Saints Unscripted

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 200:24:50
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Saints Unscripted is a show with faithful, hilarious Mormons with different opinions on being Mormon.


  • German Conversion to Mormonism, feat. Florian and Emily

    19/07/2019 Duração: 09min

    This week on 3 Mormons, Ian and Kwaku talk with Florian and Emily. Florian and Emily were recently baptized and have been faithful members of the LDS Church.  They share their story of converting from the Lutheran faith to that of Mormonism. Initially, they had a lot of questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Emily was a little skeptical about the Book of Mormon but after reading, both Emily and Florian grew to love the Book of Mormon, specifically the focus of Jesus found therein.  Do you have a conversion story you'd like to share? Tell us via Facebook, Instagram or Twitter!

  • Do Mormons Believe in Multiple Gods, feat. Stephen Smoot

    17/07/2019 Duração: 14min

    Kwaku and Ian talk with special guest Stephen Smoot about polytheism.  The 3 Mormons talk about monolatry or the idea that though there are multiple gods, there is one supreme God. Stephen says that monolatry can be thought of as combining the ideas of monotheism and polytheism.  Kwaku brings up the concern of Mormons believing in something similar to Greek gods. Ian explains that Mormons don't believe in a similar idea as Greek gods but that they believe in one God while there may exist other gods. We can't "pick and choose" a god to whom we subscribe.  Stephen quotes Mark Smith to illustrate that monotheism and polytheism are both ideas of recent age-- that the two words don't mean much for the ancient Israelites. So perhaps we need to think of polytheism differently. 

  • 13 Things Mormons Believe

    15/07/2019 Duração: 09min

    Check out the 13 Articles of Faith here: In this episode, Kwaku and Ian talk about the 13 Articles of Faith.  Ian explains that in the early 19th Century, Joseph Smith was inquired about basic Mormon beliefs. The Articles of Faith acted as an informational guide to answer what Mormons believed. However, the Articles of Faith are not comprehensive as to all of Mormon belief.  Kwaku and Ian continue by explaining a few of the 13 Articles of Faith. They talk about faith, repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost 

  • Mormon Doctrine and Racism (Black and Priesthood, Pt. 2)

    12/07/2019 Duração: 13min

    The 3 Mormons discuss Blacks and the Priesthood once again! We received many questions from the first episode and decided to answer those questions in this follow-up episode.  There is a difference between doctrine and policy in the LDS Church, as is explained by Ian. The ban on blacks holding the priesthood was not core doctrine, it was simply policy.  The Bible also has examples of policy vs doctrine. Ian talks about the apostle Paul in the Bible who was told to teach the gospel to all people. However, Paul interpreted the commandment in different ways. Thankfully, Christ continuously comes back to help interpret the commandments.  The interpretation of the commandment doesn't diminish the calling of the prophets and apostles. Though they are fallible people, they are not perfect.  We have been promised that there will no longer be an apostasy. God will use our hands on earth in order to accomplish his work before the second coming.  Many people have asked Kwaku about his recon

  • Who were the three witnesses to the golden plates?

    11/07/2019 Duração: 13min

    In today's episode, we talk about the three witnesses to the golden plates that Joseph Smith (first prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) translated into the Book of Mormon. Some people think that no other people saw the plates other than Joseph Smith. However, that is not true. Martin Harris, David Whitmer, and Oliver Cowdery were the three witnesses to the plates (along with many others, both men and women). These three men were once excommunicated from the church, came back to the church, and never denied what they saw. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and twitter! Check out all our videos out on YouTube!

  • Mormon Baptism by Immersion

    10/07/2019 Duração: 06min

    In this episode, Ian and Kwaku talk about Mormon baptism. What is the difference between baptism in the Mormon religion versus baptism in other religions? For one, Mormons believe in baptism by immersion. Not only is this the way in which Jesus Christ was baptized but it's also symbolic of becoming completely clean in our journey into eternal life.  Stay tuned for our upcoming series on baptism! 

  • Mormons Respond to Atheism

    08/07/2019 Duração: 12min

    Ian and Kwaku talk with famous LDS blogger Greg Trimble about atheism. Greg Trimble writes for the page  Greg says that there is evidence of atheism being the fastest growing religion.  Ian, Kwaku and Greg discuss that the lack of rules in atheism actually makes us less free. Greg argues that the commandments in Mormonism and Christianity make us more free. Through living the commandments, we refrain from hurting others, from hurting ourselves, and from living in ways that take away our agency.  What do you think?

  • Favorite Book of Mormon Stories

    05/07/2019 Duração: 12min

    What are some of your favorite Book of Mormon stories? Let us know by following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

  • Most EPIC Mormon Pioneer Day Trek

    03/07/2019 Duração: 11min

    In this episode, Kwaku and Ian trek across Provo, Utah in honor of the Mormon pioneers. They take a wagon full of millennial essentials and encounter a few problems along the way.  In the end, Kwaku and Ian make it to their destination and determine that truly, the legacy of the Mormon pioneers lives on today through each one of us.

  • Missionary to leaving the church - Robert's conversion story!

    02/07/2019 Duração: 17min

    In this episode, Robert joins us to share his unique conversion story. Robert talks about being raised in the church, his mission, which gave him heavy depression, leaving the church and slowly making his way back to the gospel.  However it took a while for him to recover his feelings towards the church. Faith crisis, heavy depression and leaving the church have all been obstacles in his path. But nothing has been able to stop Robert from over coming everything in his life so far. Now he feels like he is, 100% a disciple of Christ.  Robert also teaches us, that it is possible to get out of the friend-zone.

  • Dating Tips from Kwaku

    01/07/2019 Duração: 12min

    We all know that Kwaku has been on many, many dates. It's time to address his secret to dating in the Mormon world.  Kwaku talks about going on dates, the best ways to get ready for a date, the best things to do on a date and more.  What did you think about Kwaku's dating tips? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to let us know!

  • Mormons and America

    28/06/2019 Duração: 11min

    With the 4th of July approaching, Ian and Kwaku talk about how the settlement of the United States was vital to the establishment of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. America is a promised land, as prophesied in the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon says that America was prepared as a free land in order for the restoration of the gospel to take place. Religious freedom is necessary in order for the gospel to thrive.  Mormons believe that the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were both inspired by God. If we live by the text as being a sacred text, we will have the opportunity to reap of many blessings of God.  But Mormonism isn't just a religion for Americans. It is a religion for everyone. If we follow the commandments of the Lord, we will be blessed.  Ian says that the Fourth of July should be a day of celebrating common values. Kwaku says that freedom and truth will always prevail over wickedness and bondage. He also says that we should thank God on the Fou

  • What is the Holy Ghost?

    26/06/2019 Duração: 16min

    Ian talks about what it's like to be a kid in the Mormon church.   When Ian was 8 years old, he was baptized in the Mormon Church. He said that after a year, he finally learned about the Holy Ghost. Ian was almost severely injured in a car accident when he learned that the Holy Ghost protects people and brings peace.   Ian says that the gospel is a gospel of choices. He was never forced to go to Church or to live as a Mormon. He was taught by his parents about the blessings of the LDS Church but he wasn't forced to live the commandments. He decided on his own to read the Book of Mormon. When Ian read the Book of Mormon, he prayed about the Book of Mormon and knew that it was true, though at first he was scared that it might not be. But Ian said he felt so much light and happiness when he prayed that he could not deny that the Book of Mormon was true.  When Ian was 16 years old, he was watching the World Series in 2009 when his dad left to do an interview at a church building. Ian went

  • CHANGES in the Mormon Church, feat. Jordan

    24/06/2019 Duração: 19min

    There have been quite a few changes in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often called the Mormon Church or LDS Church). The changes increased in frequency with the calling of the prophet Russell M. Nelson, after the death of President Thomas S. Monson.  Changes are inevitable in a church that believes in modern day revelation. So how do we react when change happens? Is there a correct way to react? Can I be frustrated when change happens?  The Church of Jesus Christ emphasizes the importance of personal revelation-- that you should seek to know for yourself if certain policies and doctrines are of God. Blind obedience is discouraged.  One of President Nelson's first General Conference talks as the President (Prophet) of the Church was concerning modern day revelation. Read the full talk here: What do you think about going through changes in the Church? What's the best perspective to have? Let us know in the comments! 

  • Book of Mormon Evidences, feat. Stephen Smoot

    21/06/2019 Duração: 07min

    Stephen Smoot returns to Saints Unscripted to discuss evidence to prove the Book of Mormon's truth. Kwaku wonders if there's any archeological evidence that's been found, proving the existence of  Nephites and Lamanites. Stephen Smoot brings up the ancient city of Nahom and why it's not just coincidence that Joseph Smith wrote about it. 

  • Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People

    20/06/2019 Duração: 16min

    If there is a God and if God is all loving, wouldn't His followers have perfect lives? Why do bad things happen to good people? Shouldn't followers of Christ have it easy? Why am I punished for no reason?  SO. MANY. QUESTIONS! And all valid. One of the most common questions that missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons) are asked is how God can exist if bad things happen? Especially to people who don't deserve hard things?  In this episode, David, Mimi, and Justin talk about why they think bad things happen to good people.  Why do you think bad things happen to good people? Let us know what you think via Instagram or Facebook DM :) 

  • Blacks and the Priesthood: Part 1

    19/06/2019 Duração: 11min

    The LDS Church was restored during an era of intense racial discrimination. Christianity at large had all kinds of racial prejudices that would be deemed unacceptable today. Pastors advocated slavery, preachers would openly say, “black people will not be saved, “ etc. However, during the time of Christ, he advocated the acceptance of all people. Needless to say, there was lots of hypocrisy among Christians.     We need to understand that we don’t have to agree with everything the prophet says in regards to his own opinions. There is a difference between doctrine and opinion. Ian jokes that if everyone were to take Mormon opinion as doctrine, every Mormon would subscribe to the Glenn Beck show.  Kwaku talks about the ban that Brigham Young put on black people. The ban disallowed black people to go to the temple or hold the priesthood. (This doesn’t mean they couldn’t be baptized.) The ban was lifted in 1978.   No matter how we justify the ban, Elder Holland has said, “All I can sa

  • Why the fall of Adam was a GOOD THING

    18/06/2019 Duração: 14min

    Should we be punished for Adam’s transgression? Did Adam’a transgression make it so that we’re all inherently sinners? Was the fall of Adam necessary?  In this episode we talk ALL about our beliefs about the fall of Adam and Eve. We talk about how we are NOT punished for what Adam did but only punished for our own sins. We talk about how the Church of Jesus Christ (otherwise known as the Mormon Church) might differ in beliefs of other Christian religions.  What do you think about the fall of Adam and Eve? Let us know via FB or Instagram DM! 

  • The REAL Book of Mormon Translation, feat. Stephen Smoot

    17/06/2019 Duração: 09min

    This week on Saints Unscripted, special guest Stephen Smoot talks with Ian and Kwaku about the Book of Mormon.    Stephen graduated from BYU with a degree in Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Stephen is currently working on his Master's degree in Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations with a focus in Egyptology. As he studies, Stephen also works for Book of Mormon Central, a website for Book of Mormon scholarship (both contemporary and from the past). Check out the links below to follow Book of Mormon Central!    Ian, Kwaku and Stephen first address a question regarding the seer stones. Why was a stone used as an aid in translating the Book of Mormon? The topic is controversial for many reasons.    First, artwork has depicted Joseph Smith as translating the Book of Mormon without the use of stones. However, artwork isn't always historically accurate.   Second, the idea of using seer stones is very strange to people today. The process of translation took place in an era that


    14/06/2019 Duração: 08min

    Kwaku and Ian of Saints Unscripted talk about fatherhood.    Kwaku dresses up like a business professional while Ian dresses up like an outdoorsy adventurer. They emphasize that fathers come in many different shapes, sizes, talents, and more.    Ian and Kwaku start off by telling some hilarious dad jokes. The jokes involves alligators, Bill Nye the Science Guy, gravity, doctors, dabbing, and other hilarious subjects. You really don’t want to miss these hilarious jokes.    Kwaku says that he thinks fatherhood is diminished right now. People do not view fatherhood as essential as it is. He argues that not all dads are bad dads like Homer Simpson.    Ian says that even in the media, fathers are considered dumb guys. But in reality, fathers can nurture and love, as well as provide and protect. He says that fatherhood includes being a steward over the family.    Kwaku says that manly thinks aren’t what constitute a man. Jokingly, he says that Tom Hardy and Dog the

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