Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 63:51:50
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Artisan Angela shares weekly lessons from Self Coaching Scholars Class through The Life Coach School


  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 153, Grief During the Holidays with Krista St-Germain, Grief Expert

    01/12/2021 Duração: 43min

    You must listen to this week's episode with Krista St-Germain. She is a Master Certified Life Coach, grief expert, widow, mom and host of The Widowed Mom Podcast. When her husband was killed by a drunk driver in 2016, Krista’s life was completely flipped upside down. And while it would have been easy to believe her best days were behind her, thankfully Krista discovered Life Coaching and Post Traumatic Growth and was able to move forward and create a future she could get excited about. Now she coaches and teaches other widows so they can love life again, too. Our conversation touches on how we can support our family and friends who have experienced a loss. We also got into how to allow yourself to feel your grief instead of drinking and eating through it. We talked about the benefits of coaching for people who have experienced major losses and how it can help them feel empowered by their feelings instead of stuck and helpless. Thank you Krista!

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 152, Gratitude Unexpected

    24/11/2021 Duração: 20min

    We can always find things to be thankful for. It’s actually not very hard. You can just ask yourself ‘what am I thankful for’ and your brain will give you lots of things. This week, I share my big list of what fills me with gratitude. AND I discuss why ‘just being thankful’ when we are going through something hard or complicated or painful, doesn’t help. When you are feeling bad and you say ‘I should be thankful for…’ or ‘at least it’s not as bad as …..’ doesn’t acknowledge that you are feeling and experience something hard. This bypasses what you are feeling and diminishes your pain, which isn’t helpful at all. When we do this, the pain is still there. ‘Being thankful’ doesn’t help it go away. So, we carry it around with us and then we end up drinking more than we want to escape that underlying pain that we are still experiencing. So, you can be thankful AND you can acknowledge some things that are hard.Enjoy the episode. I am so thankful for all of you.   I am now accepting applications to my revamped coach

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 151, Interview with Jill Angie, Certified Running and Life Coach

    17/11/2021 Duração: 44min

      The Not Your Average Runner Podcast host, running and life coach, Jill Angie is my latest guest on the SODSL podcast. She teaches plus-size, mid-life women practical ways to start running in the body they have right now. Jill combines her real-life experience and coaching wisdom to help women find joy in learning to run in a way that honors their unique size, shape, speed ,or age. You’ll be surprised at how much you can enjoy running when you know how to do it! I freaking LOVE this podcast episode. We geek out on running and mindset and how the same principles apply to stopping over-drinking. Jill answered some really awesome questions like 'How to get yourself motivated when you want to run, but 'don't feel like it.?'Also, how she can tell if someone is going to have a hard time with their running journey. I also share some of my own running obstacles. You don't want to miss! Thanks so much Jill!   *mentioned in this episode: The Runners Guide to the Meaning of Life https:/

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 150, Focusing on the Wrong Thing

    11/11/2021 Duração: 14min

    In this episode I explore why focusing on just cutting back on alcohol doesn't help you permanently stop over-drinking. The frequency at which you want to numb your mind should be a signal that your mind needs some help. Not a signal to numb it. Your thoughts and emotions don't need to be shut off so you can relax and unwind. We want to understand what is happening in your mind that you feel the need to escape from it. Tune in this week and hear me explore getting to the root of why we over-drink.   I am now accepting applications to my revamped coaching program, Stop Over-drinking and Start Living. It is a 6-month, small-group, women-only coaching program, and it is changing lives!Apply now! You can also sign up for my upcoming Masterclass,How to Enjoy the Holiday without Over-drinking.November 16th at 1:00pm (EST)November 18th at 7:00pm (EST)Sign up today!

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 149, Doing It Later

    04/11/2021 Duração: 17min

    Join me this week as I explore all the excuses of 'doing it later.' I explain WHY we are inclined to do things at a later time, whether it's later that same day, on Mondays, or January 1sts. And I explain how doing it later doesn't help you suffer any less than you already are. We think that doing it later will be easier, but we know (from having this pattern for years) that it won't be easier at a future time. It's just your brain's way of being comfortable in the moment. Tune in and hear some tips in how you can over-ride this 'doing it later' mindset so you can make real progress towards your goals NOW!   I am now accepting applications to my revamped coaching program, Stop Over-drinking and Start Living. It is a 6-month, small-group, women-only coaching program, and it is changing lives!Apply now! You can also sign up for my upcoming Masterclass, How to Enjoy the Holiday without Over-drinking.November 16th at 1:00pm (EST)November 18th at 7:00pm (EST)https://angela

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 148, What’s Possible with Steph Tell

    28/10/2021 Duração: 30min

    Want to know what is possible when you use life coaching to change your relationship with alcohol?Tune in this week and listen to what Certified Life Coach, Steph Tell has to say about it. Steph joined my program thinking she’d be the one I couldn’t help and now she’s a certified coach in that same program! She gives amazing insight to what her life was like before coaching and what it’s like now. She’s 52 and feels she’s got another amazing opportunity at fulfilling her dreams ahead of her! If you are interested in working with her as well, you can join my program.I am accepting applications now, and I would love to have you!  If you aren’t in my program, you can reach out to Steph via email, and she’s offering a free consultation to see if she can help you, and if working with her makes sense.  You can email her at  

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 147, Your Most Common Questions Answered

    19/10/2021 Duração: 45min

    I am excited about this episode. I recently held a LIVE Q+A where I answered some of the most common questions that I get from all of you. Questions like: What if my spouse drinks? How do I not feel deprived? What if I fail? ... We are going to dive deep into these questions! I also talk about my new and improved SODSL 2.0 coaching program and let you know how you can apply. Tune in to get ALL the answers, and then apply!I am accepting applications this week, and there are some awesome bonus' if you get your application in and are accepted in the next few days. Want to get YOUR questions answered? I am hosting 1 more LIVE Q+A on Wednesday, October 20th at 5:30pm EST. Sign up here:  

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 146, What You Know How to Do


    This episode explores identifying things you already know how to do, to help you stop over-drinking. Focusing on what you know how to do versus what you don't know will empower you that you do actually know many things that will help you through some uncomfortable situations. When you believe you know how to do something you feel confident and in control and then you are less likely to want to over-drink. And you can use this concept in any area of your life, not just learning how to stop over-drinking.   It's officially OPEN! You are invited to join me in Stop Over-drinking and Start Living 2.0! Click through, watch the 3 videos and get all the details! If you apply before 10/19, you get some fun bonuses!   And if you want to hear more about the SODSL 2.0 program and get ALL of your questions answered, come to my open Q+A's coming up! Q+A with Angela Mascenik on Friday, October 15th at 10:00 am ET, *registration required:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 145, Willingness to Letting it Go

    07/10/2021 Duração: 14min

    I wrote this thinking about how I can teach you to be willing to let something go. Willingness to fail. Willingness to make mistakes. Willingness to be sick. Hold on the tightest is when we get in trouble. Trying to convince. Trying to resist. Trying to please. All of that effort instead of being open to it ending. Being open to surrendering. Being open to being wrong. Being open to making mistakes. Being open to letting them leave you. RESIST, push, fight, hold on, being right, being perfect, convicting. No thank you. This is me. This is you. I’m ok and you are ok. Can you let it be? Can you accept? Can you allow it to feel easier? Can you allow it to be imperfect? Tune in and hear how the IDEA and being just willing to let it go can open it all up for you. Get your name on the list to hear about SODSL Program 2.0: Join my FREE Masterclass: 3 Steps to Stop Over-drinking, October 13th 2021 at 7:00pm EST.

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 144, Allowing People to Be Upset


    I want to explore the art of letting someone be upset with you. First, people have emotions all the time. And it’s normal for us to disappoint or trigger negative emotions in other people. It does happen, it will continue to happen until we die. We can not control it.Sometimes you will cause other people to be upset. And if you can learn how to navigate that better, you can create a better connection through it with the other person and do less harm to yourself. When a person displays or communicates how they are feeling, just take a breath, and step back and allow them to be exactly where they are. It’s ok for them to be upset.It’s ok for you to be upset. Everyone’s emotions are ok. Tune in and learn how this allowance of the other person's emotions will help you drink less and improve your relationships.   The Stop Over-drinking and Start Living Coaching Program is getting a serious GLOWUP!Get your name on the list to hear about SODSL Program 2.0:   

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 143, Stop Policing People


    This episode might make you feel uncomfortable.. I’m talking about how we might police people in what they do or don’t do. When you feel free to tell people how they are doing something wrong (in your opinion) and they should do it in a way that matches what you think is right, that is policing them. We do this because of how our society has taught us to behave, how we were raised, where we were raised, and how our culture operates. All of that to say, when you think people should do it differently and you take the liberty to tell them, it keeps YOU small. What’s really happening is you see something in them that triggers you to consider you could do it differently too.. and you might feel threatened, like your way is exposed as NOT the only way! Tune in and hear how you can stop policing other people, and if you are the one being policed, how you can find compassion and understanding.   Get your name on the list to be the first to hear about SODSL 2.0!  

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 142, Rejection


    Rejection is defined as the dismissing or refusing of a proposal, idea, etc. Humans don’t like rejection. To be told no, or to be denied something you want, or an idea that you have, or to sell something, or to put yourself out there and then told no, whether it’s love, or a new job, or a business idea. The idea of rejection or being rejected keeps a lot of people from going forward. But the most PAINFUL rejections are the ones we do towards ourselves. Tune in and learn how you can identify 3 areas in which you might be rejecting yourself and your goals. And how you can shift to stop rejecting what you truly want and start to say YES to you and your amazing life. The weight of your unlived dreams lives unsatisfied inside of YOU. And it keeps growing the longer you reject what it is you actually want. This is one of the reasons why we numb and escape. And you don't have to keep doing it. AND don't forget to sign up for the FREE Wine Free Workweek Challenge, we start on Monday, September 20th! I'll be sharing t

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 141, I Won’t Be Satisfied

    09/09/2021 Duração: 13min

    This episode examines satisfaction.How it’s created.How you create different patterns of satisfaction.AND how satisfaction is not created by how much you drink.Satisfaction comes from within not by having a certain amount of drinks.So, if you’ve ever thought ‘I won’t be satisfied’ when you think about cutting back, this episode is for you!**Stop Over-drinking and Start Living 2.0 is COMING SOON!**Be the first to get all of the details!

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 140, I Deserve It!

    01/09/2021 Duração: 14min

    How often have you thought 'I deserve it...' or 'I want to reward myself...' or 'I've worked so hard today... I should be able to have a glass...'You deserve WAY MORE than a glass of wine.You deserve to reach your goals.You deserve to live a happy, fulfilling, life.You deserve to honor your commitments to yourself.You deserve restful sleep.You deserve to feel good.Tune in to this week's episode where I teach you how to reach bigger and to think more creatively in what you actually deserve! **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program?  click the link below and watch all 3 videos, read through the information and then click >>APPLY

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 139, Interview with Client Ruth

    25/08/2021 Duração: 43min

    Ruth applied to join my stop over-drinking and start living coaching program just over 6- months ago.In her application I knew she'd be a good fit for the program so I reached out to her to schedule a quick chat.She ignored me!Then I sent her another message and she came back with a LONG story about how she's scared and she things she would be boring and her friends will judge her and that it's gonna be another thing she goes all in on and then quits.Well, needless to say, Ruth joined my program and has completely changed her life.Tune in to this juicy episode and hear the actual text that she sent me, I'm sure it will resonate with many of you.Now, Ruth doesn't drink, feels filled with happiness, and is doing way more in her life than she ever thought possible and it's just the beginning for her!And if you want to join the exact program that Ruth did, GET YOUR APPLICATION in now. Click below for all the details, but watch the 3 short videos first. Stop Over-drinking and Start

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 138, Making it Easy to Drink Less

    18/08/2021 Duração: 19min

    We can’t make permanent changes with our relationship with alcohol or any relationship unless we get conscious of our current thoughts.   This is important because we are motivated to seek pleasure avoid pain and save energy.   This is our foundational basic human programming, it’s the motivational triad.   So, if we don’t know what we are thinking.. and how that plays into the motivational triad, it can feel like you are pushing through mud.   Your thoughts make you feel a range of emotions. Some positive some negative some just neutral.   Your brain will recognize these emotions as painful or as feeling good.   When your brain recognizes these emotions as difficult or painful.. the motivational triad will dictate what happens next. If they are painful, your brain will motivate you to avoid that pain and seek pleasure and save your energy.   If they are feel good ones, it will motivate you to keep doing whatever you are doing to get that feel good feeling.   You can learn how to use this basic programming to

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 137, ‘I Haven’t Really Tried’

    11/08/2021 Duração: 12min

    When you want new results in your life like maybe to stop over-drinking or to lose some weight… You might have this ‘well, I haven’t really tried’ thought. And then you go on to think.. 'well, I'm still drinking too much on the weekends, I haven't been sticking to my food plan 100% of the time, sometimes I snack after dinner.. I'm not drinking enough water, I overeat on vacation a lot last week..' Basically, you go and reflect on all the things that you 'haven't been doing perfectly' to prove this [belief] to be true... or even more fun, you like to go look at all your past attempts at making changes and kick yourself even harder when you recall all the failed attempts.. and think ‘see I can never do it.’ And then you might feel inclined to 'try harder.' You might then decide to restrict, swear off alcohol for a month, go on a restrictive diet like keto or juice fasts. And then that attempt to 'try harder' feels really f#^*ing hard. And you white knuckle your way through the week, and by the time Thursday rol

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 136, Corinne Crabtree Interview

    05/08/2021 Duração: 47min

    This week I'm excited to share the interview I did with Corinne Crabtree, host of the Losing 100lbs with Corinne podcast and creator of the No BS Weightloss program.Corinne shares how she got started to lose over 100lbs and the obstacles she had to overcome.We also discussed her relationship with alcohol and how that has changed over the years.Corinne, just like you, used to have a lot of beliefs about her capabilities to lose weight and keep it off. It wasn't until she decided to change that narrative, that she became successful.You don't want to miss this inspiring, funny, and motivating interview!Corinne Crabtree, host of the Losing 100lbs with Corinne podcast and creator of the No BS Weightloss program:www.nobsfreecourse.comAdvanced Weightloss Certification

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 135, Fear and My Alaskan Adventure

    28/07/2021 Duração: 44min

    This week I'm sharing all the details of my wild Alaskan adventure AND how I navigated fear.I also explore why you want to learn how to navigate fear so that you can do more in your life, like stop over-drinking.I am good at navigating and allowing fear in my life, but I didn't used to be.I learned how to be with fear and move forward anyway and it started with learning how to stop over-drinking.Tune in this week and hear all the amazing scary adventures I went on in Alaska and more about how you can be with fear and move through it to take your life from boring and stuck to mind blowing amazing!Links mentioned in this episode:Kennicott Lodge St. Alias National park Alias Alpine Guides Verzone, Rebel Buddhist, podcast: Over-drinking and Start Living Podcast Study Guide:

  • Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 134, Taking a Break

    21/07/2021 Duração: 18min

    This week I'm diving into why taking meaningful breaks from work and in our day to day lives helps you feel better and drink less.When I look back in the first 6 months of 2021, I implemented many more breaks, meeting free days and more vacation time and I've had the most success in my business to date. How does this work? Tune in and I'll explain it to you.Basically, we are not meant to be productive all of the time. Our brain needs rest, quiet time, technology free time and if you can incorporate this into your regular day to day, you will automatically not want to seek alcohol and food to 'de-stress.'Links mentioned in podcast:Mayo Clinic: Why taking vacation time can save your life Clinic: **Inte

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