Common Censored

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 100:57:49
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With Lee Camp and Eleanor Goldfield. Censored stories, sensible solutions and common ground movements to fight and build.And sometimes other stuff


  • Episode 223 - Weaponizing Climate Change, What A Year Without Reproductive Health Looks Like

    25/07/2023 Duração: 01h02min

    Well, it's been a year since the honestly bare bones access to reproductive healthcare in this country was barred. Since then, the effect on people's basic right to bodily autonomy has suffered - primarily in low income and non-white communities, not least of all Indigenous. Still, there are some rad and powerful ways in which people are fighting to take control of our bodies!  Meanwhile, as the world becomes both hotter and more politically destabilized, the arms industry is directly fueling climate change. PLUS it's remarkable that this needs to be said but no, slaves did not benefit from being slaves.

  • Episode 222 - Sweden Joins Death Cult, This Action is The Sh*t (literally), Beach Access is a Class War

    17/07/2023 Duração: 53min

    Well, they finally did it. The "neutral" nation of Sweden has slashed 200 years of political precedent and joined the dealth cult popularly known as NATO. Resident Swede Eleanor digs into how facocked this is while she and Lee give context via little tid bits like how Russia wanted to join NATO at its founding and documents showing NATO promised to not move east of the Elbe river in Germany.  Meanwhile up and to the left in England, activists put on a literal shit show in the name of stopping arms exports to Israel.  PLUS Feds could end homelessness by just using their own damn buildings and beach access is a class war!

  • Episode 221 - A Cluster F**k of War Crimes, and A Common Place for Radioactive Waste Dumping

    10/07/2023 Duração: 01h09s

    Soooo just when it seemed the US proxy war in Ukraine couldn't get any more facocked, Biden announced that he'd be raining down largely-banned cluster munitions so that people (not least of all children) can be maimed for decades to come.  Meanwhile, Japan has announced that they finally have a solution for the radioactive waste from Fukushima: the Pacific Ocean. Now that sounds horrifying (because it is), but wait til you hear how common of a practice this really is!  PLUS the cruel and usual punishment of using prisons as ovens and compounding the torture of inmates vis a vis lack of access to potable water, medical care, sanitation and more.

  • Episode 220 - What You Don't Know About Affirmative Action, What Keeps Billionaires Awake at Night, Fight For Your Right to..Sit?

    02/07/2023 Duração: 01h02min

    Vive la revolucion! After French police murdered a 17-year old on the outskirts of Paris, Frane is once again in the throes of public rage and dismay. Could this latest wave be too much to keep Macron n friends afloat?  So, the Supreme Court sucks - and that's by design. Not only did they stomp out hope for even the most measley of college debt relief bills, but they stomped on the measliest of policies to address systemic racism in higher education. And I do mean measley. We've got more details for ya! PLUS what keeps billionaires awake at night, and you gotta fight for your right to...sit?

  • Episode 219 - This is What Fascism Looks Like, The Geography of Tragedy

    26/06/2023 Duração: 01h02min

    Florida may be the punch line of jokes these days but there's a lot we can learn about the fascism to come (without proactive resistance to it) from this most southern state.  At this point, discussion of the imploded sub has reached feverishly repetitive tones. So we're gonna flip the script and talk about a tragedy that you may not have heard about - because, according to our media and cultural paradigms, it was geographically, economically, and racially not tragic. PLUS Zelensky announces a Russian attack that hasn't happened, SCOTUS suggests the Navajo die of thirst becuase it's not the US' problem & MORE!    Sign up to support this work AND get extra content at

  • Episode 218 - A Green Light For The Biggest Strike in US History, Empire's Grip Slipping in the Middle East, Indigenous Rights Upheld,

    18/06/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    UPS has until July 31st to stave off the largest single employer strike in US history. Will they do it? And regardless of the outcome, what does this mean for workplace organizing in any and all trades and companies? Also good news: the Empire's grip in the Middle East is slipping after Blinken just had yet another disappointing trip to Saudi Arabia where officials there pushed back considerably on US wishes for the region.  Hey, more good news! ICWA or the Indian Child Welfare Act was (shockingly) upheld by the US Supreme Court.  PLUS some bad news: updates on political prisoners, massive uptick in global refugee numbers & how that ties into US hegemony, reproductive rights now considered terrorism 

  • Episode 217 - Guilty of Journalism, Debt Deal Disasters, and That Picture Is Lying To You

    04/06/2023 Duração: 01h05s

    We're back! It's been more than a minute but now Eleanor is back with the show so we can all pick right back up where we left off because sadly, this show is still necessary as the world has not drastically changed for the better nor has corporate media decided suddenly to give a damn about actual issues.  Speaking of which, actual journalists have been found guilty - well, of being actual journalists.  Meanwhile, the only folks to move unscathed thru the massive cuts that made the debt ceiling deal possible are the folks who make money off of mass murder. There's also a nice helping of legal handouts to massive dirty energy projects because why not.  PLUS bail fund organizers thrown in jail, and a most nefarious way that corporate media uses photographs to peddle propaganda.    

  • Episode 216 - Petrodollar Dying, Does Trump Indictment Matter

    07/04/2023 Duração: 01h28min

    Hey, let's start off with a proof of life from Eleanor and then get right into the nitty gritty. Like hey, did y'all know that the petrodollar is dying? And that doesn't bode well for the US economy.  PLUS does the Trump indictment even matter, AND MORE!    ** psst, for more on the US economy, check out Eleanor's recent interview with Prof. Richard Wolff on Project Censored

  • Episode 215 - Who's Really Stealing Elections, Cutting the Pentagon Budget by $100bn, China Introduces Peace Plan,

    26/02/2023 Duração: 01h04min

    The official Pentagon budget is almost $1 trillion. So what if we just shaved of $100bn of that? A couple of members of Congress are proposing just that, and here's what we have to say about that.  Meanwhile, China has offered up a 12-step program to peace, if you will. Their 12-point plan is specifically targeted to the war in Ukraine but could really apply to any of the imperial catastrophes the US has going.  Russiagate has officially been deemed bullshit but that hasn't stopped the public from blaming Russia for stealing elections. But who's actually behind election theft and manipulation?  PLUS rainbow imperialism and confronting crooked politicians.

  • Episode 214 - How Predictable Was the Ohio Derailment, Massive March in Madrid for Universal Healthcare, Satan and Supreme Court Justice Alito's New Abortion Clinic

    21/02/2023 Duração: 01h10min

    There's no shortage of coverage of the disastrous train derailment in East Palestine, OH. But what's really missing is the context of why, how and amazingly how predictable and therefore avoidable the whole catastrophe was. Hint: corporate profits over safety and worker's rights.  Over the pond, it looks like the US crippled Germany's energy infrastructure for no reason. The hopes that the US bombing of the Nordstream pipeline (which corporate media is rabidly eager to discredit) would tank Russia's economy has now instead opened up new partnerships possibilities with China as the two massive economies have agreed to a gas pipeline from Russia to China. All the while, Germans are freezing in the midst of an energy crisis forced upon them by the US, and keeping sychophantically mum about it.  A massive march in Madrid highlights the importance of universal healthcare, and of course why US media won't touch that story.  PLUS Satan and Supreme Court Justice Alito have a new abortion clinic, new details on US inv

  • Episode 213 - Peru Fights On, Huge Win in Alaska, Trading Organs for Freedom

    07/02/2023 Duração: 01h04min

    Since late last year, Peru has been in the throws of an amplified struggle against US imperialism. The struggle quickly turned violent and the people of Peru continue to be resilient in demanding democracy and justice. The EPA did something good...their job! But not to worry, they've announced that they won't make a habit of it - indeed, they've only done this 3 times in the past 30 years so rest assured all ye polluters! Meanwhile, prisoners may soon be able to make a trade for time off their sentences - you know, if they're willing to part with some of their organs or some bone marrow. 'Murica!

  • Episode 212 - French Workers Sieze Power, Cops Terrified of Tree Houses, Another Nail in Russiagate's Coffin

    30/01/2023 Duração: 01h03min

    Russiagate is already easily refuted, but it seems like the hits (i.e. the truth) keep comin! New evidence shows collusion between social media and the US government to label anything they don't like as Russian bots - which of course turns out were neither Russian nor bots. Discuss.  Following the murder of a forest defender in the Atlanta forest, Dekalb County Police are doing their utmost to paint defenders as terrorists - because apparently sitting in a tree house is absolutely terrifying to our brave lads in blue. At times, we should just be more like the French. As the fight against Macron's proposed pension "reform" continues, French workers are quite literally siezing power. PLUS news and context from Israel/Palestine and Memphis.  

  • Episode 211 - MLK's Murderers Celebrate His Life, Sweden Licks Boot of US Empire, Massive Arctic Drilling Planned

    16/01/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    Well it's MLK day and we just wouldn't know how to celebrate it without racists, capitalists, and imperialists misquoting the Civil Rights leader in some of the most absurd and twisted ways. Meanwhile, Sweden is desperate to get in on US empire's game, even going so far as to suggest that flying a flag could be an act of terrorism. A massive arctic drilling project is planned because you know, 'Murica. PLUS Courts side with Palestinian rights activists & tens of thousands rush to a small German hamlet to stop its destruction.

  • Episode 210 - Lula Returns, Bolsonaro Flees, Guaido's Out PLUS Recycling Scams and Water Woes

    08/01/2023 Duração: 01h08min

    Here's some good news to start the year off on a high note! Formerly imprisoned Brazilian president Lula is back in office! Bolsonaro snuck off to Florida with his tail between his legs and the never-president-of-Venezuela-but-called-president-by-uncle-sam Guaido has finally been ousted by his own party. Meanwhile in the bad news department (I mean you knew we were going to), Big Oil is behind some of the most aggressive plastics recycling campaigns, and surprise surprise, they're not making a dent in recycling plastic - not to mention the bigger culprit of new plastics production. PLUS a killer cop actually brought to justice, capitalism's slavery and Lee dives into the poisoned wells of our fine nation.

  • Episode 209 - Should Rail Workers Call Biden's Bluff, Twitter's History of Censorship, Ron DeSantis' Past Revealed

    05/12/2022 Duração: 01h01min

    Railroad workers were dealt a serious (but unsurprising) blow by Biden and Congress who decided to make a potential rail strike illegal rather than give them the basic human rights they're asking for. So, should they call Biden's bluff? Matt Taibbi has recently dug into Twitter's history of censoring those the ruling class take issue with - not least of all those sharing provable facts about Biden's son. DeSantis isn't just a right-wing extremist, he's a veteran torturer and war criminal. PLUS NYC Mayor Adams wants to force every "mentally ill" person into hospitals against their will.

  • Episode 208 - Apologies for Chemical Experimentation, Protections for Homicidal Extremists, Confused Missiles & MORE!

    20/11/2022 Duração: 01h12min

    Imperialism isn't just something the US does 'over there.' It's very much a home game. Like when predominantly black inmates in Philadelphia were used as guinea pigs for chemical experimentation for decades, then told they couldn't file a lawsuit because it was too long ago, then the city 'apologized' for using their bodies as toxic waste sites. Meanwhile, homicidal extremists clearly linked to torturous murder get protection from the US government - because oil. We don't often ask folks to call politicians - but this is a time we do. And Lee will tell you why and how calling for clemency for death row prisoners works. Kevin Johnson is scheduled to be executed on November 29th. Call the governor's office at (573) 751-3222 to demand clemency! Apparently some confused missiles from Ukraine ended up in Poland - and in classic corporate media fashion, they blamed Russia without any evidence, a move that thanks to the NATO alliance could have set off World War 3. PLUS a BIG win for ecosystems and indigenous tribes

  • Episode 207 - It's OK To Not Be Shocked, But You Gotta Stay Disgusted: From the UK Building Terror Armies in Ukraine to the US Bailing Out Death Dealers & MORE

    07/11/2022 Duração: 01h04min

    It's ok if you're not shocked anymore - but never lose your disgust and disdain for the war machine. For instance, if you've been following the show and know the context of the proxy war in Ukraine, you won't be surprised to learn that the UK built a 'terror army' in order to better poke the Russian bear. You may also not be shocked by the fact that FOUR weapons contractors got more money from the US government than 300 million+ Americans. It's not all that shocking anymore. But it needs to always be disgusting. PLUS calling out war criminals, green capitalism, and digging to our rooted connections to nature without approrpriating indigenous cultures!

  • Episode 206 - New Hue, Same Crew: the Latest British PM + Do Midterms Matter?

    02/11/2022 Duração: 01h14min

    These Midterms are the most important EVER! Just like the last time! So it begs the question, do midterms ever matter? Meanwhile in the UK, the new boss, same as the old boss (but richer if you can believe it) proves to us that it doesn't matter what shade of skin or what gender someone has because people of all stripes can be imperialist, capitalist douche canoes. PLUS updates on the egregious miscarriage of justice for Mumia abu Jamal, "bee" prepared for some direct action, and MORE!

  • Episode 205 - Non-West Coalesces Against US Empire, EU Admits Prosperity Based on Cheap Chinese Labor & Russian Energy, and More!

    27/10/2022 Duração: 01h10min

    As Chris Hedges wrote, we are an empire in decline - and nations outside of ours can see the writing on the wall perhaps far more than we oursleves can. In this big move, a recent OPEC meeting tolls a  bell for Uncle Sam... Saying the quiet part loud, EU's top foreign-policy official, Josep Borrell admitted that Europe's prosperity is based on cheap Chinese labor and cheap Russian energy...a golden age now waned. PLUS what's going on in Haiti, New Jersey stands up to big oil & MORE!

  • Episode 204 - They Can't Cover This Up, Divesting from Deforestation, Calling Out Churchill & More!

    21/09/2022 Duração: 59min

    Sometimes the internet is a beautiful place. Like that time just recently when Zelensky tried to hide the N*zi symbols on his guard's uniforms but oh the internets saved that little gem! Meanwhile, what do John Stewart, Mickey Mouse and a N*zi have in common? The EU parliament is pushing to divest from deforestation. Is this as good as it sounds or is it yet another false solution? Or maybe both... A railroad strike has been averted - for now. These workers hold $2bn a DAY in their hands as a looming strike is still very much in the cards. PLUS Winston Churchill get his due.    

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