More To Life With Faith And Lois

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 26:34:38
  • Mais informações



Clearing up the cobwebs and debris in our lives opens us up to the growth thats been taking place along. And that focus gives us clarity for whatever is in store.


  • 150. How Do You Manage Conflict In Your Relationships?

    10/11/2020 Duração: 15min

    We are bringing conflict into the light for the next four weeks in our podcasts! Today we begin with how conflict plays out in your relationships. After exploring a number of ways it does NOT work, we share several ideas to help you better deal with conflict. When you are listening, or expressing without blame, you open the door to talk with one another. And in every instance, you make sure you know what you and the other really want. Conflicts are a part of life - and you have the potential to manage them well!

  • 149. Where Does Integrity Show Up In Your Craft?

    03/11/2020 Duração: 14min

    In our final podcast focusing on integrity, we are moving into your workspace. Your values are very apparent in your craft when you live from those values. So we wonder out loud, how might you combine integrity and work? Here are some great reminders. Show up ready to work and set a positive example. How about being accountable for what you do by owning your wins and your misses? You know that being respectful goes a long way. And giving credit where your team members need it most can improve the lives of everyone around you. Whether it's your decisions or interactions or how you serve your clients and customers, what you do really matters. 

  • 148. What Role Does Integrity Play In Your Spirituality?

    27/10/2020 Duração: 15min

    When no one is watching - are you who you say you are? As we explore integrity in our lives, we move to how it shows up in your spirituality. Since you bring yourself to every interaction, we believe how you relate in your spiritual life is evident in all you do. Today we explore how kindness, generosity, being loving, using discernment and being just amplify your spiritual connection and relationships. And it's wonderful how there is always room to grow, no matter where you stand right now. 

  • 147. How Do You Maintain Integrity In Your Body?

    20/10/2020 Duração: 15min

    Integrity in your body? Yes! When integrity is defined as the alignment between your behavior and your values, then you will find it in your body. In this podcast, we explore how to take care of your body by paying attention. Then we explore what it means to accept responsibility for your body. What about standing up for yourself? That means no more excuses. And whether it's a daily routine, the way you eat or drink or how much you move, it takes time. What commitments are you making to yourself?

  • 146. What Does Integrity Look Like In Your Relationships?

    13/10/2020 Duração: 17min

    In our new theme for the next few weeks, we are exploring how integrity influences your relationships, your body, spirituality and your craft. As you consider your relationships, how do you show up around those you care about most? What happens when you own your mistakes? And when no one is looking, are you someone who does what you say you will do and find the best in others? Join us as we dive into what it means to be whole and undivided!

  • 145. How Do You Stay Grounded In Your Craft?

    06/10/2020 Duração: 17min

    As daily life continues to shift and change in so many ways this year, our podcast this week explores how to stay rooted in your craft. Whether you work from home or go into your workplace, how are you creating that sense of being grounded? We begin by encouraging you to start every day devoted to yourself. From there, find moments to move your body. Set up and follow a calendar. If you haven't already, limit your news intake. And reflect, every day, about what you are learning. Maybe you'll find one step that brings you closer to feeling whole.

  • 144. How Do You Stay Rooted In Your Spirituality?

    29/09/2020 Duração: 17min

    When you choose to be rooted in spirituality, you may feel a call to nurture those things you believe. In our podcast, we explore the various practices that connect you to your spirituality. Sometimes you have to remind yourself that you are where you are. You also get to choose what you're letting into your life, and what you might have to set aside for the moment. As you stay rooted, observe those things around you that are healing and beautiful and going well. And finally, you have the opportunity to set a great example by sharing who you are with others. May you be inspired!

  • 143. How Do You Take Care Of Your Body?

    22/09/2020 Duração: 16min

    As we explore the importance of being rooted, we have a question for you. How do you manifest who you are in your thoughts, expressions and activities? We begin with something we know is critical for your wellbeing -  a body scan. So, what would happen if you did something you enjoy every single day? You might consider setting physical goals for yourself. And then we round it up with ideas on how to focus on the present without judgement, and extending that kindness to yourself. Caring for your root system means caring for yourself.

  • 142. How Are You Staying Rooted In Your Relationships?

    15/09/2020 Duração: 17min

    We begin a new theme today - zeroing in on how your root system impacts all of your life. The more you know who you are, the better your root system functions. As you grow more grounded, your relationships expand and deepen. Reflect on the people who mean the most to you. When you pay attention to what matters, you're free to notice the needs of others. Isn't it wonderful that when you care for yourself, you can better care for others? May this podcast spur you on to freshen up your relationships.

  • 141. What Happens When You Are Attentive To Your Craft?

    08/09/2020 Duração: 14min

    When you pay attention to the details of your work, your heart and mind are aligned. No wonder you get so much more done! In our podcast, we tap into how to perform better when you're focused. Especially in this COVID19 era, find the fun in what you're doing and stay organized. You can set boundaries to stay more efficient and avoid multi-tasking. All while, take breaks to refresh yourself throughout the day. Watch your productivity increase!

  • 140. The Spiritual Practice of Paying Attention

    01/09/2020 Duração: 17min

    Paying attention, really focusing, at times can seem like a lost art. In our podcast, we invite you to slow down, listen, watch and find out what happens. When you pay attention as a spiritual practice, you become aware of what matters most to you. Find a moment to smell the coffee, enjoy the beauty of a sunrise or giggle with your kids. Prayer is attention at its best. And you don't have to bring any special equipment. Try it out!

  • 139. How Do You Pay Attention To Your Body?

    25/08/2020 Duração: 14min

    How does your body let you know what is going on with you? When you listen closely to your body, you sense those areas where you need to pay more attention. Sometimes your body communicates quietly, other times with a huge burst. Today, we acknowledge how important it is to honor your body and address changes that might be happening. Your body needs proper care so that the cycle of life and stress events don't wear you down.

  • 138. What Kind of Attention Do You Give Your Relationships?

    18/08/2020 Duração: 18min

    Paying attention to your relationships involves focusing on one person or group at a time. That means when you decide to pay attention, you're offering to give time to someone. In our podcast we explore the many ways you might nurture your relationships. You might choose a ritual to increase consistency. You might protect your time together and respect boundaries. What is it that you do to keep your relationships fresh?

  • 137. How Does Courage Show Up In Your Craft?

    11/08/2020 Duração: 13min

    Being courageous in your workplace can be very challenging. We want you to know there are ways to get through this hurdle. First, try - using action and initiative. Second, trust - see what happens when you resist the urge to control. Third, tell - by using your voice to tell truth and take responsibility. What would happen if you thought your beliefs are as important as everyone else's?

  • 136. How Does Courage Show Up In Spirituality?

    04/08/2020 Duração: 15min

    It takes a great deal for any of us to feel courageous these days. Today we explore the spiritual virtue of courage, and how to be grounded and set a course for your life. You can discover your center when you know who you are. Then you are able to open up to the possibility of connecting to a higher power. Once there, courage allows you to change your perspective. And for your spirituality to grow, practice daily.

  • 135. How Does Courage Show Up In Your Body?

    28/07/2020 Duração: 16min

    Finding courage in your body often happens when you learn to manage your body. Today we explore how to establish your own safe zones. As you live with new changes in this COVID19 era, respecting what your body needs is critical. And through it all, we encourage you to find others who are also honoring courage in their bodies. Creating courageous communities gives you the support to face challenges.

  • 134. How Does Courage Show Up In Relationships?

    21/07/2020 Duração: 19min

    It takes courage to speak up with the people in your life because there is always a risk involved. In our podcast, we explore how to use your words and actions when you need to say something important. When you shift to sharing positive messages, you might find a shift in the outcome. How do you show up? People will often respond the way you allow them to treat you. And even with uncertainty, moving forward will offer you the chance to gain more confidence.

  • 133. Finding Your Voice In Your Craft

    14/07/2020 Duração: 17min

    Having a voice wherever you work makes an enormous difference. In our podcast, we dig into how to effectively use your voice in your craft. You have to prepare and know your audience. When you address your team, focus on the positive without complaining. Whatever you do - remember that timing is critical to avoid distraction. When you listen and others feel heard, you'll find that your voice becomes loud and clear.

  • 132. Finding Your Voice In Spirituality

    07/07/2020 Duração: 21min

    How do you speak about spiritual matters that are important to you? In today's podcast, we wonder what it means to be a seed planter in life. How are you showing up? Maybe you don't have to have 'the' answer, maybe it's more about your relationships. Whether you want to make more of a difference or strengthen your connection to something greater than authentically and in alignment.

  • 131. Finding Your Voice In Your Body

    30/06/2020 Duração: 21min

    Your body has an uncanny way of revealing who you are. In today's podcast, we explore how to find your voice in your body. There are so many cues, beginning with your facial expressions. Eye contact, tone of voice and posture also play a role. And how about your hand gestures, mirroring or paying attention? It's amazing how your body leads the way.

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