The Warrior Life - Overcoming The Mental And Physical Battles Of Life

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 44:20:17
  • Mais informações



The Warrior Life teaches you how to be successful in all areas of your life. Warriors are mentally and physically strong, so the show focuses on complete health. Laying the foundation for a warriors life takes commitment and dedication to all aspects of your well-being. The show airs twice a week. Tuesdays are an expansive version of my weekly blog, which teaches you how to break through bad diet cycles and create positive relationships with food to achieve the body and life of your dreams. Thursdays are interviews with experts to help you overcome the daily battles we all face: being young, aging, disorganization, work-life balance, stress, lack of sleep and more. The podcast will educate and inspire you to become the best warrior you can be!


  • Remix Your Marriage with Lyndan & Vanessa Coleman

    28/01/2016 Duração: 44min

      Name of Expert: Lyndan & Vanessa Coleman Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: Lyndan and Vanessa are high school sweethearts that met at 16 and say they had a baby too young and got married too young. They almost got divorced but through the help of their church they didn’t. They fought for their marriage and now they are more in love than ever. Warrior They Look Up To: Their moms. Lyndan’s mom got into a car accident when he was 16 and was paralyzed from the neck down. Instead of crying and being mean she is still grateful for the gift of life. Vanessa’s mom came from Guatemala and had no money and worked her way up and never complained. Heart Of The Interview: Lyndan and Vanessa give amazing tips on how to remix your relationship and avoid battles that inevitably happen. The amount of information they share is crazy real and honest. You will definitely want to hear every part of it. One of their greatest advice is to learn how to communicate through therapy. Their next

  • Losing Weight Through Meditation

    26/01/2016 Duração: 32min

    Wouldn’t it be awesome to lose weight by sitting sit? Doesn’t that sound a little too good to be true? In this podcast, I go in depth into how meditation can actually help you win the battle of weight loss. I can tell you know it’s probably not what you think. Links To Additional Resources:   Game On! Challenge-FREE Diet book, full-length workouts, and coaching to jumpstart your weight loss Fit Psych 7 Challenge- Stop Guessing, and Start Knowing!! Find out why you have been struggling with weight loss and conquer it once and for all in 7 days The Warrior Life Facebook Group-It is a community page that I have created where all my warriors can come together and share your struggles, getting coaching from me on the daily, and find other awesome warriors to connect with.   Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here! I love my VIP Coaching Peeps!! When you sign up I give you my best tips and tricks before everyone else!! My goal is to take your diet from frustrating to fun and create the body and life

  • What To Do When You Hit A Weight Loss Wall

    19/01/2016 Duração: 24min

    Do you ever get to the point where you’re like “Oh my goodness, I can’t get past this 10-15 pounds I’ve lost! I can’t seem to lose any more weight!” And everything you try seems to hit a wall and you can’t get around the wall? First off, this wall is a mental game. I’m going to share with you how to smash through that wall so you can start losing more pounds. Read on to get my five tips to break through the weight loss wall!   Links To Additional Resources:   Game On! Challenge-FREE Diet book, full-length workouts, and coaching to jumpstart your weight loss Fit Psych 7 Challenge- Stop Guessing, and Start Knowing!! Find out why you have been struggling with weight loss and conquer it once and for all in 7 days The Warrior Life Facebook Group-It is a community page that I have created where all my warriors can come together and share your struggles, getting coaching from me on the daily, and find other awesome warriors to connect with.   Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here! I love my VIP Coac

  • Sexyfit With Zlata Sushchik

    14/01/2016 Duração: 48min

    Name of Expert: Zlata Sushchik Why I Believe This Person Is A Warrior: Nothing has come easy for this girl. She has fought for everything she got. She moved to the United States from Russia not knowing English or anybody here. She has had to work her a** off for what she has and is committed to helping others become Sexy Fit.   Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: She was a top figure competitor. She started her own fitness business called Sexy Fit that helps women all around the around. She is an amazing woman and incredibly sweet! I can’t wait for you to get to know her. Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: She fights inconsistency. As much as she has been a figure competitor and has worked out for years she still struggles with being consistent. Warrior They Look Up To: She looks up to Steve Jobs for business and Serena Williams for fitness. Heart Of The Interview: Zlata gives 5 tips for sticking to your New Year’s resolution that I l

  • 7 Deadly Sins of Dieting

    12/01/2016 Duração: 21min

    Link To Blog Ever wonder why you are struggling to lose weight? Ever feel like you are doing everything right but nothing is working? Do you feel like you hit a wall? Then you might be committing one of the 7 deadly sins of dieting and not even know it. Sometimes it’s not just about you knowing what to do but you knowing what not to do too. Check it out and let me know what you think by leaving a comment on the blog. Links To Additional Resources:   Game On! Challenge-FREE Diet book, full-length workouts, and coaching to jumpstart your weight loss Fit Psych 7 Challenge- Stop Guessing, and Start Knowing!! Find out why you have been struggling with weight loss and conquer it once and for all in 7 days The Warrior Life Facebook Group-It is a community page that I have created where all my warriors can come together and share your struggles, getting coaching from me on the daily, and find other awesome warriors to connect with.   Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here! I love my VIP Coaching Pee

  • Stop Making New Year’s Resolutions

    05/01/2016 Duração: 18min

      Link To Blog I have so many friends that make resolutions to start an exercise program or kick that bad habit. You know what happens? They start making excuses 3 days in Or Their bad habit is back by February. It has happened to me too. I wish it wasn’t true but it is. That’s why I decided resolutions are overrated. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. To me, insanity and resolutions go hand in hand, which is why I am going to tell you to stop making resolutions and start making deadlines. Links To Additional Resources:   Game On! Challenge-FREE Diet book, full-length workouts, and coaching to jumpstart your weight loss Fit Psych 7 Challenge- Stop Guessing, and Start Knowing!! Find out why you have been struggling with weight loss and conquer it once and for all in 7 days The Warrior Life Facebook Group-It is a community page that I have created where all my warriors can come together and share your struggles, getting coaching

  • New Year’s Message: We Are Going to Kick Ass Next Year!

    31/12/2015 Duração: 05min

    Whether this past year was filled with joyful moments or days of struggle we all get to press ‘restart’ on New Year’s Day. I am determined to help you create and achieve your best year. I am determined to help you feel more happiness and peace, and that all starts with my podcast “Before Your Set Your Goal...Do This” and follows up with this message. I have an AMAZING, game-changing projects coming up for you next year. I am sharing with you what we have coming up this upcoming year for you to help you not only achieve happiness and peace but also the body and life of your dreams. Take 5 minutes to find out all the crazy, amazing things coming your way and I will see you in the New Year!!!     Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here! I love my VIP Coaching Peeps!! When you sign up I give you my best tips and tricks before everyone else!! My goal is to take your diet from frustrating to fun and create the body and life your love.

  • Before Your Set Your Goals...Do This First

    29/12/2015 Duração: 21min

    The clock has struck 12 and the New Year has begun. Now is the time for you to reflect on the prior year… what were some of the best moments? what were some of the worse moments? what goals did you crush? what goals crushed you? Time to take what you learned or didn’t accomplish, set new goals, and have a fresh start. I love this time of year. I love setting new goals and I love helping you achieve those goals. But before I share with you how to set goals that you will crush faster than you ever thought possible I need you to do this first.... I will reveal what it is in the podcast. Also, I will give you a very special New Year’s Eve gift to help you start your New Years off focused and excited!!!   Links To Additional Resources: Tired of the Holiday Diet Struggle Blog & Podcast 3 Days to Overcome Overwhelm Before You Set Your Goals...Do This First Fun Sheet   Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here! I love my VIP Coaching Peeps!! When you sign up I give you my best tips and tricks before everyon

  • My Very Merry Christmas Message To You

    24/12/2015 Duração: 05min

    From my heart to yours I share with you my short Christmas message to you. I have loved coaching this past year. It has been the greatest gift ever. My Christmas message to you reflects on our time together and my message I am only sharing on this podcast. Take 5 minutes out of your day and let me say thank you to you.   Links To Additional Resources: Tired of The Holiday Diet Struggle Blog & Podcast 3 Days to Overcome Overwhelm Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here! I love my VIP Coaching Peeps!! When you sign up I give you my best tips and tricks before everyone else!! My goal is to take your diet from frustrating to fun and create the body and life your love.

  • Power of Christmas on Your Mentality

    22/12/2015 Duração: 21min

    During Christmas you say and think things that you would not say or think throughout the year. I’ve noticed it throughout the years and have discovered it’s why people end up hurt or disappointed during the happiest time of the year. As much as I love this time of the year and have plenty of happy memories of opening presents with the family I also have painful memories when I was crying and depressed. I want to help you avoid that because if that has ever happened to sucks. Here are 3 mentality/habits I want you to catch yourself doing or thinking so you can have that Happy Holiday season you dream of…   Links To Additional Resources: Tired of the Holiday Diet Struggle Blog & Podcast 3 Days to Overcome Overwhelm What To Do When Everything Is Out Of Control Blog & Podcast Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here! I love my VIP Coaching Peeps!! When you sign up I give you my best tips and tricks before everyone else!! My goal is to take your diet from frustrating to fun and create the

  • Are You Dating the Right Guy? With Melissa Leger

    17/12/2015 Duração: 54min

    Name of Expert: Melissa Leger Why I Believe This Person Is A Warrior: Is one of my saving warriors. She saved me during a time in my life when I was drowning. During my craptastic month in 2015, she heard me talking about my many, many issues I was dealing with. She immediately texted me and asked how she could help. Before we finished our texting conversation she had already scheduled housekeepers to come to my house and clean it the next day. She did this while living 3000 miles away from me. I tell you this story because you can clearly see Melissa’s heart in her actions. She truly wants to help people and doesn’t want anything in return, that’s why I believe she is a warrior. Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: Melissa started going to therapy in 2008 because of a major heartbreak and fell in love with it. That began her journey that led to her book now. She watches Friends before bed. Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: After all h

  • Can You Take A Break From Your Diet

    15/12/2015 Duração: 24min

    “I can’t worry about my diet right now...there’s too much going on”. Have you ever said this or something like this? Or have you said… “I will get back to it next month. Right now I need to focus on ________.” I have heard that many, many times and honestly I get it. When life is throwing you deadlines, family crap, and so much more it’s hard to think about working out and prepping your food. I understand you may need to take a break from your diet, but my job as your coach is to give it to you straight... You can’t take a break from your diet just like you can’t take a break from your life. I’m going to share with you why in the show today.   Links To Additional Resources: Tired of the Holiday Diet Struggle Blog & Podcast What To Do When Everything Is Out Of Control Blog & Podcast 3 Days to Overcome Overwhelm   Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here! I love my VIP Coaching Peeps!! When you sign up I give you my best tips and tricks before everyone else!! My goal is to take your diet from

  • What To Do When Everything is Out of Control

    08/12/2015 Duração: 25min

    Do you feel like you need 4 more hours in the day? Does the thought of creating a to-do list freak you out? Do you feel overwhelmed with your family crisis and deadlines that are all happening at the same time? Today I want to take a break from writing about diet and fitness to talk to you about something that we all experience no matter how hard we try to avoid it and that’s STRESS. The month of December is quite possibly the most stressful time of the year. Not only is the year ending, which may cause a bunch of end of the year deadlines at but it’s also supposed to be the “happiest time of the year”. What does that include? It is full of… -family get-togethers -Christmas parties -presents, buying, wrapping, giving All those various activities take time and can cause STRESS trying to get it all done. On top of trying to get it all done some kind of family drama or friendship situation somehow arises leading to more STRESS that eventually causes the inevitable OVERWHELM. That’ what I want to talk about

  • Tired of the Holiday Diet Struggle?

    01/12/2015 Duração: 26min

    Link To Blog: Tired Of The Holiday Diet Struggle   Free Stuff: 10 Tips You Need to Know BEFORE You Diet   On average people gain 5-10 pounds during the holiday. How does that make you feel? Are your first thoughts...yep, that sounds right or that’s going to happen to me. Do you resign yourself to the fact that you are going to gain weight during the holidays? Do you fight it or accept it? Do you think it’s inevitable? Honestly, there are times when I really feel like it is inevitable. Holiday weight gain is avoidable, but it take you being honest with yourself. Here are my 3 ways to avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain…   Links To Additional Resources: How Running Saved My Life and How it Can Save Your Podcast Tips on How to Avoid Sabotaging Your Diet at a Party Blog   Wanna Get My VIP Coaching Calls? Sign up here!   I love my VIP Coaching Peeps!! When you sign up I give you my best tips and tricks before everyone else!! My goal is to take your diet from frustrating to fun and create the body and life y

  • The Problem With Your ‘Last Meal’ Mentality

    24/11/2015 Duração: 28min

    What are you eating for Thanksgiving? Do you have one dish that you look forward to all year? Is’s turkey? Is it...your aunt’s casserole? Is it...your grandma’s pumpkin pie? Maybe you are looking forward to all that and more!! According the Calorie Control Council an average American consumes 4500 calories and 229 grams of fat on Thanksgiving. That’s mind blowing crazy!!! Did I get your attention yet? There are several reasons why I believe this happens. Here are few of my theories The day is centered around food so it seems inevitable. Some of those dishes you only have once a year so if you don’t eat it then you will miss out. People suffer from “last meal” mentality. You might be thinking what the heck is “last meal” mentality. It’s something I came up with to describe when people gorge themselves at a meal that they will never have ever again. Here are a couple signs and symptoms to know if you have suffered from this… you go back for extra servings when you are already stuffed beyond bel

  • How Dieting For An Event Is Bad For You

    17/11/2015 Duração: 21min

    Have you ever… Those words bring me back to high school and college days. Anyone else play that game? It was a silly game where you say “have your ever…” and then fill with something crazy and ridiculous like “ate a sandwich while in a pool” or “ran butt naked through your college campus”.  If you had done what the person said then you stood up or in college you took a shot. Let’s play that game right now!! Take a shot of water if you have done any of these things. Have you ever… -tried to lose weight for a dress you have to wear -tried to lose weight for a reunion you are attending -tried to lose weight for a vacation you are going on Did you take a shot yet? Okay, let’s get more personal. Have you ever... -tried to lose weight to impress somebody -tried to lose weight because you were going to see someone you haven’t seen in a long time -tried to lose weight for a person you were dating How many shots did you take? If you have ever done any of these things then… CONGRATULATIONS!! You are normal!! We’ve

  • You Need More Than Willpower To Diet

    10/11/2015 Duração: 21min

    When was the last time you said… I want to lose weight. For some of you that was...this morning, last week, or even 5 minutes ago. I can’t even count how many people have said that to me. In fact when I fly and the person next to me asks me what I do I say I am an accountant because there are not usually many follow-ups to that. However, if I say I’m a weight loss coach then they have a million questions that last the whole flight. Moral of the story is… a lot of people want to lose, but not a lot do. For the longest time, I remember people telling me they want to lose weight. I would say “Great!!” Then I would set them up with everything they needed. I would give them workouts, break down their diet completely so they knew exactly what to eat and what to buy at the grocery store, and I would even give them coaching tools so I could help train them mentally. (If you are thinking I wish I had all that then you can!! Sign up here for my complete weight loss plan.) Then I would check back in with them and fi

  • Your Childhood Could Be Preventing You From Losing Weight

    03/11/2015 Duração: 26min

    Mom...what’s for dinner? Do you remember asking that question? My amazing and wonderful mother wasn’t around to cook dinner so for me it was more like “Dad, whatcha cooking?” or “Bro! I’m hungry”. My dad and brother did a lot of the cooking growing up. Now you might be thinking “that’s a nice antidote but what does that have to do with dieting?” Well, a lot. I think we can all agree that our childhood and how we were raised plays a huge role in -who we are -what we like -how we communicate -our habits -our mentality -what we eat -and so much more!!! Many of the people I meet and work with have bad habits and mentality towards food they have no idea where they come from. They discover through working me that many of those bad habits or mentality come from their childhood. However for them they are so deep-rooted that they don’t even know it. I’ve always said, “if you want to fix the future then understand the past” (feel free to tweet that at and tag me @michellerosefit). If you don’t understand the pas

  • Holistic Nutrition and Fasting with Health Coach Felicia Lateef

    29/10/2015 Duração: 44min

    Name of Expert: Felicia Lateef   Why I Believe This Person Is A Warrior: Felicia is an incredibly accomplished woman that is helping women improve their lives through holistic nutrition. She has gone through her own cancer scares and has helped other women through theirs by preaching having a positive outlook and focusing on God. Her number one goal is to help people understand that diet is not all about food but rather how you view food.   Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: She is a graduate of communications, but her passion has always been in fitness or dance. Something very few people know is that she plays the viola. She is getting her masters in holistic nutrition, and is a health coach.   Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: After having her daughter, she was struggling to lose weight for the next ten years. Over those years to she developed bad habits of using food as a coping device to deal with a really stressful period. After

  • Are You Too Hard On Your Diet?

    27/10/2015 Duração: 25min

    Have you ever felt like your diet was consuming your life? A few years back I made it my New Year's goal to do a bikini competition. Now, a bikini competition is not like a figure or bodybuilding competition. You don't get judged on your athletic endeavors or how big your muscles are. You are being evaluated on the overall package of how your body looks symmetrically while having long lean muscles. I thought it would be a good goal to work towards because I had never tried anything like that before. Prior to that, I had run marathons and other races, but I had never entered anything where I was being judged off of how I looked. I started this goal in January and didn't stop until September. Over those next 9 months, I learned a lot about myself and my diet that I never knew before. For nine months straight I... -logged my calories everyday -only went over my calorie allowance 9 days the whole time -became obsessed about what I was eating -had to know where I was going out to eat, so I could prepare and plan

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