Happy Healthy Human Radio - Find Balance With Samantha Attard Phd, Ryt, Doula

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 78:21:57
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These broadcasts deliver big life lessons in digestible packages. You'll find meditations, recipes, yoga, and lessons on gaining balance from Samantha Attard. Sam is a doula, yoga instructor, nutrition PhD, and coach who specializes in eastern philosophy and Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing system. Listen and find bliss and balance in your every day.


  • How to actually get benefits from Ayurveda

    31/07/2020 Duração: 16min

    Share your feedback and reflections from this podcast - I'm on Instagram at @spirocollective, or send me an email: sam[at]spirocollective[dot]com. In this week's podcast: My history with Ayurveda and how to actually get benefits from the practice A yoga practice that breaks down ardha chandrasana (half moon pose). The interview with Rep John Lewis that I loved Understanding the racial wealth gap in America New week's livestream yoga schedule! Links and Recommendations: Sign up for an Ayurvedic consultation! - spirocollective.com/ayurvedic-consultation Ayurvedic Dosha Quiz - spirocollective.com/discover-your-dosha-quiz Blog: I know my dosha...now what?: spirocollective.com/beginner-ayurveda-tips  Book: Ayurveda for Dummies by Sahara Rose: https://www.amazon.com/Ayurveda-Idiots-Guides-Sahara-Ketabi/dp/1465462767 Podcast: Understanding Cycles and Seasons: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6i1YRNVro2OgxsnxtTXXER?si=x-22vaMtTHeFkm90nUp_eQ 60 Minute All Levels Vinyasa: https://www.patreo

  • A time to change

    25/07/2020 Duração: 21min

    Hello and welcome back!  In this week's podcast: Why this quarantine is THE time to re-group, re-prioritize, and re-organize your life. My favorite yoga practice and podcast of the week. How you can take action to support ethical elected officials. Next week's livestream yoga schedule. Links and Recommendations: Sign up for an Ayurvedic consultation!  60 Minute Intermediate Vinyasa Register for this week's yoga livestreams!  Watch this video of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes' response to Representative Yoho. Look up your representative AND your voter registration status! Brene Brown's podcast on shame and accountability. Join my Patreon community! For easy access to the links I recommend this week, subscribe to my newsletter at spirocollective.com. If you enjoy this podcast, please share it with a friend!  Share your feedback and reflections - I'm on Instagram at @spirocollective, or send me an email: sam[at]spirocollective[dot]com. --- Send in a voice message: ht

  • The Upside of Stress

    13/05/2020 Duração: 23min

    Hello friends! It's so wonderful to be back with you for another episode. I had been taking a bit of a podcasting break because 1) it's difficult to record with a full house and 2) there have been so many podcasts out there about life in quarantine, and I didn't want to make an episode JUST to make an episode. BUT - I started writing about this idea of stress leading to evolution and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I started to see these ideas EVERYWHERE and knew I needed to share them with you all. So check out this episode to learn about why stress is necessary for evolution and growth, how to turn distress into eustress, and why you may not feel great in the short term, but this mindset shift will change your life.  I'd love to see you LIVE for yoga and meditation! It's by donation, no pre-registration necessary. Find the details at bit.ly/livestream-link.  If you're interested in getting access to these yoga classes on-demand (plus some other sweet perks too!) check out patreon.com/spiroc

  • My Meal Planning Guide

    09/04/2020 Duração: 14min

    For YEARS I thought I would never be a meal plan-type person. I love going to a farmer’s market or co-op and seeing what vegetables look good,  or coming across a recipe and making it that day. I am grateful to have a skill of looking at a fridge full (or not so full) of groceries and being able to sense what flavors and combinations might work well together. But then I got pregnant, and it all fell apart. I had this weird issue where the idea of eating any food was disgusting until I was actually eating it, so “what do you want to eat” became a fruitless question. Add my low energy to the mix, and getting dinner together became just a little too stressful. It was time to create a meal plan, and I knew that it had to be easy, flexible, and low-key. A fancy app was going to feel way too intimidating. Hear about the meal plan method I follow, and download my meal plan template (and favorite recipes!) at spirocollective.com/meal-plan. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/samantha-attard/message

  • Caprice Abowitt: Prenatal Yoga and Navigating Birth in a COVID world

    01/04/2020 Duração: 52min

    Hello all! Today's podcast is a fabulous interview with Caprice Abowitt. Caprice Abowitt is a certified yoga instructor, birth doula, childbirth educator and certified breastfeeding counselor. A classically trained dancer, Caprice fell in love with yoga after sustaining a back injury and now specializes in kids yoga, pre- and postnatal, and yoga for the pelvic floor. She is a senior teacher at the Prenatal Yoga Center, where she co-leads teacher training in New York City and along the East Coast in addition to directing Continuing Education Programs. Additionally, Caprice leads Childbirth Education for expecting parents as a founding instructor with Birth Smarter. She is based in Brooklyn, where she lives with her husband and son. I met Caprice when she co-led my prenatal yoga teacher training that I participated in. She was so knowledgable and kind, and had a fascinating background - I knew I wanted to have her on the podcast. The content of this interview was different than expected - as we are in

  • Meditation to Keep Emotions and Energy in Motion

    25/03/2020 Duração: 11min

    We are in our second week of social distancing in DC, and you might be feeling a little cabin fever. But even when our bodies are not in motion, our inner world is. We still have thoughts, feelings, and emotions bubbling up. In today's meditation, we'll be directing our breath, energy, and attention to make sure that emotions keep moving through the body, instead of getting stuck and causing distress.  Practice meditation or yoga with me live over on Instagram - @spirocollective. Find the updated schedule on Instagram.  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/samantha-attard/message

  • 60 Minute Vinyasa: Trusting Your Foundation

    19/03/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    Hello! I hope you and your family are well during these crazy times. I've been staying sane during social distancing by doing livestream meditations and yoga sessions over on Instagram Live. You can join it at @SpiroCollective! Most of our recordings happen at 7pm EST. I'm also uploading some of the videos up to YouTube, so you can practice there as well! But for my audio fans, I wanted to upload this 60 minute vinyasa session so you can do it anywhere, anytime. In this practice, we focus on finding our foundation, so we can step into flow. Enjoy this practice and stay safe. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/samantha-attard/message

  • 20 Minute Yin Yoga to Open and Clear Your Lungs

    12/03/2020 Duração: 22min

    It's kapha season, which means that our lungs can easily get congested and sticky. Use this gentle, simple, yin yoga practice to expand the rib cage, stretch the upper spine, and relieve congestion in the lungs and heart. This yin yoga practice is beginner friendly and the perfect introduction to yin yoga.  To learn more about the lungs in Ayurveda, visit http://spirocollective.com/lungs-ayurveda/. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/samantha-attard/message

  • Dr. Rachel Aronson DPT, PT: Why We Need Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

    04/03/2020 Duração: 54min

    Hi all - I am so excited for today's podcast with Dr. Rachel Aronson, DPT, PT and owner of Core Elements Physical Therapy. Rachel is a pelvic floor physical therapist and works with people at all stages of life. I went to see her after having my baby to help with postpartum support and recovery, and I was so impressed by her deep knowledge and care about the subject. I had so many questions, I needed to get her on the podcast!! I believe that pelvic floor physical therapy is a must for all women postpartum, and I wanted to spread the word on how beneficial it is. In this episode, Rachel shares about her postpartum journey, how she healed her body, and what she now provides for women (and men!) to help them reconnect to their pelvic floors. She also shares how to know if you need to see a pelvic floor physical therapist, and how to find one. This is an incredibly informative conversation, and I recommend it for anyone that has experienced issues with incontinence, low back pain, tailbone pain, has had a baby,

  • Rewriting the lyrics to "you are my sunshine"

    26/02/2020 Duração: 21min

    According to Wikipedia, "you are my sunshine" is the 3rd most sung song in America, following behind "Happy Birthday". But when I started singing this song to my 3 month old son, I realized just how much I disliked the lyrics. In fact, the lyrics are the opposite of what I have learned from yoga, Buddhism, and modern relationship research to be the foundations of happiness! And so in today's episode, I'm breaking down the lyrics to "You are my sunshine". I share the relationship pitfalls that the song idolizes. Then, I give my re-write that better reflects what constructive relationships and attachment looks like. I know we're getting deep on a children's tune, but the words we say impact our thinking, and I don't want to be repeating the lessons I see in that song. Check out the episode, and let me know what you think about the original song and my new lyrics. You can send me an email at sam@spirocollective.com. --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/samantha-attard/message

  • Plank Prep and Shoulder Strengthening Yoga

    19/02/2020 Duração: 22min

    I am so excited about today's short yoga sequence. I had created this set of movements to prepare for a heart-opening, backbend-heavy yoga class, and in the process realized that they made my plank and chaturanga dandasana feel AMAZING.  By working both stability and mobility, these movements will help you identify the muscle actions and movements that will help you build strength for your plank pose. If you already are a plank master, you'll appreciate feeling the extra activation in your shoulders and muscles as you move seamlessly through your vinyasa. Check out this sequence to do as a warm-up for your yoga practice, or as a standalone practice after a long day at the office.  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/samantha-attard/message

  • Yogeswari Jessica Bertin: Listening to the Universe and Selfless Service

    13/02/2020 Duração: 01h04min

    Today's interview is with Yogeswari Jessica Bertin, founder of Twisted and Found, and it's a *great* one. YJB is one of my dearest friends - we met working in specialty coffee back in 2008 - and she is now also a yoga teacher and practitioner. We laugh because our conversations always skip the "how are you"s and go straight to deep conversations about living our yoga and being present in the world. After she last visited in January, I realized it was time to get her on the podcast, so you could all hear from her wisdom as well. YJB is an inspiration and example of getting curious about your values and desires in this world and then rearranging life to actually live it. You'll hear in this episode why she initially had no interest in trying yoga, what made her start, and what kept her going in the practice and led her to do her teaching training at Integral Yoga in New York City, and to staff and lead retreats and teacher trainings at Yogaville, the Swami Satchitananda ashram in Virginia. There is so much good

  • Moon Chat: Setting Full Moon Intentions and Understanding the Moon in your Birth Chart

    05/02/2020 Duração: 46min

    Hello all! I'm so excited for our second Moon Chat of the year. We're joined by astrology expert and yoga instructor, Kathleen Barry (instagram.com/kbb323) to learn all about the stars and how they're affecting us. Today we're talking all about the moon! We talk about the different phases of the moon and how to set full and new moon intentions. Then we dive into what your moon sign represents in your chart and how to distinguish your Sun, Rising, and Moon signs. I particularly love today's episode because I got to address my long-standing guilt at not setting full moon intentions, and Kathleen has awesome advice for anyone that's interested in incorporating the moon into their monthly rituals, but has been unsure of how to.  It's an awesome episode and I hope you enjoy!  --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/samantha-attard/message

  • Experiencing Change with Grace

    30/01/2020 Duração: 23min

    Even though we are constantly experiencing change, humans typically aren't that great at handling it. In this episode, we're diving deep into how you can experience more grace even in the midst of huge change and transition. We'll talk about anchoring to the unchanging part of your nature, not sabotaging  your change, tapping into courage, and trusting. You'll find that change doesn't have to be an anxiety-filled difficulty.  Announcements: -Kapha Cleanse and Ayurveda Workshop at Zweet Sport Feb 16th - zweetsport.com -Free Prenatal Yoga at Spark Feb 23rd - email sam@spirocollective.com -Ayurveda Retreat at Lake Anna May 14-17th! - email sam@spirocollective.com -Lock in lower pricing before my Ayurvedic consultation offerings change! Head over to spirocollective.com to set up your free consultation -Look me up on Insight Timer for more free meditations and yoga classes

  • 25 Minute Yin Yoga to Rebalance After a Long Day

    24/01/2020 Duração: 27min

    Modern life can be harsh on both our bodies and our minds. We often stay in one position for extended periods of time (usually hovering over our computers or our phones) and the stress and stimulation of our work days can cause tightness throughout the body.  This yin yoga practice is designed to help you rebalance after a long day. We'll stretch the lower back, the front of the chest and shoulders, and the sides of the waist. By the end of this practice you'll be ready for a good night's sleep or a relaxing evening.  Be sure to check out spirocollective.com for more yoga practices, workshops, classes, and private coaching! 

  • Moon Chat: Connecting to Yourself in 2020

    18/01/2020 Duração: 51min

    Hi team! We're back!!! Kathleen Barry, our resident astrology expert, is here to talk about what 2020 has to bring. You'll learn about numerology (why being a 4 is so darn cool), Aries energy in 2020, and how to reconnect to yourself authentically. As always, you'll hear about the things that Kathleen and I are loving (like Rumi, Hafiz, Myths of the Asanas, and more!). We are glad to be back, and we know you'll love this episode. -Connect with Kathleen on Instagram - @kbb323! -Send me an email with feedback - sam@spirocollective.com. -Don't miss my workshop at Zweet Sport: Kapha Cleanse and Ayurveda on February 16th! More details here: http://spirocollective.com/events/kapha-cleanse-and-ayurveda-workshop/

  • Results from my No Social Media Experiment

    09/01/2020 Duração: 22min

    Hi gang! A few months ago, I decided that it was time for me to get my act together about social media. I was officially addicted, and I knew that I didn't want to be using social media like that when my baby was born. So, I deleted Instagram and Facebook to see what life would be like without them. Check out the episode to learn what made me finally pull the trigger and ditch the apps, what happened when I quit, and why I run experiments when I want to change a habit.  Learn more about how to run your own experiments when you work with me! Check out Ayurvedic coaching and private yoga at SpiroCollective.com.  If you enjoy this episode, please rate and leave a review on Apple Podcasts, or share it with a friend who might enjoy this podcast! 

  • Welcome to 2020!

    04/01/2020 Duração: 23min

    HELLO!!!! It is so wonderful to be back. I hope you and your families had wonderful holidays and New Years and that your 2020 (a whole new decade!!) is off to a great start. I had my baby back in November, and it's been a wonderful, wild ride ever since.  In today's podcast, I'm breaking down 3 big lessons from the first 6 weeks of motherhood that are applicable to everyone - you don't have to have kids to appreciate and use these tools.  In other news - I'm back to teaching yoga at Spark Yoga and taking new Ayurveda clients! Reach out on SpiroCollective.com if you'd be interested in working together!  Also, as we get back to recording after a 2 month hiatus, please head over to Apple Podcasts to leave a review! It will help new people find the podcast.  It's great to be back!! Thank you for being a part of our community! 

  • Kerry Harling: The 25 Day Ayurveda Cleanse

    25/10/2019 Duração: 50min

    Today we have a special bonus episode of the podcast! I recently had the opportunity to speak with Kerry Harling, a certified Ayurveda practitioner and CEO of The Holistic Highway. Kerry just wrote a great book called The 25 Day Ayurveda Cleanse and it's full of such useful wisdom that I knew we had to share it before our new season in 2020. I love that Kerry sees such a diverse set of patients through her work at The Holistic Highway as well as through her practice at the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Integrative Medicine. We talk about how she approaches the wide variety of people that she sees and how she integrates western and eastern wisdom to help her patients. This is a great interview that I know you'll enjoy. See you next season! 

  • Moon Chat: Making peace with all of your pieces

    18/10/2019 Duração: 27min

    Hello friends! This is our LAST Moon Chat of 2019!! What a year it's been. Join me and Kathleen Barry for a quick retrospective on what we've learned in the last year. Plus, we talk about how to make sense of the dissonant parts of your personality, so you can move through your life with a little more ease. Lastly, we talk about doing birth charts for babies. It's been an amazing year of Moon Chats, and I can't wait to get back to it in 2020!

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