Your Next Chapter With Angela Raspass | Business & Life Beyond 40 |inspiring Possibility

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 103:47:23
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Angela Raspass hosts wholehearted conversations with women around the world who are stepping into their Next Chapters for fulfillment and connection in business and life. Listen in for inspiration and practical wisdom from women just like you who are giving themselves permission to listen to their hearts and explore new possibilities with curiosity, courage, and joy. Its your time now - what will unfold in Your Next Chapter?


  • 99 Smart Women Publish - write your non-fiction book with Bev Ryan

    20/08/2019 Duração: 47min

    It’s a not unfamiliar feeling, to know you’re ready for change, but not to be sure exactly what that change might be…  And it’s what Bev Ryan felt when she hit her mid-forties and found herself yearning for a new direction. The opportunity to “do her own thing” was beckoning. With a successful career as a High School Teacher in her toolkit, Bev started to explore her Next Chapter, inspired by the Barbara Sher book “I could do anything if I only knew what it was”. She dug down into her essence, identifying what she felt switched her on and excited her.  New chapters in self-publishing begun to emerge, firstly with her own magazines and then a metamorphosis into a Non-Fiction Book Coach and Publishing Consultant. Today, Bev works with professional service providers whose purpose for publishing is to highlight their expertise in a book, even when they’re not natural writers. This is a vast and deep conversation ranging from Bev’s own journey to top tips for your own publishing adventure.   Show Notes Recognis

  • 98 What’s your Mission? Connecting to a Cause – Carolyn Butler Madden

    06/08/2019 Duração: 45min

    Your Next Chapter Podcast is brought to you by Like many of us, Carolyn admits to accidentally falling into her original career, rather than following a burning ambition. For over 30 years she thrived in the world of advertising agencies and even had her own successful agency in Sydney, her new home after London. Even though Carolyn grew up with a strong social conscience, courtesy of her Mum, she felt that the commercial world of advertising and marketing and her own inner world and values didn’t mix so well. So she kept her client and personal work with organisations such as Amnesty International, separate. But gradually, something began to shift, when she discovered the concept of Cause Marketing and a new opportunity emerged. Carolyn realised that she could align a brand with a cause that would deliver a positive social impact whilst also delivering commercially sound outcomes. The Cause Effect is the result. A Next Chapter Business that beautifully blends Carolyn’s expertise and hea

  • 97 How to discover what’s next for you - Nancy Collamer

    10/06/2019 Duração: 41min

    Nancy Collamer doesn’t believe in reinvention and thinks a focus on passions rather the purpose is more likely to provide the path to meaningful and fulfilling work.

  • 96 Excitement overcame Fear - Anita McLachlan

    30/05/2019 Duração: 39min

    Anita took a deep breath as we hit record on this episode saying, “All hail the truth!”. And hail that truth she did, sharing expansively about her career chapters from Radiographer to Project Manager to Co-owner to Sole Proprietor of an online Resort wear business to launching a Body Confidence Movement, whilst raising kids and moving 13 time as a Military Wife. “We have to define success to us because our circumstances are unique to us. My business is deliberately small – if I’d tried to make it bigger with my lifestyle that would have led to just too much extra stress” she states, a sentiment I completely align with. Too often we can be seduced by the lure of “success” showcased by others. We need to take stock of what stage we are at in our lives, what we value and what our personal goals and decide what we actually want before adopting any of those example for ourselves. Anita’s refreshingly open commitment to her own narrative opens the door for us to create our own Next Chapters exactly as we please!

  • 95 Becoming a visible woman - Rachel Jansen

    15/05/2019 Duração: 49min

    Rachel has a passion, an absolute commitment to seeing women rise, to be seen, heard and valued. Her chapters of moving from Journalist to Mother to Business Owner have not been without challenges to her own confidence and visibility as she navigated the uncharted territory of role and identity transitions.

  • 94 How to be more by doing less - Susan Pearse

    30/04/2019 Duração: 45min

    At a time when being idle is viewed negatively, and we are accustomed to filling every waking moment with activity Susan and her co-author explores why switching off, or at the very least, slowing down, is vital, if we are to live a life of fulfillment, which is what I believe we all want and deserve in our Next Chapter! Your greatest potential is unleashed when you slow down. Do Less Be More reveals the science that explains why doing less is a bonafide strategy for achieving what you really want. We need to learn how to ban busy and focus on what really matters and I’ve discovered that having Vision clarity and awareness of our values and strengths really helps us to be discerning, to say no and embrace silence, space and solitude.

  • 93 Digging below your surface – Donna Brown

    15/04/2019 Duração: 52min

    Donna Brown has always been deeply committed to helping people be the best they can be in her 30+ years of work in design, media and business. By digging below the surface, she has helped individuals and business leaders lean into purpose by honouring their interests, talents and natures and having them consciously decide “what do I want my life to look like”. An upcoming milestone birthday and the contemplation that often brings, combined with a desire to integrate her spirittal practices more deeply with her work led Donna to developing The Walking Compassion Project, a personal pilgramage to the Camino Trail, carrying the collective troubles of 100,000 people in one symbolic stone, to be let go. A journey at the pure intersection of contrbution and fulfilment, she knows the ripple effect of the project, externally and internally will be profound.

  • 92 Chase your Crazy Dreams - Ana Kazan

    01/04/2019 Duração: 55min

    Ana Kazan is a specialist in Leadership Development theory and innovation with a 20-year background in journalism. She has a Masters in Communication, a PHD in International Self-Leadership and is the co-author of Self-Leadership – how to become a more successful, efficient and effective leader from the inside out. That in and of itself is an impressive bio, but it hardly begins to scratch the surface of the deep core of Ana, a tremendously inspiring woman who has a bold story of tenacity and determination to share, as she resolutely pursued her own “Crazy Next Chapter Dream” of studying in America, writing and sending 100 letters of application before being accepted. I’m sure you’ll be energised by this episode.

  • 91 The Next Chapter Model of Change - Angela Raspass

    18/03/2019 Duração: 27min

    I’m finally back Podcasting after a long break! I know that for me time and space for creativity, consideration and relaxation is essential so that I can contribute at the highest level, and I have so much to share with you in 2019. In this episode, I am introducing you to The Next Chapter Model of Change. I realised that within all of the interviews I have staged and in the mentoring sessions, masterminds and retreats I have facilitated there was a model of change I was seeing as women began or realigned their businesses. And so I’m outlining the model for you so you anticipate what’s coming up or understand why and what you are feeling… The model is also at the core of my book I’m in the midst of writing – perhaps you can be one of my accountability buddies for this major project!?

  • 90 Wrap up Your Year - Angela Raspass

    18/12/2018 Duração: 18min

    As the year draws to a close, we all look back at how things have gone. Unfortunately, we have a natural negativity bias built into our brains and thus, can then focus on what we didn’t achieve in the year, rather than what we did! It ‘s important to reverse gap yourself evenly. Rare is the person who managed to hit all their goals in any given year. With all of the Masterminds I’ve facilitated, Retreats I have hosted and Mentoring Sessions I have held, I’ve been privy to an immense range of industries and individuals and what I’ve seen is that it’s common to over estimate what we can achieve in a year, and under estimate what we can achieve in three.

  • 89 Powerful Presenting Insights - Clare Dea

    29/10/2018 Duração: 46min

    Clare Dea is the epitome of the entrepreneurial spirit in action from a young age. At the age of 8 when her Dad was retrenched and her ballet lessons needed to pause, Clare decided she would solve the problem. I asked myself “How can I make the money to pay for them?. My inner entrepreneur was born and I became a busker for the next 8 years, generating the fund to pay for my lessons, my school books and more!”

  • 88 Writing your Business Book - Alison Jones

    23/10/2018 Duração: 47min

    Alison has had an enduring love affair with books since she was a little girl and so when it came time to choose a career, faced with the options of becoming a Ballerina or Lawyer or moving into Publishing, it was an easy choice!  “I was entering the world of publishing as the age old rules were changing and the industry was being disrupted and eventually being cast into crisis, so as you can imagine, it was demanding. But I loved it - the creative and commercial combination was so satisfying. I got to make books!”

  • 87 Linked In Mastery in Three Steps - Jo Saunders

    09/10/2018 Duração: 52min

    Jo has always been drawn to creating community, fascinated by helping people to connect with a social purpose. Back when she was much younger, this commitment was played out with starting Barbie and Penfriend Clubs and a desire for her own magazine. “I just wanted to have a club, with members and it’s only now that I look back that I can connect the dots between what I was doing then and what I’m doing now!”

  • 86 Networking strategies for business growth - Robbie Samuels

    02/10/2018 Duração: 51min

    “I’ll help you build relationships rather than just a network” is how Robbie Samuels describes his core business focus, a passion that was inspired by his own experience in Boston, “not the friendliest of cities”. “Before starting my own speaking, coaching and consulting business, I was involved in the fundraising industry and the Meetups I started grew to hundreds of events and thousands of members. The key to their success was helping people to understand and embrace a Host mentality”, explains Robbie.

  • 85 Growing your business with SEO - Kate Toon

    25/09/2018 Duração: 43min

    It’s not everyday I get to speak with a self-confessed “misfit entrepreneur” who willingly admits that “becoming an entrepreneur was never a part of my game plan”, and Kate Toon is no everyday woman! Kate is well known as a Search Engine optimisation lover (and we cheerfully demystify SEO and give you loads of practical actions you can take in this conversation), a Copywriting mentor, a Speaker, Podcaster, Author and Hula Hooper… but she is also a card carrying member of the “Debunking Entrepreneurial Myths Society”, dedicated to banning clichés and stereotypes of what it actually takes to achieve “success” in business.

  • 84 How to write articles with impact - Sean D’Souza

    18/09/2018 Duração: 01h56s

    “A well written article can be transformational for your readers”, says Sean D’Souza, the founder of Psychotactics. “It has the power to educate, inform and entertain and with a good structure at your fingertips, you can overcome the myth of writers block, the myth of it’s all been said before and the myth that it’s a difficult skill to master and create impactful articles that connect you, your ideas your business and your clients”.

  • 83 Build your Digital Ecosystem - Leanne O’Sullivan

    11/09/2018 Duração: 01h06min

    Leanne O’Sullivan has spent more than 18 years immersed in the online space, firstly as the co-founder of agency Big Blue Digital, then adding her own off-shoot, Summit School with Leanne O. She has seen the online world change considerably in that time and has developed a streamlined approach to developing a digital ecosystem that helps you to become clear, calm and consistent online, side stepping overwhelm and maximising the outcomes of your investment of time, energy and budget.

  • 82 Your Visibility Plan - Angela Raspass

    03/09/2018 Duração: 28min

    You need to be visible to have an impact and make a difference with Your Next Chapter Business. You may have exactly what someone need to close the gap they have. But if they can’t find you, they can’t be exposed to your solutions, your stories and your experience. So it’s time to create a simple Visibility Plan that leverages your skills and meets your Most Aligned Clients where they are.

  • 81 How to leave your comfort zone behind - Suzy Walker

    31/07/2018 Duração: 45min

    Suzy’s story of gradually moving ever closer to her sweet spot of purpose will likely sound familiar. A definite deep desire to follow a certain path, but an initial lack of self-belief hits the pause button and then life itself intervenes and a detour takes place.  

  • 80 The shift from PR and fundraising to her own Shoe Shop - Carol Haffke

    23/07/2018 Duração: 51min

    Carol spent 27 years as a journalist before morphing into a PR specialist. But she never quite settled in the industry, although she was talented and by all measurements, a great success. A PR role at the UN opened a new door for her and she discovered, and fell in love with, the world of Fundraising. “I believed what I was writing and speaking about – I felt proud”. 

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