Walking Dharma

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 24:01:48
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Walking Dharma focuses on helping you live your best life. This podcast dives into a wide variety of yogic and tantric texts with a non-dogmatic, courageous attitude. We candidly break down the central concepts within them to make them as digestible and delicious as possible in application to modern day living. Topics covered range from activating intention and the power of manifestation, awakening inner strength, emotional freedom, and spiritual awakening through the power of being here now. Your host, Kristen Coyle is a yoga teacher, writer, therapeutic bodyworker and energy healer. She integrates all that she has learned into her teachings and continues to seek deeper awareness, overflowing kindness, and adventure in all she does.


  • Episode 15: Find Your Truth

    07/01/2019 Duração: 49min

    This week's podcast dives into the yama (abstinence) of satya (truthfulness). "To one established in truthfulness, actions and their results become subservient." Yoga Sutras 2:36 Whatever lense of awareness we put on determines what we receive from the world. Instead of trying to find your truth and intentionally 'create' your life, trust that the truth is always with you as your deepest ally, and allow the effortless guidance of your own heart to lead you. With intention also ego comes, with truthfulness ego-lessness arises as we surrender to the not so silent pull of our own heart. Instead of seeking validation from the world, allow your own highest truth shining through to be your confirmation....the confirmation of your gut feelings, the confirmation of your intuitive prompts, and the confirmation that all is in total alignment with yourself. The dreams we feel called to manifest originate from this field of total honesty and emanate from the flame of our own truth. Swami Satchidananda says,"By estab

  • Episode 14: Be Love

    21/12/2018 Duração: 32min

    This week's podcast dives into the yama (abstinence) of ahimsa (non-violence). "In the presence of one firmly established in non-violence, all hostilities cease." Yoga Sutras 2:35 When we open our hearts and live from a place of loving kindness and reverence for all of life, non-violence is a natural outcome. The more we harness the power of compassion to heal all scenarios the more we magnetize harmonious vibrations into our lives and relationships. Be the love you wish to see in the world. Special outro music at the end of the podcast called 'Trust' (feat. Mitch Brady) is produced by DJ Karishtan and is available for download via iTunes and Spotify.

  • Episode 13: Trust Yourself

    10/12/2018 Duração: 38min

    This week's podcast addresses the modern psychological phenomenon of lack of self worth. We dive into some of the root causes of lack of self worth and examine simple mindfulness-based solutions to help listeners discover a heightened sense of emotional well-being through self acceptance, present moment awareness to identify and clear old stories and patterns, and a willingness to drop the addiction to achievements to justify worthiness. Instead of distraction which equates to dilution, if we allow ourselves to sit with what is unfolding currently in our lives and see what is there, we concentrate our energy. This undeniably increases our potency. "Thinking no thing will limited Self unlimit."- OSHO Special outro music at the end of the podcast called 'Trust' (feat. Mitch Brady) is produced by DJ Karishtan and is available for download via iTunes and Spotify.

  • Episode 12: How to Truly Give Thanks

    26/11/2018 Duração: 30min

    How to (truly) give thanks? True gratitude arises from within and is not based on any external circumstances. It requires the abilty to become fully present, cultivate acceptance for what is (and isn't), let go when necessary and allow life to flow through you without confinement. Gratitude that arises from inside and blossoms outwardly is like an eternal celebration of the life force that animates us and allows us to reach our highest potential. This episode explores how to cultivate authentic gratitude through awareness and presence. If we only base being grateful on what we have out in the world we are merely satisified with life, not necessarily grateful. To seek gratitude for life itself rather than having our expectations met by our outward experiences, is to seek a deep internal peace and joy that fills the void no one else can fill for us. This episode is inspired by the research and teachings of Dr.Masaru Emoto. For further reading read "The Hidden Messages in Water," by Dr. Emoto. The song at

  • Episode 11: How to Keep Going

    11/11/2018 Duração: 38min

    This week's podcast explores the idea of how to 'keep going' and continue to walk our spiritual path no matter what. Determination to keep going no matter the external circumstances requires even-mindedness, action in conjunction with surrender, deep trust in our own abilities, and the ability to let go of attachment to the fruits of our actions. The teachings in this episode are inspired by the Bhagavad Gita: " To work alone you are entitled, never to its fruit. Neither let your motive be the fruit of action, nor let your attachment be to non-action." 2:47 "Being established in yoga, perform your actions, casting off attachment and remaining even-minded both in success and in failure. This evenness is called yoga." 2:48 "One ought not to give up the work to which one is born, though it has imperfections; for all undertakings are beset with imperfections, as fire with smoke." 18:48 The song at the end of the podcast is special outro music produced by Karishtan. The name of the song is 'Trust' feat. Mitch

  • Episode 10: Make No Assumptions

    30/10/2018 Duração: 41min

    This week's podcast explores the idea of being consistently inconsistent. Anytime we assume that people or things should be a certain way we are living based on what we have experienced in the past. If we are only seeing life from how things 'always are,' we are unavailable to embrace the present moment and the way things are right now. To be consistently inconsistent is to realize that every single moment is an opportunity to be who we want to be based on our heart's deepest desires. How we are one day does not need to define who we are today. "See as if for the first time a beauteous person or an ordinary object." - OSHO The song at the end of the podcast is special outro music produced by Karishtan. The name of the song is 'Trust' feat. Mitch Brady and is available for download via iTunes and Spotify.

  • Episode 9: Embracing the Shadow

    20/10/2018 Duração: 43min

    This week's podcast explores the idea of embracing the shadow. The shadow is the 'darkside' of both our emotional realm and the darker aspects of the outer physical realm. It is the aspects of ourselves that we would rather not show the world. Journeying into the shadow realm takes courage and equanimity to be able to face what is lurking in the far corners of our psyche. There is a tendency to hide from the shadow aspects of ourselves (and others) and try to run to the 'light' to avoid feeling the pain and discomfort that being in the shadow entails. In this podcast we dive into several real life examples of how embracing the shadow aspect of existence can become the ultimate spiritual teacher. The teachings are based on the idea that all experiences are of equal value in the bigger picture of spiritual development and awakening to our higher, untouchable Divine nature. In recognizing this, we can view all things in equal regard. Viewing all things in equal regard is called 'sameness.' It is the ability to

  • Episode 8: Get Out of Your Own Way

    16/10/2018 Duração: 36min

    This week's podcast dives into the idea of "I am not the doer." The Bhagavad Gita says,"I do nothing at all," thinks the Yogi, the knower of Truth; for in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and in tasting; in walking, breathing, and sleeping; In speaking, emitting, and seizing; in opening and closing the eyes, he is assured that it is only the senses busied with their objects." 5:8/9 In this podcast, we break down ways to get out of our own way to live the life of our wildest dreams. When we truly recognize we are simply the conduit for the Divine to flow through us, we become highly capable of moving beyond all self-imposed limitations and naturally follow the current of our own highest truth. Getting out of our own way allows us to do things we once deemed impossible or unattainable. No matter how much doubt may arise, when we step into the all abiding internal witnessing Self, we become fully open to receive the Divine energy available to us. This receptivity allows us to trust that what are compelled

  • Episode 7: Overcoming the Obstacles

    07/10/2018 Duração: 43min

    This week's podcast dives into the Yoga Sutras and the five 'kleshas' (obstacles) that hinder us from Self realization. The five kleshas are: ignorance, egoism, attachment, aversion and clinging to life. By understanding the kleshas and the ways they manifest in our day to day life we become more capable of overcoming them and recognizing our own true nature. To overcome ignorance we seek knowledge, to overcome egoism we recognize nothing is permanent and seek to identify with the unchanging internal (eternal) witnessing Self, to overcome attachment we let go, to overcome aversion we sit with discomfort, and to overcome clinging to life (fear) we trust the Universe to guide us. The song at the end of the podcast is special outro music produced by Karishtan. The name of the song is 'Trust' feat. Mitch Brady and is available for download via iTunes and Spotify.

  • Episode 6: Live Your Truth

    29/09/2018 Duração: 33min

    This week's podcast dives into the yogic concept of 'dharma.' Dharma translates literally as: 'That which holds together.' A broader definition of dharma is 'spiritual path.' Dharma is our highest, deepest truth and once realized, acts as an internal compass guiding us in all aspects of life. We dive into excerpts from the Bhagavad Gita to fully understand what dharma is and discuss how to uncover our own deepest truths and live life from that vantage point. "Better is one's own dharma through imperfectly performed, than the dharma of another perfectly performed; better is death in the doing of one's own dharma, for the dharma of another is fraught with peril." - Bhagavad Gita The song at the end of the podcast is special outro music produced by Karishtan. The name of the song is 'Trust' feat. Mitch Brady and is available for download via iTunes and Spotify.

  • Episode 5: Embodying Love: The Four Limitless Qualities

    22/09/2018 Duração: 54min

    This week's podcast dives into the Four Limitless Qualities of being as taught by Pema Chodron in 'The Places that Scare You.' The four limitless qualities are: loving kindness, compassion, joyfulness and equanimity. We explore how to fully step into emobodying these virtues using real life examples and stories from the 'field.' The near and far opposites of the four limitless qualities are also explored and ways to navigate beyond them are offered as a means to live in harmony and love with all of life. The far opposite of loving kindness is hatred; the near opposite is attachment/aversion. The far opposite of compassion is cruelty; the near opposite is pity/overwhelm/idiot compassion (pity is the main example cited in this podcast). The far opposite of joyfulness is envy; the near opposite is overexcitement. The far opposite of equanimity is prejudice; the near opposite is detachment/indifference. By amplifying and consciously dwelling in the merit of the four limitless qualities one has the power to op

  • Episode 4: Be One-Pointed

    16/09/2018 Duração: 40min

    This week's podcast breaks down the five different states of awareness one is capable of experiencing at any given moment. The five states of awareness are: Restlessness, Delusional, Distracted, One-Pointed and Restricted. Qualities of the different states of awareness are broken down and expounded upon in detail using real life examples. Understanding the five states of awareness and being able to identify them as they are arising is a major key in moving from a dis-ease-full state into a state of joy-full-ness in the present moment. Special outro music produced by Karishtan of his new release 'Trust' feat. Mitch Brady.

  • Episode 3: Think Good Thoughts

    08/09/2018 Duração: 49min

    This week's podcast is focused on Yoga Sutra II:33, "When disturbed by negative thoughts, opposite (positive) ones should be thought of. This is pratipaksha bhavana." Pratipaksha bhavana translates as: 'opposite thoughts should be thought of.' It is the art of identifying where we are blocking our own highest potential with negative thoughts and actions, and subsequently cultivating the inner strength and power of emotional awareness to decide consciously how we want to feel, think, act and relate. We dive into reactivity vs. responsiveness and the three phases of shifting a negative pattern into a neutral state. From this neutral state, we can re-program our thoughts by thinking and doing quite literally the exact opposite of the negative tendency. Reactivity can be broken down as 're-en-act-ment' and is referring to a triggered, emotionally projectile state that replays itself over and over in the form of an automated reaction based on past reference points. Responsiveness can be broken down as 'respon

  • Episode 2: Every Moment is a Synchronicity

    01/09/2018 Duração: 36min

    This week's podcast is focused on The Book of Secrets by OSHO. The Book of Secrets is OSHO's translation of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is a text from the Tantra Yoga tradition that consists of 112 meditation techniques all aimed at the ultimate goal-self realization. Join us as we delve into meditation #78: "Wherever your attention alights, at this very point, experience." We explore the idea that in every moment there is an opportunity to awaken. In every experience there is the continual synchronicity of the here-now unfolding. This podcast attempts to kindle one's inner fire and willingness to sit with all experiences as they are and take the route of unconditional acceptance as the direct route towards total liberation. Special outro music produced by Karishtan of his new release 'Trust' feat. Mitch Brady.

  • Episode 1: Finding Freedom through Equanimity

    25/08/2018 Duração: 34min

    This week's podcast is focused on applying sutra 1:33 from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras to our day to day actions and thought patterns. The sutra states, "By cultivating attitudes of friendliness towards the happy, compassion towards the unhappy, delight in the virtuous and disregard (equanimity) towards the wicked, the mind-stuff retains it's undisturbed calm." Join us as we delve into how to navigate the concepts in this sutra and effectively apply them to ourselves and others in a way that is authentic and rooted in heart-centered awareness. Special outro musical feature of original music produced by Karishtan.

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