casting in more money than the rich. Something they had all missed. Mark 12:41-44 Help us see what matters: Just as a skilled carpenter, doctor, teacher, parent and investor knows what matters in their craft, the elderly in our communities know what matters in life. They can help us see what matters. Jesus helped his disciples see what mattered. He devoted time to young children when th

  • Walking through the Grief of Suicide: A Testimony

    14/11/2022 Duração: 44min

    “Grief can’t be avoided; it waits for you to walk through it.” June Knobloch said this. She and her husband understand grief deeply after suffering the loss of their son Jeff to suicide. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Del and June share their story of grief and how they walked through it. Resources: 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline This Lifeline is for people experiencing a crisis and is available 24/7 in the United States. If you need help for yourself, a friend, or family member, call or text 988 right away. Lifeline Crisis Chat Coping with a Suicide [ACCFS] As you face life after a loved one’s suicide, remember that you don’t have to go through it alone. This article provides resources to help support you with your lose. Preventing Suicide [ACCFS] Those on the front lines of engaging our youth- parents, teachers, employers, mentors and those with a heart for our youth can be proactive in working to be aware and possibly help prevent suicides. This article provides information to help those on the fro

  • The Benefits of Laughter

    31/10/2022 Duração: 26min

    Laughter is relational, healing and necessary. In this episode of Breaking Bread ACCFS clinicians Ted Witzig Jr., Brian Sutter, Kathy Knochel and Kaleb Beyer enjoy a light moment together.  But don’t underestimate the weighty benefits such moments bring to our mental health.  Show notes: There are many matters that concern us: struggle, hurt, loss and sorrow abound. Yet, even among these, humor exists. Sometimes laughter springs from surprising places acting as a grace from our heavenly Father who no doubt loves to see his children laugh. What is laughter? Laughter is the physical response to the emotional and cognitive experience of humor, happiness and mirth. Laughter is to happiness as crying is to sadness. Laughter is a common expression of amusement shared by all humanity. What are the elements that give rise to laughter? Humor often plays on surprise. From peak-a-boo with an infant to clever twists in a “punch line”, the element of surprise startles and pleases. Humor often plays on a truth - truth e

  • Emotional Regulation

    17/10/2022 Duração: 28min

    Emotion is like fuel. The right amount, at the right time and for the right purpose, yields wonderful results. However, on a negative note, emotion is like fuel. That is why healthy people know how to regulate their emotions. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Kathy Knochel and Brian Sutter coach us on how to do that. Show Notes: What is Emotional Regulation? People who have good command of their emotions use emotional regulation. In fact, emotions for these people are used in their life for the purpose God intended. Emotions are a gift from God. Why does Emotional Regulation work? God has made us wonderfully. Our emotions and our bodies are closely connected. In fact, emotion always happens in the body. Just as emotions affect the body, the body affects emotions. There are bodily techniques that can be learned to bring about a healthy emotional experience. What are some skills for regulating emotions? Deep breathing: Learning to breathe in a way that calms your nervous system. Mindfulness: Learning how

  • Disagreement in Marriage: When Spouses Don’t Share the Same Ideals

    03/10/2022 Duração: 26min

    Disagreement in marriage is real. Anyone who is married understands the wisdom of being “equally yoked.” Fortunately, Christians are “equally yoked” on the basis of faith in Christ. Yet, there are many other ideals, values and dreams we might not be so “equally yoked.” In this episode of Breaking Bread, Kaleb Beyer gives us a path forward for finding unity in the midst of the conflict this reality brings. Show notes: Background: Conflict around values and dreams are uniquely challenging because of the deep-seated nature of the held beliefs. Consider the examples below: Spouse A believes that family time should be protected and abundant. Spouse B believes that people should be community oriented. Spouse A believes that the house should be neat and orderly. Spouse B believes that the house should be “lived in” and not necessarily tidy. Spouse A believes money should be shared, spent and not hoarded. Spouse B believes money should be saved. Good biblical and wise argumentation can be given on either side of the

  • Shepherding Our Child’s Image of God

    19/09/2022 Duração: 24min

    Youth is a time of life when all manner of ideals are being formed in a person: reasoning skills, social skills, character qualities, work ethic, and academics. And yet, greater than these is the formation of the image our kids will have of God. Their God image is the sum total of their beliefs and feelings about who God is. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Brian Sutter speaks to the importance of shepherding this important formation in our children. Why God Image is important? It is the lens through which you view life. Where does God Image come from? Experience Teaching Shepherding God Image in our kids: Tap their imagination. Share testimony. Model it in relationship. Be patient with their questions. Point them to the Scripture. Helps: The Jesus Story Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones Children’s Authors: by Max Lucado The Ology by Marty Machowski Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis Tiny Theologians Catechisms

  • Living in the Ordinary (Part 2 of 2): Silence and Solitude

    05/09/2022 Duração: 17min

    We live in a God-bathed world. He is everywhere and in everything. But too often, we are moving to quickly to see Him. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Isaac Funk coaches us on how to slow down so we can catch up with God. When we are restless with our ordinary lives, we are forgetting: Jesus took on flesh to show us that ordinary is okay. Posture is more important than performance. God is in the boring; the maturing Christian has eyes that see Him everywhere. Experiencing God is always done where we are - never anywhere else. We can be fulling pleasing to God living out the menial tasks that to us are ordinary. We catch up with God by slowing down and walking at Christ’s pace. We can be in two places at once: about our daily tasks and with God. Being human is not a problem. Jesus came to show us how to be fully human.

  • Living in the Ordinary (Part 1 of 2)

    22/08/2022 Duração: 18min

    Folding laundry, mowing the lawn, cooking, cleaning, fixing and working. Life is pretty ordinary. God must be disappointed in my life. Or is He? In this episode of Breaking Bread, Isaac Funk helps us understand the beauty that is possible in the ordinary.

  • The Freedom of Commitment

    08/08/2022 Duração: 18min

    Aren’t options great? So much to choose! Yet Kathy Knochel brings a surprising twist to the bliss of options. In this episode of Breaking Bread, she will help us see the shadow of options and the surprising value that comes by way of commitment. Commitment frees us in two ways. It frees us from and it frees us to. It frees us from options which frees us to focus. It frees us from distractions which frees us to invest. It frees us from paralysis which frees us to purpose.

  • Stewarding Our Attention

    25/07/2022 Duração: 17min

    Attention is currency. It has purchasing power. No one needs to explain this to Facebook, Instagram and Snap Chat of course. But for those of us who spend our attention a little here and a little there, we may be surprised to discover attention is not just petty cash. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Arlan Miller and Matt Kaufmann connect the dots between what we pay attention to and who we become. Wonderfully, hope grows large. God intends to use our attention to grow us into the likeness of Christ. “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Cor 3:18

  • The Past’s Impact on the Present Marriage - Attachment

    11/07/2022 Duração: 24min

    Marital distress happens. Pain will occur. And when it does, our attachment styles will kick into full gear. Soon we will be behaving according to a script that was written a long time ago. However, these powerful scripts can be rewritten.  In this episode of Breaking Bread, Kaleb Beyer explains what attachment styles are, how they are written, how they can be rewritten and the difference it makes in the marriage relationship. Four Attachment Styles: Secure Attachment – when distress occurs, pain shared in relationship and soothed through the relationship. This attachment style is healthy. The Past: Often a secure attachment is constructed when caretakers have not dismissed emotions from children nor have they catastrophized matters. Avoiding Attachment – when distress occurs, the avoider turns down its volume by moving away from relationship and does not seek soothing for the distress from spouse. This attachment style is unhealthy. The Past: When in distress, a child seeks soothing from caretaker but do

  • Dealing With Anger (Part 2 of 2)

    27/06/2022 Duração: 19min

    I should know by now that yelling seldom works. Moreover, it most often works against me. Fortunately, we don’t have to be screamers. On this episode of Breaking Bread, Brian Sutter explains how an introspective person makes gains on his/her anger. Emotions respond to an impetus and fuel a response. While some emotions fuel a deactivation of our system, anger activates our system. The impetus’ that provoke anger and the response it fuels are often constructed from our past experience with the emotion. Gains can be made in controlling our anger. They will require slowing down and being introspective. Notice your triggers. What situations provoke anger in you? Examples: words or phrases, facial expressions, kids, spouse, authority Notice your body. What sensations occur before anger sets in? Examples: shortened breathing, heat flash Notice what is beneath the surface. Anger is a secondary emotion. It responds to deeper emotions. Examples: shame, hurt, insecurity, loss, etc. Notice what your anger is

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